Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 402 Shout out to the Holy Light Superman when you are in danger!

Chapter 402 Shout out to the Holy Light Superman when you are in danger!
"Is this your fault?"

"Certainly not!"

"You have to believe me! Bruce, I'm your dearest brother Superman, how could I lie to you, I even told you that my weakness is kryptonite!"

"Wait, aren't you from the motherland?"

"Uh, almost!"

"Then can you put me and Ah Fu down now?"

Bruce Wayne, who was tied to the street lamp with Ah Fu, and then still head down, raised his head with difficulty, expressing his belief that Chen Mo had nothing to do with this matter.

But Chen Mo shook his head, expressing that it was a bit late.

"That's not what you said when you punched me after getting out of the car!"

Chen Mo shook his head, saying that today's matter can't be left alone!
"I was really wrong, Master, there will be no next time!"

"Hang on, I'll talk about it after dinner, and don't say anything like Ah Fu's body can't stand it. This guy was fighting against Miss Sister in the nightclub the day before yesterday!"

Chen Mo waved his hand, then strode into the safe room, leaving only the master and servant hanging outside, Bruce looked at his old housekeeper, his expression suddenly serious.

"Ah Fu, you..."

"Master, don't talk about it, it's all young people's fault!"

When the master and servant were hanging upside down on the street lamp to install bats, A Fu suddenly saw the black smoke rising from the horizon in the distance, and then he yelled.

"Master, look!"

Bruce turned his head, his face solemn and his tone indifferent.

"I saw it, Ah Fu!"

There is nothing else on the horizon, they are all properties of the Wayne Group, and the direction of the fire is Wayne Manor, that luxury manor with an area of ​​thousands of square meters was burned by Bain's mercenaries at the moment, and Batman There was no sadness in his heart, but a little bit of joy.

"Now I can rebuild a better one!"

"That's not the point, master, Bane is declaring war on you!"

"I know!"

Bruce jerked his own rope.

"It's not night yet, it's not the time to clean him up!"

Chen Mo kept his word, and stayed until the night was dim. After dinner, he put the two of them down from the streetlight, and then Bruce Wayne rushed into the safe house like a breeze, poured some energy bars into his mouth, and began to change his battle suits , ready to attack, and Ah Fu is also facing the enemy, although he will not attack with Bruce, but he still has important responsibilities, Batman's thirty Batmobiles are all controlled by him!

"This is much more powerful than a fist!"

Said Alfred, who fired rubber bullets from a Gatling gun to wash the gangsters' hair.

And when the master and servant were busy, Chen Mo was not idle. Although he was very happy to see Bain and Batman fight, but ordinary gangsters bullying the common people would definitely not be able to bear it.

Although Gotham under Bane's control is no different from the usual Gotham, Bane's mercenaries will not deliberately restrain the prisoners in the prison, at most they will keep these guys from appearing in front of them.

And the prisoners who have lost control are like huskies who are having fun. Groups of three and four carry weapons and are about to come to the door to post with ordinary people. Perhaps because they have been with Bain for too long, the brain circuits of these prisoners have also begun to become abnormal. Instead of rushing to kill people and set fires when they broke into civilian homes, they forced those unlucky guys to play roulette with them, using a revolver loaded with six bullets, and letting the other party come first.

And when another unlucky guy was caught wanting to play this game, when he reluctantly pulled the trigger for his family, he found that he was not dead. He opened his eyes in horror, only to find that all the prisoners in his family... His head fell to the ground, and there was a bullet hole on the wall behind him.

"How is this going?"

The man asked his wife and children in horror, but the wife and children just shook their heads until a figure jumped into the window.

"Because I saved you!"

Chen Mo, who was wearing a battle suit, burned the corpse, and then left the opponent's weapon to the man to protect himself.

"Sir, are you Batman?"

When Chen Mo was about to leave, the man stammered and asked.

"No, I'm not Batman, I'm his big brother, Holy Light Superman!"

"Holy Light Superman?"

"Then what if we are in danger again?"

"Don't you have a gun in your hand, shoot him!"

"But what if there are many people on the other side?"

"Then you call out to the Holy Light Superman! A miracle will happen!"

After all, Chen Mo left. He killed less than [-] prisoners, which is not the average level of World War II. If he killed less prisoners, he would not be able to sleep well at night!
And Chen Mo's efficient removal also shocked Bain's mercenaries. They thought it was Batman who was playing tricks, so they took all the rescued civilians to the street on their own initiative, and then set up heavy weapons. Ready to send each other to heaven.

And those civilians who were tied up on the street felt that they were in danger, so they all shouted to the sky about the Holy Light Superman, and the mercenaries who heard it looked annoyed.

"What are you shouting for? You thought Superman would come to save you, right?"

"What Superman, Batman, he's here, I'm going to give him everything!"

The mercenary holding a big machine gun pointed at the civilians aggressively and said, not forgetting to get close to them and threaten them with the big gun in his hand.

However, what he didn't notice was that behind him, the men he brought fell to the ground one by one like dominoes, but no one heard any gunshots, the only thing he could see was , is the bullet hole in the forehead of these guys.

Knowing that someone was coming to rescue them, the civilians cooperated and pulled the mercenary leader to make amends and laughed. They didn't burst out laughing until a figure appeared.

"What are you laughing at?"

The mercenary leader looked puzzled, and when he turned his head, his head was stuck on a sharp and hard object.


Looking at the rpg rocket launcher poked on his forehead, the mercenary leader stuttered and couldn't speak anymore.

"You, aren't you Batman?"

"Of course not, please call me Shengguang Superman!"

"What about Batman?"

"That's my little brother, boy, I heard you want to tease me, right?"

"I, you, it's all a misunderstanding!"

The mercenary leader, who was immobilized by the bullet, desperately explained.

"Misunderstanding, since it is a misunderstanding, it's okay, let me set off fireworks for everyone to cheer up!"

Then Chen Mo pulled the trigger without even looking at it. The specially-made rocket directly pierced through the body of the mercenary leader, and then took him into the sky. Finally, the bullet brought the guy's body and landed heavily in Gotham City. On the top of the building in the center, the warhead exploded immediately, and while the unlucky guy was blown to pieces, a pattern lined up by fireworks bombs was also exploded. It was a raised middle finger, facing Bain.

 Today is a change, I just came home after the exam, a lot of tired

(End of this chapter)

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