Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 392 Is there such a show routine?

Chapter 392 Is there such a show routine?
To talk about this wealth issue, first of all we need to know who is the richest man in the world, of course it is the uncle of Donald Duck. Even if his wealth is reduced by 600 in one second, it will take [-] years to go bankrupt. Then the second echelon, of course, is the big guys like Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark.

As for how much Bruce Wayne’s wealth is, the exact figures are not easy to count. Let’s put it this way, from a certain point of view, the entire Gotham belongs to the Bruce family. There is such a saying in Gotham, Gotham during the day Belongs to Wayne Group, Gotham at night, belongs to Batman!

This kind of behavior of being both a player and a referee is not good, but no one can expose it. On the contrary, everyone who knows Bruce's identity will defend him as much as possible.

But now, since Batman doesn't work, let Bruce Wayne do it!
"Tsk tsk, this is really, really, touching!"

The clown couldn't help but took out a towel and wiped the gum from the corners of his eyes, and then let out a voice of admiration for the rich. Since someone is paying for tonight's consumption, he is also welcome!

"How about this, everyone, we are not big villains, we are here tonight, just to make friends with everyone, and ask for some money by the way!"

The clown found a chair, sat down on it, and smiled what he thought was kind.

"Next, let's play a game. As for me, I will send everyone a piece of paper, and you write down the amount you think is the most suitable. Then, we will choose the highest one, and then everyone will press this Here comes the money, if someone doesn't come out, then I have to ask him to go out to cool off!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the rich people felt as uncomfortable as dead mothers. Bruce Wayne was expressionless. After all, one of the people sitting here counted as one, and he didn’t have as much money as him. He just didn’t expect that the clown’s appetite was so big. , the wealth of a Wayne Group is not enough, he wants it all!
And with such a large amount, he didn't believe that the clown could get out of Gotham alive!

So, what the hell is the Joker up to?
At this time, the robbers had already begun to distribute notes and pens, and then separated the rich one by one and asked them to start writing the amount.

In order to enhance the deterrence, the clown did not forget to ask his subordinates to deliberately show everyone live ammunition.

Soon, a short but long time like a century passed, and the robbers put away the notes one by one, and handed them to the clown.

"Tut tsk, tsk tsk!"

Looking at the numbers on the note, the clown who was only here to carry out Chen Mo's order suddenly seemed to be ignited, his hands began to tremble involuntarily, trying to suppress his anger, he read all the notes, and then angrily Extremely anti-smile.

"You really deserve to be the richest man in Gotham!"

The note that the clown is holding has all kinds of numbers written all over it, but except for Bruce Wayne who wrote himself a number of 1000 million, the numbers written by the other rich people range from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands. And the luxury cars they drive cost millions!

"Thank you for your donations. The highest figure we have received so far is 500 million from this gentleman. So, everyone present, you must prepare this amount of cash and send it here!"

As soon as this remark came out, the rich people were all dumbfounded. Bruce Wayne was wondering why the other party said so little money, while the other rich people gritted their teeth and stared at the guy pointed at by the clown, wishing they could eat it with cramps. Meat, 500 million, how many workers they have to exploit to earn it!

The tycoons began to talk a lot, and some even wanted to stand up and refute, but after a gunshot, everyone sat back on the ground obediently.

"I haven't finished talking yet, this guy, the least written, five hundred dollars! So, I want to punish him!"

Immediately afterwards, under the watchful eyes of everyone, this unlucky guy was tied to a rope, and then kicked off the skyscraper. Although he was finally caught by the rope, falling tens of meters in an instant was enough to make him incontinent , after being pulled up again, this unlucky guy trembled and hurriedly changed the number.

"Next time, I won't tie the rope!"

Looking at the clown who made me very happy, what else could the rich people say, they could only nod their heads in agreement.

Afterwards, they started to call and asked their subordinates to bring the cash as soon as possible. As for the police downstairs, whether they were robbers or rich people, they all regarded them as air. In fact, the police had nothing to do. Not only carrying heavy firepower, but also a large amount of explosives, they have nothing to do but surround the building.

Soon countless amounts of cash were sent over in bags, and the wealth was neatly piled up on the roof, as spectacular as a hill.

The rich people said one after another, I have already paid for it, should we let us go?
"What's the rush, I haven't finished watching the show yet!"

The clown waved his hand and stepped forward with the camera and microphone in his hand. As the younger brother who provided remote technical support switched to the evening news channel, the entire Gotham saw the clown greeting everyone on the roof.

"Citizens of Gotham, good evening!"

Although it was the first time he was on camera, the clown didn't panic at all. He not only greeted the citizens with witty words, but also pulled a few rich people into the camera to interact with each other from time to time.

"Today, we were honored to have a special date with these Gotham gentlemen, rich people, and real big philanthropists. We had friendly exchanges and in-depth interactions. Everyone had a great time and had a great time. happy!"

Watching the clown's eloquent speech, Bruce Wayne became more and more puzzled, but he felt even more uneasy. He didn't even dare to think what the clown was going to do with the money, but soon, he had the answer.

"Under my earnest persuasion, our big philanthropists have generously donated and provided us with countless charitable funds. Now, I want to announce one thing. I will not pay any money Instead, give them to the whole of Gotham!"

"From now on, the countdown is one hour. We will be waiting for you at the Wayne Hotel. As long as you show up, the money belongs to all of you!"

Although the clown's words were not very loud, they shook everyone like a thunderbolt. Police Chief Gordon was about to order the police to organize a blockade immediately, but he also knew that the entire Gotham Police Department alone Those [-] policemen can't stop anything!
"If we use violence, those citizens will eat us alive!"

Gordon smiled wryly and looked up at the sky, Batman, where are you?
 one more

(End of this chapter)

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