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Chapter 205 Company Members Killed

Chapter 205 Company Members Killed
Time passed little by little.

The next day, the sky is full of one pillar.

Waking up early in the morning, Lin Mo couldn't help frowning slightly.

Strange, he waited for a whole day, there was no reason for the altar to move at all.

Are the people outside so slow?

Depending on the situation, wait another day.

Lin Mo and the others sat on the ground and did not look for a place to live. After all, they still had enemies. They used the sky as their cover and the ground as their bed, and they could respond quickly to any situation.


Outside, you can get anywhere.

Zhao Fangxu punched the table, and the veins on his forehead popped out. Outside the door, passers-by could vaguely hear some voices, "Bastard, the guy who eats inside and out" and so on.

It is conceivable that Zhao Fangxu was furious at this time.

"Old Zhao, things have already happened, and getting angry can't solve the problem, and getting angry will hurt your health." The old woman in red persuaded with concern: "If you have problems with anger, the one who is happy is not the enemy."

Zhao Fangxu calmed down, and said helplessly, "You're right, I just didn't expect that the inner ghost is really a member of the board of directors, and I didn't even expect that they would do this."

Just two hours ago, all members sent by the company to search and rescue Lin Mo and others in the Kunlun Mountains were killed.

Of course, not Zhang Lingyu's group.

It's the second batch, the team that set off yesterday.

Zhang Lingyu and the others lost contact after entering the ice cave a few days ago. They belonged to the kind of people who could not see the dead or the dead, but Zhao Fangxu knew that they were probably still alive, but the situation might not be too good.

According to Mao Shan, once you enter the ice cave, you will be trapped there unless you find a real exit.
The problem is, it is said that there are countless dead ends inside the ice cave, but there is only one way of life, and that way of life will move.

Unless luck is against the sky, or you have the means to deal with this situation...

The old woman in red was silent at this moment.

There is an inside ghost in the company, she is true, and she has communicated with Zhao Fangxu many times, the identity of the inside ghost is most likely a few members of the board of directors.

There are six people on the board of directors.

She, Chairman Zhao Fangxu, Huang Boren, Bi Youlong and two old guys who have no sense of existence.

Excluding her and Zhao Fangxu, the inner ghost is among the other four.

They are all Zhao Fangxu's friends, and she can imagine how complicated Zhao Fangxu's mood is at this time.

Being backstabbed by a friend definitely doesn't feel good.

Zhao Fangxu suddenly said: "Get in touch with the first batch of members who have not entered the ice cave, and ask them to send 1 or 2 people to find the ice cave and let them take up the task of the second echelon."

"Also, tell them the news of the sacrifice of all the second echelons, and tell them to be careful!"

"Well, I'll do it now."

The old woman in red left the room and closed the door behind her.

With hands behind his back, Zhao Fangxu looked out the window and looked up at the sky again, feeling extremely heavy.

The first echelon set out with a total of 12 people, eight of whom entered the ice cave the day before yesterday, and only four members stayed outside to keep in touch with the company.

His original plan was to let the company members who stayed in the village at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains form a group of five again and serve as the second echelon to rush over.

Unexpectedly, he was intercepted and killed in the Kunlun Mountains.

Not only did they die, but an archaeological team arranged to follow them was not spared either.

He originally thought that even if those old friends betrayed the company, it was just a moment of confusion. Unfortunately, the opportunity was given to you, but you didn't cherish it.

Zhao Fangxu already had a candidate in his mind.

Now the evidence is missing.

[Er Zhuang: Chairman, I found out, it's just the identities of those people...

Zhao Fangxu said: "Is there anything you can't say?"

[Er Zhuang: No, their identities are all low-level ordinary people.There is no chance to contact aliens, and it is impossible to become aliens. 】

[Er Zhuang: They don't have a lot of social contacts, they are all the kind of withdrawn men with a little money.No relatives, few friends, withdrawn personality...]

"Is it the person behind Ma Xianhong?" Zhao Fangxu's tone could not detect any emotion.

[Er Zhuang: No accident, it should be. 】

Zhao Fangxu raised his palm slowly, and gently pressed it against the tempered glass. In the next second, the smooth glass curtain wall was already full of cracks.

The entire glass wall was shattered by the shock.

Looking at the tempered glass curtain wall that has been broken into slag inside, but the surface is not deformed at all.

Zhao Fangxu murmured: "The furnace for self-cultivation..."

This time, he was really angry.

"Er Zhuang, news about the inner ghost..."

[Er Zhuang: At about [-]:[-] pm yesterday, Bi Youlong made a call to the person in charge of Central China, and the call lasted twelve minutes.

At about 37:51 last night, Huang Boren called the manager of the company's financial department. The call lasted three minutes and [-] seconds.

At around 3:10, Huang Boren gave Jianghu Xiaozhan Muyou and Xingyao Club President Qu Tong the approval respectively, and the time did not exceed [-] minutes. 】

[Er Zhuang: They all use the latest anti-tracking satellite phones, so we can't find out what they communicated. 】

"Where are the other two?" Zhao Fangxu asked.

[Er Zhuang: No move, other means that I haven't checked are not ruled out. 】

"Well, it's already very good." Zhao Fangxu's voice was a little tired, "Er Zhuang, please contact Xia He for me, just say that I want to meet Ma Xianhong."

【OK. 】


Northwest, in a small mountain village.

The disappearance of Lin Mo and others could not be hidden from some well-informed people.

After all, there are not one or two missing people.

And the status is not ordinary.

Even though the company tried its best to cover it up, it still didn't hide it for a few days.

Feng Zhenghao from the Tianxiahui and Lu Jin from the Lu family all appeared in this remote mountain village today.

"Senior Lu, it's been a long time." Feng Zhenghao laughed and cupped his hands.

Lu Jin nodded slightly, with a hint of worry in the corners of his eyes.

"The two grand masters are here, and we are far away to welcome you."

At this moment, Hua Feng, the person in charge of the Northwest, drove over with a tired face.

Lu Jin said: "Lao Hua, we are all acquaintances, so let's talk about what's going on now."

"This..." Huafeng was helpless, but the chairman had already greeted him before he came, so he didn't hide it. Lin Mo and the others disappeared, the company sent people to look for them, and finally the company members were intercepted and killed, etc. They all said it out loud.

Of course, he only confessed what he knew.

As for what they don't know, let them ask the chairman themselves.

"Grandpa, brother Lin Mo won't..."

Lu Linglong was very worried and flustered, maybe she didn't even notice it.

But Lu Jin saw it, and felt a little uncomfortable. After raising the little cabbage for so many years, he didn't know when the cabbage heart was stolen.

Damn pig... Lin Mo!
At this time, Lin Mo turned into a wild boar who stole cabbage, quietly broke into his vegetable garden, and stole the cabbage he had cultivated with great difficulty.

Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable.

If Lin Mo's life and death were not uncertain now, Lu Jin would have issued a hunt and kill order long ago.

He has already decided that as long as Lin Mo can come back alive, he will take Lu Linglong to Maoshan to ask for an explanation.

He must be given a satisfactory explanation.

"Great-grandfather, great-grandfather?"


Lu Jin came back to his senses and found that other people were looking at him with strange eyes. He coughed dryly and said, "I'm getting old, I accidentally lost my mind just now, Xiao Lin, did I say anything strange?"

"Uh...does the hateful pig count?"

"Grandpa, you just kept muttering about such a nasty pig and cabbage."

"Are you hungry for pork stewed cabbage?"

Lu Jin: "..."

Half an hour later, the aroma of pork stewed with cabbage wafted from the village.

"Zhenghao, I didn't expect you to come too. Are you interested in Kunlun Mountain?"

"Mr. Lu was joking, Kunlun Mountain is the most famous and mysterious mountain in China, who is not interested in it?"

Feng Zhenghao smiled, changed his voice, and continued: "But I am not here for Kunlun Mountain this time, but for Maoshan Mountain, please send some people to rescue Lin Mo boy. How can I refuse this kind of thing? Come here with your children yourself."


Lu Jin frowned slightly, he didn't expect Mao Shan to ask for Tianxiahui.

Strange, when did the two of them get in touch?

One is in North China and the other is in East China.

Where did the friendship come from?

Needless to say, the president of Tianxiahui, Feng Zhenghao, is one of the ten guys, and he is in full swing.

As for Maoshan, it gradually declined.

If Lin Mo hadn't appeared in recent years, Mao Shan's presence in the world of aliens would have been even lower.

(End of this chapter)

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