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Chapter 169 Lao Meng's Discovery

Chapter 169 Lao Meng's Discovery

Time passed little by little.

In a blink of an eye, another two hours passed.

Lin Mo and Chen Duo, who had been waiting for Lao Meng in the room, sensed something was wrong, because it had been two hours and twelve minutes since Lao Meng left.

"Strange, why is there no news at all?"

Lin Mo didn't dare to use the pager to contact him rashly, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

Before leaving, Lao Meng specifically told them not to contact him unless he took the initiative to call them with a pager. Naturally, Lin Mo would not do what the pig teammates in the movie did.

But this endless waiting is really annoying.

Suddenly, the pager on Lin Mo's shoulder rang.

Lao Meng's voice came from inside, and the voice seemed extremely hurried.

"Run away, escape as soon as possible!"

"This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy of the wolf clan!"

Go back to two hours ago.

After Lao Meng left the house, he noticed that there were a few indistinct prying eyes around him, and he immediately realized that it was the eyeliner of the wolf clan, so he ignored it, and Lao Meng wandered around the village as if nothing had happened.

During this period, the sense of peeping behind him never disappeared.

"Ow ooh..."

At this time, he found a little wolf cub crying on the ground, even if there were passing wolves around, they didn't pay attention to it.

Lao Meng stopped, walked over, squatted down slowly, stroked its head and said softly, "Little guy, have you been bullied?"

"No, no, my parents are gone," the little wolf cub cried.

"Well, didn't your parents tell you where they went when they left?"

"No, it's just that an uncle wolf said that it was Grandpa Wolf King who called them."

Lao Meng stroked the little wolf cub's hair, and said softly, "Don't worry, it must be your wolf king grandfather who needs your parents to do something, I believe they will come back soon."

Some comfort to the little guy.

Lao Meng didn't stay long, turned around and left.

As an outsider, it would not be a wise choice to have too much contact with this little guy.

Even with his back on his back, Lao Meng could feel a faint killing intent coming from behind.

Wandering around the village, Lao Meng found that none of the parents of those wolf cubs had returned, and even the wolf king was missing.

After asking a few wolves to no avail, Lao Meng had no choice but to try to get out of the village, but was stopped by the guards at the gate for various reasons, not allowing him to leave the village.

Just when he wanted to find out why, a couple of wolves came running from the village, and several guard wolves released them without stopping them at all.

This scene happened to be seen by Lao Meng, his eyes kept flickering, and he felt that he had caught a clue.

If you catch up with them, you may be able to discover the secret that the wolf king tried to hide.

But the problem now is that there are at least six wolves watching him in the open and dark, and the chances of sneaking away are very slim, and Lao Meng is a little anxious.

Suddenly, Lao Meng noticed seven or eight little wolves running towards this direction whining.

He kept yelling "Mom and Dad".

Lao Meng's eyes lit up, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said: "Sorry, that's the only way..."

Then, use qi to control the unsuspecting gray wolf around you, and control it to pounce on those little wolves.

"Hui San, what are you doing?!"

The companion yelled.

Seeing that several little wolves were about to die here.

The three black wolves who had been hiding in the dark and were ordered to monitor the three of Lao Meng finally couldn't help it, and jumped out from the dark, their limbs were wrapped in black demon power, and they were extremely fast, quickly subduing the gray wolf controlled by Lao Meng. wolf guard.

Pressing it under his feet, Gray Wolf quickly regained his sanity, and when he saw the wolf-eating eyes of his kind, he was shocked, "What are you doing, let me go!"

"You guy..." Stepping on the gray wolf, the black wolf leaned over to stare at it, gritted his teeth and said, "Say, why did you attack the child?!"

"What are you talking about?" The gray wolf felt very innocent at this moment, it didn't even know what happened before it was trampled under by the black wolf.

It knows the black wolf, it is the most elite assassin team of their wolf fairy clan.

Except for the orders of the wolf king, no one listened to them.

There was a hint of doubt in the wolf's eyes, and the black wolf also felt very strange. The wolves who could be arranged to become guard wolf soldiers in the village were all through training, and there was absolutely no problem with their loyalty.

Before it could figure it out, it suddenly discovered that the target person they had been staring at had disappeared.

"not good!"

The black wolf immediately understood that all of this was probably caused by the human, and immediately said to the side: "Hurry up and find, send a wolf to notify the wolf king, and the rest of the wolves will stare at the remaining two humans."

"Damn it, that old thing."

At this time, the black wolf was very angry. He had been tricked by a human. The anger spread in his mind, making him almost lose his mind.

Wolves are lonely, cruel, and above all strength.

It swore in front of the wolf king that it would definitely stare at those humans. Now, not long after that, a human used a trick in front of its eyes, and it didn't know where it went.

It made him feel a little ashamed.

Of course, it was more out of embarrassment.

At the same time, after Lao Meng caught up with the couple of wolves, he followed them all the time.

During this period, the wolf couple kept talking.

"Head of the family, what did the king tell us to do?"

"I do not know either."

"I haven't nursed the little ones yet."

"I can't die from hunger, let's go, don't let the king wait in a hurry."


Follow them, through the jungle, to a relatively hidden cave.

A black wolf stood guard at the door.

Seeing them coming, Hei Lang said: "Go in, the king is waiting inside."

At this moment, the male wolf couldn't help but asked: "Big cousin, can you tell me why the king is looking for us?"

Hei Lang said: "Don't worry, it's a good thing."

The wolf couple walked into the cave dubiously.

Lao Meng leaned against a tree, looked at the black wolf in front of the cave out of the corner of his eye, and did not act rashly.

What is going on in the cave is not clear.

He didn't want to force his way in.

I didn't listen to what they said, the wolf king was inside, who knew how many wolves were hidden inside.

But what is certain is that the secret that the wolf king wants to hide is in this cave without accident.

Next, there is a long wait.

Lao Meng turned into a seasoned hunter, without revealing a trace of breath, just like a stone.

A few minutes later, a black wolf came galloping.

Hei Lang didn't know what he said, so he ran into the cave, and after a while, the wolf king came out, Lao Meng locked his breath tightly, held his breath and concentrated, not daring to look directly at the wolf king.

As a beast master, he naturally understands the sensitivity of animals.

Especially the wolf, which is still a demon wolf.

If you accidentally look at it, there is a great possibility that you will be noticed.

And wolves have a very keen sense of smell.

At this moment, he was very cautious, a little carelessness would bring him disaster.

At the entrance of the cave, the wolf king felt a little bad when he heard the news that Lao Meng had disappeared, but he didn't panic, but gave two instructions.

One, let all the wolf soldiers in position in the village go out to look for Lao Meng's trace.

Two, don't touch the two people in the village, and send more people to watch each other.

The wolf king knows very well that he can fight against everything. It is definitely not something that they can fight against now.

Unless they hide in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains.

You must know that this is not the ancient times. At that time, human beings were not the protagonists of the world. The protagonists were their monster races. It was only after the rise of the human race that they drove their monster races into the deep mountains and old forests.

As time went by, how many disobedient monster clans were exterminated, the wolf king sighed, hoping not to make things big, otherwise, it would have to kill.

Not long after, the wolf king left, and two black wolves guarded the entrance of the cave.

Lao Meng was very anxious. Half an hour had passed, and he still hadn't figured out what happened in the cave. If he dragged on, it would only make things worse.

After another half an hour, he still didn't find a chance.

more than an hour later.

The wolf king came back, entered the cave, and when he came out again, Lao Meng's eyes lit up.

Because behind the wolf king, there was a group of big silver-white haired wolves, all of them were huge, generally a head taller than the wolf king.

The wolf king ran towards the west with them, and soon disappeared from Lao Meng's sight.

At this point, Lao Meng had two choices.

One, follow up and see what they are up to.Of course, there is a risk of detection.

After all, when he moved, the qi leaked out, and they might be aware of it.

Second, enter the cave, but it may fail.

(End of this chapter)

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