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Chapter 192 Hallucination, unscientific

Chapter 192 Hallucination, unscientific
Zhang Chulan narrowed her eyes, "Tell me, what information are you hiding that we don't know about?"

"We are grasshoppers tied to a rope now, I hope you can be honest with each other."

Hearing this, Lin Mo immediately rolled his eyes, as soon as he heard it, he knew that this guy was deceiving him.

If he was really sure, it would not be a showdown with him alone, but to expose him face to face.

However, this is not more interesting.

"Old Lin, you are talking!" Zhang Chulan saw Lin Mo shut his mouth, and his tone was a little anxious.

He couldn't figure out why Lin Mo was so calm at this time.

Why is he so calm?
"It's settled, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

Lin Mo said: "It's useless to panic. If panic can solve the problem, I'll cry for you now."

Zhang Chulan: "..."

Lin Mo is really not in a hurry. First, it's useless to be in a hurry, whether to get out or not.

Second, if he really can't get out, he will stay here to practice at worst, and become an outsider.

As for the human world, he can contact Lin Xiaomo in the underworld and ask him to find a way to help.

Thirdly, make a bad move, abandon your physical body, and leave here through the gate of hell...

There are many ways to retreat, so Lin Mo didn't panic.

Of course, this cannot be told to Zhang Chulan.

Seeing Zhang Chulan's impatient and aggrieved expression, Lin Mo felt it was funny for a while.

Suddenly, Lin Mo stopped.

Zhang Chulan asked strangely, "Why don't you leave?"

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and pointed forward, "Look, is there a figure there!"

"Where is it?" Zhang Chulan looked quickly.

On a big tree in front, there seemed to be a real figure floating.

Suddenly, Zhang Chulan felt creepy.

"Isn't it Ah Piao?"

Lin Mo said: "If you go and have a look, you will know."

Walking over in stride, Zhang Chulan had no choice but to keep up, but her heart was vigilant.

Anyone who encounters this situation can still arouse curiosity as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Chulan didn't know whether Lin Mo was a bold man with a high skill or a fearless ignorant man.

Come to think of it, it shouldn't be the latter.

When the two arrived, they saw a piece of clothing hanging on a branch, fluttering in the wind, making them mistakenly think it was a figure in the distance.

Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief, it would have been better if it hadn't been Ah Piao, and hurriedly urged: "Lao Lin, let's go there quickly, don't make everyone wait in a hurry."

"Don't you think it's strange?"

Lin Mo said suddenly.

Zhang Chulan was taken aback, "What's so strange?"

"The plants here are so lush, but when we came here, did we see an animal?"

Lin Mo's words made Zhang Chulan's somewhat chaotic mind flashed a bolt from the blue.

Lin Mo muttered in a low voice: "It's too quiet, I obviously didn't feel the wind, why does this piece of cloth float up..."

Zhang Chulan was sweating coldly. After being reminded by Lin Mo, she stared blankly at the hanging on the branch, fluttering like a cloth blown by a strong wind.

Fear, intense fear welled up in my heart.

It's not normal, it's so abnormal here!
"Is it a hallucination, or an abnormality?" There was a trace of struggle in Lin Mo's eyes, as if he was fighting against some kind of consciousness.

At the critical moment, Lin Mo's consciousness seemed to have reached a certain limit. He only heard the crisp sound of the mirror shattering. Lin Mo opened his eyes again, and the scenery in front of him changed slightly.


A white light flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the surrounding woods, streams of conscious white mist emanated from the plants, and every breath he took made him feel a bit of relaxation.

Lin Mo immediately held his breath and saw Zhang Chulan who was not aware of it at all. Zhang Chulan seemed to have not seen him, and said to the air beside him, "I don't care about you anymore, I'll go back and find everyone first." .”

Then, began to stand still.

An angry look appeared in Lin Mo's eyes. He should have thought a long time ago that with such a strong aura of heaven and earth, how could it be possible for these plants not to become refined.

It does not mean that only animals can become sperm.

Plants do the same.

It's just that it's very difficult for plants to become refined.

If animal essence is normal mode, then plant essence is hell mode.

That being the case...


Lin Mo clapped his palms together, and the crimson lightning spread around.

Many tiny consciousnesses in the white mist were instantly wiped out under the attack of lightning.

Zhang Chulan screamed, but was hit by Lin Mo's lightning. Fortunately, Lin Mo didn't target him and didn't use all his strength. Afterwards, he would at most pee his pants afterwards.

After waking up in a short time, Zhang Chulan's bewildered eyes were full of dullness.

Consciousness sinks into brief unconsciousness...

Grabbing Zhang Chulan, Lin Mo ran towards the people who fell on the ground not far away.

It turned out that he and Zhang Chulan hadn't walked a few steps away at all, everything was an illusion.

Looking at the faces of the people with various expressions, Lin Mo reached out and snatched the small flag from Lao Meng's hand, and swung it with all his strength, a white light covered everyone, and everyone disappeared in place.

In the same place, there are no towering trees that are dozens of stories high around, only some dry woods.

Those woods are like withered flowers, and there is a dead silence around them.

After they disappeared, a small sapling broke through the ground, and a pattern resembling a human face appeared on the leaves, emitting silent anger.

Obviously, the disappearance of the prey made it feel very bad.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, all nutrients are turned into its nourishment.

If Lin Mo were here at this time, he would have found this little sapling, whose monster power was so powerful.

The screen turns.

The figures of Lin Mo and others appeared in front of an ancient temple.


Before he could recover, a sharp voice sounded in the sky.

Lin Mo suddenly raised his head, only to feel a black shadow covering the sky flying over his head.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a big golden-winged bird.

Spread those wings, covering the sky and the sun, the whole figure is as big as a hill.

In the eyes of the big bird, Lin Mo and the others may be a few ants that are not enough to fit between their teeth.

Seeing such a huge monster made him jump with fear.

Difficult to deal with.

After carefully looking at the surrounding environment, they should be in a valley.

There are piles of rocks and weeds everywhere.

Staring at the ancient temple in front of him, Lin Mo didn't dare to be careless for a moment.

Not long after, Zhang Chulan woke up first, and asked confusedly, "What happened?"

At this moment, he was still in a dazed state, as if drinking a fragment.

"Hey, wake up, wake up, wake up." Lin Mo pushed the others, but seeing that there was no response, he drew a few Five Thunder Talismans in the air.

After a burst of electric shock treatment.

Everyone woke up one after another.

A few minutes later, Xiao Zizai's expression changed slightly, and Wang Zhenqiu said with a look of shock: "Illusion, we have been tricked without knowing it."


A roar pierced the sky.

A long dragon flew into the air and started a fight with a big golden-winged bird.

Lin Mo complained: "This is very unscientific."


Zhang Chulan looked disgusted, science has been trampled here, okay?
"Strange, that house looks like an earth temple."

Pointing to the ancient temple in front of him, Wang Zhenqiu eagerly said, "Would you like to go in and have a look, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

"Ha ha……"

Lin Mo turned and walked in the opposite direction.

In such a strange environment, when encountering a strange ancient temple, this person knows that there is something wrong.

Curiosity can kill.

However, he wanted to leave, and God didn't seem to want to let him go.


The door of the closed ancient temple was instantly opened.

A strong suction swept over, and everyone didn't even have the strength to resist, they were sucked in.


The door closed again.

From a distance, the ancient temple looks like a big mouth that eats people.

Pfft! !

Pfft! ! !
Everyone fell to the ground, got up quickly, and guarded their surroundings.

However, there was no surprise as they imagined.

In the ancient temple, there is only one statue and a few cushions.

His eyes turned to the statue, which was extremely familiar.

This is... Taishang Laojun?

The old man, with a kind face, is riding a stone ox, holding floating dust in his hand, facing west...

Isn't it exactly the image of Taishang Laojun!
Lin Mo looked, and he felt that Laojun seemed to be smiling at him.

Although it was very weird, it made Lin Mo's heart extraordinarily calm, without any disturbance.

"The door won't open."

Zhang Chulan tugged at the door hard, but it didn't loosen at all.

Obviously there is no lock, but it cannot be opened.

"I come!"

Xiao Zizai took half a step with his right foot, and slapped the door with his palm, but there was no reaction.

Lin Mo didn't care about them, but just stared at the old gentleman's statue in a daze, and didn't move away for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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