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Chapter 7 First Meeting the Celestial Master, Mr. Lu Jin

Chapter 7 First Meeting the Celestial Master, Mr. Lu Jin

Zhang Zhiwei frowned and said, "Old Lu, since they learned that the Tongtian Scroll fell into your hands, they might think you were the murderer back then."

"Go and see that little friend from Maoshan, and explain the matter, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding."

Mr. Lu Jin said disdainfully: "What? Do you want me to take the initiative to reconcile with them?"

"Don't be kidding, when my friend was hunted down, why didn't I see that Maoshan sent someone to rescue him?"

"Just a bunch of cowards."

Zhang Zhiwei was very helpless. After knowing him for so many years, he naturally knew Lu Jin's character very well.

But from Maoshan's point of view, their choice was not wrong.

It's impossible to let them wipe out the entire Maoshan because of a disciple who colluded with everyone and made a big mistake.

Why didn't their Tianshi Mansion choose this way at the beginning, once they stood up, they would be enemies of the integrity of the entire alien world.

Not chasing, killing or helping, from the perspective of a sect, it is considered as the utmost benevolence.

"Are you sure you don't want to see me?"

Lu Jin didn't reply.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "The child's name is Lin Mo, and I heard that he is the grandson of Maoshan Lin Zhengde."

Lu Jin's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Let's meet tomorrow."

"Lin Zhengde..." Lu Jin fell into memory, which finally turned into a sigh.


Early the next morning.

There are huge crowds of people up and down Longhu Mountain.

After Lin Mo had his meal, he came to a gazebo under the leadership of a little Taoist priest.

Originally, Lin Mo didn't want to go, but when he heard that it was the invitation from the old master, he definitely couldn't refuse.

He is not alone, and when he comes to the site of Tianshi Mansion, he must represent Maoshan to meet the old Tianshi.

When they arrived at the gazebo, two old men were playing chess in the gazebo.

Lin Mo immediately recognized that one of the old men in a suit was Lu Jin, the old man of the Lu family.

He is also one of the top ten in the Inhuman Realm, and the owner of Tongtianlu.

It is suspected that the mastermind behind the killing of his grandfather Lin Zhengde and his great-uncle Zheng Zibu...

Lin Mo took a deep breath, stepped forward and cupped his hands to another old man: "Maoshan disciple Lin Mo, pay homage to the old heavenly master."

The old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei nodded with a smile, and said to Lu Jin: "Old Lu, you see that other people's children have a lot of opinions on you."

Lu Jin smiled wryly: "Old Master, can you let me have a few words with this child alone?"

"We've known each other for so many years, why are you keeping it from me?" Although Zhang Zhiwei said so, he still got up and walked into the distance.

After a while, only Lu Jin and Lin Mo were left in the gazebo.

After a long time, Lu Jin said, "Son, do you want to know the truth about what happened back then?"

Lin Mo asked back, "Will you tell me?"

Lu Jin was taken aback, and said bitterly: "Son, forgive me for not being able to tell you the truth now, but as long as you can win the Luo Tian Dajiao this time, it's okay to tell you."

Lin Mo squinted at him.

【Lu Jin—Yangde: 1293】

Terrible, such a terrifying number of Yangde.

This is how many good deeds one has to do to accumulate so much Yangde!
It was the first time he saw a person whose Yang virtue could break through a thousand...

Among the people he knew, the one with the most Yangde was the spirit of Maoshan Patriarch Wang, with a total of 980 seven points.

Did the old man in front of him save the galaxy?
Lin Mo said: "I just want to ask, does my grandfather's death have anything to do with you?"

Lu Jin closed her eyes and said, "Yes."

In the next second, Lin Mo clenched his fists, his eyes glowed brightly, and a strong killing intent rushed towards his face.

At the same time, a huge statue of Guan Gong enshrined far away in Maoshan also had two blue lights in its eyes, as if responding to Lin Mo.

"Son, things are not what you imagined." Zhang Zhiwei sighed, patted Lin Mo's shoulder with his palm, and said helplessly: "Old Lu, I didn't tell you, so you can tell this child everything, isn't it good?" ?”

He didn't actually go too far away.

Lu Jin sneered and said, "You said it lightly, so why don't you tell his grandson Zhang Chulan about Zhang Huaiyi right now? Why didn't you just make this Luo Tian Dajiao and tell him directly?"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

╮ (╯_╰) ╭

Lu Jin turned to look at Lin Mo: "Son, it's not that I don't want to talk about it, but that some of these things involve some people. Don't make it too easy for these people to deal with you secretly. If the old man speaks out rashly, it will only hurt you."

"This old man doesn't care about Tongtian Talisman, otherwise he wouldn't have taken it out as a prize for the winner of this Luotian Dajiao."

"In this way, as long as you can enter the top three and prove that you have the strength to know these things, no matter whether you can win the championship in the end, I will tell you everything you want to know afterwards."

Lin Mo glanced at the old Tianshi, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, for the sake of the old Tianshi, I will trust you."

After Lin Mo left, Zhang Zhiwei said to Lu Jin, "Why didn't you tell the story? You know what I'm talking about."

Lu Jin said: "What do you say? Do you want me to tell him that the murderer who killed his grandfather is now on Longhu Mountain? Sitting openly in the auditorium, enjoying the admiration of thousands of people?"

"You are ruined by this mouth." Zhang Zhiwei shook his head helplessly.

Lu Jin said: "You should think about what to say to Zhang Chulan for a while."

After leaving, Lin Mo walked absent-mindedly along the way.

One didn't pay attention, and seemed to hit something in the face.

It's just that when Lin Mo saw the other person's face, it felt like he had been splashed with cold water.

In front of him was a woman, to be precise, an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman.

Lin Mo said somewhat restrained: "Sorry, I was distracted and didn't notice just now."

The other party stuck out his tongue, licked his thick lips, put a very rough hand on Lin Mo's chin, and cast a wink at Lin Mo.

"What a handsome little brother, the yang energy in this body can be seen from far away, my sister really wants to have it..."

Gently breathing down Lin Mo's face, accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, his face gradually turned red.

"I said my wife, your husband and I are still here, can you restrain yourself? You are slapping me in the face."

A middle-aged man wearing glasses walked over from not far away.

"Okay, okay, I see..."

The middle-aged woman said with a dissatisfied face.

Then before leaving, he put his fingers on his lips and blew a kiss to Lin Mo back.

Lin Mo: (||_)
Ah this...

The world is really big, full of wonders.

and many more!

Lin Mo suddenly realized, "No, why didn't my Shou Gongsha respond?!"

Staring at the direction they were leaving, Lin Mo murmured, "Does that woman really want to..."

Subconsciously shuddered.

Slip away——!

Jingle bell~jingle bell~~
"Hello, is this little brother Lin Mo?"

"We're at the foot of the mountain, let's meet up in front of the gate of Tianshi Mansion in a while."

After hanging up the call, Lin Mo walked towards the front yard of Tianshi Mansion as if nothing had happened.

He had contacted that Xu Si last night, but the other party hadn't arrived yet, and they agreed to meet up after arriving this morning.

After he left, Lin Mo didn't notice that there were two people standing under the tree quietly watching his back.

The middle-aged woman leaned against the tree and said indifferently, "Shen Chong, should we be so cautious?"

The middle-aged man said helplessly: "I asked Xia He, can you restrain yourself a bit, we are now on Longhu Mountain, so sooner or later we will be killed by you."

Xia He yawned: "There's no way, whoever lets people see the handsome little brother can't walk."

"Alright, alright, we are all disguised like this, as long as we don't use Qi, or face the old heavenly master, who can find us?"


Shen Chong said he was speechless.

They are now in the enemy's camp. Once they are exposed, the consequences will be unimaginable. This woman is not conscious at all.

"No, just in case, you go down the mountain and ask Qian Mian to disguise you as a man!"


The two are none other than the bone-scraping knife Xia He and the bane Miao Shen Chong, the second of the four madmen.

This time they appeared in Longhu Mountain not for fun, but because they will have a big move in the near future.

As for the reason, there is no reason.

All-in-one fidelity, not in the shape of things.

There are no rules in their nature, they advocate absolute freedom, liberate their nature, and do whatever they want.

No ethics, no legal constraints.

Kill if you want to kill, destroy if you want to destroy, and act without a trace of bottom line.

This is also one of the reasons why they are called demons by the alien world.

(End of this chapter)

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