Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 324 People and ghosts are showing off!

Chapter 324 People and ghosts are showing off!

"What the hell is this?"

Ronan looked at the bulging under the pants, then slowly raised his head, and saw a big green head with thick hair looking at him with a smirk.

The size of the opponent was even bigger than the Thanos who sent him over, and the bulging muscles of the limbs made Ronan swallow a mouthful of saliva.

But after the tension passed, Ronan was unexpectedly ecstatic again. Looking at the other party like this, he must be a brainless reckless man. He still holds a scepter that can control people's hearts. Will be self-centered!
So he showed a smile that he thought was kind, and then carefully poked at the other party with the scepter.

As soon as he was about to touch the green skin, the big green man's smile changed, and he grabbed Ronan's scepter with lightning speed, and then punched it out again.

Ronan felt as if he had been hit by a battleship. He roared and flew across the spacious hall, hitting the flexible shield that had just been activated, and then the shield bounced him back at the speed he came.

And Ronan who flew back watched helplessly as another fist comparable to twenty large casserole roared towards him.

"This is really, too miserable!"

The watching scientists couldn't bear to look directly, and closed their eyes one after another. The flexible shield that was originally designed to deal with Banner's loss of control is now like the toy racket in Hulk's hand. Connect the table tennis ball, and then when you swing the racket, the table tennis ball will bounce at a fast speed.

And now, Hulk's fist is the racket, and Ronan is the ping pong ball.

Maybe it was just for fun, Hulk swung his fist faster and faster, and Ronan's figure became more and more blurred, and even turned into an afterimage, which had to be seen clearly with a camera.

After hundreds of critical strikes, Hulk, who was tired of playing, hit Ronan directly to the ceiling with an uppercut, and then he roared with disdain.

"Not fun at all!"

Then, under the watchful eyes of Ronan, who was almost completely fractured, his secret weapon for revenge on Earth, the scepter bestowed by Thanos, was broken into two pieces by the other party with two fingers.

Ronan was so angry that he almost spewed blood to death. Seeing that the opponent's attention was attracted by the gems that fell out after the scepter was destroyed, Ronan ignored his own serious injuries. The limbs rolled into the unclosed light door like a strange species.

When Chen Mo got the news and arrived, he only saw Hulk fighting against the innocent instruments in the laboratory, while Ronan was nowhere to be seen.

"Why isn't this guy dead yet?"

Chen Mo doesn't know how to evaluate this big brother, why don't you toss the Nova Corps and come to Earth to do something, and watching the scene, Chen Mo suspects that this guy should have a py deal with Thanos, otherwise why is the Soul Gem in his hands? hand?

"Hulk, be quiet, sleep!"

Chen Mo strode into the laboratory, and then used the holy light to soothe Hulk's heart. Hulk's expression, which was still angry, immediately became relaxed and comfortable, just like a man's sage time when he finished his work, he became harmless to humans and animals.

Then the green-skinned Hulk retreated a little bit into Bruce Banner wearing only big pants.

"I really can't blame me for this, that guy hit me as soon as he came up, and then Hulk came out!"

Bruce thought that Chen Mo was going to ask the teacher for a crime, so he hurriedly explained.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, the main reason is that there is a big idiot on the opposite side, it's fine if you haven't gone to school, and you really like to enlighten yourself, and then you get a little dazed! Moreover, this guy was beaten by me once before, I just didn't expect him to appear in this posture!"

Chen Mo only felt that he seemed to have done something terrible invisibly. Speaking of which, Ronan really fell on Thanos' bed back then, right?
But the fact is not far from Chen Mo's guess, the factor is that Ronan didn't fall off Thanos' bed, but fell directly in front of the opponent's throne.

The falling spaceship smashed Thanos' hometown into pits and pits, and the remnants and defeated generals that Ronan brought were all beheaded by Thanos' subordinates. If it weren't for Thanos, Ronan looked like a good cannon fodder, I'm afraid General Kerry His head has been flying around in the universe.

As for Ronan, he is General Kerry, and he was still unmoved by Thanos' intimidation. It's just that he didn't know enough about Thanos. The second time, he raised his fist directly.

Then Ronan felt that he should cooperate with Thanos, not to mention anything else, just to save a few punches, so that he would not be beaten up, so that everyone would not look good.

Although Ronan is considered the No. [-] figure in the universe, in the eyes of Thanos, he is not even as good as his subordinates. After defeating Ronan, he has been working for Thanos, following those strange aliens. The aliens kill people and set fires everywhere to fulfill the other party's so-called destiny.

Then until not long ago, Thanos summoned him himself, and then told Ronan that the opportunity for revenge had come, and gave him a scepter to go to the earth to retrieve the Rubik's Cube for himself.

For this reason, Thanos also asked the Chitauri under his command to help Ronan act.

It's just that the situation was a bit beyond Ronan's expectations. He thought he would encounter serious resistance or no resistance at the other end of the portal, but he didn't expect that there was an extremely powerful monster at the other end of the portal, no matter its size, Ronan, who was inferior to the opponent in terms of strength and speed, could only run away.

At the other end of the portal, the Chitauri boss who was still waiting for Ronan to open the door saw a strange odd-shaped species rolling out on all fours. Before he saw the familiar face, he had already The order was given to fire.

"What are you doing?"

The roaring Chitauri boss wants to kick Ronan to death. His fleet is ready, and he is waiting for the other party to open the portal and kill the Quartet. Why the hell are you getting back, and you will come back when you come back , Where is the scepter that Lord Thanos gave you?
Ronan was speechless at the moment. Hulk's punches, not to mention the bones, didn't even leave him with a few intact blood vessels. Fell at the feet of Boss Chitauri.


Seeing the strange species still wriggling under his feet, Boss Chitauri kicked it up, and then called his subordinates to come forward as if accepting his fate, and carried him away.

"I really don't know how Master Thanos would reuse this kind of waste, go and carry him to the welding room, save what, see what equipment can be connected and connect it to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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