Chapter 42
It is worth mentioning that Wang has also been removed from Wudang Mountain, and the reason is temporarily unknown.

Otherwise, Wang Ai and Chen Jinkui would not have dared to deal with him so impatiently.

Compared with Wang Ye who can't sleep, Lin Mo's life is much better.

Because he followed the old celestial master down the mountain, Lin Mo was happy to get a new title, Lin Mo, the Little Killer God.

Just because most of the [-]% of the young people in the Southwest Region died at his hands, even though he also possessed one of the Eight Miraculous Skills, no one dared to trouble him.

Of course, it may also be because of Guan Erye's deterrent power.

Or the deterrent power of the company.

The combination of various conditions has led to the fact that no one dares to mess with Lin Mo now.

"Life is really lonely like snow."

Lin Mo sat on the balcony, sipped tea, and looked at the rising sun.

With the second master as the bodyguard, even those old antiques must be weighed and weighed.

At this time, he is quite a villain.

Suddenly, a gleam flashed in Lin Mo's eyes.

Goldfinger seems to be updated.

Let me be healthy, what a good thing to update.

【Yin Virtue: 97】

[Yangde: 1 (convertible)]

[First floor of the Great Cave Sutra of the Shangqing (81%/100%)]

[Please God Art (100%)]

【Fire and Lightning Natal Talisman (30%)】+
【Running Thunder Fist (18%)】+
【Golden Light Curse (9%)】+
【Tiantianlu (0.2%)】+
Lin Mo wondered: "It seems that nothing has changed..."

Before he finished speaking, a wave of strange memories rushed into his brain like a flood.

one breath...

two breaths...

Finally, I don't know how long it took.Lin Mo's face was serious, realizing the seriousness of the matter.

In that memory, all information about Goldfinger was recorded.

Yinde talisman, underworld work certificate.

The way of heaven is one of the four or nine escapes, and the reincarnation of the underworld will randomly select a person every once in a while to represent the underworld and reincarnate into the new world to establish reincarnation.

The heavens and myriad worlds, one eternal world, three thousand great thousand worlds, and countless middle thousand and small thousand worlds.

Mengpo soup is not a soup made by Mengpo.

It is a certain substance transformed by reincarnation, which can be understood as a certain rule.

It can completely seal the memory of the previous life.

Some scattered information kept washing Lin Mo's three views.

On-hook training is only a small part of the ability of the Yin Virtue Talisman. Its main function is to communicate with the ghosts and canonize the Yin God.

The birth of each new world will give birth to three administrators.

They are: the way of heaven, the way of authenticity, and the way of life.

Tiandao is responsible for managing the world and is the big boss.

Genuine is responsible for the posthumous work and is the second boss.

The Dao of Life represents all living beings, represents the protagonists of heaven and earth, and belongs to the three bosses.

Just like the world Lin Mo lives in, where human beings dominate, the way of life can be called the way of humanity.

Some worlds are dominated by demons, and they are the way of demons...

Yangde is actually the merit of the way of life, not the merit of the way of heaven that Lin Mo always thought.

For example, if Lin Mo is a human being, then he has the virtue of humanity. There is merit in doing good deeds for the human race, and there is also merit in beheading some people who are full of evil.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Mo muttered, "So I have a mission in this world?!"

"Then let me see what the ghosts of this world look like!"

Lin Mo closed his eyes and felt a lightness in his soul. When he opened his eyes again, his spirit body had come to the Netherland.

The Netherland was shrouded in gray mist, and a trace of gray air was inhaled by Lin Mo's spirit body, and it was unexpectedly replenished.

Lin Mo was not surprised by this.

This world is for spirits.

Just as life needs to breathe, spirits naturally need to breathe too.

It's just that the substance of the breath is different.

One is Yang and the other is Yin.

Lin Mo kept wandering around, his eyes constantly scanning around.

Here, there is no concept of time.

Dead mountains, not even a tree.

There are only light balls of different sizes, even the shape needs to be condensed, constantly flying in the air, devouring each other.

If Lin Mo remembered correctly, he had also seen this kind of thing on the side of the road when he walked Huangquan Road in his previous life.

It is said that after the death of the grass and trees, it was transformed by a spiritual light.

Just when Lin Mo was about to continue exploring, a strong suction instantly pulled him back to reality.

Lin Mo came back to his senses and glanced at the time.

More than an hour has passed.

He clearly felt that he didn't even have 10 minutes.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be my job after death."

He who is alive cannot exist in the nether world without his body for a long time. The work of establishing the underworld to manage reincarnation can only be done after death.

"No, you have to prepare in advance."

Lin Mo would not be so stupid as to start building the underworld after he really died. He really couldn't stay in the Netherworld for a long time, but those spirit bodies without physical bodies could.

"Let me run through the process of the dead going to the netherworld."

"First of all, after a person dies, the three souls and seven souls will stay in the body for seven days, and then start to disperse naturally, and only one true spirit will go to the nether world."

Lin Mo immediately thought of those ancestors in the Maoshan ancestral hall who only had their spirit bodies left. He has the authority to canonize the Yin God, so it would be a pity not to use it.

At that time, let those ancestors suffer a little bit, and they can also help him manage the underworld. It is impossible for him to do everything himself.

Lin Mo is so filial.

There is no future in Maoshan, eating and waiting to die, and building a hell with him, at least you can sit back and look forward to longevity.

Well, I will go to observe the terrain again tonight.

By the way, find out if there are any natives.

Such a happy decision.


"Hey, Brother Haizhu, are you really not interested at all?"

"Oh, forget it..."

Lin Mo hung up the phone, and originally wanted to invite his former partner Liu Haizhu to join their group, but when the other party heard the nature of the group, he said he would not come.

"Lingyu, let's go, let's pick up food."

"What do you want to eat? Public expense, no need to save."

Lin Mo calculated in his mind that the five top-level food expenses are only the two of them now, and they can afford abalone and lobster all day long.

Zhang Lingyu was a little flustered, this company was completely different from what he had imagined.

At least there should be work to do.

He was a little embarrassed to keep prostitution for nothing like this.


[There is a task, the address has been sent, and we will start immediately...]

Lin Mo was shocked and said, "Let's go, the task is coming."

Lin Mo and Zhang Lingyu walked out of the yard and got into a brand new Wuling Hongguang minivan.

Lin Mo sat in the co-pilot, and Zhang Lingyu sat in the back.


The corner of Zhang Lingyu's mouth twitched and said, "Well, who will drive?"

"You can?"

"I do not know."

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing for a while.

"Forget it, let me do it." Lin Mo transferred to the main driver, fastened his seat belt, and muttered, "It's been a long time since I drove, so it should be fine."

Zhang Lingyu: "..."

He admitted that he was a little panicked at this point.

Fortunately, even though it was a little unfamiliar, after getting familiar with it, all the memories of driving in the previous life emerged.

While driving, Lin Mo said: "The task this time is very simple. Not long ago, a stranger was drinking in a bar. While drunk, he quarreled with an ordinary person and severely injured him. He has escaped now. To a small place called Xiao Zhu Village."

"What we have to do is to bring him to justice."

Zhang Lingyu nodded.

"If the situation is bad, you can kill it." Lin Mo added one last sentence.

at the same time.

A young man with red hair was hiding in a dilapidated house shivering.

He muttered in his mouth: "It's over, I actually killed someone, how could this be..."

He is just a little Mengxin who became a stranger not long ago. He usually keeps his own place and does not make big mistakes, but keeps making small mistakes. He is caught by the company and locked up for a few days at most.

But now he knew he had made a big mistake.

The company will not let him go.

Maybe, it's already on the way.

It's all the fat man's fault, he came here to find fault.

Otherwise he wouldn't be irritated.

Yes, he was actually forced to fight back.

At that time, he went to the bar and sat quietly in the corner drinking a small drink. After a few sips, a drunk fat man came over to find fault, and his words were really ugly.

In a moment of anger, they fought.

Then it caused the current situation.

Angry, he beat the fat man half to death.

Before he escaped, the other party had already vented more air than breathed in, and now he was probably dead.

He regretted that he didn't read the almanac when he went out.

"If it doesn't work, I'll join Quanxing."

The company will not let him go, he can only save himself.

The red-haired youth made a phone call immediately, and said cautiously: "Hey, Brother Lin, I am willing to join Quanxing."

"I figured it out, little brother!"

"Okay, tell me your location, brother will pick you up now."

After reporting the address, he knew that there would be no turning back if he joined Quanxing.

Some time ago, he was lucky enough to meet this Brother Lin, and the two hit it off.Knowing that the other party is a member of Quan Xing, he was invited to join, but he declined.

But did not say dead.

It's just that whenever you can't get along, you come to this Brother Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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