Chapter 180
"Old Zhang, don't you usually have a bad stomach? Now at a critical moment, why don't you?" Wang Zhenqiu said, "You have an idea!"

Zhang Chulan rolled his eyes.

"What can I do?"

"All conspiracies are vulnerable to absolute strength. I don't need to teach you this truth."

Zhang Chulan was speechless: "The five of us together have never beaten that woman, let alone she has a bunch of puppet thugs who can't beat her."

Xiao Zizai touched the slightly protruding part of the back of his head, and said helplessly, "It's too strong, that woman's strength is too strong, she can't react at all."

Thinking of the fact that they fought five against one last night, but were tortured and killed again, if the woman hadn't intended to kill them, their heads would have fallen to the ground by now.

Although he played very happily, he really didn't like the feeling of being tortured.

Instead, he prefers to torture and kill others.

"Everyone be quiet."

Zhang Chulan rubbed her temples, glared at Wang Zhenqiu, who was making noise at the side, and said with a serious face: "Everyone, listen to me, it seems that the other party has no plans to kill Lao Lin and the others."

"The other party wants to kill us, not to say it's easy, but it's not difficult, do you believe it?"

Wang Zhenqiu was silent.

He thought he was a genius in vain, even if his strength was not as good as Xiao Zizai's and the others, they were still about the same.

But he was abused by a woman, and it was still five against one, and he was completely defeated.

"I'm of two minds."

"First, what kind of conspiracy is the woman hiding, and what needs Lao Lin to do. From this point of view, at least Lao Lin and the others will not be in danger when they are finishing their work."

Zhang Chulan stretched out her finger and continued: "Secondly, I have been doubting the woman's motives all the time. I firmly believe that there will be no help for no reason in the world."

"Especially for strangers, it's definitely not a whim of hers that she grabbed Lao Lin. Also, I felt very strange when we were attacked by puppets yesterday."

"It's impossible for such a strong puppet master to not be famous at all. In contrast, I doubt her true colors even more."

"Old Zhang, what do you mean? Have you found other clues?" Wang Zhenqiu finally became serious.

"Well, I entered Thunder mode last night, and I could barely keep up with her speed. I had several physical contacts with her, and found that she didn't seem to be human." Zhang Chulan's eyes revealed a deep look.

"not human?"

"That's right, it's more like a puppet. The Leifa I drove into her body made her stop for a moment. I can feel that it's not a normal reaction of the human body."

"In retrospect, although she behaved like a human being, there was something different..."

Zhang Chulan said in a deep voice: "Of course, this is just my guess. It is also possible that she is wearing armor, which is why I feel that way."

"Puppet... By the way, she seems to have said some strange things before." Wang Zhenqiu clapped his hands and said to Xiao Zizai, "Brother Xiao, do you remember?"

"It seems that there is such a thing."

"I remember that Chu Lan seemed to ask her if she was not a human being." Xiao Zizai adjusted his glasses and said half-jokingly, "According to what you said, that woman is really a monster in shape, right?"

Zhang Chulan opened his mouth, speechless.

What he has seen these days has opened his eyes, the monster race, the mysterious Kunlun Mountains, and he has never been able to figure out how to get to the snow mountain after drilling a cave in the jungle environment.

Obviously, I didn't feel how far I went.

All of this seems unreasonable.

Now he can't guarantee that there are really no monsters in human form in the world.

"I don't know if you are a monster or not. What you hear is deception, but what you see is believing." Xiao Zizai said: "Her strength is indeed not on the same level as ours. In a fight, she probably won't win, but our goal is not to defeat her. Instead, she rescued Lin Mo and the others, Chu Lan, you usually have the most ideas, so think about what you can do."

"There is no way." Zhang Chulan thought for a while, and said, "As Brother Xiao said, we don't have to defeat her, we can find a way to trick her out, and then send someone to rescue Lao Lin and the others, but I still have to think about it." think."

"How to cheat, how to save, and find a way to bypass those puppets, it's not easy..."

Just as they were thinking of a solution, a familiar voice came.

"Hey, guys, what are you doing?"

Everyone followed the voice, and were stunned on the spot. Wang Zhenqiu jumped up directly, and said in shock, "Old Lin, why did you escape?"


"No, we walked out."

Lin Mo smiled proudly: "Brothers, you will never guess that Duo'er and I have met a fairy fate!"


Before everyone could understand, a group of puppets appeared behind Lin Mo, and Zhang Chulan said in surprise, "Be careful...!"

However, before he finished speaking, he saw a scene that made their world view collapse.

I saw all the puppets kneeling behind Lin Mo humbly on one knee, the corner of Lin Mo's mouth slightly raised, and said: "See, they will all be my little brothers from now on."

"Number One, come and Apple!"

"Number two, beat my back!"

"Number three..."

The screen returns to ten minutes ago...

"What? Is this the inheritance of Master Lu Ban?"

"Hey, why is there only the puppet chapter?"

Lu Xiaoman said: "Be content, the old man of this puppet chapter has no idea of ​​passing it on at all. He thinks this method is harmful to Tianhe. If it is used by bad people to mass-produce and form a puppet army, it will lead to the loss of life. He I will live in guilt for the rest of my life.”

Lin Mo asked suspiciously, "If that's the case, why did you pass it on to me?"

"How would I know?"

"By the way, senior sister, I don't know where our master went in the end?"

Lu Xiaoman snorted coldly, "Now you know I'm called Senior Sister? Little Junior Brother who isn't cute at all~"

After being arrogant, Lu Xiaoman was silent for a moment, and said in a lost tone: "I don't know, I just woke up not long ago, the old man buried me in the underground palace, and I don't know where he went after that."

"It's probably dead, after all, he's just a bad old man with a lifespan of only a hundred..."

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched, and he comforted him, "I think Master, the old man, should have ascended."

"Flying ascension?!"

"What did he use to ascend?" Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaoman's tone was extremely excited, "The old man doesn't even have the cultivation base of Yuan Dan, how could he ascend!!"

"There is no Yuan Dan? Impossible?!"

Lu Xiaoman said: "The old man was born into a family of craftsmen, and he was a monk halfway through. He only started to practice qi in his 30s and became a stranger. He has been fighting for Lu country all his life, researching various weapons, how can he have time to relax and practice?!"

"Afterwards, because the Lu State was defeated by other countries, and couldn't bear the destruction of its own country, it was time to study the puppet technique. Although the puppet technique was passed down in ancient times, corpses were mostly used as puppets."

"The old man couldn't bear it, and planned to replace it with other items. And I was the first puppet made by the old man." Lu Xiaoman pointed at himself and let out an inexplicable laugh.

"I am very grateful to the old man, because he gave me life. At the beginning, I was not like this. Later, after many modifications and upgrades, I got what I am now."


"Don't interrupt me." Lu Xiaoman said in a blunt tone: "You have learned puppetry yourself, and you don't have to deny it. Except for me, no one will put the core of a puppet in the eye position, let alone you refine it. The puppet's technique is very skillful, which means it's not the first contact."

"I originally wanted to pass on the Luban secret technique to you, but I learned from you that the magical machine you mentioned turned out to be the complete version of the Luban secret technique, which even includes a part of the puppet making technique..."

"I have nothing to teach you, but I can leave those puppets to you." Then, I threw a palm-sized ball to Lin Mo, "This thing is the controller of those puppets. With it, I can let you Child controls multiple puppets."

"What the old man told me has been completed, and I am also going to go to the outside world to have a look and enjoy the scenery of a unified country that the old man said."

Then he explained a few more words and left.

Watching Lu Xiaoman's leaving back, Lin Mo smiled wryly, it really is a trip that just goes away.

Chen Duo walked up to him at this time, and said, "Why don't we let Senior Sister take us out of here?"

Lin Mo: "..."

Do not! ! !
Senior sister, come back quickly! !

(End of this chapter)

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