Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 12 The Princess Asks for Medicine

Chapter 12

Lin Fei was brought back to Wei State Palace by the three sisters of the Xiao family, and was arranged in a VIP room under the care of a special maid. .|Suspecting that Lin Fei might be insane, Xiao Xueer invited her master, Wang Zhongyuan, to treat Lin Fei.

"Master, what's the matter, Fellow Daoist Lin?" Seeing that Wang Zhongyuan had checked Lin Fei's pulse for a long time without saying a word, Xiao Xueer was a little anxious.

Wang Zhongyuan didn't make fun of Xiao Xue'er, but said solemnly: "The qi in this little fellow Taoist's body is very strange, it seems to be dormant, and it seems to be suppressed by something, but his blood qi It is very calm, as if enlightening the Tao, and as if washing the body, it feels very strange."

"He fell with me, could it be that his internal organs were shattered?" Xiao Xueer asked softly.

Wang Zhongyuan shook his head: "His internal organs are all there, and there is no problem with his meridians, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Xueer looked nervous.

"This little fellow daoist doesn't seem to have a sea of ​​bitterness in his body..." Wang Zhongyuan said suddenly.

Xiao Xueer was slightly taken aback, and said puzzledly: "There is no sea of ​​suffering? Could it be that he is not a monk? But I clearly saw him swipe a wave of spiritual power..."

"I can't be sure about this right now. Maybe it was the energy in his body that suppressed his sea of ​​suffering. However, the cultivation level of this little fellow Daoist may not be as high as you imagined. At most, he is in the realm of Fate Spring. I'm afraid they are far away..." Wang Zhongyuan withdrew his hand and sighed slightly.

Hearing Xiao Xueer's description before, he thought that Lin Fei was a young expert who had just been born, at least he had the cultivation base of Shenqiao or Bi'an.The power of the sea of ​​bitterness in his body is very weak, almost no different from that of ordinary people, maybe he only needs to know some ways to control qi to control spiritual qi.

"The most life spring realm?" Xiao Xue'er's beautiful eyes were filled with silver light, and she couldn't help but feel a little lost, but she still wanted to save Lin Fei, "According to Master, why did he stay unconscious all the time, and the breath of the sea of ​​bitterness is completely gone?" No, is there a way to wake him up?"

"There is a way, but I'm afraid it's not worth it..." Wang Zhongyuan sighed, "If there is a ten thousand-year medicine king, I'm afraid it can wake him up from his deep sleep, but this ten-thousand-year medicine king..."

Xiao Xue'er's face was solemn, she knew how precious the ten thousand year medicine king that Master said was, even she only had one plant in the treasury of the Imperial Palace of Wei State, and her father bought it at a huge price.The ten-thousand-year medicine king, the medicinal properties can be imagined, and it is a rare medicine for monks to extend their lives. It is almost impossible to get this ten-thousand-year medicine king by myself.

"Is there no other way?" Xiao Xueer bit her jade lips tightly.

Seeing his disciple's expression, Wang Zhongyuan couldn't help feeling a little worried, but he still replied: "Besides this, I can't think of any other way for the time being. The only thing I can do is wait for him to wake up. If he can't wake up, then... ..."

"Okay, I see..." Xiao Xueer nodded. .|

"Xue'er..." Wang Zhongyuan whispered.

Xiao Xueer nodded firmly: "Master, you don't need to persuade me anymore. I don't like this Fellow Daoist Lin. It's just that he saved the lives of our three sisters after all. If it wasn't for him, we would have froze to death." In the Wannian Cold Lake. I must ask my father to give me the Wannian King Medicine, otherwise, I will never feel at ease in this life."

Although Wang Zhongyuan didn't make it clear, Xiao Xueer could hear the implication of the master's words, that is, if Lin Fei couldn't wake up by himself, then he would most likely have transformed into the Dao like this.If there is really no way to rescue Lin Fei, that's fine, but there is a way, and I can try it. If I don't try, I will feel ashamed.

Wang Zhongyuan saw that the female disciple was so determined, but he was relieved: "You are a royal princess, with a heart of a child, this is your Tao heart, but just now you are narrow-minded as a teacher, if you are not allowed to go to your father Your Dao heart is also unstable if the emperor asks for the Wannian Medicine King. Go, go and explain to your father, I don’t think he is a stingy person.”

"Well, I will tell the truth to my father..." Xiao Xueer respectfully bowed to her master, and rushed out of the room to find her father.


On the Golden Luan Hall of the Kingdom of Wei, sits a majestic middle-aged man. The man wears a golden crown, and his body is steaming with dragon energy. This person is Xiao Tenglong who has sat on the throne of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Wei for 30 years!

"You want the Wannian Medicine King?" After hearing his daughter's request, Xiao Tenglong couldn't help being a little surprised.

The Wannian Medicine King was decades ago, and he bought it at a huge price, originally planning to keep it for his three daughters in the future.

Xiao Xueer said respectfully and sincerely: "Father, if Fellow Daoist Lin hadn't rescued me this time, Qian'er Linger and I would have died. Now Fellow Daoist Lin is completely unconscious, and Master said that using the medicine power of the Wannian Medicine King might be able to wake him up." He, that's why my daughter has the guts to ask the father for medicine, and hope the father will be fulfilled!"

"It turns out that it is like this..." Xiao Tenglong nodded, and he was quite supportive of his daughter's behavior of showing kindness and gratitude. He immediately said, "He saved my three precious daughters of Xiao Tenglong, let alone It is the King of Ten Thousand Years Medicine, even if I want to take all of my country, I, Xiao Tenglong, will give it up! You can take my handbook and go to Baicao Pavilion after a while..."

"Father, did you agree?" Xiao Xueer was a little embarrassed.

She never thought that her father would agree so easily, and Xiao Tenglong's words moved her even more. Could it be that in his heart, are the three daughters really comparable to his country, which is admired by thousands of people?


Lin Fei was in a coma for three days and three nights, and there was no sign of waking up. Originally, Xiao Xueer wanted to observe and observe again, but she found that Lin Fei's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and it was almost gone. Medication, I'm afraid it won't save her.

On this day, the three Xiao Xueer sisters all came to Lin Fei's residence. This is a secluded house with a very quiet environment, and Xiao Tenglong specially rewarded Lin Fei to live in it.

"It's abominable, this scum is still awake, and he wants to waste our Ten Thousand Years Medicine King..." Xiao Ling'er looked at the unconscious Lin Fei, and then at the jade box containing the Medicine King over there, mouthing He muttered, "This lady is still counting on it to beautify her face in the future. I didn't expect it to be cheap, this scum, but if it's cheap, it's cheap for you. When you wake up, this lady will definitely torture you to death and make you live." It's better to die, I wish I didn't take this fairy's medicine king..."

Xiao Qian'er flicked her sister's head from the side, and lightly reprimanded: "You little girl, you are born to be at odds with Fellow Daoist Lin. Could it be that you have fallen in love with Fellow Daoist Lin?"

"Second Sister, what nonsense are you talking about? How could I fall in love with this kid!" Xiao Ling'er hurriedly said, "I am a female banished fairy who is omnipotent in heaven and earth, sweeping across the world and suppressing the supreme being in all realms." Yeah, he's just a nobody. His cultivation is almost fine, but the key is that he's so ugly, uh, if he's with her, he won't have nightmares every night, and he won't even be able to sleep..."

"Hehe, I just mentioned it casually. Why are you so anxious to explain? The explanation is to cover up! To cover up is to have a story!" Xiao Qian'er was serious, and there was a seriously injured person lying here, but the two sisters were happy lump.

"Okay, the two princesses don't make trouble anymore, let's all go out and stay, I'm going to give him medicine..." Wang Zhongyuan was ready and issued an order to drive the two princesses away.

However, Xiao Ling'er glanced at Xiao Xue'er who was sitting on the side, and asked suspiciously: "Isn't eldest sister going out with us? How can she stay here, eldest sister, don't you want to stay here to smell The fragrance of the King of Medicine, right? No, I want to stay here, even if I smell the fragrance of the King of Medicine..."

"You little girl, my sister is here to help the master, so don't get meddled here. When I have the strength, I will pick some medicine kings for you to send you..." Xiao Xueer said to this sister I can't laugh or cry.

"Sister, don't lie to me. I can't be fooled by others, especially my sister, otherwise I will retaliate against you..." Xiao Ling'er was dubious, but in the end she was reluctantly given by Xiao Qian'er. Pulled out of the house.


In the room, there was only a three-meter-square wooden board. Lin Fei was lying on the wooden board with his limbs stretched out. His head was wrapped in a black square scarf, and his face was basically covered, leaving only two nostrils. Also exposed to the outside for ventilation.

"Xue'er, go outside the court and place the formation flags given to you by the teacher, in case some villains attack!" Wang Zhongyuan's momentum changed, and he threw out eight black formation flags, and Xiao Xueer took them carefully. The formation flags went outside to set up formations.

The room was only fifty or sixty square meters. Wang Zhongyuan's coercion from the secret realm of Dao Palace was no longer suppressed, and the teacup began to tremble. He tied a black cloth to his forehead, drew a seal in the void, and pierced Lin Fei's forehead.

"Ghosts in the world, there are kindness and resentment, hatred and anger, joy and sorrow, invisible and colorless, with Tao and rhyme, and they all appear in their true form!"

A mantra overflowed from Wang Zhongyuan's mouth, turning into large golden characters, lingering above Lin Fei's head.

"Master, the Nine Yin Heavenly Palace Array has been set up..."

Xiao Xueer quickly set up an array and returned to the room, feeling a little cold all of a sudden, and the stern air in the room suddenly increased.

Wang Zhongyuan nodded, his face serious: "Bring the Wannian Medicine King here..."

Xiao Xueer obeyed the order to get the medicine king, Wang Zhongyuan reminded again: "No matter what happens later, Xueer, you can just stay in the room and watch, don't try to do anything, everything is vain, don't worry about it." Affect your heart..."

"Teacher obeys orders!" Xiao Xueer dared not disobey.

Xiao Xueer brought over the Wannian Medicine King, opened the jade box, the medicine was fragrant and contained a little brilliance, it was not ordinary at first glance, but just smelling Xiao Xueer felt comfortable all over her body, the sea of ​​bitterness in her body was rolling, and the spring of life was surging move!

"The Wannian Medicine King really lives up to its reputation..."

Not only Xiao Xueer was a little stunned, but Wang Zhongyuan was also very cautious when he took over the medicine king. Such a treasure, even a monk in the four-pole secret realm, can't take it easy. life-saving.

"What kind of elixir has been born! Such a rich spiritual fragrance!"

"Who is using the elixir? The lifespan of this medicine may have passed ten thousand years!"

"The elixir of ten thousand years, oh my god, what a rare treasure!"

Although formations were set up around the room, the monks in the palace still felt a strong surge of spiritual energy. It was an extremely pure spiritual power, the spiritual power that can only be emitted by top-quality elixir. Many people are guessing what kind of elixir this is.

Wang Zhongyuan carefully held Yaowang in the palm of his hand. It was a baby-like emerald green fruit, only the size of a glass bead, and it was still moving slightly as Wang Zhongyuan held it in the palm of his hand, as if he knew that his fate was about to return to zero. want to escape.

"This medicine is incredible. If you give him tens of thousands of years, I'm afraid he will become the real king of medicine and give birth to his own spiritual wisdom..."

[Today's [-]D has been updated]

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