Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 343 The reward of the will of the earth!

Chapter 343 The reward of the will of the earth!
"Oh, what a pity, I don't know if I can catch up with this battle!"

Odin stroked his white beard, and seemed to be regretting the possible battle that would break out in the future. Chen Mo thought that the other party was worried that his time was running out, but he didn't expect that this old guy's life would be hundreds of years longer!

Because the nutrient-absorbing parasites died, the will of the earth generously gave back to these fellows who lived and depended on the earth, and Odin's life was extended by the old mother of the earth!

As for the existence of the Horus Dragon and others, they also received a lot of gifts, but Chen Mo didn't have the nerve to inquire, but judging from the faces of these guys, he knew that it must be a good thing!

As for Chen Mo himself, there are naturally many rewards, but in view of his household registration, the gift of the will of the earth was not given directly, but forwarded through Chen Mo's system, which made Chen Mo a little nervous!

As the saying goes, what if the system deducts the benefits from the old mother of the earth?

It's not that Chen Mo is pouring dirty water on the system, it has a criminal record. At the beginning, it grabbed the space gem and frantically picked up the wool, sucking the big brother away!

However, after confirming through the system, Chen Mo found that this time it seems that the system really can't handle it!
For the gift from the will of the earth is nothing but light!
The extremely pure power of holy light is a highly targeted gift provided by the will of the earth according to Chen Mo's current state, but Chen Mo can't accept it directly because he still has to digest this majestic holy light power!

This time, the old mother of the earth is really feeding Chen Mo with a spoon, and what she is feeding is not a clear soup like gruel, but real dry rice!

Chen Mo made a rough estimate of this power. If the blessing of the Holy Light before could allow him to penetrate the asteroid with one blow, then this time, he seems to be able to really open an eye to the moon!
Moreover, this is not only the growth of strength, but also his own state of life. It can be said that if Chen Mo handles these exuberant energies, then he has really completed the spiritual ascension!
At this moment, Chen Mo's own existence is not just a physical existence. If Chen Mo in the past only used the Holy Light, then now, he is the Holy Light!
"This is really exciting!"

Chen Mo was really taken aback. Incarnation of Holy Light was a huge gift package for him. After all, who wouldn't want to be Light?

But Steve and Hulk on the side were not so lucky. They had nothing. At most, the old mother of the earth blessed their future and blessed their luck.

This may not be of much help to the growth of the combat power of the two, but good luck is also very important. Chen Mo estimates that the US team may really pick up the wallet in three days or two in the future, and then return it at the door and find the other party In the case of a beautiful young woman, it may also be a beautiful girl, or the probability of the enemy missing in battle increases.For example, if you are sure to aim and shoot, you will lose something!

But the US team doesn't care about any rewards, he has his own ideas, to be precise, he saw Chen Mo's appearance when he broke out, the majestic power and blazing wings of light made him envious, he wanted to learn this!

Steve has been constantly challenging his limits, but he found that his growth could not keep up with the upgrade of the enemy. Not long ago, he was still beating the Germans, but now, he has to face all kinds of strange aliens , who knows what will change in the future?It is difficult to adapt to this new era without learning something new!

"Is this considered to be the establishment of a sect?"

Chen Mo didn't hide it. Steve is his big brother. He can teach you anything about the bottom of the box. Anyway, the other party may not be able to learn it!

After all, he has been tied to the shield for the rest of his life, so it is impossible to learn how to shoot!

The way to make Steve feel the Holy Light is also simple. Chen Mo, who returned to the spaceship, prepared a separate cabin for him, and then carved an array around him with inscriptions.

Chen Mo's ability to quickly become a warrior of light belongs to the gods. Steve can't learn it, so he can only use this method to first enhance Steve's perception with inscriptions, and then see how close he is to the holy light.

After staying in the dark for seven days, Steve stumbled out of the room. Although his body was weak, his spirit was quite uplifted. Chen Mo knew that this guy had succeeded by looking at the other party's smile, but just thinking about it, how could Captain America Is it a No-Maj?

"I succeeded?"

"Not yet, this is just the first step! You still have to suffer!"

"You can only perceive the holy light, you have to absorb it, and then use it!"

Steve's robust body is full of cell vitality, which is like a dry well with a huge capacity, and the prospects are very broad. Unlike Banner, the cells in his body are full of gamma energy, and nothing else can be touched at all.

Being able to comprehend the Holy Light so quickly, Chen Mo can only say that God rewarded him with food, but Chen Mo still feels overwhelmed by how he is going to teach Steve, he really doesn’t want Steve to call him a teacher or something, As for the great mentor, that is the title of the inner circle, which is not suitable for Steve.

As for the title of master, because Brother Yunlong's sense of sight is too strong, he was also excluded by Chen Mo. After thinking about it, Chen Mo finally made a decision, and he will follow the rule of two!
This can be regarded as another bad taste of Chen Mo. He is clearly a warrior of light, but he has to follow the villain's organization method, but the question is, Sith or something, are they much more handsome than Jedi knights?Don't ask why Chen Mo's battle armor is all blood red, you must know that the guys in Tiantang Mountain are all white for ten thousand years!

"Steve, from now on, you will be my apprentice!"

"Okay, master, but must we wear black robes and masks?"

Steve, who was covered in a black robe, tapped the colorful mask he was wearing, and he didn't look like a good person no matter what.

"This is just to hide our identities!"

Chen Mo was condescending, emphasizing to the other party the traditional principles that the so-called Holy Light Walker should follow.

"All things are false, all things are permitted!"

Steve doesn't know why only the two of them have a secret society with a principle that has been passed down for thousands of years, but Chen Mo said that there is, so there is!

After the nondescript apprenticeship ceremony, Steve officially entered the sect of Shengguang. Although he can't use any powerful moves yet, Chen Mo taught him about the use of healing ability for the first time. Now Steve You can play like this for two days!
(End of this chapter)

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