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Chapter 119 Old Heavenly Master and Uncle Tian

Chapter 119 Old Heavenly Master and Uncle Tian

"I hope it's not what I guessed."

Lin Mo sent Liu Haizhu away, and was about to extinguish the candle when he heard footsteps outside the door.

"Junior brother, it's not in your character to look for that brat so late."

"'s not too late, the moon hasn't reached the top of the head tonight."

"I couldn't help but wonder what a young man who can make you go all out looks like."

"Don't listen to Lao Jiu's nonsense, has he seen the full strength of this old man?"

The door was pushed open.

The old heavenly master pushed an old man in.

Seeing Lin Mo who was standing on the ground, his expression was obviously stunned, and he subconsciously said: "Fuck, how did you stand up, it's unscientific!"

Lin Mo: "..."

Please, old master, you are the biggest unscientific, okay?

A person over 100 years old has terrifying strength.

Sometimes he feels that way.

All aliens in the world are cultivating martial arts, but only the old heavenly masters are cultivating immortals.

"I've seen Master, I've seen Uncle Tian!" Lin Mo cupped his hands respectfully.

The old master ignored it, and with a flash, he came to Lin Mo and grabbed his arm.

His complexion gradually became serious, and he kept saying, "No, this is wrong, it makes no sense at all!"

When he checked him in the morning, the old heavenly master concluded that he would not be able to get out of bed for three days.

It didn't take a day, not only the external injuries, but also the internal injuries were all recovered.

Simply unbelievable.

"There are other secrets in your kid."

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly: "Everyone has secrets, right?"

The old heavenly master rolled his eyes and didn't hesitate.

He was right, everyone has secrets.

No need to get to the bottom of it.

"Old Tian, ​​just ask if you have anything."

Tian Jinzhong looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "Boy Lin Mo, how is your old ancestor Chen in Maoshan alive?"


"It's okay, it's okay."

"During the day, I heard from the bald chubby boy that Lingyu joined the company and is now the deputy leader of some special operations team in the Northeast. Is his position high?"

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Yes, second only to the company's temporary workers. Brother Lingyu is under two people and above ten thousand people in the Northeast."

"Then I'm relieved." Tian Jinzhong said: "The child Lingyu has a pure personality and doesn't know how to adapt. I'm really afraid that he will be deceived accidentally if he loses the protection of Tianshifu. The hanging heart can finally be let go."

"I've been having nightmares these days. Sometimes I dream that Lingyu is sleeping under the overpass, and that Lingyu is being chased and killed. I have no money to eat and can only beg on the side of the road..."

Lin Mo: (;)
"Well, uncle, dreams are always the opposite."

"Brother Lingyu is the company's most powerful general in the Northeast. Not only does he get a high salary, but he also lives in a big villa. You don't have to worry about it at all."

"Besides, I'm his captain, and the brothers and sisters support each other, and I will take care of him."

Tian Jinzhong nodded in satisfaction.

"Cough cough..."

At this time, the old master said arrogantly: "Lin Mo, Zhang Lingyu has been expelled from the sect. He is no longer your senior brother, and his title needs to be changed."


Lin Mo is helpless, the old Tianshi is old, but his personality is like a child, is this really okay?

Didn't we agree to report on Zhang Lingyu's living conditions every week, preferably with attached pictures.

Tian Jinzhong persuaded: "Brother, this child Lingyu is also your favorite disciple after all. As the saying goes, a teacher for a day is a father for life."

"This master-student relationship can't be ended simply by expelling him from the school."

"Hmph! When he did that kind of thing, why didn't he think about my master? Why didn't he think about whether doing so would discredit the Tianshi Mansion?"

"Such an apprentice, don't mind!!"

Waving his sleeves, the old Tianshi turned his back to the two of them and looked very angry.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lin Mo suddenly coughed a few times, and said, "Master, did you expel Brother Lingyu from the teacher because Brother Lingyu helped Quanxing Xia He deal with the righteous way, and to give an explanation to the righteous people?" Door?"

The old Tianshi didn't speak, but Tian Jinzhong said: "Yes, Lingyu has indeed committed a big taboo, even if we want to cover it up."

"Whoever dares to go down the mountain will be expelled from the teacher's school, that's a piece of bullshit from this old boy."

"If the old man went down the mountain at that time, this old boy would dare to drive me out of the school when he came back?!"

"Give him ten guts and he wouldn't dare."

At this moment, the old heavenly master felt that he couldn't hold back his face, and said speechlessly: "I said, junior brother, can you save me some face in front of the juniors?"

" old guy with a wrinkled face like mine, what face do you need?"

In front of Tian Jinzhong, the status of the old heavenly master is very low.

Perhaps out of guilt in my heart.

Outside, the old celestial master can hate the sky and the earth.

Humans stop killing people, Buddhas stop killing Buddhas.

But in front of Tian Jinzhong, he is a kind brother.

"Master, uncle, if Brother Lingyu wants to return to Longhu Mountain just because of this, it is actually very simple."

"The Heavenly Master's Mansion can bring him back in a fair and honest manner, and no one will say anything."

Tian Jinzhong came interested: "How do you say that?"

The old master's eyebrows moved subconsciously, obviously his heart was not without waves.

"Actually... Xia He is my spy who broke into Quanxing's interior."

The old celestial master's gaze was like a torch, with an expression that you are teasing me.

Just kidding, Quan Xing is crazy, Xia He, the bone scraper, has a high status in Quan Xing.

"I'm telling the truth." Lin Mo shrugged, no one would believe the truth these days.

Indeed, Xia He has been developed into a secret agent by him, waiting for integrity is of no value, and there are many ways to clean up.

"When you see Senior Brother Lingyu again, you might have a little Lingyu with you." Lin Mo chuckled.

"That's right." Tian Jinzhong smiled, "If the old man can really wait until that day, I must recognize Little Lingyu as his grandson."

"Brother, how about you?"


The old heavenly master snorted coldly, pretending to be a gesture.

Tian Jinzhong ignored him, and suddenly asked: "Boy Lin, do you know the all-natured Lu Liang?"

Lin Mo was taken aback, hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"I remember the last time I met Lu Liang, he also gave me the opportunity to go to Longhu Mountain and asked me to replace him to thank you, and said that he would keep the secret and would not tell anyone."

Tian Jinzhong was very pleased and said: "That kid has a conscience, but thanks to him, I can finally sleep peacefully these days."

Over the years, those unspeakable secrets have weighed him down. Now that the secret is no longer a secret, he is inexplicably relieved.

Lin Mo looked at Elder Tian eagerly.

He was also very curious about the secret that Mr. Tian had buried for many years.

Tian Jinzhong seemed to see his thoughts, couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't try to know any secrets from the old man, if you want to know, just ask Lu Liang."

"Brother, let's go."

"Don't disturb the child's rest, haha..."

Watching the two leave, Lin Mo was speechless, his heart moved, he extinguished the candle, and made a call with his mobile phone.

Connected, but there is no sound from the other side.

He knew that someone was listening, so he immediately said, "Xiao Liangzi, it's me."

"Lin Mo?"

"I'm in Longhu Mountain now."


"I just met Uncle Tian Jinzhong."


"I told him you asked me to thank him and promised to keep it a secret."


"Ahem!" Lin Mo said casually, "Master Tian asked me to ask you about that secret."

"... Am I easy to deceive?"

"Cut, don't talk about falling down, do you think I really want to know?!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mo pouted.

What big secret can there be?

It can't be some ancient road in the starry sky, or a way to lead to the fairyland, I've read too many Zhetian novels.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the jungle.

An abandoned cabin left by a hunter.

Lu Liang put down his small phone, Xia Liuqing looked at him and said, "Who is it?"

"Maoshan forest ink."

Xia Liuqing was surprised and said, "Is it the successor of the Tongtian Talisman?"

"Yes... Lu Liang is not only familiar with Zhang Chulan, but also the successor of the Tongtian talisman."

"By the way, how about the successor of Tongtian Talisman?"

Lu Liang pondered for a moment, and said: "It seems to be good and evil, and I don't understand what I'm doing, but it's easier to get along with Zhang Chulan, who is duplicity."

"Boy from the Lu family." Mei Jinfeng said, "Zhang Chulan has agreed to go to Tangmen, but he will not be able to leave until a month later. What is your idea?"

(End of this chapter)

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