Chapter 11


Xiao Huohuo let out a scream. Originally, the other two contestants were not weaker than him, and the interruption of Yun Qi made him worse.

Falling to the ground, before passing out, Xiao Huohuo gritted his teeth and said, "Zhang bastard..."

"Yi Baihu, the winner——Zhang Chulan!"

Daoist Fude announced with a dark face.

He had never seen such a brazen person.

The audience in the auditorium was also dumbfounded.

"Fuck, what the hell!"


"Shameless Zhang Chulan!"


Lin Mo licked his lips and said in admiration, "Shameless than me."

Thinking about it carefully, it's actually not surprising. Zhang Chulan himself is not a decent family. Although he has some relationship with Tianshi Mansion, he has not been recognized so far.

So he doesn't need to care about the means.

As long as it can guarantee him winning the game, it doesn't matter even if he loses face.

The advantage of this is that Zhang Chulan didn't reveal any of his cards from the beginning to the end.

With just one mouth, he won the first game.

"Do you want to learn it?"

This idea appeared in Lin Mo's mind, but he was quickly denied it.

The two of them are different.

Zhang Chulan represents an individual, but Lin Mo represents Maoshan.

He didn't care, but Mao Shan couldn't afford to lose it.

In the next few games, Lin Mo only paid attention to two people.

Zhuge Qing, the successor of Marquis Wu of Zhuge, and the Taoist priest of Wudang Mountain.

Soon, it was time for him to be ready to play.

"The following four contestants from Wu Hei Xiong are invited to play!"

After Lin Mo entered the field, he looked at the other three players.

Two men and one woman.

Lin Mo cupped his hands and said, "Maoshan——Lin Mo."

"Emei——Zhou Tong."

"Yang's Martial Arts House——Yang Bao."

"Five Elements Gate——Wang Jian."

"The players are in place, the game begins!"

The four fought independently, with a distance of at least three meters between each of them, and no one made a rash move first.

At the same time, Maoshan patriarch Wang Zhiling and Lin's father who were far away in Maoshan were watching the live broadcast of the Luotian Dajiao.

"Look, my son is playing!" Mama Lin said excitedly.

Father Lin frowned and said, "It's not good, I met three disciples from a great sect in the first round."

"Emei is good at fast swordsmanship. It is said that Yang's Martial Art Museum is a descendant of the general of the Yang family, and the Five Elements School has practiced a set of Five Elements methods, but I don't know which attribute of the Five Elements that person is practicing."

Father Lin was very well informed, and got information on all the contestants before the competition.

Maoshan Patriarch Wang Zhiling stared at the big screen without saying a word, and was equally nervous.

Suddenly, a figure stumbled into the yard.

Shouted: "Old Ancestor, it's not good!"

Wang Zhiling looked at the person who came, it was one of the few disciples of Maoshan.

His name is Chen Peng, and he is nine out of [-] this year, but his cultivation is hard to describe.

"Xiao Chen, what happened?"

Chen Peng panted, "Old Ancestor, all the talismans in our treasury have been taken away by the younger brother!"

"Look at this..."

As he spoke, he took out a note with a few large characters written on it.

IOU: I borrowed 360 five talismans today.

——Borrower: Lin Xiaomo.

Note: I am not Lin Mo, and what I, Lin Xiaomo, took away has nothing to do with my elder brother Lin Mo.

Wang Zhiling: "..."

After a moment of silence, the patriarch Wang Zhiling said to Papa Lin: "This debt is on your shoulders, and all the missing talismans will be made up at the end of the year."

Papa Lin was stunned for a moment.

Cheating, this is cheating!

Looking at his wife for help, he couldn't let himself handle this matter alone, with so many talismans, he couldn't finish drawing them until he died.

Lin's mother was suddenly furious: "Okay Lin Dabao, tell me, who is Lin Xiaomo? Is he raising a mistress outside, and even has a son, I want to break up with you!"

"not me……"

Papa Lin wept bitterly, what was all this about, and then turned to look at the other ancestor.

"Don't look at the old man, I don't care about it. The old man only knows that he is your son. As the saying goes, the father's debt is paid by the son, and the son's debt is paid by the father."

"Don't make noise, they're going to fight..." the old ancestor Wang Zhiling stopped everyone, staring at the big screen without blinking.


The martial arts field at the back of Longhu Mountain.

The atmosphere among the four on the court was very strange, and none of them took the lead.

They are not familiar with each other. In this situation, whoever makes the first move will be attacked by the group.

In the end, the remaining three seemed to have reached some kind of agreement and decided to eliminate Lin Mo first.

Although Maoshan's reputation in the foreign world has weakened in recent years, who makes Maoshan still bear the title of a Taoist sect.

Compared with their sect, Maoshan must have the greatest reputation.

"Daozhang, offended!"

Holding the rapier in his hand, Zhou Tong tapped his toes on the ground and made a few sword moves in the air. With a soft drink, he quickly stabbed towards Lin Mo's position.

The other two are not to be outdone, and they are good at stunts when they make a move.

The Yang family's marksmanship, the Vajra Fist of the Five Elements Gate.

With the right time, place and people, Lin Mo at this time has lost his identity.

Seeing this critical moment, Lin Mo stretched his hands into his sleeves calmly.

A stack of talismans of the same style appeared in his hand.

With a shake of the hand, the talisman was instantly activated.

Dozens of fireballs rushed towards us.

"not good!"

The three of them suddenly felt bad, thinking it was some ultimate move, they all stopped their progress.

Wang Jian shouted, "I'm coming!"

"Vajra body!"

Wang Jian's skin turned pale golden in just one breath, a bit like the golden body of Buddhism.

"I heard that Maoshan is best at talismans. Today, I, Wang Jian, will see if your talismans can break my golden body."

"Open it for me!"

He clenched his fist and punched out.

The flying fireball was easily scattered by Wang Jian.

Seeing this, Wang Jian laughed and said, "I thought it was amazing, but that's it, I don't even have the qualifications to tickle me."

When the other two saw this scene, Zhou Tong swung his sword and cut off the nearest fireball.

Yang Bao swept a shot, and the three fireballs instantly dissipated in the air.

Lin Mo was not surprised by this. The magic talisman he took out just now is called the flame talisman, which is a kind of basic talisman in Maoshan. It doesn't have much effect, and it will only be used when lighting a fire.

Flame Talisman = Lighter

Another stack of talismans was thrown, and the same fireball flew in the air.

"Look at me this time." Yang Bao volunteered to stand up, with the spear in his hand like a long dragon.

"A light on the tip of the gun!"

Within three seconds, dozens of shots were fired.

Lin Mo didn't even frown, and waved dozens of flame symbols again.

Through the screen, Father Lin felt heartbroken.

"Prodigal, what a prodigal!"

Lin Ma sneered and said, "Why do you feel bad, you can draw hundreds of such low-level talismans in one night."

The three of them used their own methods, and the fireball was quickly scattered by them, unable to cause any damage at all.

Lin Mo said helplessly: "Really, there is no harm at all."

He threw dozens of talismans again casually.

For the same fireball, the three of Wang Jian felt a slight contempt in their hearts, and like the previous two times, they were about to disperse the approaching fireball.

However, at the moment they scattered the fireball, something happened.

The fireball was not broken up by them like the previous two times, but began to inflate and swell, and the next second the fireball exploded directly.

At the same time, fireballs in the sky exploded one after another...

The flames rushed toward us.

The three who were careless for a while were hit on the spot.

Lin Mo smiled slightly. This time he used the Zhongcheng Talisman Flame Explosion Talisman, which can be understood as an upgraded version of the Flame Talisman.

There is only one difference, and that is that the fireball will explode once it is attacked, or after waiting for a few seconds.

Of course, the harm is not too great.

Looking at the disheveled faces of the three careless people, Wang Jian was originally bald, so only his eyebrows were burnt away.

Yang Bao and Zhou Tong were a little miserable, their hair and clothes were burnt to varying degrees.

Zhou Tong screamed, and angrily shouted at Lin Mo: "You despicable and shameless bastard, you pay for my hair!"

Lin Mo clapped his hands: "It has nothing to do with me. You are the ones who want to hit my fireball. The fireball will explode when you hit it. Don't you understand this common sense?"

"Let's go, eliminate him first!"

Wang Jian said.

The three of them didn't hesitate this time, and rushed towards Lin Mo.

Especially Zhou Tong was full of killing intent.

Those who ruin my hair will be punished even if they are far away!
"Damn it, you're serious!" Lin Mo looked surprised, and flung the talisman wildly while backing away.

What flame talisman, flame explosion talisman, ice talisman, etc. were all thrown out by him...

In the panic, many talismans fell on the ground and there was no time to pick them up.

Wang Jian took the lead, running towards Lin Mo like a bull.

(End of this chapter)

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