Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 100 9 steps to the sky

Chapter 100

Another seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Fei hadn't stepped out of the fire pulse stone room for seven days. He stayed in the stone room to sort out the experience of these days, and at the same time consolidate his state of mind in the fifth heaven of the Dao Palace. .|

In addition, he was also trying to recall the inheritance of the quasi-emperor Linley. Although most of it was erased by Linley, he still sorted out a set of footwork.

This set of footwork is called the Nine Steps of Climbing to Heaven, and it was perfected by Zhundi Linley on the basis of the previous retrograde step after he stepped into the Saint Realm.

The nine steps to the sky are very strange. There are only nine steps in total. If you successfully comprehend the first step, you can take ten steps in one step; if you successfully comprehend the second step, you can take fifty steps in an instant. Nine steps, performed together, can walk tens of miles in an instant...

The fire vein stone room is not very big, but it is nearly [-] square meters. Lin Fei stayed in it for seven days, and spent most of the time studying the nine steps to the sky.

In the stone chamber, scattered flames burst out from time to time, and were soon absorbed by Lin Fei's eyebrows.

Standing in the center of the stone room, Lin Fei circulated his spiritual energy, and took a light step to the left, leaving behind an afterimage. He was already ten steps away.

"The Emperor Zhun is indeed the Emperor Zhun, surpassing hundreds of millions of cultivators. It is really scary to create such a footwork when he was in the realm of saints..." Lin Fei sighed in his heart. In seven days, he only realized This is the first step of the nine steps to the sky.

Even if it's just the first step, one step can be equivalent to ten steps, and it can save lives in times of crisis.


Lin Fei came out of the fire vein stone chamber, and was immediately held back by Xiao Ling'er.

"What are you doing?" Lin Fei had a bad premonition, how could this girl be so kind, it would be difficult to hold hands at ordinary times, but she even took the initiative to send her to her door today.

He looked in the cave, the other three daughters were not here, neither was Baixian Yuanye Wu Yazi, only Xiao Ling'er was alone, he was startled, and asked: "Where did they all go? Did nothing happen? "

Xiao Ling'er's big eyes rolled around Lin Fei's body several times, showing a mouth full of silver teeth and said with a strange smile: "Scum, tell the master honestly, what secret treasure did you get last time, why did you get there all at once? Is it the Five Heavens of the Palace?"

"Huh..." Lin Fei's heart turned cold, and he secretly thought that Bai Xian, the beast, must have spread the word. He smiled embarrassingly, and said, "Persistence is the most important thing in the journey of cultivation. You have to start from the basic method and slowly learn it." Let’s start, after a certain amount of accumulation, we can break through. I was lucky enough to accumulate a lot before, but this time it just exploded..."

"Huh! What a fluke! It sounds good, how could there be so much luck!" Xiao Ling'er snorted angrily, and grabbed Lin Fei's arm fiercely. The scent was compelling, but Lin Fei didn't feel so good .

This girl is very smart, how could she submit so obediently, she must have something to ask of herself.

"It's really unforgivable to lie to this female fairy..." Xiao Ling'er snorted angrily, holding his arms tightly. Lin Fei obviously felt a soft foreign body pressing against him. glanced. .|

He secretly said in his heart: "I didn't even observe carefully, this girl has grown into a woman who is a disaster for the country and the people now, she is so big..."

"Where are you looking, you..." Xiao Ling'er looked embarrassed, and pushed Lin Fei away fiercely, but just as she moved away, she came forward again and pinched Lin Fei fiercely.

Lin Fei hurriedly said: "Don't, auntie, don't play with such dirty things, just tell me what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Ling'er blushed, coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Is this fairy that kind of person? It's just that this fairy wants to go back to the palace and reward you as a guard..."

"Back to the palace?" Lin Fei asked with a cold face, "What are you doing back to the palace?"

Seeing that Lin Fei's face was a bit cold, Xiao Ling'er didn't dare to continue joking anymore, she looked at Lin Fei and said, "I heard that my father is seriously ill and his life is dying, I want to go back and see him..."

"Your father is seriously ill?" Lin Fei was a little in disbelief.

A few years ago, Xiao Tenglong was already a cultivator at the peak of the other side, and he was as strong as a bull in his Huaiwu figure, so why did he suddenly suffer from a terminal illness that would kill him.

Xiao Ling'er looked a little distressed, and said in a low voice: "I'm not very clear, it's the news from the palace. My sister and the others went out with senior Wu Yazi to do business, so I want to go back and see the emperor first, but I'm afraid to go back alone..."

Her cultivation is really not enough, if this is a trap, then she will fall into it.

It's different with Lin Fei at the side, she has seen it before, Lin Fei was entangled by Prince Hei Lian of the Four Extremes Mystery Realm and survived, so his cultivation is naturally not bad.

Now that he has entered the fifth heaven of the Taoist Palace again, his strength has risen to a higher level, so he is naturally not afraid of the monks in the palace of the Wei Kingdom.

Lin Fei thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you, but before you go, let's change our mind first..."

The news that he is not dead has not been spread yet. This is a very good way to cover up the eyes. You can use this news to do many things. Lin Fei doesn't want to expose it yet.

"Changing Rong?" Xiao Ling'er hesitated for a moment, then smiled, blooming like a beautiful flower, unexpectedly very charming.

Lin Fei was dazzled and didn't recover for a while, Xiao Ling'er's pretty face flushed instantly, she covered her face and ran out of the cave as if flying, and said: "You put on a face first, I'll wait for you outside ..."

"This girl..." Lin Fei shook his head with a wry smile, and got into the fire vein stone room again.


In the stone room, Lin Fei took out a high-grade spirit stone and a small bottle of spirit spring water.


He smashed the high-grade spirit stone into powder with one punch, and poured all the powder into the small bottle of spirit spring water. The color of the water changed immediately, from the initial transparent color to a bottle of milky white liquid.

He took out the easel and drawing paper, and first drew on the drawing paper an ordinary middle-aged man with a square face, a crew cut, and an ordinary appearance.

After finishing the painting, he soaked some color-changing spirit spring water with a brush, and began to trace the curve again.

A strange thing happened, the middle-aged man's face on the drawing paper slowly peeled off from the drawing paper, and turned into a new human skin in front of Lin Fei in a blink of an eye.

"It's really possible..."

Lin Fei was ecstatic in his heart, this method of being a human skin was one of the few secret techniques that Lin Lei had left for himself, it was unexpected that it could be realized like this.

"This is not cruel enough. This young master went to the Wei Palace to be arrogant this time, and his face looks a little fierce..." Lin Fei carefully looked at the human skin in his hand. It looked really ordinary, and There is also some kindness.

After speaking, he took out the paintbrush again, and added a few strokes on it. Immediately, a large curved scar appeared on the human skin, running through the entire face, and the eyeballs were also slightly raised by him with the brush, giving him a fierce look.

"It seems that something is missing..." After reading his work, Lin Fei was still a little dissatisfied. Ming thought hard and felt that something was missing.


He clapped his hands, his eyes lit up, and said, "Evil spirit! Yes, although it is evil, it lacks a trace of evil spirit..."

After finishing speaking, another small object floated out of his wheel sea. It was a small silver bell, something that girls wear. Lin Fei smiled and put the human face on his own, feeling as light as a thin film. Just put it on lightly and blend with your own facial skin.

He took out the void mirror, took a picture in front of the void mirror, and grinned to himself: "It's really good..."

After saying that, he put the little bell on his right ear. A fierce and mighty middle-aged man wears a strange bell. This look is really top-notch, and Lin Fei can't stop laughing when he sees it.

"If I put on some more lipstick..."

Looking at his new self in the mirror, Lin Fei grinned, and a small box flew out between his eyebrows, which contained some daughter rouge produced in this world.

There are several colors of rouge. Lin Fei chose one of the gray-black rouges and dabbed some on his lips. The strange feeling of the uncle in the mirror suddenly increased by seven or eight points.

After doing all this, he came out of the stone room.



When the new Lin Fei appeared in front of Xiao Linger, she was taken aback for a while, then burst out laughing, and finally squatted on the ground laughing, her pretty face almost twitching.

"Damn scum, you are so talented..." Xiao Ling'er laughed loudly.

She felt that Lin Fei's face-changing was very successful, and the key points were the bell on his right ear and the touch of gray lipstick on his thick lips!She didn't expect Lin Fei to be so spoof, he is really talented.

"Stop laughing!" Lin Fei disapproved, and snorted, "Isn't it all for you, or could I ruin myself like this?"

In fact, he wanted to make himself as ugly as possible, so that others would not be able to recognize him, so he couldn't be connected with that "ancient waste body Lin Fei", right?

Seeing Lin Fei's face was a bit embarrassed, Xiao Ling'er stood up straight, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't laugh at you anymore. Since you help me so much, I won't treat you badly. Treat this When you come back from the palace, this fairy will try her best to match you and sister Wanqing, how is it? Is this fairy good enough for you?"

"Uh..." Lin Fei's face froze, and the long scar on his face trembled.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Lin Fei's expression now, Xiao Ling'er couldn't control it anymore, laughed loudly, squatted on the ground and looked up to Lin Fei, "Scum, don't be so excited, this fairy knows that you help Wanwan Sister Qing has a purpose, but you are too embarrassed to speak, don't worry, this fairy will do my best to help..."

"Your aunt should take it easy..." Lin Fei waved his hand, then stared at Xiao Linger suddenly, making Xiao Linger's heart tense, and Lin Fei said seriously, "The matter between me and Wan Qing is not what you thought. That way, you still don’t have to worry about it, it’s about you and me, we’ve been delaying it for a long time, it’s time to deal with it.”

Seeing Lin Fei's two big eyes staring at her, Xiao Ling'er's heart beat instantly quickened, but she laughed and scolded: "You scum, you just want to play a fairy after changing your skin? You want to beat you..."

While laughing and cursing, she stretched out her jade hand to slap Lin Fei, but Lin Fei didn't change his face, and suddenly grabbed her jade hand, making her pretty face instantly covered with red clouds.

"What are you going to do..." Xiao Ling'er lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Lin Fei fiercely pulled her to the front, stared at Xiao Ling'er with two tiger eyes, and said in a strange voice: "Didn't you say that I am your male favorite, when will I really favor you?" Come back? You can’t just talk but don’t practice, this young master gave up those beautiful fairies in the southern region to come to the northern region to save you, don’t you know how to promise yourself?”

"This scum..." Xiao Linger cursed inwardly. She, who was still beating like a deer just now, looked up and saw the scar on Lin Fei's face and the lip gloss on her mouth, and immediately understood that this animal was trying to tease him. Play by yourself.

"It's my fairy who favors you. When will it be your male favorite's turn to pamper me?" Xiao Ling'er returned to her true colors, and said coquettishly, "I didn't ask you to come to the north from the southern region." If you want to help me, you are completely self-indulgent, there is nothing I can do about this female fairy's charm..."


What made her pupils open angrily was that the animal Lin Fei suddenly pressed over, and those big mouths covered with gray lip gloss were printed with her own delicate lips!

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