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Chapter 318 Congratulations!

Chapter 318 Congratulations!

"What a strange power!"

Loki, whose limbs and mouth were sealed, felt the power of the holy light in his body, and there was no fear in his words. He rushed to the prison of the forbidden magic and the prison prepared by the other party, and he concluded that he must have no life. worry!

Because the other party's plan is obviously to imprison him, so he still has a chance!

Thinking like this, Loki found himself taken to a bottomless underground base, where the unknown human being who injured him had already set up a trial seat for him.

"Loki Odinson, the three princesses of Asgard, this court now charges you with the crime of aiding civil strife, do you have any objections?"

Chen Mo read out his verdict with an electronic voice, and then waited for the other party's answer.

"Wait a minute, I didn't do anything, and why is it the third princess, my lord, I protest!"

Seeing that the other party obviously wanted to be a high-ranking judge, Loki was naturally willing to cooperate. He himself is best at observing words and demeanor. In order to avoid suffering less flesh and blood, Loki also answered with insight.

"First of all, I would like to talk about the reasons for your three princesses. I suggest you ask your father. Second, you are suspected of using alien high-tech to cooperate with the Earth terrorist organization S.H.I.E.L.D. Convicted!"

"Well then, what is my punishment? Guillotine?"

Unlike Sol, who is careless and careless, Loki has read a lot of poetry and books, not only from Asgard, but also from Earth and other civilizations in the Nine Realms, so he is no stranger to certain unique vocabulary.

"Guillotine, that's cheap for you, your punishment is imprisonment!"

As the hammer fell in Chen Mo's hand, the guards appeared at the right time and took Loki away. Considering Loki's scheming, Chen Mo deliberately dug out the anti-magic metal from the wizarding world from his pocket, and created a complete set of anti-magic metal for Loki. Prison tools, including muzzles, shackles, and shackles, these metals coupled with the shackles of the power of the Holy Light directly changed Loki from an extraordinary mage assassin to a No-Maj.

And when Loki was brought into the prison, he discovered a shocking news. Next to the cage with 1002 written on it, was the cage with 1001 written on it, and there was a guy he was very familiar with inside.



The moment the two brothers met, they were speechless. Looking at his brother's neat cropped hair, Loki couldn't help laughing.

"Unexpectedly, Thor, the majestic Thor, was shaved into a hairless pheasant in the cell!"

"Loki, stop talking!"

"And your dress, my God, Mom would be very happy to know that you wear a skirt!"

Seeing Thor in a pink dress with a picture of a Valkyrie on a horse, Loki couldn't stand up anymore, so he just sat down on the ground, covered his stomach and began to laugh at the other's embarrassment.

"Don't tell me, you can't tell the queen mother!"

Thor angrily beat the ion barrier outside the cage, wanting Loki to shut up.

"No, I'm going to say it, not only in the palace, but I think I can write a play and then perform it on a tour throughout Asgard!"

"Stop first, tell me first, what happened to Asgard, what happened to father and mother!"

"Odin fell into a deep sleep, but everything is fine in Asgard, and I'm managing it very well!"

Loki straightened his back very proudly.

"You, governing Asgard? Don't be kidding, you can't even sign documents!"

"Not only can I sign it, but I can sign it very well, but someone, because of his rebellion, caused my father to fall into a deep sleep early. I think that such a person is not qualified to be the king of Asgard, isn't he?"

Looking at his younger brother's contemptuous face, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Sol's face. It could be seen that Loki was captured after a hard fight. Not only was he wounded, but the pile of magic props could explain the situation. Looking at himself, Without the hammer, he is useless, and he can be knocked down by the electric baton. It is true that his face was swollen from the beating.

"Let's not talk about this first, how did you get captured? Who did it?"

Loki was also embarrassed to say that he came to Earth because he was worried that you would come back to grab the throne. He coughed and said that he was worried that Thor would be bullied on Earth. Lied, came to steal, and was easily laid down on the ground.

"What is the name of the human organization that attacked you? Is it Hydra?"

"Yes, their leader is very strong, even stronger than the king of frost giants!"

"That's right, listen to me!"

Sol looked around and after confirming that there was no one there, he immediately broke the news to Loki about the explosive news he had heard these days.

"Hydra is not just a human organization. He is also a lackey of the Dark Order. He is the leader of their attack on the Nine Realms. The Dark Order has been staring at us in Asgard for a long time, and arresting us is one of the other's plans. !"

In all fairness, if these words leaked from the Hydra agent were directly heard by Loki, he would definitely find many doubts, but if they were relayed by Thor, the effect would be different. The messy words and The rapid speed of speech, coupled with Sol's own expression problems, Loki was confused, but he understood one thing, Hydra attacked them, the Asgardians, with confidence, because there were people behind them , not afraid of Odin's heavy punch!

Under Thor's retelling, Loki believed in the dark order, but he was still curious about how Hydra found them. You must know that when Sol landed, there was a rainbow bridge, which was It deserves it to be caught, but I came here secretly, without the Rainbow Bridge to guide the way, what's going on?

Loki already felt a little bad. He and Odin still had a bet. Without the support of mana, his magical avatars would not be able to last for a few days. Without him to handle official duties, Asgard might be in chaos. If Asgard is in chaos, the Nine Realms will be in chaos too!
Thinking of this, Loki couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect the enemy's layout to be so insidious and intertwined. They had already calculated that Sol would be demoted, and then there would be a series of subsequent events, including his own worries. Thor came to the earth to investigate, and then the other party could calmly set a trap!

At this moment, Loki couldn't help but start to worry about Asgard's mother. He looked at Thor and hated iron and steel. He blamed this guy. If he had a chance next time, he would definitely demote him again. , next time I will not demote the earth, but go to the ice and snow to be with the frost giants!

Loki thought so viciously!

(End of this chapter)

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