Chapter 320 Seven

A wild boar enters the stomach, and the effect it brings to Lin Fei is equivalent to that of a moon-level Taiyin body. k";

With his current cultivation base, if he eats another hundred or so, he can step into the second and fifth heavens of Sendai.

The five-element aura in each boar's body is almost equivalent to a high-level quasi-sage, which shocked Lin Fei a little.

"Uh, you don't plan to eat here for a few years, do you?" The old clapper was a little speechless, aggrieved, "It's better to find me a good body first, and wait a few years, the old man will go crazy... "

"Okay, let's look for it as we walk..."

Lin Fei only nodded in agreement, he would not give up this primeval forest, at least he would eat up all the spirit beasts in this forest.

After eating for a few days, Lin Fei was a little bit more supportive, and he took up the giant sword and galloped towards the north.

Flying north for about five hundred miles, he finally found a small village, and there were many monks in the village.

Lin Fei's arrival aroused the vigilance of many monks in the village, but after Lin Fei landed, they still knelt down and saluted.

"Welcome to the Immortal..." Hundreds of people from the village, old and young, saluted Lin Fei. Most of them were below the Taoist Palace. Seeing such a peerless master like Lin Fei, they had no choice but to kneel and worship.

Lin Fei took a look at the young and old in the village. They were dressed in a relatively luxurious way. Most of them wore brocade clothes and jade robes, not like ordinary people in Tianyuan Continent.

His gaze swept over hundreds of people, and soon he locked on an uncle with his head down. The physique of this uncle was actually very similar to that of the old clapper.

Lin Fei didn't act immediately, but asked, "Where is the nearest city?"

An old man from the second level of the Taoist Palace hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Go back to Shangxian, three hundred miles south of this place, there is a city of mortals..."

"Hmm..." Lin Fei nodded, then rewarded a thousand spirit stones, and said with a smile, "Can you tell me about the situation in Fanxian City in detail?"

Since the distance is only three hundred miles, this old man must have a certain understanding of Fanxian City. When the old man saw the Lingshi appear, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Wow, since it's a spirit stone!"

"Shangxian is so generous..."

"With so many spirit stones, our village has become rich, and we can go to Fairy City to exchange for holy water..."

The eyes of all the young and old in the village were bright, as if they were very rare about spirit stones, Lin Fei couldn't help raising his brows, but he didn't ask immediately, but took the old man back dozens of miles away.

"The Immortal City three hundred miles to the south is just a small sub-city of the Immortal Palace. Three thousand miles to the south, there is a main Immortal Palace in our Immortal Continent. You must be a loose cultivator, Shangxian..." The old man was a little apprehensive, for fear that Lin Fei would kill him with his hands. |i^

"Is this something you can ask?" Lin Fei snorted coldly.

Two cold lights shot out from Fen Tian's eyes, which directly penetrated into the brain of the old man. The old man's cultivation base was too different from his own, so he could directly search for the information in his brain.


In just a moment, Lin Fei got the news he wanted to know, and the old man also fell to the ground, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Lin Fei directly threw him into the dense forest, and did not take his life. This old man is the head of the village, and he did not do anything bad.

It was the big man. When Lin Fei returned to the village, that guy was running away to the north with a flying sword. He was obviously frightened by the eyes of Lin Fei who looked at him just now.

"Shangxian, please spare me..."

Seeing Lin Fei suddenly appearing in front of him, the uncle immediately burst into tears, with tears and snot coming from his nose.

Lin Fei had no expression on his face. When he just looked at him, he realized what he had done, and he did many things that hurt nature and reason.

His Fen Tianyan has already refined the chaotic heart into it. He can't see through the past of those whose cultivation level is higher than his four small realms. Then look through.

"Forgive your immortal..."

A silver ball of light flew out of Lin Fei's palm, and directly penetrated into the center of the uncle's eyebrows. The uncle's tiger body trembled, and then he passed out.

Lin Fei immediately carried him over, took the huge sword and rushed south.

After flying about [-] miles, Lin Fei stopped at the outskirts of Nafanxian City. There happened to be an ancient stone mountain. He opened a cave in the mountain and threw the uncle into the cave.

After doing all this, he was still worried, and arranged a large array of nine yin and nine yang outside to ensure the safety of the old clapper.

Seizing the house is not a trivial matter. After the old clapper completes the house, his cultivation base will definitely drop greatly.

He had a cultivation base of the first level in Xiantai before, and Lin Fei reckoned that after he took over this uncle, it would be good to have a cultivation base of the peak of the Dao Palace.

But this uncle's blood is not ordinary, it's only because he didn't have special training in secret techniques that his cultivation is so poor.

When it is in the hands of the old clapper, it will definitely show its power, and it will be a matter of time before it climbs to the secret place of Xiantai.

Lin Fei threw the uncle into the cave, and he came to the outside of the mountain, and there was also a dense forest in front of him.

Most of the surrounding areas are primitive dense forests, even if it is a city, it is estimated that it was developed on the basis of the original dense forest.


At noon that day, Lin Fei caught another boar, but this time he had a sudden thought not to roast the boar.

He summoned his natal soul, and the little golden man stuck out the straw and plunged into the boar's body.


"It's really possible..."

Lin Fei was quite excited, the five elements aura directly drilled into his natal soul from the straw, in the end Lin Fei didn't bother to bake it, and threw the boar's fart directly into the sea of ​​wheels, and the natal soul devoured it. up.

With this level of convenience, Lin Fei turned into a prey killer and began to sweep away the spiritual creatures in this area.

Within three days, Lin Fei hunted and killed tens of thousands of spirit creatures, including birds, animals, and water spirit beasts. There were dozens of types, all of which became the targets of Lin Fei's devouring.

On the third day, Lin Fei returned to the outside of the cave, only to see slight movements from the cave, and a surge of golden brilliance.


The Xuanyu hidden in the void at 18 yuan was summoned by Lin Fei, and the Nine Yin and Nine Yang formations were withdrawn. An uncle in the cave mansion slowly walked out with an evil smile on his lips.

"Hey, old man, I'm finally resurrected!"

The uncle walked out of the cave, roaring to the sky, venting his depression of more than 20 years.

Lin Fei glanced at him, and snorted, "Old Clapper, you are very lucky, you actually have the cultivation base of the quadrupole and the second heaven, it seems that you have picked up a big deal this time, this uncle is actually a god of war body..."

The body of the god of war, this is a rather powerful physique, at least much stronger than the old clapper's previous crippled body.

When I first arrived in the Immortal Continent, I found such a blood body in a small village, and it happened to match the attributes of the old clapper. The old clapper was not so lucky.

"Haha, this old man likes the body of the God of War, so it's not a problem for Ziye to guard the ten daughters now, let's go, let's go to Fanxian City..." Once the old clapper was revived, he was very high-profile.

Lin Fei scolded with a smile: "Go to Fanxian City by yourself, keep a low profile in the city, and don't cause trouble for yourself."

After that, Lin Fei threw out a holy weapon and threw it to the old clapper, fearing that this guy would offend the boss in Fanxian City, and it would be bad if he died.

"Why are you staying here?" The old clapper now has a physical body, but he can't see through Lin Fei's cultivation.

Lin Fei threw another [-] spirit stones to him, and hummed: "I want to break through here, and the spirit stones will save some money, not much..."

"I'm a fairy, I'm going to break through again, you've changed too much..." The old clapper was angrily, cursing Lin Fei as a monster in his heart, but he hummed, "Brother Niu, do you know, the old man has a Bullwhip, renamed Brother Niu..."


Lin Fei almost fell down, and went straight into the cave, setting up a nine-yin and nine-yang formation, and didn't bother to talk to this brother Niu.

Brother Niu laughed loudly, controlled the holy weapon, and swaggered towards Fanxian City, a hundred miles away.


In the cave, Lin Fei sat cross-legged on the ground, his consciousness sinking into the sea of ​​wheels.

On the mainland on the other side of Lunhai, corpses of all kinds of spirit beasts were piled up to form a mountain. Among them, those wild boars were the largest. Lin Fei hunted and killed more than 500 of these wild boars alone. All the boars were hunted down.

The sun and stars are no longer the huge stars they used to be. Now the sun and stars have become a star with a diameter of only more than two meters.

The golden Yuanshen villain appeared and began to devour a wild boar directly according to the engulfing secret method left by Ren Tianya. The boar's body became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a virtual element and disappeared completely.

The spiritual things in the vicinity are more like spiritual energy, and Lin Fei only needs to swallow them simply.

The spiritual energy of the five elements inside them is very balanced, it can be directly absorbed and refined by the sun and stars, and the inside of the sun and stars is constantly circulating. At the same time, Lin Fei's celestial body is becoming more and more firm.

Legend has it that Sendai is divided into nine levels of heaven, and each level of heaven has nine levels of realm, and it is very difficult to ascend each level.

Especially after arriving in the third and fourth heavens of Sendai, it is difficult to climb a small realm every time. It is not simply a matter of heaven and earth aura, but also a comprehension of the Tao, the situation, and the heart.

What Lin Fei has to do now is to rush to the peak of the second heaven of Sendai, and then start preparing to slash the way. Once he is sanctified, his super-hybrid body will really shine.

At that time, he can really do what his master Wu Yazi said, and be invincible at the same level!


Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Fei devoured nearly half of the corpses of spirit beasts, which helped him break through to the second and sixth heavens of Xiantai.

Originally, the speed of Lin Fei's devouring could be accelerated, but he didn't rush for success. Every time he devoured a spirit beast, he was perceiving the other party's life, growth and death process.

Firewing birds, after birth, will be thrown into the abyss by their mothers. They must learn to fly naturally during the descent, otherwise they will die when they land.Often out of ten young birds, only one or two will survive, and the mother bird that gave birth to them will also fall into a dormant period of up to ten years, and after ten years there will be another reincarnation.

Mountain pigs are huge in size, but they are only less than one meter tall when they are born.They eat both meat and vegetables. They have been eating from birth to three years old, and they will eat everything they see.If they encounter some high-level spirit beasts, they will only fall.

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