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Chapter 73 The Company's Secret Mission

Chapter 73 The Company's Secret Mission

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

As many people know about this matter, there will always be times when it will be exposed.

What's more, the Lotus Temple has no intention of hiding it.

He readily admitted it.

Previously, the company had negotiated with the Lotus Temple and Hinduism.

But the effect is not satisfactory.

The attitude of the other party is very tough. At first, the company was a little strange. Even if it is the authentic work of Lao Tzu, the other party should not put on a tone of no room for negotiation.

Then local spies were sent to investigate.

Sure enough, there is a secret in it.

According to the information sent back by the spy who was confirmed dead before his death.

Only six words came back.

Caves, ascension, secrets...

Just two hours ago, Hinduism and Lotus Temple broke up for some unknown reason.

In a rage, the leader of the Lotus Temple spread all the secrets.

It turned out that after their investigation, they found that it was actually an ancient underground palace.

The underground palace is very huge, no less than an ancient city.

The founder of the underground palace is likely to be the Mayan civilization. According to the above mural records, a group of Mayans found a passage to another world.

It caused a sensation in the alien circle for a while.

The Mayan civilization, which can be traced back to the ancient Xia Dynasty in China, suddenly one day, the Mayan civilization, which is said to have flourished in civilization, completely disappeared.

It disappeared without leaving a trace.

Hao Yi said: "Company mission, do everything possible to bring back Laojun's handwriting, secret mission, try to find out the secrets inside."

"Do your best."

After listening, Lin Mo had no confidence at all.

This is no longer a problem between the Chinese Inhuman World and the Indian Inhuman World, but that the Inhuman World all over the world will participate.

Lin Mo didn't understand why the old master was not allowed to go down the mountain when such a big event happened.

With their juniors alone, can they really snatch Laojun's things?

Only now did I suddenly realize that compared to Laojun's things, the Maya's underground palace was the place that attracted their attention the most.

After arranging everything, Hao Yi left.

As the head of the district, he still has a lot of work to do.

Not to mention that their southwest region is next to India, and if one fails, it may go to war.

The hair that was originally thin can fall out a lot when touched.Hao Yi took his thermos soaked with goji berries and left in a cool way.

People in middle age have to soak medlar in a thermos.

bell bell -

"Hey, Brother Xiao, where are you?"

"Okay, let's meet at the airport."

Lin Mo thought for a while and called his father.

"Boy, what do you want from your father?"

"Maoshan doesn't know about the big shock that happened in the alien world, right?" Hearing his father's sleepy tone, Lin Mo was deeply suspicious of Maoshan's intelligence ability.

"What's the big deal?"

"When the sky falls, the company will support it."

Father Lin said indifferently: "You represent our Maoshan right now, so go ahead and do whatever you want. I'll go sleep first, and don't bother me if I have nothing to do."

Then the phone was hung up.

Lin Mo: "..."

Do you want to be so Buddhist?
Our Maoshan is a supernatant.

Faced with such a big matter, it is really strange that the old man can sleep well.

At the same time, Father Lin, who was far away in Maoshan, came to the residence of the two ancestors in Houshan.

Patriarch Wang Zhiling asked, "Are you ready?"

"Everything is ready."

Father Lin nodded, and suddenly said worriedly: "Old Ancestor, if we wake up that one in advance, will there be any problems?"

"I can't help it." Wang Zhiling sighed, "This matter is too big. Those famous old monsters in foreign countries have not moved. In this case, the old heavenly master can't move either. Whoever moves will break the rules first."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before it's time to fight for the bottom line. We have to do our part based on emotion and reason, and we can't let the old celestial master fight alone."

As an old man who survived the last world war, he will never forget his hatred of foreign countries in his life.

Especially Japanese pirates who live a good life.

As the Taishan Beidou of the Huaxia alien world, the old heavenly master can't act rashly when the critical moment comes.

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces and Japanese pirates invaded, and how many inheritances in the Alien world were directly wiped out.

It was a culture versus culture showdown.

If you lose, there will be no Huaxia from now on.

Countless aliens put aside their previous suspicions at that moment, and the Huaxia alien world showed the whole world what it means to be one-on-one, and finally won the battle.

The price of blood made China famous.

Now that more than seventy years have passed, how many days and nights he would dream of the cruel scene back then.

"Hope it's not too bad..."

At the Southwest Airport, Lin Mo played with the ID in his hand and whispered, "I never expected to become a member of the Taoist Association out of nowhere. Do you want to take this thing back after it's used up?"

"probably not."

Xiao Zizai was wearing a black suit, with a tall figure and muscular body, making it obvious that he was not a guy to mess with.

"Now I am your bodyguard. When I came out, Lao Lefei asked me to wear this dress. If we really want to fight, this dress is a burden."

After moving around a few times, Xiao Zizai felt very awkward.

This dress can't let go of hands and feet at all.

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Zizai, and praised: "I have to say, Brother Xiao wears this outfit, and if he wears a pair of sunglasses, no one will believe that you are not a bodyguard."

He glanced at his team.

Zhang Lingyu, Liu Haizhu, Xiao Zizai and Chen Duo.

Er Zhuang was unable to participate due to some reasons. One was that the distance was too far, and the other was that the network servers were different. Er Zhuang’s ability, to put it bluntly, was to act along the network cable, leave the body for a long time, and act in the network in a special state.

However, there is a disadvantage in doing so. If someone deliberately designs a second character, they only need to introduce her into a designated network area and close the connection between the network and the outside world.

Only keep a network body that is not in contact with the outside world. If one is not careful, Er Zhuang will be imprisoned in the small black room of the network to wait for death.

All things are mutually reinforcing.

There is no absolute invulnerability in the world.

【Yin Virtue: 2626.4】

[Yangde: 4167 (convertible)]

[First floor of the Dadong Scripture of the Shangqing (100%)]

[Please God Art (100%)]

[Fire and thunder natal talisman (100%)]

【Running Thunder Fist (26%)】+
【Golden Light Curse (100%)】

【Tiantianlu (1.3%)】+
【Divine Mechanism (1.013%)】

On the plane, Lin Mo looked at the panel and got so many Yin and Yang virtues for the first time.

If he was in the underworld, he would be enshrined as a big boss with so many merits, and maybe he could stay in the underworld as a judge.

Lin Mo suddenly had the idea that it is so easy to obtain merit...

Of course, is that really the case?
actually not.

Think about how Lin Mo obtained these merits, everything will be clear.

The number of all human beings exceeds 70 billion.

Most human beings will never encounter such things as Lin Mo in their lifetime.

Many people's merits and virtues do not increase but decrease throughout their lives.

It is only a minority who can obtain great merit.

Convert all Yang virtues to Yin virtues.

【Yin Virtue: 3459.4】

Lin Mo added all the things that could be added, and there were more than 1000 points left.

Among them, the main cost is on the Tongtian talisman.

He also didn't expect that Tongtianlu would need to be added four times, and each time was more than one time.

The first time the point was increased to 25%, the seeds of Tongtianlu in the sea of ​​consciousness turned blue. The color of Lin Mo's talisman was white before, but now it turned blue. He felt that the power might have doubled.

The second time I added it to 50%, the seeds turned silvery white and swelled up a bit.

For the third time, add points to 75%, the seeds turn golden, and the whole body becomes warm all of a sudden.

After adding points to 100% for the fourth time, the seeds turned purple, and Lin Mo's entire sea of ​​consciousness turned purple.

Now he really wants to try how powerful it is.

White, blue, silver, gold, and purple, he guessed that these are probably the five stages of Tongtianlu.

He had seen when old man Lu Jin used the Tongtian talisman, the runes drawn were blue, and the power was much stronger than the one he used.

By the way, Mr. Lu seems to have given him a diary about Tongtianlu, but he hasn't read it yet.

I've been so busy I forgot to watch it.

During the two-and-a-half-hour journey, Lin Mo saw several unreceived messages as soon as he turned on his phone.

[Zhang Chulan: Damn, something happened. A few Catholics from Laomei came to fight with Hinduism. Let's watch the fun first. 】

[Zhang Chulan: A group of gentlemen came from Lao Ying, staring at us and licking their lips all the time, it always feels like a group of perverts (suspect)]

[Zhang Chulan: A group of old silver coins gather around and argue with each other, I'm about to vomit! 】

[Zhang Chulan: Lao Lin, we are waiting for you at the embassy. 】

(End of this chapter)

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