Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 385 This place belongs to me now!

Chapter 385 This place belongs to me now!
"Thanos, so you can bleed too!"

Chen Mo was still struggling, and he was not in a hurry anyway, after all, it took only a short while for Thor to kill Thanos and he could kill him a thousand or eight hundred times!
So at this moment, he turned into the bitter and vengeful Bitman again, holding his voice to transmit the sound to Thanos, completely disregarding that the other party's wound was caused by himself.

"If you do this, you will destroy the hope of the entire universe. I am the destiny! You are killing the future of the universe!"

Although he was dying, Thanos still did not forget to use some indirect means to hope that Chen Mo would let him go. After all, Thanos, although he deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors, he cared about the environment and the universe. He is a good man!

"Really, then I'll go against the sky!"

Chen Mo lifted Thanos from his back, then stood him on the ground, switched the weapon in his hand to a heavy sniper, raised the weapon with one hand, and pointed it at Thanos' head.

"In the next life, remember to stay away from the earth, otherwise, I will kill the whole family!"

Afterwards, Chen Mo pulled the trigger, and the light beam pierced Thanos' head. With the burning of the light, this mighty purple potato brother finally turned into a wisp of ash in the universe, and even the hope of resurrection was lost. No, Chen Mo directly burned his soul with holy light. Since then, there is no such thing as Thanos in the universe.

And those loyal subordinates of Thanos, after seeing their father being executed, also wanted to rush over to die with Chen Mo, but before they could howl, they were hacked into pieces.

Their corpses were ruthlessly thrown into the sun. Although this could not wash away the numerous crimes they committed during their lifetime, at least it was enough to shock those thieves who were still eager to try in the dark.

Afterwards, Chen Mo opened his hands, his body turned into holy light, slowly ascended to the far-earth orbit, and made a second in-depth connection with the will of the earth. After receiving the blessing of the will of the earth, Chen Mo made a range broadcast to the entire universe, announcing Arisham's failure.

"The holy light has come here again, you disobedient guy, come and fuck me!"

Along with the connection between the planets, Chen Mo's declaration spread throughout the universe, from high latitudes to low latitudes, from nothingness to the center of the galaxy, all the extraordinary people heard this rather embarrassing news.

But everyone is not a war lunatic, usually too busy with their own one-acre three-point land, and there is no time to come to the earth to make trouble, that is, a few guys from the hell and dark dimensions frowned, such as a certain person who was born with Chen Mo Xiangke guy.

"Dark Dimension and Holy Light are naturally incompatible!"

Dimensional Demon God Dormammu is a bit annoyed by Holy Light's ability to fight, resist and self-milk. After all, there is as much light as there is darkness, and light and darkness are always in balance. , That is to say, you are fighting yourself to death!

"Swallow the earth, forget it, go to another place!"

The Dimensional Demon God, who didn't want to waste endless years here, turned around and left. He walked away simply, without any nostalgia at all.

And Chen Mo was still having a face-to-face meeting with those observers who were peeking at the earth. The two sides nodded to each other. There are no exciting pictures.

It can be said that Chen Mo's voice changed the situation of the earth from being an enemy of the world to being a friend of the world in an instant. Next, scientists like Stark don't have to worry about the mission of superheroes anymore. It's good to promote human development.

"Tony, everyone's dream of mechanical ascension depends on you!"

Not long after the news that the earth has a big brother hood spread across the universe, Chen Mo had already started to pack his things. From the moment he became holy, his mission was not just a simple adventure!

After saying goodbye to his old friends on Earth, Chen Mo was about to leave. The will of the planet had prepared a portal for him. This time it was no longer a simple spiral energy vortex!It is the gate of light completely cast by the holy light, which also represents Chen Mo's identity, just like Satan will deliberately wear a white suit when he goes out, the golden gate of holy light has also become the representative of Chen Mo's identity.

Before leaving, Chen Mo did not forget to leave something for the friends on the earth, but it was not too precious. He used the holy light to leave a group of holy light guards for the space fortress, and even put some things in the deepest part of the fortress. A weapon he forges in his spare time.

"This will be a place of trial!"

Chen Mo said this to the heroes.

"In the future, if anyone wants to pursue the way of the Holy Light, let them come here!"

And Chen Mo did not forget to carve a few words of chicken soup on the wall.

For example, if you stick to justice and glory, generation after generation of brave men will choose the path of the Holy Light. Or, the warrior of light will always be alone, but those who cannot defeat you will definitely make you stronger!

For this reason, Chen Mo deliberately left a hidden door of Holy Light at the end of the treasure house. Once someone really passes his test and chooses the path of Holy Light, he will immediately become a qualified Holy Light As a shooter, Chen Mo is determined to break the stereotype and let the world understand that angels don't necessarily hold swords, they may also carry shotguns!

In the face of Chen Mo's departure, there were still many friends who were very reluctant to part with him. Captain America couldn't help but cry. He didn't even want to let go when his ass was red and swollen after being pinched by Chen Mo. Uh, maybe it was because of the pain. After all, this If you want to talk about who has the deepest relationship with him in your life, Chen Mo must be at the top. Without Chen Mo, there would be no US team. This will become Rogers' eternal memory.

And Natasha was silently wiping away her tears. Chen Mo was the savior who gave her a second life. Without Chen Mo pulling her out of the red house, she couldn't imagine what the rest of her life would be like. , but she also knows that a mere earth is not Chen Mo's world, but he still has more important missions to complete.

"Don't cry, everyone, maybe I will come back and have a look!"

Chen Mo saw that his good brothers were all reluctant to give up, so he had no choice but to comfort them. Anyway, Earth Will and him are old acquaintances now, so just open a portal and come back to see how easy it is. After getting Chen Mo's promise to come back once a year, many Only then did his friends reluctantly watch him walk into the light, and then disappeared.

It was night, even though Chen Mo had been gone for less than seven hours, Natasha sat on the bed in a daze with a heartbroken heart, but unexpectedly, someone knocked on the window of her room.

She looked up, only to realize that it was Chen Mo who had gone and returned.

"Sir, are you not leaving?"

"I still have to go, but before I go, I think I should have a good chat with a certain little wild cat, lest the other party forget who I am in three days!"

(End of this chapter)

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