Chapter 320

On the fifth day, the news of Hof's return came from the sixth city. This Hof has been away for three years and broke through to the fourth heaven of saints.

His cultivation base is not too high in this sixth city, not even comparable to Hongluan, but this kid is pretty cool.

"Lin Fei dares to come out and fight!"

"Waste body Lin Fei, you shrink your head, how dare you come out and fight your grandpa to the death!"

"What kind of a hero is hiding in the bed, be careful with sores..."

Early in the morning, Hof came to the city lord's mansion and yelled, his words were very ugly.

"Who are you, how dare you act presumptuously in my City Lord's Mansion..."

This guy yelled for half an hour, but Lin Fei didn't come out, but a girl riding a white bird came out from the City Lord's Mansion.

The girl was as beautiful as an elf, holding a bullwhip in her hand, and whipped it towards Hof.

Hof hadn't been to the Lord's Mansion of the Sixth City for several years, and before he recognized the girl's identity at a glance, he teleported over and slapped the girl on the head with his palm.



It's a pity that he didn't take a picture of the girl, but was thrown hundreds of meters away by the girl's long whip, and a bloodstain was drawn on his body immediately.

"You stinky girl, court death!"

Hoff went crazy, and he took out a silver bow and arrow, nocked the arrow and shot it out.

The arrow pierced through the void all the way, and the sky and the earth changed color. It turned out to be a saint king's strong weapon, which was extremely powerful.

"court death!"

The girl snorted lightly, with disdain in her eyes, she threw out the bullwhip and stopped the arrow halfway.


Hof's eyes showed horror, he didn't expect this woman to take it, and the bullwhip appeared next to his face in an instant.

"No..." Hof screamed and wanted to teleport out.

But he found that the space was locked and could not be moved.


"Crack... ah..."

Tian Niu's whip was like a knife, and he quickly shaved more than a dozen times on his face with each whip. Hof's face was completely ashamed.

"Your mother called you home for dinner..."

The girl flicked the bullwhip, wrapped Hoff into a ball, and flung him away like a ball.

A ray of light flew out, and I don't know how many miles it was thrown.

"Uh, who is that girl, it's too scary..."

"That bullwhip is terrifying, even the Saint King's strong soldier was blocked, at least it is a Saint King's peak soldier..."

"I think this girl may have reached a high-level holy realm..."

"This girl's shot is so clean and crisp, Hof really has been bad luck for eight lifetimes..."

"Isn't she Lin Fei's woman? She came out for the Taoist couple?"

"Most likely……"

There were nearly a thousand monks watching around. Hof yelled ghostly in front of the city lord's mansion for half an hour earlier, which naturally attracted many monks.

In just half a day, another piece of explosive news broke out again.

Lin Fei was called Zhan Linfei in front of Hof City Lord's Mansion, but Lin Fei could not come out. His mysterious Taoist companion made a cold-blooded move and whipped Hof like a bull. The news spread like wildfire in the Sixth City.

For a while, the news about Lin Fei, Huo Fu, and the mysterious girl became a hot topic among nearly [-] million monks in the Sixth City.

On the second day, Lin Fei announced to the public that he would face Hoff seven days later, and the venue was chosen at the trial ground north of the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, all the halls in the Sixth City began betting big and small, and the battle between the two young people was fired.

One is the body of the sun, the blood of the Holy Emperor, and the power of the blood can be said to be unparalleled, but his cultivation is only the second layer of the second heaven of Xiantai, and he is only the body of the sun of the first-level quasi-sacred realm. It is said that he has been refined Out of the Sun Emperor star.Although his cultivation base is low, but with his low-level quasi-sage cultivation base, he has killed many strong people across the ranks, even from the first city to the sixth city.

The other is Huo Fu, a core disciple of the Huo family, a powerful family on the ancient road. His own strength has reached the fourth heaven of saints. He fought against a mysterious girl yesterday and showed a strong bow of the king of saints.

In terms of strength comparison, Hough can be said to have an absolute advantage. There seems to be no comparison between the two of them at the same level of strength.

However, it is said that Lin Fei, the body of the sun, has some secret techniques. A few days ago, he slapped Chen Mingxuan's face when he searched "Fifth Literature" on Baidu in the proving ground to read the latest chapter. You must know that Chen Mingxuan is a sage. His cultivation base is really shocking.However, not many people have seen this news, it is just some gossip, not very true.

On the contrary, Lin Fei has already passed the trial of the sixth city, and the content of the trial of the sixth city is to defeat a female saint.

Among the dozens of female saints, the one with the worst cultivation level is the second heaven of saints, which means that Lin Fei's strength can beat at least one female saint of the second heaven of saints.

All kinds of gossip and rumors made the battle between the two a bit confusing.


On this day, Lin Fei was wearing a black robe and disguised himself as he left the City Lord's Mansion and came to the nearest visiting city.

After nearly a day of visiting the city, he finally bought all kinds of secret materials and returned to the city lord's mansion.

And after Lin Fei entered the mansion, a mysterious girl appeared in the void, who was the one who whipped Hof a few days ago.

She snorted softly: "Is this bastard sure about winning? If I don't give this girl the victory over Nahuofu's pig's head, I will beat you into a pig's head and throw you into the Ten Thousand Devils' Cave..."

When the girl came to the city lord's mansion, Hongluan and the other girls immediately saluted and said respectfully: "See "Six Nights Romance" is the fastest update, beat the young master..."

"Which bastard is in charge of testing him?" The girl asked coldly without saying a word.

All the girls felt chills in their hearts, this young master is notoriously savage, and what is even more depressing is that more than three years have passed.

She is more attractive, her appearance is more beautiful, but she is even more deceptive.

Those who don't know will definitely think that she is a good girl. If she smiles at you faintly, it must be that this girl has thought of some trick and is going to play tricks on you.

Hongluan said in a deep voice: "Return to the young master, it was Hongluan who tested him."

"Oh? Hongluan, you fought against him personally?" The girl was a little surprised, raising her eyebrows suspiciously, "You are a strong man in the sixth heaven of saints. Could it be that you can't beat him, a junior quasi-sage?"

"Returning to the young master, although that kid's cultivation base is not high, he has mastered the secret technique of fixing a person's body shape. His subordinates were attacked by him and fixed their body shape. After one breath, they were plotted by him." Hong Luan said.

She had negotiated with the female saints a long time ago, and she guessed that the young man would come to investigate. It is said that she spent all her money in this gamble.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Huo family had a strong man in the sixth city, she would probably beat Na Huofu to death, and then Lin Fei would be able to win a lot of rewards.

"The shape-fixing technique can fix Hongluan you?" The girl couldn't believe it.

Hongluan nodded and said: "The shape-fixing technique is very strange. It can indeed fix a strong person who is much higher than him, but if he hadn't sneaked up on his subordinates, the subordinates should not have fallen for his tricks. And the subordinates found that his The setting technique may damage its origin, and if it is used too much, it will have the power to counterattack."

"Hmph, then you can give him some elixir, and tell him that if he wins this battle, the young master will send him more than a dozen female saints to warm his bed..." The young master giggled and left.

"Uh..." Hong Luan and the other women were embarrassed, they didn't expect the young master to say such a thing.

Hong Yin hurriedly asked: "Sister Luan, should we go and give him the elixir, or not, let that bastard lose..."

She doesn't want to warm the bed for a man. For her who is pure and pure, she might as well die.

Hongluan looked at the girls, nodded and said: "You wait here, I'll send him..."

After saying that, she flashed her figure and entered the city lord's mansion.

After a while, she arrived at Lin Fei's residence, which was an independent small house.

I saw that Lin Fei had placed a bunch of pots and jars in the yard, and there was also a medicine cauldron in the middle of the yard, as if he was going to refine some kind of elixir.

"Hey, Sister Hongluan is here, why are you thinking of me and came to see me?" Lin Fei raised his head and laughed, revealing an elegant smile.

Hongluan secretly scolded this kid for hypocrisy, but said with a smile: "The young master sent me to give you some elixir, you accept it..."

Pushing the two jade boxes in front of Lin Fei, Lin Fei smelled it and praised, "The medicinal properties are good, it's actually 3-year-old purple dancao, I'm short of such a blind medicine..."

Lin Fei was not polite at all, directly opened the jade box, and threw the two purple dancao inside into the medicine cauldron.

"Uh, this is for you to fight against Huo Fu, why did you use it now..." Hongluan's face twitched, she didn't expect the two elixir to be ruined like this.

"Sister Hongluan, don't worry if you give me a few more plants, Zhan Huofu can also use them..." Lin Fei continued to work hard, picked up some other medicinal materials, and threw them into the medicine cauldron in order.

"Fuck you, I don't run an elixir shop, this is my private collection..." Hong Luan pouted.

She glanced at the materials Lin Fei was playing with. She didn't know most of the medicinal materials in Lin Fei's courtyard, but just looking at the appearance of those materials, they were really not very good.

There are stones like chickens, pitch-black herbs, and things like steamed buns with long white hairs. In short, these things are really ugly in appearance, and they don't look like things that can be used to refine secret medicines.

"What are you playing with, why are you so ugly?" Hong Luan was extremely puzzled, thinking that Lin Fei was a big prodigal.

Lin Fei lowered his head and said with a grin, "Hey, I am planning to refine a batch of beauty pills to keep my beauty unchanged for ten thousand years..."

"Uh, there really is such a panacea?" Hong Luan didn't quite believe it.

With just such a bunch of rotten things, you can still make a beauty pill, and it will keep your appearance unchanged for thousands of years.

Generally speaking, female cultivators in the Saint Realm can maintain their appearance for thousands of years.

&n"Fifth Literature" is updated the fastest, hand-typed bsp; even a female great sage has a lifespan of only three to four thousand years.

If there really is a so-called secret medicine to maintain the same appearance for thousands of years, the female majesty will rush to buy it. Beauty is the nature of every woman, no matter how high her cultivation level is.

Lin Fei didn't raise his head, but said, "Give me more than a dozen 5-year-old elixir, and when I refine the Zhuyan Pill, I will definitely dump you one..."

"Go to hell..." Hongluan gave a wry smile, secretly thinking that she was fooled by this bastard again just now.

She hurried away and left, but Lin Fei raised his head at this time, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "You stinky bitch, wait until I test the medicinal effect of this face powder, and then I will tell you to be arrogant, don't you?" It’s just a sage in the sixth heaven, my buddy regards you as a floating cloud, and still puts you to sleep..."

After finishing his work, Lin Fei went on to work.

It's just that he didn't realize that in a certain corner of the void, there was a pair of big eyes still watching him. It was the mysterious young master, with suspicion in his eyes.

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