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Chapter 132 Tang Miaoxing's Plan

Chapter 132 Tang Miaoxing's Plan
Respectfully offering three sticks of incense to the ancestors, Tang Miaoxing left the room silently.

Came to a basement.

The space is so large that it extends in all directions, and the entire mountain was almost hollowed out by them. It was a secret passage dug out from the place where Tangmen was established.

There are several layers below.

There are not only many traps inside, but also several hidden passages for escape.

Not all forces dare to build on mountains.

As an assassination organization, the Tang Sect was disliked by most people in the past. The emperor of one of the dynasties even ordered the army to besiege and kill the Tang Sect.

If there is no such means of cunning rabbits and three caves.

Their Tang Sect has long since disappeared in the long river of history...

"Xiao Chen, go and bring Xia Liuqing to the interrogation room, I want to talk to him."

"Yes, principal."

Not long after, Xia Liuqing, whose hands were bound by iron chains, was brought over.

The room is not big, only two stools.

As soon as Xia Liuqing sat down, she couldn't wait to ask: "Where is Jinfeng, what are you doing to Jinfeng?!"

"She's fine." Tang Miaoxing said, "Xia Liuqing, I need to ask you a few questions. If the answers don't satisfy me, you will die now."

"Cut, it's like I said you would let us go." Xia Liuqing curled her lips in disdain.

"If the answer satisfies me, it's not that I can't let you go."

Xia Liuqing was taken aback by Tang Miaoxing's words, and finally looked squarely at the head of the Tang Sect.

"Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Tang Miaoxing said: "What is the purpose of you breaking into our Tang Sect this time?!"

"This." Xia Liuqing rolled her eyes, and said in a discussing tone, "It's not impossible to tell you, but I have a request."

"Let me let you go?"

"No, no, I just hope that I can be locked up with Jinfeng. Only in this way can I tell you."

Tang Miaoxing frowned, completely unable to understand why Xia Liuqing made such a request.

"Okay, tell me."

The corner of Xia Liuqing's mouth turned up, "Of course we are looking for a person who was declared dead by your Tang Sect decades ago, a person named Xu Xin."

Tang Miaoxing's expression changed slightly, he clenched his fists unconsciously, and said coldly, "Who knows about this?"

Xia Liuqing shook her head, "Everyone who came with us knows that unless you can catch them all, this matter is no longer a secret."


He never figured out why a secret known to only a handful of people in the Tang Sect would be discovered by all-natured people.

"What did you come to him for?"

Xia Liuqing refused to answer, and said, "Is this the second question?"

Tang Miaoxing's face darkened, "What are you doing?"

"Jinfeng and I are both hungry and need food. Also, you haven't fulfilled my first request."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm lying to you?"

"So what? Don't even think about it. We can worry about what you Tangmen have. Anyway, if you don't keep your promise, I won't say anything." Xia Liuqing had already made up her mind.

If Tang Miaoxing backtracked, even if he was killed, he wouldn't tell him anything.

It wasn't that he wanted to keep it a secret.

It was about his own safety. If Tang Miaoxing didn't keep his promise, he and Jinfeng would die when he was worthless.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Miaoxing stood up, walked out of the room, and said to the people next to him with a dark face: "Xiao Chen, lock him with another prisoner and feed them some food."


Just like that, Xia Liuqing happily walked towards Mei Jinfeng's room.

At the same time, he shouted to Tang Miaoxing who was not far away, "I will tell you the second question tomorrow morning."

Tang Miaoxing: "..."

Shaking his head, he knew that no matter what Xia Liuqing asked him now, he would not answer him.

This is really... not at all what a prisoner should be.

He figured out that Xia Liuqing is a stern-faced guy who will climb up whenever he finds an opportunity.

It was obvious he didn't want to kill them.

Time to think about what to do next.

Tang Miaoxing was distressed for a while. If Quan Xing spread the news that Xu Xin was still alive and in Tang Sect, their Tang Sect would definitely become the focus of the alien circle for a while.

After all, the Tang Sect admitted that Xu Xin had already died at the hands of the previous Sect Master.


He should consider the attitude of Director Zhao from the company.

In the past, the Tangmen, because they didn't have much interest in the company, had always been alone.

Do not take the initiative to make good friends with the company, nor do you make bad friends.

Suddenly, he had a bold idea.

If we can get the approval of Director Zhao of the company, not only can Xu Xin's problems be perfectly solved, but even the internal problems of their Tangmen disciples can also be solved together.

However, Tang Miaoxing hesitated.

He didn't know the attitude of the company.

If the company's attitude towards Xu Xin is that he would rather kill him than let him go, then he will be a sinner of the Tang Sect.

Still have to observe and observe.

"Zhang Chulan..."

Do you want to test the attitude of the company?

Tang Miaoxing calmed down for a moment, feeling that something was wrong.

A tired look appeared on his face, and the invisible pressure weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Now, the dispute between Tang Sect's inner and outer sects has reached a heated stage, and he and his outer sect Zhang Wang almost turned against each other because of their different ideas.

He knew that Zhang Wang's idea was safer.

Cancel the inner and outer gates and unify management, all for the better development of Tangmen.

But as the head of the Tang Sect, he couldn't agree.

In his opinion, the core of the Tang Sect has always been dominated by people with the Tang surname. If the Tang Sect is handed over to outsiders, the future of the Tang Sect will undoubtedly be handed over to unknown people, which is very scary.If the Tang Sect is destroyed by the Outer Sect at that time, Tang Miaoxing's crime will be serious.

Not all outer disciples are called Yang Lie.

The last head of the Tang Sect was Yang Lie, a disciple of the opposite sex from the outer sect, and the last head of the Tang Sect who died with Zhang Huaiyi.

He can change the surname of those outside disciples to Tang.

But he can't change the mechanism of the inner door and the outer door. This is the rule left by the ancestors, and it is the credit of their Tangmen's development to this day.

Things have developed to this day, he has mastered the disciples of the inner sect, and his younger brother Zhang Wang has mastered the disciples of the outer sect.

Now he puts all his treasures on the alchemy, and those inner disciples who disappeared from the outside are actually issued a long-term mission by him.

That is to practice alchemy.

It's a pity that practicing alchemy is extremely dangerous.

The probability of success is not high.

Was he... really wrong? !

In the dark stone room.

Wang Zhenqiu was sitting on a chair, his hands and feet were locked to the chair by heavy iron rings, and he couldn't move.

While bored, Wang Zhenqiu began to sleep soundly, as if he was not worried about his own safety at all.

It wasn't that he didn't want to move, but that the Xing Qi point on the back of his neck was restrained and he couldn't mobilize his Qi at all.

For more than ten minutes, the two outer disciples of the Tang Sect guarding Wang Zhenqiu saw the very honest Wang Zhenqiu through the small window on the door.

One of them wondered: "Strange, I thought he would yell."

"Isn't this better?"

The two sat in a corner and chatted.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Unbeknownst to them, a large piece of pink jelly came quietly in front of them and took out a small thing.

A faint fragrance came out.

After the two smelled it, they fell into a deeper sleep.

The big pink jelly suddenly showed a proud expression, stretched out a hand, squeezed in through the crack of the door, and opened the door from the inside.

Walk in generously.

He came behind the sleeping Wang Zhenqiu and took a needle from the back of his neck.

Wang Zhenqiu immediately woke up.

"Ball, the lock has been opened." Big Jelly could vaguely see something inside.

"The system has been brought for you, we can leave at any time..."

Wang Zhenqiu didn't move, and said, "It's not the time yet."

After moving his wrist, Wang Zhenqiu took some small tools that Big Jelly took out from his body, and said, "Leave first, find a place to hide, and don't let people find out."

"Aren't you leaving now?"

"No, anyway, I am also a temporary employee of the company, so I will be suspicious of the company if I leave like this."

Big Jelly was just about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said, "By the way, I saw that Northeast Lin Mo and Quan Xing mixed together."

"Are you sure?" Wang Zhenqiu's eyes sparkled.

"Well, although I just glanced at it from a distance, you know that I don't look at people's appearance. Although the other person's face has changed, his inner core has not changed."

"Oh, interesting!"

Wang Zhenqiu gave a low laugh, "If it's true, I've got something to do with you."

"Do you want to make a threat with a phone call?"

"It's exciting to think about it..."

(End of this chapter)

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