"So scary?" Lin Fei stuck out his tongue, and stopped talking. That monster-human freak was indeed terrifying. .|

Meiji nodded and said: "That's true. Back then, that man and devil ate all over the Tianyuan Continent. Whether it was a strong human being or a holy beast, they all became his belly. In the end, he was a holy monk from the Western Regions." Only then did he drive him to the depths of the starry sky, and he disappeared from then on."

"After about 100 years after the disappearance of the demons, a peerless beauty appeared in the line of the sentient fairy, but she was also a freak. The things she did were equally astonishing. When she was born, she caused thunder and calamity. What's more, it's the Great Dragon Tribulation, which is feared by the strong people in the secret realm of Xiantai. By the time she grows to 20 years old, she is already famous all over the world. Sons of gods, sons of gods, have become her servants, willing to be her followers." Speaking of this person, Meiji's beautiful eyes couldn't help but yearn for it.

Lin Fei coughed lightly, and said with a dry smile: "This sister is really tough, even the Holy Son of the Holy Land, the Son of God is willing to follow..."

Although it was flattery, Lin Fei was still very upset when he heard that those worthless holy sons had become her servants.

Gong Tianren’s basic introduction book mentioned a lot about the holy land. As the name suggests, the holy land is some great religions or big families who dare to call it a holy land. The descendants of some great emperors have unusually deep foundations.Take a small country like Wei State as an example, even if there are 1 Wei States, it is not as good as a holy place. As long as the Holy Land sends out one or two strong people from the four-pole secret realm and some peripheral disciples, they can sweep Wei State Such a country.

Those who can be selected as the holy sons of the Holy Land and the gods of the gods are naturally talented people who rank high among the younger generation, but it is such a character who willingly enters a woman's harem.

"It is rumored that the female freak eventually became a female saint king, an invincible opponent below the great saint, and finally broke into the depths of the starry sky and never came back, but she left a precious letter... ..." Meiji sighed.

"Huh? Li Zha?" Lin Fei's eyes lit up. This is a good thing, and it was left by an extremely strong man. If it is released, countless people will fight for it, and blood will flow like a river.

Meiji nodded: "Well, before she left, she gave this letter to the younger generation of Fairy Youqing. Fairy Youqing's branch is the current Wuhuamen, and Taoist Wuhuan's branch is You are together. Huanzong."

She revealed a secret, but Lin Fei didn't seem very interested. He raised his eyes to look at Meiji's pretty face, and said with an evil smile: "Could it be that sister, you got that ritual book and learned some secrets from it?" ?”

"..." Meiji's pretty face was stunned, and then she smiled, "Brother, you are really smart, yes, that ritual book is indeed in my hands, and I did learn some secrets of ancient times from it, which is why I brought it to you. Brother, the reason why you came to Wuhua Valley is that this place will be a place of great fortune for you and me. As long as you and I work together, we will become the top masters in Tianyuan Continent in the future, that is, we will be among the ranks of saints. It's not impossible..."

Lin Fei frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Sister, isn't she kidding me? Can you become a saint in this flowerless valley?"

He was more willing to believe that Mei Ji needed some kind of power from him, and after using him, he would directly silence him here.But with the Void Mirror and the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram in hand, Lin Fei doesn't want to be a concubine, at worst, he will fight to the death, maybe he can take this girl and the twelve beauties in red After absorbing the power of the sun in their bodies, they must be promoted to a higher level.

Lin Fei never believed in such things as pies falling from the sky, even if some pies did fall, he probably wouldn't be able to hit his head, so he can be said to be very cautious when encountering such things.The world of comprehension is more cruel and bloody than the world of mortals. There are no rules here, and strength is the only criterion.

He himself knew very well that in terms of hard power, he was not even close to Meiji, she was a strong person in the Great Secret Realm of the Dao Palace, and he was just a junior who had just opened up the sea of ​​suffering and led to the spring of life.Hard power is not as good as Mei Ji, but soft power Lin Fei is very confident. With the Void Mirror and the strange and unpredictable Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram in hand, he is really not afraid of Mei Ji.

Meiji smiled lightly at Lin Fei's doubts: "Brother, you don't have to be on guard against me. I don't mean anything to you. Please rest assured. The matter about Li Zha is not a big secret. , as long as you agree to practice together with elder sister, younger brother, elder sister can share this letter with you..."

"After all, this is just a deal..." Lin Fei spread his hands and said with a sloppy eye, "I don't know what benefits I can get from this deal, my sister is not going to marry me. Right? Little brother, my small body can't withstand such tossing with your enchanting body..." "Go... talk nonsense..." She didn't want to pursue Lin Fei's verbal advantage of her anymore. Seriously, "Okay, let's take it as a deal."

"What's the deal?" Lin Fei sat up straight, feeling a little more formal.

Mei Ji didn't make any rounds, and said bluntly: "I practice a conjoined body technique with the twelve red flowers in the Valley of No Flowers, which will release a lot of yin energy, and you, younger brother, use the "Goddess Treasure Book" to absorb us. The yin energy released is as simple as that..."

"Is there such a good thing?" Lin Fei was a little surprised, but he stared at Mei Ji and said, "Do you know the effect of "Goddess Treasure Book"?"

Meiji smiled and said: "Of course I know, because it is written in the ritual book of the female saint king that the sentient fairy is the body of the Taiyin, and Taoist Wuhuan is the body of the Sun and the body of the Taiyin." It is very difficult to live past the age of 20. This year, the twelve Honghua sisters and I will soon be 20 years old, so this matter cannot be delayed..."

"She told the truth..." Lin Fei was thinking in his heart and cheered up, but on the surface he looked very embarrassed, and complained, "Sister, you don't know something, although this "Goddess Treasure Book" is It was created by Taoist Wu Huan, but there are many requirements for users, especially for those with low cultivation like my younger brother, they can't absorb so much Taiyin Qi at one time."

"What!" Meiji's brows showed worry.

But Lin Fei said: "But it's not impossible, I'm just afraid that you can't do it, sister..."

"Uh..." Meiji's face changed, and then she realized that this kid was trying to blackmail her again!

But she could only compromise, and sighed: "If you need something, just tell me..."

Lin Fei suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Actually, you don't need too many other things, just get some thousand-year-old dragon ginseng, ten-thousand-year medicine king, add some spirit herbs, return yang pills, and get some top-grade mysterious ginseng." Jade is fine..."

"Hmm..." Meiji nodded, but her heart exploded, "Tell me the exact amount..."

Lin Fei sneered in his heart, he didn't expect this girl to agree so readily, which also showed from a side how terrifying the method of conjoining they were going to practice would be, otherwise she wouldn't be willing to bleed heavily.

"Since you're willing, then I'm not going to be polite..." Lin Fei laughed in his heart. Maybe some pie hit him on the head this time. He pretended to be thinking and said, "Wannian Medicine King needs ten thousand years of medicine. Plants, ten thousand-year-old dragon ginseng, ten bottles of ten-thousand-year stone milk, 100 yuan of top-grade black jade, and 1000 yuan of top-grade spirit stone..."

He listed more than a dozen rare treasures in one breath, and Meiji's face turned green when he heard it, and said angrily: "You really think I have been taken advantage of, any of these things can be auctioned for sky-high prices! Wannian Medicine King can find you one plant at most. There are only two thousand-year-old dragon ginseng, no ten-thousand-year stone milk, and no top-grade black jade. I will give you 100 yuan for top-grade spirit stones. You can figure out the rest. If you don’t help, sister It's a big deal and I'll die of depression tomorrow, there's no need to be taken advantage of..."

The more Meiji talked, the more angry she became, and the more she spoke, the more pungent she became, as if she had transformed from a fairy into a little pepper who was bargaining with people.

Hearing what she said, Lin Fei was also a little annoyed, and said angrily, "Let's forget it! I can't let Lin Fei work for nothing, right? I'm not strong enough now, and if I absorb a lot of Taiyin Qi, I will explode and die. Compared with my life, I still don't want your petty things..."

After saying that, Lin Fei was about to leave, Meiji hurriedly called him to stop, and said submissively: "Okay, you are ruthless! The Wannian Medicine King gave you two plants. These are all the stocks of my Wuhuamen. The Millennium Dragon Ginseng Three, stone milk and black jade are indeed not available in our sect, so we can only give you an extra 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, a total of 200 yuan for you..."

"It's so few..." Lin Fei rubbed his hands, staring at Mei Ji's red lips suddenly, and said, "Why don't you each give another kiss, and I'll take a little bit of a loss, and we'll continue with this deal... ..."

"Go to hell..."

When the red silk was waved, Lin Fei hurried away, thinking, why does this girl have such a heart, she wants to be a lady.

"I said good sister, so your heart is unstable, don't get angry easily..." Lin Fei yelled ghostly while running, "It's nothing to kiss, it's not that or that, let's talk I, Lin Fei, am still an innocent virgin, even if you want me to be a virgin, I am not happy!"

"Lin Fei, I will kill you..."


Lin Fei finally agreed to the deal with Meiji. The aura in the Wuhua Valley is full of spiritual energy, which is good for practice. There are also thirteen moon-level Taiyin bodies here, and there are free Taiyin Qi to absorb, so he naturally has to stay. up.

The most important thing is that he needs to hibernate now, there are still a lot of masters outside waiting to kill him.

The Valley of No Flowers is the best hiding place. This is a small mysterious world opened up by the ancient female sage, the sentient fairy. Without a token, even a sage can't break in.

Three days later, Meiji sent [-]% of what Lin Fei needed, including two Wannian Medicine Kings, and hundreds of high-grade spirit stones. Getting so many treasures at once made Lin Fei's eyes a little dizzy. Unable to open his eyes, he politely put all these things into Lunhai.

"Before we start, I want to make one more small request..." Lin Fei suddenly had an innocent face, and a blush appeared on the right side of his face.

Mei Ji frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That... little brother is a bit embarrassing..." Lin Fei looked ashamed, really like an innocent little guy. He leaned into Meiji's ear and said softly, "I just want to ask my sister you , how many innocent men like me have been harmed now?"

"Lin Fei!"

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