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Chapter 367 Sorry, I'm a Policeman

Chapter 367 Sorry, I'm a Policeman
"Give me a hard beat on these sons of bitches!"

S.H.I.E.L.D. is hot inside, and the outside is not bad at all. Ross, who has decided to become the American Caesar, is reluctant to blow up the White House, so he can only let the artillery blow up S.H.I.E.L.D. Putting the conversation aside, he wanted the Air Force to come over and drop the bomb.

But the army's cannons alone have already made these buildings in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base crumbling.

Although the Hydra agents are all well-equipped, everyone has a variety of excellent individual equipment, and the rifles are filled with racks like Christmas trees, but Ross does not give them a chance to play, and the cannon goes down. Those exquisitely shaped and expensive Christmas trees were blown to pieces. To put it more anthropomorphically, countless 416 wives of dead fat houses have all gone to heaven!
As for whether Rose's bombardment will hurt the hostages, please, if you appear inside S.H.I.E.L.D. of?

You must know that Ross is even thinking about something more far-reaching, such as something like the Holy American Empire. Anyway, a large number of congressmen and high-level officials who got in the way are finished. It's easy, what's wrong with being an emperor?There is someone above him!
As for the Hydra in the base, they have already begun to shrink their forces, and a group of high-level leaders headed by Pierce have even begun to transfer to the underground weapon depot. For safety reasons, they also called the Winter Soldier to escort themselves.

As for those irrelevant hostages, Pierce asked his agents to execute them all in the spirit of sacrificing jade rather than destroying it!

Seeing that another massacre was about to start, Nick Fury was already thinking about the epitaph, and with the sound of cement cracking, the Hydra agents in the room were knocked down one by one.

Looking at the wall pierced by bullets, Nick Fury was still secretly smacking the power of this weapon, and then saw his sister Natasha walking in with a very sci-fi gun.

"Hope you enjoyed your dinner, Chief Ferry!"


Nick Fury wanted to say something, but the words stopped on the edge of his mouth. Although he still has a few agents to command, it is over.

"So, when did you..."

"We've always been!"

"Ah this!"

Knowing that he personally recruited an undercover agent to join the agency, Nick Fury could only sigh helplessly again.

"So, who are you?"

"We are the guardians of the earth!"

Yelena said carelessly.

"You can call us defenders!"

"So, what happens to us people?"

"That will have to wait for the adults to speak, but I think, not only will he not kill you, but he will give you a reward for your continuous financial support over the years!"

And Pierce still doesn't know that all the hostages he wants to kill have been rescued, and he is aggressively ordering his subordinates to prepare nuclear bombs. He can't get this America, and neither can anyone else!

In fact, there are escape routes underground in S.H.I.E.L.D., but because of a bunch of insiders, these passages are all blocked by people. Whenever there is a slight possibility of escape, Pierce will not be so extreme.

But now, with the steel wall behind him, Hydra has no way to retreat.

"Rumlow, I'm sorry for you!"

Seeing all the agents waiting in full force, Pierston was deeply moved. In the past, he was always superstitious about power and money, but now, the only ones who really accompany him to the end are the hundreds of agents led by Rumlow, and outside Those low-level agents who are fighting on their own.

"You're welcome, fight for Hydra!"

Rumlow and a group of his subordinates stood at attention and saluted, and Pierce, who looked at death as if at home, was almost on the verge of tears.

"As long as there are these loyal people, we can definitely make a comeback!"

Sitting on the ground, Pierce just quietly waited for the last moment.

Outside the arsenal, the assault force headed by Steve was like a broken bamboo, instantly destroying Hydra's defenses, coupled with the control of the base system, those agencies hidden in the dark even began to hurt the Hydra agents. Under the killer.

In less than half an hour, the arsenal was surrounded by people.

Then the US team led a large group of people to file in, and confronted each other with hundreds of Hydra agents in the room.

"You are finally here!"

Seeing the appearance of the US team, Pierce returned to his usual calm expression, but his face was a little disappointed, he did not believe that the US team was the mastermind of all this, he hoped to see the real culprit, and then, with The other party goes to hell together!

"Pierce, you have no escape, surrender!"

"Hmph, you are not worthy, let your master come to see me!"

Pierce shouted loudly, as if he was the party of justice.

Then Chen Mo, who was wearing a battle armor, walked out leisurely with his hands behind his back.

"You, is it you? How is it possible?"

Seeing Chen Mo, Pierce stared at the boss. He had seen Chen Mo in the old photos that had been sealed for a long time at the base. As a super soldier who was active at the same time as the US team, Chen Mo was low-key and scary, leaving very little information, which made many people Thought he was dead!
But now, not only did the opponent not die, but he once again defeated the hydra that had made a comeback.

"Steve is not qualified, so I am qualified! After all, I took off the head of the Red Skull. Do you want to see the photos of the scene?"

"We underestimated you, but you will die today! Do you know where this is?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s arsenal, where Nick Fury hid enough nuclear bombs to blow up most of the east coast!"

Chen Mo replied truthfully.

"That's right, as long as you know, it's all here, let's go on the road together!"

Pierce immediately pressed the detonator at hand, ready to pull everyone into the sky together.

But after waiting for several seconds, there was no explosion as everyone expected, only the clicking sound of Pierce pressing the button repeatedly.

"What's going on? Rumlow!"

As soon as the furious Pierce turned his head, he saw his most loyal agent captain take a few steps back, and then raised his gun at him.

"Sorry, sir, I'm a policeman!"


Many Hydra bosses almost took it directly, what the hell is going on, why did a proven Hydra warrior like Rumlow also betray the revolution?

"Charlie, kill Rumlow!"

Pierce, who was shaky and unable to stand still, hurriedly ordered the deputy captain of the special operations team, but the other party also shook his head while retreating.

"Sorry sir, I'm a policeman too!"

(End of this chapter)

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