Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 331 The Schizophrenic Knight

Chapter 331 The Schizophrenic Knight

Obviously, in ancient times, all the gods came on the stage on the earth, but later, everyone withdrew from the earth one after another. On the earth, a few outsiders came from time to time to make violent disturbances, and the gods felt bad and returned to their respective territories.For example, the Egyptian pantheon returned to their high-latitude homeland, Heliopolis.

However, although the main body has withdrawn from the earth, everyone will inevitably leave a little behind on the earth. On the one hand, it is to observe the development of human beings. On the other hand, everyone still has some ideas about the earth. They will also protect the stability of mortals and the mortal world, which is their responsibility as guardians of order.

As for the moon god Kongsu, he is one of the few aliens who did not plan to leave the earth, but hang out among mortals. Although he is not liked in the Egyptian god system, he can be regarded as an old-timer. Horus saw Kongsu Su Du had to call Little Uncle, because he was taught by Kong Su.

Compared with other gods, the Egyptian gods like to use avatars and contractors on the earth. Everyone's choice is different, because the gods have different preferences. This one likes men, which one likes women, but no one likes it Neither male nor female.

On the other hand, Kong Su prefers to be able to do things. The incarnation he chose, that is, the Moonlight Knight is a mercenary named Max Spector. First, the force value reaches the standard. In addition, Mark’s complicated mental state and painful memories are also chosen by Kong Su. His reason, because in a way, Luna himself is a messy guy.

Moonlight Knight Mark is currently working in a museum in London. His job is as a shopping guide, that is, to sell certain handicrafts on the street that have nothing to do with Egyptian culture to tourists who come to the museum.

This is not very pleasing to Mark, but fortunately he is mentally ill and has multiple personalities. This personality goes to work during the day, and at night, his body will be taken over by Mark to do other things, but Steven doesn't know about it. Chen Mo is quite envious of this ability. A guy who can take his place at school during the day.

However, multiple personalities are not without disadvantages, that is, if a certain personality gets into romantic debts, then other personalities will have to take the blame together, and if different personalities like different people, is it considered bigamy?

With these questions in mind, Chen Mo, who was sitting in a luxurious black limousine, came to the museum accompanied by a security guard in a black suit.

Chen Mo also got a knight title and land at least. It is easy to use in this place in the UK. Anza Baipi, who has always claimed to be civilized and progressive, is good at it. I don’t know if he can break his head for a title. Progress or Restoration!
As soon as Chen Mo arrived at the entrance of the museum, a middle-aged Mediterranean man ran over with a beautiful female secretary behind him, nodding and bowing, and then extended a warm welcome to Chen Mo.

It's nice to have money and power!

Chen Mo sighed, and then followed the Mediterranean into the museum. I don't know how Galahat arranged it. Anyway, the museum is closed today, and dozens of employees are only responsible for serving Chen Mo. The curator even personally He explained to Chen Mo the source of the cultural relics.

"Thank you so much for protecting so many Egyptian cultural relics!"

Chen Mo's words made the curator a little confused. Why do these words sound a little weird?But he quickly put this matter behind him, because Chen Mo seems to be more interested in people than those cultural relics!

As soon as he entered the museum, or as soon as he appeared in Steven's sight, Chen Mo felt eyes watching him, not human eyes, but gods. Kong Su, who was hiding beside Steven, noticed Chen Mo.

"Holy Light Messenger? This is really interesting!"

Luna wearing a bone bird head mask stared at Chen Mo who was approaching. He was not sure of Chen Mo's purpose, so he didn't show up, but watched him silently.

Until Chen Mo approached Steven's counter.

"Young man, I see you, your seal is black, your eyes are dull, your lips are cracked and your tongue is scorched, and your spirit is scattered. I'm afraid you will die soon!"


Steven didn't know Chinese very well, but from Chen Mo's tone, he felt that what the other party said was not quite right, and then a translator from Cambridge Oriental College brought by Chen Mo immediately explained it to him.

Steven couldn't help feeling a little flustered after hearing this, because his recent symptoms are really similar!

"It's unlikely, sir, you must be joking!"

"This is not a joke. Do you feel tired recently? Lack of spirit, as if you haven't slept in three days?"

Steven nodded.

"In addition to some amnesia! In a trance, can you always see strange things?"

Steven nodded.

"I don't have a good appetite, and there is some yellow urine?"

Steven's face was almost crying, because what Chen Mo said was exactly the same as his symptoms!
"Sir, can I still be saved?"

Chen Mo sighed, and then said.

"This disease is difficult!"

On the other hand, Kong Su was sure that Chen Mo was looking for him. After all, he couldn’t be more clear about Steven’s symptoms. He felt tired because Mark, the protagonist, went out for high-intensity exercise every night, and Mark had poor appetite and yellow urine. Eating and drinking outside, to sum up, Steven has nothing to do!
"Well, come to this place to find me at night!"

Chen Mo handed the other party a business card, the address on which Steven knew a little bit, it used to be the site of a certain big man in the UK, and the other party had a family of three!

"Don't panic, you will definitely be saved!"

Chen Mo didn't plan to chat with Steven. For Moonlight Knight, this personality is the last bit of gentleness and privacy for the other party!
He thinks it's better to chat with the master at night, especially the guy next to him who doesn't know where but keeps staring at him!
After leaving the business card to Steven, Chen Mo was ready to continue to visit the collections of the museum, but the curator approached Chen Mo at this moment. He felt that he was not very good recently, and hoped that the master could give him a look.

"You have too many good days. You are full of abalone and lobster every day. In this way, if your boss sends you to Afghanistan on a business trip for a year, your health will definitely be fine!"

So the curator suddenly felt like a concubine, he only hated himself for talking too much, knowing that his Latin female secretary with big breasts and big ass had only been here for less than a week!
(End of this chapter)

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