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Chapter 22 Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye's Means

Chapter 22 Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye's Means

"Brother, let me forget about it, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"Don't you care if that kid from Chu Lan meets Tangmen?" Jinzhong old man said while sitting in a wheelchair.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Whether they can pass the test depends on their own good fortune. So what if I go? Can I help him in the competition?"

"Junior brother, let me test you." Zhang Zhiwei stared at Feng Baobao below and said, "Tell me, what method is that little girl on the field using? What school did you learn from?"

"This..." Jin Zhong looked at it for a while, then shook his head and said, "I really can't see it. This little girl's movements are messy. It is said that such an action full of flaws has long been defeated. This little girl can always be at the key point." Time to escape the fatal blow."

Lu Jin said: "The only thing in your eyes is Zhang Chulan, the grandson you recognized yesterday. How can you notice other things? Let me remind you, when you first saw her yesterday, you didn't notice her eyes..."


Zhang Zhiwei reminded: "You can look into my eyes."

Jin Zhong opened his eyes wide, staring at Zhang Zhiwei's narrowed eyes, and said, "Senior brother, where are your eyes? I can't find them."

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"No matter how talkative you are, do you believe that senior brother threw you down from here?"

Jin Zhong chuckled: "Just kidding, I know what you mean. Senior brother, with your pure cultivation for nearly a hundred years, you no longer have the brilliance of ordinary qi practitioners in your eyes. At first glance, you look like ordinary people. This is called returning to basics, right? .”

"But how is this possible? How old is she!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "So I think it's just her natural and wonderful roots."

Lu Jin smiled and said, "Hearing this, could it be that the old heavenly master wants to accept disciples?"

"Let's forget it. It's already very troublesome to discipline the current apprentices. Another one will exhaust me to death." Zhang Zhiwei shook his head.

"Lingyu worshiped me as a teacher as a closed disciple back then, but seeing this girl, I really want to reopen the mountain gate..."

On the field.

Feng Baobao and Xiao Xiao have reached a critical moment.



"Continuous Creampie!"

Xiao Xiao was taken aback, looking at the dozens of qi balls flying in the sky, fortunately, the speed was not too fast, so he dodged narrowly.

"It seems that I can only use that trick!"

Xiao Xiao thought to himself, his innate ability comes from the second general Hunha, who can blow the soul out of the body by blowing air, and even blow the soul directly to disperse the soul.

However, because this trick needs to use the nose to spray special qi to attack, it has an inhalation process.

It can be understood as short-term charging.

Feng Baobao seemed to notice this, and used this limitation to continue to consume.

If you can't blow the air and spray it on people, you can't play its characteristics.

But he still has a hole in his hand.

That is to release air blowing with your mouth to achieve an unexpected effect.

Xiao Xiao opened his mouth slightly, and gently began to inhale through his mouth.

A puff of air gathered in his throat.

But Feng Baobao soon noticed this, and his body reacted immediately.

Instead of retreating, he approached Xiao Xiao at the fastest speed.

This is her?
not good!

Oops, I can't stop it!
Xiao Xiao seemed to understand what Feng Baobao wanted to do, and it was too late when he wanted to back off.

Feng Baobao jumped up, tightly covered Xiao Xiao's mouth with both hands, and blew air into his mouth to explode.

A white smoke flew out from Xiao Xiao's mouth, at this time Xiao Xiao stood motionless on the spot.

Jin Zhong was surprised: "Look, the child's soul has been scattered!"

Zhang Zhiwei sighed and said, "This air blow was held in Baobao Feng's body and exploded. It's really a bunch of little brats. Fortunately, there is an old man here today..."

Just when Zhang Zhiwei wanted to go down to rescue the scene, Lu Jin said: "Don't worry, don't worry, when it's really hard to solve, it won't be too late for the old master to take action."

Zhang Zhiwei frowned and said, "Old Lu, this Xiao Xiao is your disciple if I remember correctly."

Lu Jin smiled without saying a word.

Of course he wouldn't just watch his current strongest disciple die like this, even if he didn't need the old Heavenly Master to take action, he could still save him.

In fact, he was very angry in his heart, and died of being backlashed by his own strength. Although he looked gentle and elegant as a disciple, he had a lot of arrogance in his heart.

If he and the old heavenly master were not here today, Xiao Xiao might really die so uselessly.

Wait a little longer, if there is no one on the field who can save him, he will go off the field himself.

Looking at the motionless Xiao Xiao, Feng Baobao felt as if he had gotten into trouble.

Looking at the qi floating around him, Feng Baobao took two steps forward, then opened his mouth wide, and inhaled forcefully.

Xiao Xiao's dissipated soul and energy were sucked into Feng Baobao's mouth together.

Lu Jin was taken aback when she saw this scene, then laughed loudly and said, "Interesting, this little girl is really cute and silly, to think of such a way."

At this moment, Zhuge Qing jumped down from the auditorium.

"Four sets and a formation!"

Spreading his hands, a blue light curtain invisible to the naked eye enveloped the entire arena.

Under the combination of four sets, it can block the energy lost in the formation. Its original purpose is to absorb the energy scattered by the opponent and the self-use exercises in the hand-to-hand combat. It belongs to the auxiliary formation.

Zhuge Qing frowned and said: "The key issue now is how to take back the souls scattered on the field. The ordinary Xunzi Jue is probably enough..."


Wang also jumped down and landed not far from Zhuge Qing, speechless said: "I said, you people in the city really know how to play."

"Cloud Hand!"

Next, Wang Ye started rubbing his hands in the air.

A powerful suction slowly emerged between his palms, and Xiao Xiao's dissipated soul and energy in the field were kneaded into a ball by Wang Ye.

Wang also yelled to Feng Baobao: "Hey, Feng Baobao, spit me out of your mouth too!"


Feng Baobao's face was flushed, and he vomited towards Wang.

"I rub—!"

Wang Ye kept rubbing his hands back and forth. Fortunately, this guy's soul flew away not long after, he merged Xiao Xiao's soul with Qi, and finally threw it towards Xiao Xiao's soulless body.


Xiao Xiao screamed, and sat down on the ground, his eyes were red, and he breathed in fresh air.

Just as he was about to say something, Xiao Xiao felt his mind spinning, and the next second he passed out.

Wang also breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, he has returned to his soul, let him have a good sleep..."

Zhuge Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Ye. This Taoist priest is very unusual.

"The winner—Feng Baobao."

"The contestants at the end of the game will leave, Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye, you don't have to leave, the next game will be you, let's start the game directly."

in the audience.


Zhang Zhiwei said in admiration: "It's really scary for younger generations, it's awesome for younger generations!"


"Oh, it's our turn now?" Wang Ye looked listless as if he hadn't woken up.

Zhuge Qing said: "I admire Daoist Wang's cultivation, but he always looks unmotivated."

"Oh~ is it?"

Wang also chuckled, how do you know that the purpose of my coming here is to deal with you.

Recalling that a month ago, he heard that Longhu Mountain held the Luotian Dajiao. At first, he didn't want to go, but he changed his mind after a fortune telling that night.

He had to come for the Luo Tian Dajiao this time.

"If you say I'm not motivated, it depends on whom."

Wang also took the lead in attacking Zhuge Qing without any martial ethics.

Zhuge Qing kept avoiding, and suddenly he noticed Wang Ye's strange behavior.

"No, he spread palm power all over me, so that's the case, once I'm completely surrounded by palm power, I will fall into a passive state."

Naturally, Zhuge Qing would not allow Wang Ye to succeed so easily, he decided to retreat first, saying so far, Wang Ye is definitely the strongest person he has encountered.

As a qualified warlock, he would naturally not choose to fight in close combat unless it was absolutely necessary.

Keeping a distance and casting spells is the best attack method for warlocks.

Thinking is fleeting.

Zhuge Qing stepped back quickly to distance himself from Wang Ye, but Wang Ye stretched out a hand to grab the air forcefully.

One arm was stuck by Wang Ye's qi, and Zhuge Qing was pulled back abruptly by him.

Wang also sneered and said, "I caught you, come back!"

"Sun Palm!"

His other palm was covered with golden light, and he slapped Zhuge Qing's chest.

Zhuge Qing: "!!!"

At the critical moment, Zhuge Qing punched out.

Surprisingly, Wang Ye was sent flying by this punch, and he slid backwards for several meters before stopping.

Wang also licked his lips, "This strength is Bajiquan!"

(End of this chapter)

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