Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 338 Open the door, IRS!

Chapter 338 Open the door, IRS!

Back then, when the Tianshen group rubbed the Eternal Race with their hands, they probably didn't think that the tool man they rubbed out would have problems, or they knew it, but they didn't care.

All in all, all in all, the rainbow teams who are responsible for taking care of the newborn Tianshen group have their own problems after countless years of long guardianship, such as the insanity of the Statue of Liberty, and Wannian Lolita who wants to be Mom or something.

In addition, there were druids who refused to accept the organization's arrangement and went to farm in the Amazon jungle. This gave Chen Mo great convenience, so when the druid himself was still digging sweet potatoes in the jungle, an invisible spaceship flew to him. base camp.

Then Moonlight Knight and Chen Mo fell directly from a height of hundreds of meters.

"What about these believers?"

"Attack if someone blocks you, nothing else is necessary!"

After an extremely chic superhero landed, Moonlight Knight looked at Chen Mo's buttocks flaming beside him, and leisurely landed after two pushbacks of the thrusters. Compared with the movement caused by Moonlight Knight, Chen Mo's landing was nothing. waves.

"What do you look at? That way of landing is not good for your knees. Now you are in the limelight. What should you do when you are old?"

Chen Mo waved his hand, then pulled out his pistol in an extremely arrogant manner and shot it into the sky.

Soon, hundreds of fanatical civilians surrounded him, and in the middle of these civilians, a little brother in green clothes walked out with a blank expression.

"Who are you?"

"IRS, come to check taxes?"

Chen Mo coughed and raised the letter in his hand, but the other party obviously didn't believe it. In the next moment, Chen Mo only felt a sting in front of his eyes, while the guy opposite him was stunned for a moment. The psychological control he is good at has no effect on Chen Mo , on the contrary, the next second, Chen Mo raised his hand and shot, and he flew out backwards while clutching the wound on his stomach.

"Holy Light?"

Although there was no impression in his memory, the druid still recognized the opponent's power, and then a chill came to his heart. He didn't know where the fear came from, so he could only use his ability again, but this time Chen Mo was just another In a trance, the druid saw a circle of golden ripples around the opponent.

"Mind control, a good ability, but you don't know, is the Paladin's magic resistance ridiculously high?"

Chen Mo stepped forward with great interest. The defensive power of the Eternal Clan was beyond his expectation. The holy light blow strengthened by the power of judgment directly killed half of the opponent's life. If Chen Mo didn't miss the shot on purpose, maybe Druids really want to hang.

"Really, but your companion may not be!"

The druid was beaming, he had just put the second personality of Moonlight Knight to sleep.

"Uh, are you sure?"

Chen Mo turned his head and found that there were not many fanatical believers left, and then the moonlight knight with a cruel face showed his face and smiled at Chen Mo.


"Hello, don't you mind giving this guy to me?"

After saying hello to Chen Mo, Moonlight Knight smiled and looked at the incredible Druid.

"This is the Eternal Race, and it looks like that!"

"Well, it may be a version problem, after all, this is not their home field!"

With his right hand, Chen Mo drew several circles of light engraved with the inscription of the holy light, covering the opponent's body, and then the druid felt that he could no longer use the slightest power.

"I call this the Meta Seal!"

Chen Mo, Warrior of Light, decisively used the Bringing Doctrine. Anyway, the effect of his Seal of Holy Light is similar to that of Meita.It's just that he didn't suck up the other party's strength to supplement himself.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Speaking of it, the Internal Revenue Service, come to collect taxes. You have lived on the earth for so long, and you really haven't paid any property tax or land use tax!"

Chen Mo moved a chair, and then Jack on the side directly lifted the other party's hair and dragged him to Chen Mo.

"It's ridiculous, we've been protecting humans for so many years..."

"you sure?"

Chen Mo looked up, there are more than one boss in the sky, not only Kong Su, Horus, Guardian Dragon and Odin are all hanging in the sky, Dark Star is specially decorated for these bosses Check out the living room!

Saying this, isn't this slapping the big guys in the face?

So in the next second, the originally sunny sky was replaced by night in an instant, and the moon god unceremoniously pulled the unlucky boy into the sky, preparing to serve him well in the way of the Egyptian god.


Chen Mo looked at the empty hand, and he still thought of a bunch of words, ready to understand them with reason, but now.

"Come on, Jack, let's find the next one!"

Looking at the hapless people who were wailing not far away, Chen Mo couldn't help mourning for the next few big brothers. Looking at this posture, Mark and Steven won't be able to see each other for a while!
However, Jack Lockley, the third personality, unexpectedly fits Chen Mo's appetite, and his vigorous and decisive style is not inferior to him at all!

The next unlucky person to be taxed is the Statue of Liberty and her burly nanny. The two lived in seclusion in the wilderness, turned into a fateful mandarin duck, and then the flimsy log cabin was smashed by the moonlight knight who once again landed a superhero to pieces.

Before Jack got up, a giant casserole-style fist came up. Jack, who was experienced in battle, dodged his fist, and the luna dart in his right hand directly cut through the opponent's flesh and blood, and golden liquid flowed out.

The two fought together in an instant, but before they could tell the winner, after another roar, a green figure descended from the sky, and the Moonlight Knight flexibly flipped back, handing over the opponent to the new recruits, ready to support Chen Mo , but found that the opponent had already ended the battle.

Chen Mo, who took back the wings of the Seraph, flicked the gun flower, put the gun back into his waist, and then blew a whistle proudly.

Opposite him, the liberated Statue of Liberty bubbling golden liquid from her forehead, she fell to the ground with shock in her eyes.

Chen Mo had no intention of fighting a protracted war with the opponent at all. When the Moonlight Knight broke through the door, he had already spread the wings of the Seraph, and with a blow from the Holy Light, he directly took the opponent away cleanly.

"What age is it, and you are still fighting melee, do you think you are in Wakanda?"

Chen Mo turned his head to look at Gilgamesh who was exchanging punches with Hulk, with disappointment flashing in his eyes.

"This is not the golden glitter I want to see! Where is the king's treasure house?"

The next second, Hulk, who was fighting vigorously, heard a gunshot, and then the big sandbag in front of him rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.


The Hulk who lost the sandbag was extremely dissatisfied, but Chen Mo stared, and he could only vent his anger at the ruins beside him sullenly.

"Well, there are seven more!"

(End of this chapter)

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