Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 379 I want one tiger to kill two sheep!

Chapter 379 I want to kill two sheep with one tiger!

Many years later, in the face of a reporter's interview, Nick Fury, who has already become famous and became a lecturer in logistics at a well-known university, talked about the afternoon when he met Chen Mo respectfully.

Afterwards, he took office at the speed of light, and relying on his professional knowledge and rich experience, he finally overcame difficulties and realized the perfect settlement of the underground shelter project.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Nick Fury knows what kind of terrain to rebuild what kind of base, what kind of price is enough to buy what kind of materials, thanks to the breakthrough of new shield technology, the entire Asian region instantly set off a vigorous big wave Infrastructure wave.

In less than a few months, nearly half of the project was preliminarily completed. Considering that it was only a few days of evacuation, the designers did not design any bunk rooms. Everyone just came in and laid the floor. As for other Ventilation system and medical insurance are not lacking. In the end, it is convenient to have many big bosses. You don’t have to worry about any project evasion, and you don’t have to worry about the landing price. As for whether the underground project will be wasted after it is completed, then don’t worry. These projects can also be turned into many convenient commercial facilities, such as parking lots and underground shopping malls.

Chen Mo himself had nothing to do, so he took a spaceship to investigate around the solar system, but within a few months, the surrounding area was calm, and he couldn't even see a meteor. This really put a lot of pressure on Chen Mo.

It's like the calm before the storm.

Chen Mo asked Horus to see if he could predict the arrival time of Alitham, but the other party could not do anything about it. Alitham's strength surpassed him by a lot, so the prediction had no reference at all.

While everyone was waiting silently, an unexpected visitor jumped out first.

"Sir, our outboard USS Donald intercepted a spaceship!"

Chen Mo, who practiced Holy Light in the fortress, opened his retreat room, and saw several soldiers walking over with a rather frivolous young man.

"He said he brought information about Alitham, so Ms. Peggy asked us to send him over to see you immediately!"

"Your Majesty, I am Xinghu, and I am also a member of the Eternal Clan!"

When the young man saw Chen Mo, he saluted without being humble or overbearing, and then introduced himself.

"Xinghu, is Thanos his younger brother?"

Chen Mo remembered that this big brother seemed to be a typical example of brothers and sisters with Thanos, one wanted to kill the other.

"Yes, but I'm different from him. I'm here to help the people on Earth!"

"Help? Are you sure, I killed seven idiots like you before!"

"Yes, our positions are not the same!"

Xinghu was a little disappointed when he heard the news of the death of his compatriots, but he quickly recovered. The universe is so big that it is difficult to guarantee that there will be accidents in the Tianshen group, let alone the weaker Eternal Race. He came here this time because he asked The reason for the large-scale mobilization of the Tianshen group, on the other hand, is to find that his brother Thanos is also eyeing this planet.

For Xinghu, his ultimate goal in this life is to avenge Thanos, so as long as Thanos wants to do it, he must stop it.

So he came to the earth alone, wanting to see if he could find an ally, but after arriving on the earth, he realized that the ally he was looking for was an old opponent.

When the gods and the army of order fought, they, the eternal race, were all cannon fodder. After all, no matter how powerful their strength was, they were all created artificially. In terms of development potential, they had already lagged behind those who developed naturally. Life form.

Just like Xinghu, maybe their upper limit is very high, but once it reaches the top, it can't increase, so this is why he saw Chen Mo respectful, because he couldn't beat the opponent.

"You just said that you have information about Alitham?"

"Yes, Alitham is not far from the earth, and it will arrive in about two standard months. In addition to myself, the opponent also brought several god groups to join the battle!"

"It's all about fighting?"

"There are also sowers!"

"This old Bidden thinks quite well!"

Chen Mo sneered, it seemed that the other party felt that they had won, and even brought the technicians who re-spread life after the battle, but they brought them along, and with the logistics with a weaker combat power, their chances of winning would be greater.

"Your information is very timely, on behalf of Heavenly Mountain, I thank you!"

"It's polite to thank you. I'm here to help you. If there's anything I need to do, I'll do it!"

"That's it!"

Chen Mo pondered for a moment. It is definitely not possible to let the opponent join the battle. It is not because Chen Mo cannot believe it, but because Xinghu was also created by the Celestial God Group. It is impossible that there is no means of control. If he is left behind, there may be problems, but It can't be justified to drive the other party away.

After thinking over and over again, Chen Mo had a bold idea.

"Will Thanos believe your words?"

"Well, yes, although we are mortal enemies, at least we will not deceive each other!"

"That's good!"

Chen Mo nodded, since that's the case, it's easy to handle, he was still worried about what to do if Zishutou stayed at home and didn't go out.

"In this way, Mr. Xinghu, I need you to send a message to your brother that the people on Earth will perish soon after losing to the Celestial Group!"

"Are you, do you want the other party to fight against the Gods? It's unlikely. Thanos is terribly cautious. He will never appear in any place that is dangerous to him!"

"But we have what he wants in our hands, so he will definitely be tempted. You don't have to worry about that. As for letting him and the gods fight to the death, that's not my idea either!"

Chen Mo shook his head, and then told the other party that he lured Thanos over because he was just lazy to find the other party!
"It's not that I want them to fight to the death, but that I want to fight to the death with them. Have you ever heard of one tiger killing two sheep?"

Chen Mo's arrogance made Xinghu a little dizzy, but seeing the other party's self-confidence, Xinghu reluctantly agreed.

"Do you have any hole cards?"

"I can't say no, anyway, I don't think there's any problem in evaporating a Thanos!"

Chen Mo replied quite seriously.

"I want to hit ten!"

(End of this chapter)

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