Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 17 To practice this skill, you must first come from the palace



After about ten minutes, the Fifth Elder heard a cry for help in the cave. This voice was not someone else's, it was that bastard Lin Fei's voice. .|

"Come here, help me!"

Lin Fei's voice is not miserable, and it has the effect of amplifying the sound when it is heard through the cave. The fifth elder has already cleared a path, and when he heard Lin Fei's cry for help, he couldn't help frowning: "Could it be that this thief is cheating?" No, this little thief has indeed never practiced Taoism. I have a close relationship with him, so he can't hide it from me. I heard that he was recently called Lin Daoyou in the Wei Palace, and there is a Buddha in the sea of ​​suffering The sound of singing came out, could it be the abnormality caused by the "Goddess Treasure Book"?"

Even though he concluded that Lin Fei's cultivation was not very good, the Fifth Elder was still very cautious. A black carapace flew out of the Dao Palace. It is connected, has become a spiritual treasure, and it is difficult to be blasted away without the strength of the fourth heaven of the Dao Palace.

The carapace flashed silver, and it turned into a layer of armor and put it on the body of the Fifth Elder. After all this, he was still not at ease. A bottle of blue elixir flew out of the Dao Palace, holding it in the palm of his hand, and then he went into the cave middle.

The cave has a large space, but most of it is sealed by gravel. The fifth elder entered the cave with great difficulty. From a distance, he saw a shirtless animal lying horizontally in a clear spring. A big stone just pressed on Lin Fei's leg.

"Five elders!"

"Come and save me!"

The corners of Lin Fei's eyes were full of tears, his face was even more dirty, and the corners of his mouth were still full of blood. The Fifth Elder's face changed slightly when he saw this situation.

"Fifth Elder, hurry up and save me, the First Elder and the Third Elder killed my father, you must be the master for me!" Lin Fei cried so hard that his expression was very painful, "My foot was crushed. It's broken, please save me, I'm about to die..."

"Young Sect Master, please wait for a moment, the old man will clean up the rubble first..." Although Lin Fei's expression is very realistic, and there seems to be no loopholes, the fifth elder is still cautious. Lin Fei approached.

Lin Fei's expression was addicted, and he let out bursts of ghostly crying and wolf howling from time to time.

"Fifth Elder, hurry up, I can't take it anymore, my blood is almost drained..." Lin Fei mourned, his voice getting weaker and weaker, "It doesn't matter if I die, I'm just afraid of my father's death. The secret code given to me will also disappear. My father beat the secret code into my spiritual sea, but unintentionally split the sea of ​​bitterness for me. If I die, even the sea of ​​bitterness will disappear. I haven’t had time to read the secret code One look, how can I be worthy of my father!"

"Uh..." The fifth elder's complexion changed, and he hurriedly shouted, "Young Sect Master, please wait a moment, the old man will be here soon!"

Hearing Lin Feigang's words, the Fifth Elder was extremely cautious or anxious. If this kid died, it would be bullshit. He hadn't got the "Goddess Treasure Book" yet. .|

After saying this, the five elders immediately showed great power, and a god even rushed out of the Dao Palace, holding a sword in his hand and smashing the rubble along the way, quickly clearing a road.

He quickly came to the clear spring, and seeing that the spring water was all stained red with blood, Lin Fei's face was already pale, and with a sword, he lifted the gravel weighing several hundred catties away from Lin Fei's body.

"Elder, I'm dying, I have to take a step first..." Lin Fei foamed at the mouth, his head tilted and he fell into the arms of the Fifth Elder.

The Fifth Elder was anxious now, his eyes were blood red, he patted Lin Fei's face, and said angrily: "You can't die yet! Give me the treasure mirror before you die!"

With this shot, Lin Fei really reacted, he opened one eye again in a daze, and whispered: "Elder, come to my ear, I will teach you the secret method of treasure..."

"Hmm..." The Fifth Elder was excited, and he couldn't think about anything else at the moment, so he put his ear close to him.

"Let me tell you..." Lin Fei said in a weak voice, intermittently, "Baojian...on the Baojian...on...on it...on says...if you want to practice...this...gong...must...come from the palace..."

"What!" The fifth elder's ears buzzed, as if hit by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, he was stunned!

"If you want to practice this exercise, you must first leave the palace!"

The eight words are like bloody knives, and every word is ridiculed, which confused the fifth elder.

"how so……"

"how so!"

"No, it must be fake!" He grabbed Lin Fei's neck fiercely, his eyes were red, "You must be lying to me, right! How could the patriarch of my He Huan Sect have a round butt!"

[Note, round butt, agreed with the eunuch, that is, there is no second brother on the ass! 】

"Goddess Treasure Mirror" was created by the patriarch of He Huanzong Shengzun. How could it be possible for a round butt to give himself to the palace? This is incredible.

Lin Fei's face was pale, and he said intermittently: "I... I don't know... Baojian said so... If... If you, Elder, want to practice... I will pass it on to you now... But Baojian will Automatic operation... Once you teach it, there is no going back... I don't have aura in my body... so I don't have automatic operation..."

"It works on its own?" The fifth elder's old face twitched, and a burst of true energy rushed into Lin Fei's body in an instant. ..."

The fifth elder fell into hesitation, his face was cloudy and uncertain. On the one hand, the divine tome was in front of him, and on the other hand, it made his lips bleed, and he had to cut himself off in order to practice.

As a disciple of the He Huan Sect, he is well aware of the wonderful pleasure of yin and yang blending. As an elder, he started from harming women step by step, relying on the second brother, and now he wants to cut off It put him in a dilemma.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and an ancient mirror was born out of nowhere, and it slammed on the back of the Fifth Elder's head, smashing the Fifth Elder's head to pieces, blood and brains gushing out, and the Fifth Elder died immediately Seven or eight points.


The Fifth Elder's mouth hadn't completely rotted away, and there was only one eyeball left. He stared so wide that he slapped Lin Fei's head with his withered hands.

"Old stuff!"

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth twitched, a majestic power of chaos gushed out from his body, turned into a pair of fighting fists, and collided with the fifth elder's withered hands.



The two hands collided, and Lin Fei was blasted tens of meters away, and slammed into the mountain, and the fifth elder was also beaten into mud by this punch, and died cleanly.


Just as Lin Fei wanted to sit up straight, a hot stream gushed out of his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The void mirror not far away returned again, hanging above Lin Fei's head.

"The powerhouse of the Dao Palace is really powerful. A dying person almost killed me with a palm. Fortunately, I have Chaos Steps, otherwise I would have died just now..."

Thinking of his carelessness just now, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little scared. Just before the collision of his palms, he urgently used the Chaos Step, which avoided the vital point, but was hit on the right shoulder. If he was hit on the head, he would definitely It's over.

Lunhai, Dao Palace, Siji, Xiantai, every time you enter a great secret realm, it means you have risen to a new height.Lin Fei is just a little Lunhai monk who has just entered the world of practice. He has just opened up the fountain of life, but the fifth elder has been in the Dao Palace for many years, and has now stepped into the third heaven of the Dao Palace.

The gap between the two can be said to be heaven and earth, not on the same level at all, separated by a big secret realm, separated by five or six small realms, if Lin Fei fights the enemy with bare hands, Lin Fei has no chance of winning at all.Even with the Void Mirror, Lin Fei could feel that if he didn't have a suitable time to sneak attack, it would be difficult for him to unleash the true power of the Void Mirror.

Lin Fei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sat cross-legged on the spot. A pure chaotic air overflowed from the sea of ​​wheels, and the major meridians in the body were rapidly repairing the damaged organs.

About half an hour later, Lin Fei became lively again. He stepped forward to take a look at the rotten corpse of the fifth elder, and reprimanded with a cold face: "The murderer must be prepared to be killed. Today is just the beginning. Since you They are all here, I will have fun with you in this forest!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fei walked out of the cave, looked up into the sky, and there were actually nine pieces of profound jade circulating there.

He couldn't help frowning: "The level of Laobushi is too low! Nine pieces of such good-quality Xuanyu were actually made into a sound-absorbing array by him, what a waste!"

"It seems that good things depend on who uses them!" Lin Fei pursed his lips and smiled.

Once the fifth elder died, the nine pieces of profound jade became ownerless, and the power of the magic circle was also greatly reduced. Looking at the nine pieces of pure white jade in the sky, Lin Fei also had a headache.

Although I have reached the realm of the fountain of life, I don't have a book of Taoism that can be practiced right now. The void mirror and the Tai Chi Yin and Yang map are all magic weapons or different pictures. The "Goddess Treasure Book" is now just a simple treasure book. He has not found any secret techniques in the treasure book that can be practiced and attacked.

After cultivating to the realm of the fountain of life, he can use the flying skill to fly with the sword, but the material has become a problem now, and the flying skill Lin Fei has not found it.In the end, he had no choice but to use the void mirror to take pictures of the nine pieces of Xuanyu. The Xuanyu was as warm and moist as water, and there was a little stream of light inside.

"Tianyuan Continent is indeed a magical continent. If this kind of profound jade were to be sold on Earth, it would be sold at a sky-high price of hundreds of millions. If you meet a monk who knows the goods, it will be a priceless treasure..."

Lin Fei weighed the nine pieces of profound jade in his hand with satisfaction. Although it was only nine pieces, it was not light, weighing around ten catties.

"Hey, here's some news for you guys..."

Nine pieces of black jade were placed in nine hidden places by Lin Fei. He moved the broken body of the Fifth Elder out of the cave, placed him horizontally in the cave passage, and finally sacrificed it from the sea of ​​wheels. A small jade bottle, this small jade bottle is Xiao Ling'er's sacred artifact, and he hid the small jade bottle in a secret place in the cave.

After finishing all this, Lin Fei shouted to the outside: "Come on! I found that thief Lin Fei! He is in this cave!"

Through the array arranged by these nine pieces of profound jade, the sound rolled out like thunder, and the surrounding ancient trees shook slightly.

"Lin Fei, let me see where you are going to escape this time! Old man Ji Ying is here to collect you!"

"Lin Fei, hand over the treasure book of this sect quickly, and the old man will spare your death!"

"Immortal, don't even think about it, just go into the cave to get it if you have the ability!"

Through the formation, a burst of chaotic voices spread to the outside, Lin Fei imitated the voice of the Fifth Elder, and quarreled with himself.

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