Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 369 We want to build a wall!

Chapter 369 We want to build a wall!

"Director Fury, it's been a long time!"

When the disgraced Nick Fury was sent out of the collapsing base by the secret agents, it happened that Ross took a group of reporters to pose for a photo on the ruins. In order to make the photo more handsome, Ross deliberately put on a camouflage uniform full of traces of gunpowder and war. , his face was smoky, and then he himself held high the never-falling Star-Spangled Banner, climbing up the ruins with difficulty, knowing that he was in Washington, DC, and those who didn't know thought he was in Somalia.

Regarding Rose's posing behavior, Nick Fury sensibly did not express any opinions, but expressed surprise at Rose's standing in line.

"You have failed for most of your life, and finally the time has come!"

Ross pretended that he didn't hear the other party's ridicule. Anyway, the overall situation is now settled. With the army in his hand and the support of Chen Mo, there is almost no obstacle to becoming the Caesar of the United States. In addition, he has penetrated into grassroots public affairs organizations and intelligence organizations early on. A defender agent of the governing body, it can be said that it is difficult for Ross to win!
Therefore, he didn't need to bother with an unlucky guy who had lost all his powers. Ross even specially asked his subordinates to use his special car to send Nick Fury to the small black room to squat.

When the posing was over, Rose rushed to Chen Mo with his general's scepter in his hands to ask for credit.

"And you have to keep in mind, there are a few things you need to be careful about when you become a president!"

Chen Mo crossed his legs and passed on relevant experience to Ross. For example, the captain of the guard of the commander-in-chief should not choose a fool without brains, and the person in charge of intelligence should not be too smart, and the top priority.

"Remember, never take a convertible car, and don't go to the theater to watch a play!"

In fact, Ross is no stranger to the last two points, but he still kept them firmly in mind, and asked Chen Mo, if Chen Mo asked him to do anything when he became the commander-in-chief!
"If you want to talk about something, there really is one!"

Chen Mo opened and closed his hands like playing an accordion.

"As the first Earth organization to wage war against aliens, we hope that the government can also contribute!"

"You just have to tell me!"

Although Ross has never heard the allusion of the son-in-law, he has already made up his mind to be the son-in-law. He doesn't know where Chen Mo's upper limit is, but he believes in his son-in-law. Although Bruce Banner is green and fat, he even kidnapped him. My own precious daughter, but her character is nothing to say, so when the other party implicitly stated that Chen Mo can even order the gods of the earth, Ross studs Chen Mo without hesitation.

And now, his first reward is so rich!

"The position of the Great Commander of the United States!"

"I hope that a wall can be built in space, and the wall has to be paid by aliens!"

"Building a wall? In space?"

Rose's brain was a little overwhelmed, he swallowed, and then the image of the earth being sealed by a brick wall appeared in his mind.

"Not that one!"

Chen Mo knew what the other party was thinking at a glance, he continued to play the accordion, and then explained.

"It is to establish a complete orbital defense system! It's like a wall to stop immigrants!"

"Oh, I see, but my lord, isn't it a little unfair to just ask the aliens to pay?"

"What do you mean?"

"As the light of the world, the United States has taken the initiative to take up this important responsibility. Should other countries also accept a little bit?"

"Well, that's true, then let NATO and the EU each contribute half!"

Chen Mo nodded.


Ross originally wanted to talk about Russia and India, but since Chen Mo said so, let NATO and the EU each pay half!

Ross' first ruling plan after he came to power was decided by Chen Mo on the ruins of SHIELD.

As for whether the EU and NATO will agree, first let everyone take a look at the three Kodiak warships flying in the sky. They will definitely make a wise decision. manage?Then pay two shares, and if you don't agree with Chen Mo, let the space battleship go to their air force exercise. The military exercise project is bombing the earth orbit!

After the counter-insurgency battle was over, Ross held a press conference on the ruins that were still smoking. At the meeting, he severely condemned the ugly acts of many ambitious groups, and said that in this critical situation, although he was sympathetic and I am willing, but still willing to take up this responsible and thankless presidency for the well-being of the American people.

"I did this out of love for the country and the people, without any selfishness. In fact, if I could, I would rather be a farmer in Texas, driving a tractor to harvest crops every day , but Mr. President specially asked me before he died, he has appointed me to be his successor, so I can only be forced to accept it!"

As Ross talked, tears were about to flow down his cheeks, as if the President had been watched and sent away with his own eyes, but in fact, the other party's body was still under the rubble, but the reporters didn't know, looking at the surrounding soldiers At the muzzle of the black hole, there are still many heads of intelligence agencies watching. They have taken a [-]% serious attitude, blocked their proud professional ethics, and sent out articles to the outside world. reports.

Although the coup d'état would have an incalculable impact on the country's situation, with the support of the army, secret agents, space battleships and Chen Mo, Ross's coming to power went smoothly and frighteningly. , on the contrary, for a new president who was born in the military and has always shown himself as a tough guy, the vast majority of citizens have expressed their expectations.

And Ross lived up to expectations. On the second day after taking the oath of office, he announced new defense policies, such as withdrawing troops, reducing military spending, and increasing funding for NASA.

And what stunned everyone the most was the space wall plan announced by the other party while playing the accordion.

"We have reason to believe that the various unexplainable phenomena that have occurred on the earth over the years are caused by aliens. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of the earth, we must build a wall in space to protect the earth!"

Ross vowed, but the audience only thought it was a dream. It was not until Ross deliberately ordered three space battleships to sail around the world in Earth orbit in order to prove that human beings really have this power, that everyone realized it.

What the other party said is true!
And in a super luxurious manor, a blond old man jumped up from his chair when he saw Rose's plan. Holding his hamburger, he eagerly ordered his secretary to make an appointment for him.

"Sir, what do you want to say to the President?"

"I'm going to make a small contribution to this project, but only if I want a wall to have my name written on it!"

(End of this chapter)

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