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Chapter 373 Wait, who the hell are you!

Chapter 373 Wait, who the hell are you!
If any magazine wants to have a family column, Chen Mo must submit an article, and the name will be my great nephew!

How should I put it, although Stark is not as filial as Natasha, but he has indeed confirmed that Chen Mo is a good uncle, especially when his physical condition has returned to the peak of his 20 years old, Stark can't wait to go to Chen Mo every day. Run, and then move all the other party's good things home to study and study.

And every time I come, I call my old uncle to visit, and I also carry various condolences in large and small bags. How should I put it, gifts are the same at home and abroad, and Chen Mo is also happy to see each other. Tossing all kinds of rare objects that I have accumulated over the years, so that I can better compete with the scientists of the defenders, it can be regarded as stimulating vitality!

Especially after Stark and the research team began to disagree on the new type of orbital cannon, Chen Mo wished for more competition like this. After all, he liked the theories put forward by both parties. Design a cannon that can fire a hundred rounds at a time. Because of the stalemate, Chen Mo decided to build both!
Anyway, the greater the firepower, the happier he is!
Chen Mo has already thought about it, if there is another big villain, such as a guy who doesn't know how to live or die like his good brother Ronan, he will hang the other party in front of the cannon!It's better to have a live broadcast from the whole universe.

However, before his cannon was finished, someone came to the earth first.

To be precise, someone wants to board the space fortress, and then steal two infinity gems under Chen Mo's nose.

"Do they think that our earthlings are still in the Stone Age?"

Seeing the unidentified spaceship that thought everything would be fine after turning on invisibility approached the space fortress cautiously, Chen Mo couldn't help being a little confused. Don't these people know that the Cree and Skrull people who are the most capable of invisibility technology in the universe are so fucking Have you paid protection fees to the people on Earth?

In fact, Gamora really doesn't know!

To be exact, neither she nor the idiot captain she hired knew about it!
As the daughter of Thanos, she only needs to know what her purple-skinned head father ordered, and she will do what she wants, for example, stealing two lost cosmic gems from the earthlings.

"This place has changed a lot!"

Star Lord Peter Quill carefully looked at the huge artificial celestial body in the distance in his spaceship. In his opinion, this operation should be very simple. He just needs to send the lovely green girl over by himself, and then he can get To a whole Bowan's reward, this is much more than being a pirate!
As for whether there will be any obstacles, Xingjue thinks it is unlikely. Although he doesn't have a deep impression of the earth, he also knows that the technology of his compatriots is not very advanced. Even this space station was picked up by them. Damn, maybe they haven't figured out how to operate the space station until now!

To get the reward successfully, if possible, to have a good relationship with this pungent green-skinned girl, this is the only idea of ​​Star-Lord at present!
However, the wishful thinking of the two did not get any response from Chen Mo at all. When he saw a green-skinned female alien appearing in the outer orbit of the space station, thinking about wanting to come in, Chen Mo's blood pressure began to skyrocket.

"What the hell, think I'm a fake!"

Although Gamora's appearance here was beyond Chen Mo's expectations, he was not surprised at all. After all, Thanos sent the other party to find the Power Gem before, and now it is normal to come here to steal the Mind Gem and Space Gem.

"Let them in!"

Chen Mo, who had already planned for this situation, got up without saying a word, ready to teach these two guys a lesson that he would never forget.

"Well, let none of our people come into contact with them, and evacuate first!"

"Should I notify Steve?"

"Notify him what to do?"

Inform him to persuade you not to be too harsh?Peggy Carter looked at the smile on Chen Mo's face, and finally gave up on this idea.

"If not, why don't you give them a good time?"

"Then I have to wait until I feel better!"

On the other end, Gamora, who had been floating in space with her butt up for a long time, finally found an opening to get in, but before she could get in, another big-faced plate squeezed in.

"Let me help you see if there is any danger!"

Xingjue, who was determined to perform in front of the goddess, rushed into the passage that Chen Mo specially opened for the two of them.

Gamora frowned and didn't say anything. She didn't want to communicate with this perverted captain at all, but now she had to rely on the other party's ship, so she could only let Xingjue take the lead.

What Chen Mo opened for the two of them was the garbage channel on the ship, and the fruit peels or other garbage that everyone usually eats are discharged from here to the transport ship.

But now, this passage is crowded with two big living people.

Even though the two people walking along the passage were wearing oxygen masks, they could still smell all kinds of bad smells, and the worst thing was that garbage was thrown into the pipes from time to time, such as half-eaten watermelons and deodorant durians.

"This is really, really..."

Xingjue, who was wearing melon skin, couldn't think of any words to describe the situation of the two of them at the moment, but seeing the goddess who was unscathed because of the garbage blocked by him, he felt that he was worth it!

Carrying the stinky garbage, the two struggled along the route specially prepared by Chen Mo, and approached the laboratory of the fortress little by little, where the two gems were!

The two of them didn't know that they were following the route planned by Chen Mo, and they thought they were going in the right direction. They didn't see any guards or other personnel along the way, which made Gamora a little worried, but they found that there was no sign in the laboratory. She didn't care whether it was a trap or not, she got in without hesitation, found the two gems wrapped in a lead box, and then was forced to run away with the heavy lead box.

The two returned to the spaceship without any risk. The ecstatic Gamora eagerly urged Star-Lord to set sail, because before they left, the space fortress suddenly sounded the alarm, but when Star-Lord came in a hurry The cockpit, but found that there was an extra person in the driver's seat.

"You guys are too slow!"

Chen Mo, who was playing with the steering rod that was broken by his own slap, yawned boredly.

"Who is it?"

Star-Lord, who hadn't cleaned up the garbage on his face, stood in front of Gamora with a vigilant expression.

"Tell you, if you are sensible..."

Before Xingjue finished speaking, he was shot away by Chen Mo.

"What's wrong with me? Ms. Gamora, before you came, didn't your father tell you that I just killed seven Eternals and a Celestial group here?"

Chen Mo was condescending, and asked the other party in a gentlemanly manner with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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