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Chapter 359 Who Has the Money!

Chapter 359 Who Has the Money!
Chen Mo, who returned from heaven, was warmly welcomed by his subordinates, especially the unlucky French chickens who were punished to clean the toilet before Chen Mo left.

Then when Chen Mo appeared in the lobby of the fortress, these excited guys immediately rushed to Chen Mo holding a paper cup filled with toilet water.

"My lord, would you like to have a sip?"

"I'm not Japanese!"

Chen Mo immediately kicked these unlucky guys out with a few quick kicks.

Galahat, who was in good spirits, stood aside with a group of British guys to watch the fun. Although the defenders had eliminated racial and ethnic differences to a large extent, and even allowed Taoism and Buddhism to sit together for dinner, the only What cannot be eliminated alone is the friction between Britain and France.

British agents and French agents always have to confront each other in some places. Except for the cafeteria, after all, the top four restaurants in London's ten best restaurants are all French cuisine.

Fortunately, everyone knows how to measure, and the conflicts that are usually seen are limited to words. Chen Mo should be glad that when he recruited people, he didn't recruit Germans, otherwise the war between Britain and France would be more complicated.

"Looks like a good harvest?"


Chen Mo didn't hide it, and directly showed his big baby.

"This is?"

"Reminder, this thing is a gun!"

Then Galahart rolled his eyes and fell over.

Chen Mo still underestimated the power of Baipi's faith. Although this gun is not the same gun, Galahat who woke up again is still very pious to build a golden base for this thing, and Chen Mo is also incidental.

"Only in this way can we show our piety!"

On the surface, Chen Mo doesn't mind the gold seat, but he is still looking forward to it in private. But the problem is that the gold needed is countless, and it is impossible to use the organization's public funds and Chen Mo's private reserves. So where will the money come from?

"Of course anyone who has money can ask for it!"

Galahat said disapprovingly that their family made their fortunes from India in the past, but now, Dai Ying can't harvest in India as he did back then.

"Then who has money?"

Holding the teacup, Chen Mo took a sip of the delicious fruit tea, added a piece of croissant, and asked leisurely.

"Of course it's a Yankee!"

"So, what are we going to do? Blow up the Fed vault?"

Galahart was about to nod, but then remembered that the British gold was there, too.

"SHIELD has money!"

"I know S.H.I.E.L.D. is rich, just kidding, the whole world supports a group of elite agents, but what are these people guarding, I find five Narutos to do better than them!"

"Wait, you said S.H.I.E.L.D., why, what's wrong with it?"

"It's not S.H.I.E.L.D., to be precise, it's Hydra!"

Chen Mo left for less than half a year. Before he left, the peace plan had already begun to be implemented. Half a year later, with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, and even the defenders, the peace plan was about to be completed. Completed the basic construction process, now waiting for the final acceptance!
"In other words, are the peaches ripe? Ready to pick?"


Galahat nodded. Originally, the peace plan hadn't progressed so fast, but someone was urging him!
After Chen Mo left, Steve seemed to let himself go. Knowing that there were a bunch of undercover agents around him, his acting talent could be called an Oscar statuette. There was nothing to say, especially after Pierce had met with the other party several times in private, and hinted that he should learn to be a team, Steve even followed the stick, assuming that the leader said what I would do, let Pierce couldn't help but want to pull him directly into Hydra.

But in the end, because of concerns about Nick Fury and the title of Captain Hydra, Steve still failed to get it. However, with Rumlow as an undercover agent, the US team has become very familiar with most of the special forces of the insider. In private, he even revealed to the Special Forces consciously or unconsciously that he was also from there!
After gaining the trust of the higher-ups, Steve began to frantically consume all kinds of resources of the other party. How can he spend so much money when going out to perform tasks? Usually, even meals are only expensive, and then they are given to the bureau. With the reimbursement, plus Sister Natasha and the Falcon who joined the team with Steve not long ago, the daily expenses of these guys are enough for S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep a fighter!
But the higher-ups, whether it's Nick Fury or Pierce, are happy to see this situation. If these guys are ascetic and don't take a penny, they will be worried!

In short, Steve, who had gained enough prestige, directly joined the peace plan. Relying on his youth and energy, he often forced the technicians to engage in introversion. Originally, everyone only worked in three shifts, and everyone strictly adhered to the eight-hour work system, but When Steve came in, these technicians were forced to work 24 hours a day, and the top management of S.H.I.E.L.D. frantically stimulated those technicians for this. Why do you see that someone who came to help in his spare time didn’t take a break? Excuse me?

What's more, I still talk about Steve's age. What kind of 70-year-old man is working hard, you guys in their 20s and 30s, what right do you have to take a break?
Although everyone selectively ignored that this 70-year-old man could easily beat down all the agents of SHIELD.

In short, the role model set by the US team this time is full of power. With countless costs and attendance, the peace plan has ushered in the day when the clouds will be cleared.

"Good good!"

Chen Mo nodded. Since SHIELD has prepared such a big gift, how can they not accept it?

Chen Mo does not intend to accept too many personnel, nor does he intend to accept Nick Fury's real estate. What he is eyeing are all kinds of equipment, technical materials, and even gold reserves of S.H.I.E.L.D. In short, they do not belong to the defenders He doesn't want any people or houses, but he wants everything else!
"Oh, by the way, I even helped you find someone!"

Galahart slapped his head before thinking of this. Chen Mo asked him to recruit an intelligence officer named Zemo from a small country in Eastern Europe, and brought his whole family to the UK.

"This guy is a talented person with a strong learning ability. He can master our equipment in a few days. He is a candidate to take over my class!"

"Really, then add him to this money-making operation!"

Chen Mo nodded. The guy who can split the Women's Federation and use it to deal with Hydra is almost overkill!
"Oh, by the way, where's Steve?"

(End of this chapter)

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