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Chapter 229 On Su Daji's Hidden Identity

Chapter 229 On Su Daji's Hidden Identity

"Baby, tell aunt the truth, is that Huang Long old man who tricked you into becoming an apprentice?"

"My aunt told you that the old Taoist Huanglong can't even support himself. If you are tricked into becoming his apprentice by him, be careful to become a little magic stick after eating the last meal." Ma Shiyu said earnestly, and then He also thought of a series of encounters after he married Jiang Ziya.

He was suddenly overshadowed, looking at a plate of unknown pickles and vegetables on the table in a daze.

It is hard to imagine that she is the daughter of Yuanwai, a well-known horseman in the village.

She doesn't ask Jiang Ziya to be a marquis or a prime minister, and to be a high-ranking official. She only hopes that he can have a skill, earn some small money, and live a good life.

A few days ago, Jiang Ziya's brother-in-law donated money to open a noodle shop for Jiang Ziya in the city.

It's just that after a period of time, the noodle shop not only failed to make money, but lost all of it.

I had no choice, so I made some bamboo baskets early in the morning and asked Jiang Ziya to sell them in the city.

But after several days in a row, Jiang Ziya didn't sell a few at all.

It's not that she doesn't understand the truth of sitting and eating.

Lin Mo glanced at the half-finished bamboo baskets on the ground, then looked at Huanglong Zhenren and Jiang Ziya standing in the yard, and persuaded, "Ma'am, let the two uncles come in, so that the neighbors will let people in." joke."

"Hmph, he's already become a laughingstock. I can't hear those people pointing and pointing when I walk in the village now. His face is long gone."

Ma said angrily: "What can I do, if I knew he was such a waste, I shouldn't have married him in the first place."

There is a lot of hatred for iron but not steel in the tone.

Even so, he still called Huanglong Zhenren and Jiang Ziya in the yard into the house.

Jiang Ziya's face was very ugly, and he sternly faced Ma Shi, and greeted Master Huanglong to enter the house.

Lin Mo blinked, and secretly said: "As expected, it was taught by a master."

Even though he thought so, Lin Mo was still going to say something good about Jiang Ziya, "Ma'am, I think Uncle Jiang has a late bloomer appearance, maybe Uncle hasn't met the noble person he is destined for."

Ma Shi looked at Lin Mo suspiciously, "Baby, you look like a little magic stick now."


"Ma'am, I'm telling the truth. Uncle doesn't look like a good manager." Lin Mo smiled wryly, he just wanted to persuade this aunt.

Looking at the Romance of the Gods, Jiang Ziya had two wives in his life. The first one is the one in front of him. He doesn't remember the second one.

Sins, sins, if this was placed in Lin Mo's era, ten years of imprisonment would be the base.

Given the age difference between the two, Jiang Ziya could be the other's great-grandfather.

Lin Mo is absolutely clear about Jiang Ziya's future achievements, he is the founding prime minister.

Ranked at the top of the ranks.

Proud of the world, I, Jiang Shang, are the gods.

"If my guess is correct, when uncle sells bamboo baskets in the city, he probably won't even know how to hawk."

"Sitting alone on the side of the road, not even knowing how to hawk, how can there be business."

Mashi's face was dark, and he didn't eat any food. He walked into the house, and there was a burst of fierce quarrels.

As a senior talent, Jiang Ziya, how could he have quarreled with Mrs. Ma, not to mention that he was wronged, and soon lost the battle and fell silent.

In the end, Ma Shi even cried in anger.

"I know you have ideals and ambitions, but we also need to eat. You don't even have the minimum living security now. If it wasn't for your righteous brother who rescued us openly and secretly, no matter how many ambitions you have, you will starve to death , do you know what people in the village say about you..."

"You always say that you will become famous in the future, but I don't see any hope."

Jiang Ziya was silent for a while.

Master Huang Long persuaded him from the side: "Brother, you are right. You are no longer alone. Brother, I am alone. I usually live without a fixed place. But you are different. If you don't think about yourself, you have to be a teacher." Brothers and sisters, think about it."

Jiang Ziya looked at Master Huang Long, his eyes seemed to say: Didn't the two of us be together just now?How do you say that mutiny is mutiny?
"I, I don't want to do this either, just like what that kid said, I'm not suitable for business." Jiang Ziya said sullenly, "I'll try tomorrow."

Master Huanglong nodded and said: "If you can't do it, you can go to the city to tell people's fortunes. Master has taught you."

Since the distance was not far away, Lin Mo could naturally hear the conversation in the room, and he couldn't help shaking his head when he heard that real Huang Long asked Jiang Ziya to tell his fortune.

It seems that the big show of burning the pipa essence is not far away.

I just don't know if this pipa essence is a real pipa essence or a stranger.

Presumably, it should be a stranger. As for monsters, Lin Mo has not encountered a monster that can transform into a human form so far.

If it is really a big monster who can transform into a human form, and Jiang Ziya is capable of practicing qi, even if he has a lot of supernatural powers, it is impossible for him to beat the big monster.


"Come, come, let me introduce you, this is from Taoism, Master Lin Mo." At the dinner table, Master Huang Long formally introduced Lin Mo to them.

There is nothing wrong with Mrs. Ma, it's just that Lin Mo is not Huang Long's apprentice by accident.

But Jiang Ziya was different, looking at him in surprise.

Daoist, that is the exclusive name for a golden core cultivator in the cultivation world.

In other words, the young man in front of him, who looked young, was actually a golden core power.

A sense of shame came over me.

I think that Jiang Ziya went to Kunlun at the age of 32 and worshiped Yuanshi Tianzun as his teacher. It has been 40 years.

It is only through his cultivation that he can refine Qi to reach the Great Consummation. This is due to the fact that his master often opened a small furnace for him on the mountain.

"It's Ziya who has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, so he didn't recognize that it was a real person in person." Jiang Ziya said with shame.

In the realm of comprehension, strength is the standard by which everything is measured, and the difference in strength is too great.

Lin Mo said: "Fellow daoist, you are being polite. I think fellow daoist is quite strong, and you come from a famous school. How could you be so poor? Fellow daoist, you can use some tricks casually, what do you want?"

He was telling the truth.

It should be noted that when Jiang Ziya and Jiang Taigong were fishing, they used the magical technique.

Like this kind of famous sect, they can make a lot of money by casting some spells casually in the world.

Whether it's robbing the rich and helping the poor (yourself), or joining the court, there are many ways.

"That's right, when we passed by Chaoge City, we heard that the Great King is recruiting strangers." Master Huang Long said, "With the method of junior brother, he will definitely be rewarded as an official."

Jiang Ziya shook his head and said, "Ziya doesn't bother to show off spells."

Lin Mo looked at Master Huang Long with doubts in his eyes. If he remembered correctly, Master Huang Long invited him to join Xiqi yesterday, replacing Shang with Zhou.

Why did you let Jiang Ziya join the Shang Dynasty and plan to let him dangle in front of Di Xin?

I'm not afraid that Emperor Xin treated each other with courtesy and fooled Jiang Ziya into the Shang Dynasty.

Judging by Jiang Ziya's appearance, the other party didn't know at all what Huang Long said about replacing Shang with Zhou.

It is estimated that he did not tell him for some purpose.

Lin Mo suddenly thought of an unlikely possibility.

That means Su Daji is the one who explains the teachings!
According to the news he got, Di Xin was a perfect emperor before marrying Su Daji.

Expansion of territories and development of civil and commercial businesses.

But since marrying Su Daji, she has completely changed, and the culprit is probably her.

If all this is a conspiracy by the interpretation...

All doubts seem to make sense.

It is very likely that Su Daji has an innate ability similar to Xia He's to confuse men.

Many people said that Di Xin was lewd and immoral, but Su Daji aside, there was only one empress and four concubines in Di Xin's harem.

He has only two sons.

Among the emperors throughout history, Di Xin is simply the most dedicated emperor.

Such an emperor, in the Romance of the Gods, turned into a foolish and tyrant who did all kinds of evil.

In the end is the distortion of human nature, or the decline of morality...

The Zhou Dynasty stood behind explaining the teaching, and the Shang Dynasty stood behind the intercepting teaching.

Behind it is the competition between the two religions.

If Su Daji was Chanjiao or was a partner with Chanjiao, then from Su Daji's point of view, what she did was reasonable.

Because Di Xin married Su Daji first, and then worshiped at the Nuwa Temple.

This is different from the records in the book.

Don't look at it as just a small time difference, but the result is quite different.

It is recorded in the book: Emperor Xin wrote obscene poems, and Empress Nuwa was furious, and sent Su Daji to deal with cholera.

But now it seems that all of this is caused by the people behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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