?Chapter 320

The ancient road of the human race has existed for a long time. Countless heroes of the human race have set foot on this ancient road, and most of the heroes have fallen here.net

But that's the case. Every year, a large number of monks set foot on the ancient road to seek a breakthrough in the Tao.

The news of Lin Fei's death, the body of the sun, spread to several ancient cities ahead. Yuniang and Wu Qingying, who were already in the eighth city at this time, also received the news, and the two girls were in different moods.

"It's fine if you're dead, I'll kill you to make your debut..." Yuniang let out a mouthful of turbid air, her face was a little silent, and then she was relieved.

Wu Qingying sighed in her heart, thinking to herself: "Flowers bloom and fall, monks are all flowers, maybe one day I will wither, and I will follow in your footsteps. I still remember the first time we met, you Brother Big Mouth said, you need to pinch a pack of water, but unfortunately you can't pinch it..."

The death of Lin Fei only sparked a topic on the ancient road for more than a month, and soon a new man of influence emerged.

For example, the young Supreme Batian has already beaten all the ancient roads of the human race, unexpectedly several young Tianjiao appeared on the ancient road, all of them were top-notch, and they even tied with Batian for two days.

The tenth city's sacred stone vein was finally mined. It was the largest sacred stone vein discovered in the ancient road of the human race for ten thousand years. Several great saint protectors have rushed to the tenth city.

Not two months later, there was another shocking news that a Goddess Stone was mined from the Tenth City Gods Stone vein.

There is actually a fairy in that sacred stone. According to the judgment of some great sage protectors, this woman may have been a quasi-emperor powerhouse during her lifetime.


A lot of shocking news came out, and the great world is coming, but all of this has nothing to do with Lin Fei.

It was as if he had a dream, a trace of his source was put into the bodhi coffin at the last moment, and he entered that mysterious space again.

But this time he was far from being able to recover so quickly. It was not until three years later that Lin Fei woke up slowly, and a pair of sky blue eyes appeared in the bodhi coffin, like two small light bulbs, floating in the coffin. .

"Fortunately, life is still..."

Lin Fei sighed in his heart, he didn't know what was going on, although he was not conscious, but he knew the passage of time.

He has been in this bodhi coffin for three years, and at this moment, Hof on the eighth floor of the Treasure Pavilion, the Heavenly Dragon Sword in his wheel sea suddenly made a buzzing sound.

"come out!"

The face of the master uncle outside changed slightly, and he immediately pulled Hoff out,

"Stinky boy! After getting the Heavenly Dragon Sword, you still want to show off in the Treasure Pavilion?" The Huo family's master uncle was rarely strict, and sent Huo Fu hundreds of miles away without waiting for Huo Fu to speak and argue.

Hof covered his face and cried loudly, took out the Tianlong Sword from the wheel sea, and cried out: "Why are you making such a fuss, it's all over now, you could have stayed there for seven years, now it's over..."

In three years, he has gained a lot, and he has entered the fifth heaven of saints. If he is given another seven years, he may be able to enter the sixth heaven of saints.

"Forget it, go and inquire about the current situation on the ancient road, it's boring to stay in the Treasure Pavilion..."

Hoff sighed secretly in his heart, that was the only way to go.

He put away the Heavenly Dragon Sword, took out another divine sword, and it turned into a silver rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

It's just that he didn't realize that a green hanging coffin appeared in the inner space of Tianlong Sword at this time.

The bodhi coffin appeared inside the Tianlongjian. It has been lurking here for several years and has not left.

The five-cornered cage is the inside of the Heavenly Dragon Sword. This is a divine sword that has been intertwined with the righteous way long ago. A ray of real dragon's breath has been injected into the inside, and this is how it has the power of the great holy soldier.

"call out……"

The bodhi coffin rushed out of the pentagonal cage easily, turning into a streamer and flashing past Hof. Hof suddenly felt his scalp go numb, and his body broke out in cold sweat.

"Hey, didn't there be a peerless powerhouse flying past me just now?"

He sighed secretly in his heart, and when the wisp of energy disappeared, he let out a sigh of relief.

That breath was so powerful that it sent chills down his spine in just a split second. He quickly checked Lunhai and found that the Tianlong Sword was still lying there, and it was no longer humming, so he was relieved. Next day's rich: Kiss the devil's ex-husband goodbye.


The bodhi coffin took Lin Fei into the void, into a strange star field.

It's just that Lin Fei in the coffin didn't know that his origin had been damaged, and he hadn't recovered to [-]% level yet.

"I don't know when this period of exile will end..."

He secretly sighed in his heart, two confused colors flashed in the pair of sky blue eyes in the coffin, but after a while, the eyes became transparent.

"I can't let time be exiled, I still have to find the ten girls, they are still waiting for me..." Lin Fei murmured from his wounded origin, and the light in his eyes became brighter.

A thin ray of white flame rushed out from one of the eyes, and another ray of chaotic flame rushed out from the other eye, and the two quickly intertwined, and the distance between the two eyes was also a little closer.

"Awaken for the second time..."

There was a hoarse sound in the coffin, and Lin Fei started the second awakening, the second fusion of the origin of chaos and the origin of the sun.


Seven years later, in a pitch-black starry sky, a pair of lonely eyes lay quietly in the void, looking around.

Below the pair of eyes, there is a jasper hanging coffin more than ten feet long. This coffin is exactly the Emperor Object Bodhi coffin.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed since the battle with Hof. Lin Fei has also stayed in this boundless star field for seven years. Now he has finally recovered part of his origin, and his eyes rushed out from the bodhi coffin.

In the void, Zhifeng was everywhere, eroding Lin Fei's eyes from all directions.

At this time, his pair of eyes are no longer sky blue, but more like a transparent color, the crystal clear color, like warm jade, has become a little weird.

Just a pair of eyes, but like a peerless sacred weapon, piercing the void, just these eyes made Lin Fei even more unfathomable.

Time seemed to have stopped in this star field, Lin Fei's eyes finally opened slowly, a wave of Zhifeng rushed over frantically, and instantly formed a huge vortex of silver balls, engulfing Lin Fei's body. A pair of eyeballs were enclosed.

"Seven years, it's time to heal..."

An inexplicable cold wind blew in the void, and the surrounding Zhifeng was like dust flying in the wind, easily cut into pieces by the cold wind and disappeared.

Two cold winds penetrated into Lin Fei's eyeballs, and then a multi-colored mist flew around. These mist once again wrapped his eyeballs, forming Lin Fei's eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye. physical body.

A month later, the fog outside slowly dissipated, and a naked man appeared in the original position.

He is about 1.8 meters [-] tall, with strong limbs and strong muscles. Although he does not have strong muscles, his lines are almost perfect, especially his skin color, which is a healthy wheat bronze color, looks particularly comfortable.

The most astonishing thing is that there is a shocking dragon in this guy's waist.

This Anglong is nearly [-] centimeters long, and the mushroom in front of it is even reddish. It can be called a peerless tyrannosaurus rex. If it is seen by those hungry women on the earth, they will probably rush to it desperately.

This person was none other than the transformed Lin Fei. After letting the surrounding wind blow for a month, Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes became deeper and weirder, the eyeballs were transparent, like two white holes, outsiders couldn't see the joys and sorrows inside.


"Clap clap..."

Lin Fei's body moved, and his joints made a crisp sound, like the sound of firecrackers, turning into streamers of light that overflowed all around.

"A body that is too mixed..."

Lin Fei slowly opened his mouth and muttered to himself. He named his new body the body of Taihun, which is a mixture of the body of the sun and the body of chaos. The second fusion formed this latest fleshy body.


He stretched his little finger of his left hand slowly, and with a powerful force, he shattered a small void in front of him, revealing a crack in space, and Zhifeng immediately squeezed there.


There was another explosion, and a transparent light shot out of Lin Fei's eyes, directly blasting on the space crack, and the space crack merged automatically.

"I have to recover slowly..."

Lin Fei muttered to himself, but didn't put any clothes on himself, closed his eyes and fell into deep thought again.

Although he has a new chaotic body, he is like a newborn baby, unable to adapt to this new body, unable to perform precise manipulation, and needs to fully understand his chaotic body.


A month later, Lin Fei finally woke up again, and put on a black robe with his hands raised.

"time to go……"

He looked up at the starry sky, and there was a large sea of ​​stars in front of him. There were countless planets in it. His eyes were transparent, and he didn't know whether it was joy or sadness.

A ray of consciousness sank into the sea of ​​wheels, and the old clapper in the Jiufeng mountain immediately screamed: "You son of a bitch, you have finally recovered. I have been here for ten years..."

"I'm sorry..." Lin Fei smiled faintly, with a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But the old clapper wondered, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

He found that Lin Fei's eyes had changed from white ten years ago to a more unpredictable transparent color. He had never seen such eyes.

"I don't know what's wrong, maybe it's a mutation..." Lin Fei sighed, took out the Jiufeng mountain, and held it in his palm.

The old clapper Yuanshen said: "Where is this place? It doesn't look like the sixth city. Did you lose to Huofu back then?"

"It's a defeat..." Lin Fei asked neither happy nor sad, "Do you know how to return to the ancient road, or find an ancient star with people..."

The old clapper also said helplessly: "How do I know this, this place is probably an ancient starry sky road, we may have been thrown into the dark starry sky..."

"Dark starry sky?" Lin Fei raised his eyebrows.

The old clapper said: "The dark starry sky is a starry sky without people. The aura around here is extremely thin, and it is not suitable for living beings at all. It may be a land of exile."

"This damn Bodhi Coffin..." Lin Fei cursed the Bodhi Coffin in his heart, it was the Bodhi Coffin that brought him in.

But right now no matter how he calls for the Bodhi Coffin, the Bodhi Coffin won't come out, so naturally he can't show him the way.

Begging to share

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