Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 333 Amit: There is an old 6!

Chapter 333 Amit: There is a sixth child!

When Steven woke up again, he was already in the taxi with three big bags of traditional Chinese medicine in his hand. Chen Mo thoughtfully left a note telling him how to take these herbs for strengthening yang and nourishing kidney.

In this regard, Steven could only pray that the Asian driver in front would not know Chinese characters, but things backfired. The immigrant driver from HK looked at the Chinese characters on the luggage bag and smiled happily.

"This medicine is enough for you to take for three years!"

When Steven left, the driver still teased in a low voice.

After returning home, Steven cooked the medicine according to the doctor's instructions, and decisively picked up the big bowl and drank it. Then he fell headfirst on the bed again, and handed over the control of his body to the master Gemark.

In addition to strengthening the yang and tonifying the kidneys, Chen Mo added a little elf herb to Steven's medicine, which is used by the elves to nourish the spirit, because it will take decades to fight Sauron, and the elite elf generals will have scalp numbness , let alone ordinary elf soldiers, and after Steven drank it, he would repair the personality conflict between him and Mark. A case of fainting.

And after Mark woke up, he glanced at his little brother who was thriving under him, wishing he could slap Steven, what the hell are you drinking?
But after drinking, there was nothing he could do. Mark opened the balcony and jumped out like a vigorous cheetah. Under the moonlight, countless white cloths condensed all over his body like wind and sand. When he landed in the next second, A white combat uniform with a cloak appeared on his body, and the eyes wrapped in the mask also emitted blue light.

Moonlight Knight, officially debut!
On the other side, Chen Mo and Kong Su were squatting outside a luxurious manor on the outskirts of London. Compared with Chen Mo's, the manor in front of them was completely different.

There are not many people in Chen Mo's manor, and there are about twenty long-legged black silk maids in suspenders, but in the manor in front of him, there are hundreds of people doing daily activities, ah no, they are nighttime activities.

These men and women are either playing ball, or having a barbecue, and some are tidying up the flowers and trees in the yard. If you look at the surface, it is called peace and tranquility, but the guards with guns outside the manor also show that something is wrong here.

To put it bluntly, the defense of Arthur Harrow's manor is tighter than that of the Queen's Buckingham Palace. Chen Mo did not see anti-aircraft guns on the roof of Buckingham Palace!

The owner of this manor is Arthur Harrow. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a big crocodile, running businesses in energy, automobiles, transportation, etc., but in the case of Kong Su and Chen Mo, the other party has another layer of identity. He is the incarnation of Amit, and he has opened up a sect in London and started a religious belief. Those people in the manor are Amit's believers!

"The British plundered Egyptian cultural relics and property, and now they believe in Egyptian gods. Isn't this a kind of NTR?"

With a sniper rifle on his back, Chen Mo found a good position on the hillside outside the manor, and then silently waited for the friendly troops to arrive.

Accompanied by a gust of wind, a black shadow passed over Chen Mo's head, and then fell into the manor like a gliding seagull. It was the Moonlight Knight who came to join the battle.

The crocodile-headed Amit is in a sealed state at the moment. If he wants to kill him, he has to find the tomb that seals Amit. The compass that guides the tomb is hidden in the manor at the moment, which is why Chen Mo and Moonlight Knight came here to find him. Reasons for those ordinary people.

Because the manor is not too far away, Chen Mo did not use his own electromagnetic sniper, but took the m200 sniper rifle that Natasha kindly sponsored from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Although this gun has excellent performance, its price is also outstanding. Perhaps this is why S.H.I.E.L.D. purchased it!
The moonlight knight who landed saw the guard in front of him, and just about to throw the crescent moon dart in his hand, the guard fell to the ground with his head tilted. Chen Mo, who was equipped with a silencer and was sniping four kilometers away, was not worried about the sound of gunshots at all. , directly and presumptuously opened the way for Mark.

The guards along the way all went to the sky in such a daze, and Chen Mo even got positive feedback from the Holy Light, because he killed these believers who seemed to believe in order, but were actually in the camp of chaos.

After entering the main building of the manor unimpeded all the way, Mark found the golden beetle compass in Arthur Harrow's personal safe, but Arthur Harrow himself was not here, which made Mark a little disappointed, and Mark who got the compass I was about to leave, but I saw a row of unidentified creatures with human bodies and wolf heads appearing behind me at some point. These are jackal warriors in Egyptian mythology, just like Anubis, they are magical creatures.

Although he was at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, Mark didn't panic at all. He raised his fist and was ready to fight after drinking the medicine so energetic that he exploded. There was a hole in the head of the platoon jackal.

"Oh my God!"

Mark saw the neat row of bullet holes from the side, and instantly had a new understanding of Chen Mo's horror.

And Kong Su couldn't help expressing emotion, Chen Mo's sniper kills are simply like a pleasing art.

Some of the believers in the manor noticed the disappearance of their companions, but before they could look for them, the bullets pierced the night sky and hit their torsos accurately. One shot after another, Chen Mo was like a ruthless bolt-pull machine. In just a few minutes after entering the room and getting the compass, he sniped and killed all the believers in the manor, but did not arouse the slightest alertness. Even the targets he knocked down avoided the manor's surveillance probes, trying to find out through the surveillance. What happened is impossible!

And when Mark returned with the compass, Chen Mo also packed the shell casings, which is one of the essential qualities of an excellent sniper, without leaving any traces!
So, when Arthur Harrow, who was far away in Egypt, heard the news and returned to London, he didn't even know who killed his guards.

Fortunately, his god is still there. Despite being sealed, Amit can still communicate with him. The other party reminded him that there is the aura left by Kongsu's power at the scene, as well as her strange and unknown aura.

"This breath is like that group of holy light lunatics, they will not do anything for the sake of order and stability!"

Feeling the power of judgment in the holy light, Amit explained to his avatar with extreme disgust and anxiety.

"It seems that there is another Lengtouqing who is not afraid of death has come to this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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