?Chapter 310

"They don't have any past lives, do they?" Lin Fei said feebly. <Please go to the website for the fastest update>

Yu Feiyan nodded and said: "That's right, they were also strongmen of my Yuhua clan in their previous lives. When you and the three celestial maidens fell apart, I have already awakened their deep memories."

"They decided to go with you?" Lin Fei asked, and he put on a short jacket.

Yu Feiyan said: "Let me give you an hour..."

After saying that, her figure flashed and disappeared.

At this moment, Xia Wanqing and Nicole pushed the door open, and the two women's cultivation base also exploded to the second level of saints, and there was a small red spot between their eyebrows, which was the special eye of the Yuhua clan.

"Husband, we are leaving too. I hope you will remember us. We are waiting for you in the Yuhua Clan." Xia Wanqing drifted to Lin Fei and said reluctantly.

Nicole also came to his side, reluctant to part with Lin Fei, but they knew that it would not be good for Lin Fei if they stayed.

Just like what Yu Feiyan said to them, if they don't go back to the Yuhua Clan with her, then Lin Fei may really be in great trouble.

They waited for Lin Fei to get dressed, and only waited for Lin Fei to speak.

Lin Fei didn't speak, but hugged them tightly, hugged them from left to right, and kissed their hair.

"Don't worry, as long as I, Lin Fei, don't die, I will definitely go to the Yuhua Starfield to pick you up someday..." Lin Fei's voice moved, and he suppressed the anger in his heart.

He knew that the second daughter definitely did not want to make such a decision.

To his relief, the two daughters are now sanctified, but they haven't cut off their yearning for him. They are still his Taoist companions, but the lower level memories in their hearts have been awakened.

They now have a new identity.

Although Yu Feiyan gave him an hour, but this time Lin Fei didn't have anything to do with the second daughter, but chatted with the second daughter. He took out the brush and left the picture of the second daughter.

An hour later, Yu Feiyan took the two daughters and left.

What made him speechless was that another peerless beauty appeared. This beauty was wearing a green dress, like an angel in the forest, and her beauty was breathtaking.

But Lin Fei couldn't arouse the slightest interest, and even got a little angry, and said in a low voice: "Who are you?"

"My name is Lin Ziyi. I'm from the city of the forest. I'm here to pick up Lei Yunlei's four daughters..." Lin Ziyi's red lips lightened, but she wasn't angry because of Lin Fei's anger.

Lin Fei frowned and said, "Where is the city of the forest? What do the four girls have to do with you?"

"The city of the forest is also known as the city of the tripod. Their four daughters are the descendants of the four tripods in our forest city in ancient times. I will pick them up and return them a wonderful fortune..." Lin Ziyi sighed, "What happened earlier I have seen all the things about you. Although you are not in a good mood now, I still want to take them back. This is not for you, but for their good. It will be more troublesome if the holy powerhouse finds out."

As soon as she finished speaking, the four daughters of Lei Yunlei came in, and among them, Mingxue's pretty face was still covered with tears.

She threw herself into Lin Fei's arms, choked up and said, "Husband, I don't want to leave you..."

"Go, go back to the city of the forest with them, when you are mature, you can come to save my husband and me..." Lin Feiqiang smiled bitterly to himself, his head seemed to be filled with a pile of paste.

In one day, so many things happened, and all nine wives were leaving, which made it hard for him to accept for a while.

But now that it happened, he is powerless to restore this situation now. Against a sage quadruple heavenly powerhouse like Hei Tian, ​​he is only barely able to win. The strong are almost defeated in seconds.

"We are waiting for you in Forest City..."

Lei Yunlei gave Lin Fei a firm look, and said, "If you don't come to us, the four of us will be single for the rest of our lives, until we are far away from you in heaven..."

"Don't worry, I can't bear to part with your four wives..." Lin Fei was very touched and nodded firmly.

"I love you……"

"I love you all too……"


In the end, the four girls also left, and all the nine girls left, leaving Lin Fei alone.

He was lying on the floor looking at the ceiling, his eyes revealed a kind of peerless loneliness, and a voice seemed to be repeating in his mind.

"Become stronger!"

"Become stronger!"

"Become stronger!"

"Become stronger!"

These two words were like a heavy hammer, constantly beating on his fragile nerves.


Lin Feiteng sat up from the ground with a bang, and two white flames shot out from his eyes, directly burning a big hole in the wall of the house.

Several attendants from the mansion rushed over immediately, and Yun Wudie also hurried over to visit Lin Fei.

"Brother Fei, are you alright?" Yun Wu's butterfly eyes showed pity, seeing Lin Fei's distraught appearance was very uncomfortable.

She has been with Lin Fei and his wife for two or three years, so she naturally knows the depth of Lin Fei's relationship with Nine Girls, but in one night, Nine Girls left and he was the only one left. How could this happen? better off.

Lin Fei let out a foul breath, looked up at the sky and sighed: "I'm fine..."

After finishing speaking, he took nine steps to the sky and left the city lord's mansion.

"Brother Fei, where are you going?" Yun Wudie hurriedly followed, afraid that Lin Fei would do something stupid.

"Wu Die, you don't have to follow, I'll go out to get some breath..." Lin Fei moved extremely fast, and within a few steps, he left Yun Wudie behind and disappeared.

Looking at the afterimage of Lin Fei leaving, Yun Wudie sighed again and again, but she was helpless.

"They're all gone, I must stay by her side, I can't leave..." Yun Wudie thought to herself, no matter what, she couldn't leave Lin Fei at this time.


At the same time as Lin Fei left the City Lord's Mansion, five figures sprang out from outside the City Lord's Mansion, all chasing in the direction Lin Fei left.

Half an hour later, Lin Fei came to the sky above a lake. Looking at the clear lake below, Lin Fei landed on the lake with his giant sword.


A giant palm appeared above Lin Fei's head out of thin air, pressing down on Lin Fei with a world-shattering power. This power is very powerful, reaching the peak of a saint.


The Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram appeared in the sky, enveloping Lin Fei.


Even so, Lin Fei still vomited blood for half a liter in the Taiji Yin-Yang diagram, and his whole body was blasted into the bottom of the lake like a cannonball.

A black shadow flashed from the void, wanting to continue chasing it.

When approaching the lake, two figures appeared and stood in front of the black figure.

"Hei Yun, this is the person my ancestor of the Huo family wanted, leave it to us..." One of them was Huo Gang, and said indifferently.

Hei Yun said in a dark voice: "This kid killed me Heitian, I can't let him go! I have to kill him myself!"

Huo Gang was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I didn't expect this kid to be so powerful that he even beheaded nephew Heitian. Let me avenge you..."

After saying that, a red round mirror appeared in his palm, and when he threw the round mirror on the lake, it immediately showed Lin Fei's current position, lying on a boulder at the bottom of the lake, spitting blood from the corner of his mouth.

"No! I must personally avenge my nephew!" Heiyun said with red eyes.

Huo Qi on the side laughed strangely and said: "Brother Heiyun, it's the same for us to avenge you. I'm afraid that you will beat him to ashes if you miss. Our ancestor is still waiting to use his body..."

"Yeah, Brother Heiyun, it's better to restrain yourself. The three ancestors made an agreement to kill this son together. At that time, our ancestors will refine the Huanyang Pill. The three ancestors are all waiting for Huanyang What about Dan..." Huo Gang also laughed.

"Hmph, let me go with you..." Hei Yun suppressed his anger.

His cultivation base is only at the peak of the saint, but Huo Gang has the realm of the second heaven of the saint king, one is the saint realm, and the other is the saint king realm. He has no confidence in Huo Gang at all.

"Let's go together..."

At this moment, two other people appeared in the void, a young monk and a brown-haired old man.

"Brother Han is here too, just in time..." Huo Gang was stunned, but his mouth was very polite, "This kid can make the five of us take action, it's his creation..."

"not good!"

Before Huo Gang could finish his sentence, his face suddenly changed drastically. He found that Lin Fei was no longer on the fiery red round mirror.

"Where did he go!" Hei Yun shouted sharply, glaring at Huo Gang.

If he teleported and shot just now, Lin Fei wouldn't have disappeared, it was himself who stopped these two guys.


With a finger of his right hand, Huo Gang pointed the round mirror over the lake, and scattered a large curtain of fiery red light.

"Go down and find..."

Huo Gang's face was extremely embarrassed, Lin Fei's figure did not appear on the light curtain, he quickly put away the round mirror, and teleported to the vicinity of the big rock just now.

"What about people!"

This lake only has a radius of more than 20 miles, it is a small lake in the fifth city, and it is not too big.

Han Zun of the Han family and Huo Gang of the Huo family have both reached the realm of a saint king, and they can go to any corner of the lake with a single teleportation, and Hei Yun is no exception.

But after searching for more than half an hour, they still did not find any trace of Lin Fei, only some of Lin Fei's blood was left on the stone.

Lin Fei disappeared out of thin air.

"Did you do it!" Hei Yun glared at the two of the Huo family, with black fire in his eyes.

Huo Qi shouted: "Hei, what nonsense are you talking about, we are also guarding outside the city lord's mansion to arrest this kid, how could we let him go on purpose!"

"Your Huo family probably want to swallow his body all by yourself, and refine the Yangyang Pill?" Heiyun chattered and sneered, and wanted to kill Huo Qi.

Huo Gang hurriedly said: "Brother Heiyun, don't get excited, we really don't know where this kid went..."

"If it wasn't for the two of you to stop me, I would have killed him a long time ago. Fortunately, he is gone now..." Hei Yun complained again and again, very upset with the Huo family.

Han Zun also persuaded: "Okay, everyone, stop arguing, the three of us have the same purpose here. Since this son can disappear under the noses of us, there must be a secret treasure in him, but I think this The secret treasure must not be able to help him last for too long, or he would have used it long ago. It may be just a secret treasure that can make him invisible in place. We might as well separate three people and guard him here for a day, and the other two People went to the city lord's mansion and continued to guard."

Begging to share

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