Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 313 Do You Want To Introduce Some Beauties To You?

? Chapter 310

Those five guys were very depressed, and when Jin Ziyang and the others returned to the City Lord's Mansion, they were equally puzzled. [`fiction`] net

Jin Ziyang said that he didn't find Lin Fei's aura from them, and that Lin Fei might really be missing. What made him even more depressed was that there was news from here that Lin Fei's nine wives in the city lord's mansion had also disappeared.

"Where are Lin Fei's nine wives?" Jin Ziyang looked at Yun Wudie.

Yun Wudie was a little speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer, and finally could only say: "The members of their sect took them away..."

"Picked up..." Jin Ziyang's eyes flashed a strange color, and he thought to himself, "Could it be that a great saint entered the City Lord's Mansion last night?"

The magic circle of the City Lord's Mansion can only be entered and exited by the great sage without being discovered by him.

And according to the report from the girl in the City Lord's Mansion, the nine girls disappeared a few days ago, and he only returned to the City Lord's Mansion today, that's when he heard about such a thing.

If this is the case, then there must be a great saint who has made a move.

"If that's the case, Lin Fei's background is a bit more mysterious. This kid really can't be offended. Mr. Chen seems to have a good relationship with him, and one of his wife sects has a great sage in charge..." Jin Ziyang frowned and thought with.

He looked at Yun Wudie again, wondering: "Why are you still here?"

"Uh..." Yun Wudie was stunned for a moment, but said firmly, "There must always be someone to accompany him, to help him take care of his daily life..."

When she said this, she herself blushed a little. She said this, but it seems that she is not Lin Fei's Taoist couple yet.

Jin Ziyang thought for a while, and also felt that this was the case, and said: "Well, you go back and rest first, I think since the kid is not in their hands, he must be alive and will definitely come back."

"That's the only way to go. Thank you, the city lord, today." Yun Wudie saluted.

Jin Ziyang said no need, and Yun Wudie went back.


"…Who are you…"

As soon as she entered her room, Yun Wudie saw a guy in a black robe appear in her room.

She slapped it with her palm, and the guy immediately avoided it, and whispered: "It's me..."

"Brother Fei?" The voice was so familiar that Yun Wudie recognized it immediately.

Lin Fei chuckled, and took off the mask on his face, revealing his true face.

Fortunately, every room in the City Lord's Mansion is soundproof, making it safe to speak in every room. Of course, this is only compared to ordinary strong men. If there are strong men above the peak of the Saint King , you can still overhear their conversation.

"Where did you go, I'm so worried..." Yun Wudie hurried forward and examined Lin Fei carefully.

After confirming that Lin Fei was fine, Yun Wudie let out a sigh of relief, but when she looked up, she saw Lin Fei's eyes were fixed on her, and her pretty face immediately turned red.

"What are you looking at..." Yun Wudie said coquettishly.

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said, "Of course I'm looking at the peerless sister Wu Die..."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said..." Yun Wudie lowered her head, her pretty face flushed.

"Will you leave?" Lin Fei asked suddenly.

Yun Wudie raised her head and said anxiously: "Brother Fei, don't worry, I won't leave you, as long as you don't dislike my low cultivation, Wudie will never leave you..."

After saying this, she felt her face burning hot. Such words seemed to be expressing her love.

"Well, thank you." Lin Fei was quite moved, with a firm smile on his face, he opened his arms towards Yun Wudie.

Yun Wudie was slightly taken aback, her pretty face turned red to the base of her ears, she twisted her head and didn't rush in.

"Is he showing his love to me?" Yun Wudie's little heart was fluttering, not knowing how to deal with it.

She wanted to rush towards Lin Fei, like Xiao Linger and the others, wantonly enjoying that safe haven, but she was also worried that this was just Lin Fei's solitude for a while, after the nine girls left, Lin Fei just wanted a woman.

"In our hometown, hugging is a kind of etiquette, there is no other meaning, sister Wudie, don't think of me as a bad person..." Lin Fei smiled lightly, and took the initiative to embrace Yun Wudie in his arms.


"It's so warm..."

Yun Wudie groaned softly, her body was extremely hot, and a refreshing feeling flowed through her whole body.

Lin Fei also hugged her tightly, this is not the kind of hug on earth, it is clearly a hug.

Streams of powerful solar energy passed into Lin Fei's treasure mirror, and then refined from the treasure mirror into solar energy, which passed into the sun and stars.

This is a perfect cycle, and it is also one of the most effective ways for Lin Fei to break through. Yun Wudie is a star-level Taiyin body that is rare in ten thousand years, and the Qi of Taiyin contained in his body is better than a hundred moon-level Taiyin. the sum of the body.

The wisps of yin energy rushed into Lin Fei's precious mirror like torrents.

The two embraced for nearly half an hour, and Lin Fei once again sucked out more than [-]% of the yin energy in Yun Wudie's body.

He and Yun Wudie had a high degree of spiritual compatibility, and only then did he suck out more than [-]% of the yin energy, and the remaining [-]% could only be used in other ways.

"No, I'm going to break through..."

Yun Wudie's face changed slightly, she broke away from Lin Fei's arms, and immediately sat cross-legged on the floor and began to prepare to break through.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Fei's mouth, and he stood in the room to protect her. He also broke through a small realm and came to the Second Heaven of Xiantai, the second heaven of the quasi-sage.

"It seems that we need to find more bodies of the sun, or grab some guys to devour..."

Lin Fei also sat cross-legged on the floor, his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​wheels, and he took out the Jiufeng mountain, and Heitian's primordial spirit was still in it.

A little golden man stuck out a straw and pierced Heitian's primordial spirit. Although Heitian begged for mercy repeatedly, Lin Fei turned off his hearing and didn't hear it at all.

It took one day for Lin Fei to meditate, and the next day he finally devoured Heitian's primordial spirit completely.

"The aura of Xiantai is less than one-tenth of the second heaven of the second heaven. It's too tangled..." He was troubled, and found that he was still more than [-]% of the spiritual energy gap from the peak of the second heaven.

If it is devoured in this way, it is estimated that ten saints like Heitian will be enough.

In fact, the higher the cultivation level, the more serious the differentiation of the five elements' aura in the body, especially the amount of aura in a certain aspect is obviously too much.

However, Lin Fei had to absorb five types of spiritual energy at a time, and the excessive spiritual energy was obviously wasted and could not be used.

If you simply have to absorb the five kinds of spiritual energy by yourself, the speed of advancement will be slower. It may take ten or eight years to advance to a small realm.

"If you can get a Saint King Yuanshen, maybe you can directly rise to a small realm..." Lin Fei imagined in his heart, completely daydreaming, where did the Saint King Yuanshen come from for him to devour.

A sage Wang Yuanshen is completely equal to more than ten or twenty sages like Heitian, so there is no comparison.

"This girl is really improving so fast, she has reached the second and third heavens of Sendai..."

Lin Fei opened his eyes and observed Yun Wudie. She was still making breakthroughs, and now her cultivation had reached the second and third heavens of Sendai, which was higher than her own.

If he breaks through for a few more days, it is estimated that his cultivation base will have to go up, which makes him feel a little bit embarrassing.

"She should also have a peerless physique. Compared with the Celestial Girl Clan and the Yuhua Clan, she will only be stronger and not worse..." Lin Fei guessed in his heart, "Maybe someone will come out and a great saint will bring her let's go."

"call out……"

To Lin Feidan's pain, an old man in black robes appeared in the room.

"I'm going to take her away. If you have anything to say to her, you can keep it on the jade card..." The old man was very straightforward, and threw out a jade card, "This jade card can imprint voices and portraits..."

Lin Fei looked at the old man, feeling a little dazed, and asked, "Who are you?"

"This old man is Li Jin from the City of Falling Immortals..." The old man said indifferently, "Hurry up and burn your voice, this old man is only waiting for your ten-breath kung fu..."

"You're a god, you're so damn good!" Lin Fei cursed in his heart, he was really aggrieved these days.

Holding the jade card in his hand, he looked at the beautiful and quiet Yun Wudie in front of him. Lin Fei picked up the jade card and said to the jade card, "Sister Wu Die, if I, Lin Fei, are lucky enough to live, I will definitely marry you. If you hear the news of my death, find a good man to marry, and if you meet the nine of them, please convey this sentence for me, if I die, you will marry someone..."

"Okay, it's time..."

The old man looked unhappy, and took the jade card back, and with a wave of his sleeve, Yun Wudie was taken away by him.

He really came without a trace, without a trace, probably another strong man at the level of a great sage.

"I'm Immortal Banban your whole family!"

Lin Fei looked up to the sky and cried out, the last woman beside him was also taken away, within a few days, he became an exclusive widow.

"Yu Niang and Wu Qingying should not have left, right?"

Thinking of women, he hurried to the room of Yuniang and Wu Qingying. A maid said respectfully to Lin Fei: "The two seniors left the fifth city six days ago and went to the sixth city..."

"Your sister!"

Lin Fei finally couldn't hold back and exploded, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes!

"I haven't been messing around with flowers recently, so why are you so mediocre..." Lin Fei complained in his heart, when Jin Ziyang came to him and scolded with a smile, "You brat has some skills, can you Avoid those bastards..."

Those bastards were naturally referring to the five of Huo Gang.

"I heard that all your women have run away. Don't be discouraged, young man. Would you like me to introduce some beauties to you?" Jin Ziyang raised his eyebrows and smiled, and immediately touched Lin Fei's pain.

Lin Fei also scolded with a smile: "You'd better sleep by yourself, I only have one carrot, so I can't occupy so many pitfalls..."

"Haha, you're a bit funny, a radish can't take up a few more holes, just don't bring out the mud..." Jin Ziyang laughed, and the face of the beautiful maid beside him turned red, secretly thinking that these two high-ranking Why did the monks come together and say such nonsense?

Lin Fei said in a deep voice: "This time, I would like to thank the city lord for taking the lead, otherwise I would not be able to avoid the eyes and ears of those people."

"Don't talk about those nonsense, how long do you plan to live in my fifth city, boy? I mean, there are more than 100 people who came with you, but there are only a few people left here." Jin Ziyang laughed Said, "The Lord of the city is considering whether to charge you for accommodation, [-] spirit stones a night..."

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