Chapter 32 Killing the Heaven and Killing the Sword

The black giant was just struggling for life and death, Hong Ling strangled him so that he couldn't play it, and the purple flame gourd was a quasi-holy weapon, the purple fire inside it would be roasted even a monk in the four-pole secret realm . .|

The giant's struggling sound became smaller and smaller, and Lin Fei's face became more and more unsightly. He always thought that Meiji was no threat to him. After all, he had the Void Mirror and the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram in his hand, so he was not afraid of Meiji.

But seeing that Meiji dealt with the monster so lightly, he still felt a little palpitating. When he was on the red silk just now, the coercion of this monster would overthrow him, but now Meiji can easily subdue this monster. Monster, the gap between me and her is not even a little bit.

"You damn stinky bitch!" After a moment of silence, the giant suddenly became angry.

The black magic tower swayed once again, and a lot of black magic energy gushed out from it, blessing the giant's body, his pressure increased sharply, and the red silk thread on his body became tense for a while, but the red damask It is a quasi-holy artifact, but it still persisted.

The giant cursed loudly: "You stinky bitch, don't think you look better, I will treat you like a flower, I will come out of the tower now and destroy you!"

Having said that, the giant went berserk again, the first floor of the black magic tower collapsed with a bang, several of the god chains outside the magic tower were snapped, and a surge of demon energy instantly blessed the giant, and the giant's coercion exploded again .


Lin Fei hid behind the boulder, but he didn't expect that the huge wind blowing up by the giant smashed the boulder directly. A void mirror silently covered his whole body, and he hid hundreds of meters away while no one was paying attention.There is a huge ancient tree here, for unknown reasons, it actually blocked the gust of wind, Lin Fei jumped onto the fork of the tree, watching the battlefield ahead from a distance.

The giant suddenly showed its power, and even Meiji was thrown tens of meters away, and the red silk thread on the giant's body was about to burst.

"Smelly bitch, I've changed my mind. This time I'm going to transform into a thousand sticks and smash you to pieces!" The giant's mouth was so skillful that Lin Fei admired him, and he transformed into a thousand sticks. You can think of it, it really is a cow!

Meiji flicked the messy hair on her forehead, and made a few more imprints in the void, and saw a burst of golden light flashing on Hong Ling's body, and the original red silk thread suddenly became thicker, and each thread became the thickness of a finger. The son tied the giant back again.

"Golden Flame..."

A drop of blood essence floated from the center of her eyebrows and flew into the purple flame gourd. The flame color of the purple flame gourd immediately changed, and the purple became golden.

This kind of golden flame has a higher temperature and a stronger devouring ability. Once poured on the giant, it immediately devoured the giant's right arm.


The giant let out a roar, the second floor of the black magic tower collapsed, and more than a dozen god chains outside the tower were broken, his coercion exploded again, and the red silk thread was once again facing the point of collapse. .|

"What kind of strength is this guy!"

Lin Fei, who was hiding on the ancient tree, was shocked. Right now, the coercion of this giant was definitely far greater than that of Mei Ji, not one or two times stronger than Mei Ji, at least five or six times higher.If it weren't for the combination of the red silk and the purple flame gourd, Mei Ji would definitely be doomed, but Lin Fei also sensed that Mei Ji's aura was beginning to become unstable, and there was a yin energy in her body that was flowing at a high speed.

"Brother Baojian, it's time to see you..."

Lin Fei's consciousness dived into the sea of ​​wheels, and the goddess Baojian came out in response, turning into a stream of light in nothingness, and fiercely stuck to Meiji in the distance.


Mei Jijiao suddenly stopped moving, a strange feeling entered her heart, and soon she found that there was an extra golden book in her Dao Palace, and this golden book was actually devouring her body The Qi of the Taiyin!

"Lin Fei, you should die!"

Meiji was furious in her heart, although the Taiyin Qi was harmful to her, but at this time she had to rely on the power of Taiyin Qi to fight against this giant. Without the blessing of Taiyin Qi, she might not be able to withstand this strength, which is close to the fairyland giant.

At this time, Lin Fei released his "Goddess Treasure Mirror" to absorb the yin energy, which is tantamount to adding insult to injury and taking advantage of the fire.

Meiji urgently sealed her Taoist palace, trying to seal the flow of aura inside, so as to control the "Treasure of the Goddess", but the "Treasure of the Goddess" was too mysterious, and it could circulate by itself. The air was sucked in by it.


Meiji was restrained by the power of the Dao Palace, and her figure stopped even more. She immediately gave the giant a chance, and the giant collapsed another layer of the magic tower. Suddenly, he showed the power of the quasi-sage, and gave Hong Ling a strong shock. Broken.

"not good!"

Seeing the giant punch the purple flame gourd, Meiji's face changed drastically, and the fragments of the red silk in the distance reorganized again, turning into a blood-red killing sword.

As soon as the killing sword came out, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the void distorted.

As soon as the killing sword came out, the giant's ghost screamed and disintegrated into the flesh, and the magic cloud retreated back into the magic tower.

"Damn it! It turned out to be the Heavenly Killing Sword!" The giant quickly fled back into the magic tower. The first to third floors of the magic tower that had just been broken were repaired automatically. He groaned strangely, "Zi Yan What exactly did Lao Ni get from the Immortal Mansion, did she also get the Heaven-Puting Sword?"


Meiji remained unmoved, the bloody killing sword slashed through the void, and slashed towards the black magic tower ahead.

"It turned out to be just an imitation, which scared your uncle..." The aura wielded by the killing sword is limited, and its power is far inferior to the real killing sword. The black monster quickly came out of the tower again, a huge The black head resisted the bloody killing sword.



One after another murderous aura burst out, the mountains and rivers shattered, the void shattered, and spiritual energy burst out randomly. Lin Fei was unscathed hiding behind the trunk of this ancient tree.

"What a powerful killing sword!"

Lin Fei secretly sighed the power of the killing sword, the power of this killing sword is far better than the red silk thread and purple flame gourd just now, its power is comparable to the old drunkard's jade bottle, comparable to the holy power.


Meiji's face was pretty pale, and another drop of blood flew out from between her eyebrows, and it penetrated into the scabbard of the killing sword, and the killing sword split into three immediately, turning into three bloody killing swords.

"Transfiguration?" The monster gasped in surprise and cursed, "You bitch is quite capable, but I don't know how long you can hold it!"

After all, the giant head slammed at Meiji first. Meiji was slender, but when she raised her head, the three killing swords greeted her in the shape of a character.



There were bursts of roaring noises, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the space seemed to be shattered. Seeing such a level of battle, Lin Fei's heart was pounding, and he secretly thought that the Tianyuan Continent was too amazing.

A strong man in the early stage of the Four Extremes Secret Realm can display the power of a saint with a magic weapon, while another monster with an unusual identity can absorb the magic energy in the magic tower and grow continuously.

The two sides came and went, you attacked and I defended. After dozens of rounds, the entire area was pierced, and the landscape was beyond recognition.The black monster has already collapsed the six-story magic tower, and Meiji has already played most of her cards, increasing the number of Tianzhu swords to six, but she is almost at the limit, and her face is already pale.


"Stinky bitch, do you really want to seek death?" The two sides fought for nearly half an hour, and the monster cursed.

Meiji's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and she shouted coquettishly: "You know what I am here for, hand over that thing, and I might force you to die!"

"Be careful when you talk big!" The monster said with an evil smile, "The kid behind you doesn't look weak in stature, but I don't think he is weak in that aspect. He is actually a body of the sun, but you are a body of the sun. It turns out that you two have had an affair for a long time..."


Lin Fei on the ancient tree had black lines on his face. This monster guy is so interesting, but he was also muttering in his heart, what is the purpose of this Meiji coming here to make such a fuss.

Meiji's hair fluttered, and a chariot was slowly driven out between her brows. As soon as the chariot got out, the monster was a little scared.

"What is this?" Lin Fei was also curious.

This chariot is not particularly big, it is only the size of a small car on earth, and there is only one ballistic on it, which seems to be used for launching.

"Since you don't hand it over, I'll take it myself!" Meiji snorted, and loaded dozens of high-grade spirit stones into the wheels of the chariot.

"Kill the sword, return!"

The six killing swords in front of him all returned to their positions, and once again merged into a blood-red killing sword, which actually got into the ballistic path of the chariot.

"It turns out that this is a magic weapon for blessing, which is equivalent to the ancient crossbow cart!" Lin Fei understood now.

This chariot is actually equivalent to a magic circle. Using the powerful spiritual power of the high-grade spirit stones to activate a magic circle, the magic circle ejects the Tianzhu Sword through ejection, and its power will be multiplied several times!

Meiji quickly played the seal, and the aura of the top-grade spirit stone circulated, attracting a surge of momentum, and all the aura was blessed into the Tianzhu sword. The color of the sword changed again and again, and finally turned into a golden sword , even though it was only lying horizontally in the ballistic trajectory, it caused the monster to jump up and down for a while, and wanted to go back to the magic tower.

"Want to escape?" Meiji sneered and activated the chariot circle.

The monster screamed: "You stinky bitch, you even blessed the space magic circle, what are you doing! Old nun Ziyan doesn't have such methods like you!"

The old nun Ziyan was a character tens of thousands of years ago, and his own strength was a low-level cultivation of a great sage. This monster had dealt with old nun Ziyan before.Right now, this stinky bitch who claims to be a disciple of Zi Yan's old nun got a high-quality imitation of the Heaven-killing Sword from somewhere, and also got such a magic circle chariot. Block the space.

"Destroy it!"

Meiji stood up straight, parted her hair from her forehead, revealing a pair of clear eyes, and the chariot circle was activated.The coercion of the Tianzhu Sword exploded, and the ejected projectile actually split into thousands of Tianzhu Swords. The shadows of the swords overlapped, like a silver shuttle passing through the body of a monster.


Lin Fei, who was hiding on the ancient tree, couldn't bear the doomsday coercion. He spat out three mouthfuls of blood, and secretly thought that he would use a fierce killing sword, which should have surpassed the power of the holy weapon.


The monster in the distance let out a roar, and was immediately pierced by Wan Jian. The demon cloud seemed to want to reorganize again, but he didn't want to turn the sword again, and pierced it again. Even the black magic tower was killed by Tian Zhu The sword was cut inch by inch and turned into flying ash. The monster completely cut off the hope of rebirth, and all its gods and forms were destroyed.

A black stone flashed from the void, Meiji's face tightened, and a long shadow protruded from her right hand, grabbing at the black stone.


At this moment, a black-robed Taoist appeared out of nowhere, and a pair of withered hands met Meiji's right hand. Meiji was shaken back, vomited a mouthful of blood, and the black stone was caught in the hands of the black-robed Taoist.

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