Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 331 Brother Niu, I Just Like Women's Belly

Chapter 330

Senior Brother Wei's face changed slightly, but he didn't get angry on the spot, but said in a low voice: "Quickly retreat, these two are the disciples of Elder Mei..."

"Hey, it turns out that they are two newly promoted juniors. I don't know why they don't stay at the fifth peak. The elder's direct disciples all live in the fifth peak..." The guy squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Fei for a while. Wagyu brother. k";

Brother Niu's cultivation was in the second heaven of the four poles, and Lin Fei's cultivation was a little unclear to him, so he directly regarded Lin Fei as an ordinary person.

Brother Wei snorted angrily: "Stop talking so much nonsense, get out of the way quickly, don't delay our business..."

The sharp-mouthed monkey also snorted: "Brother Wei, don't you know the rules? If it's just two named disciples, they can't set foot on my third peak, unless they are the elder's direct disciples..."

"Hmph! Elder Mei has already put down his words, don't you know?" Brother Wei frowned, very unhappy.

This sharp-nosed monkey always looked down on him, and this time he wanted to make things difficult for him again, but this time with the support of Elder Mei, he was a bit more courageous.

The sharp-mouthed monkey curled his lips and said: "Then I really haven't received any message from Elder Mei, Senior Brother Wei, but you know the law and still break the law. You don't pay attention to us, Senior Brother..."

"Yes, get off now, the third peak is not where you guys stay!" Another guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks yelled directly.

Several other people also said that they didn't scold them, and they despised Lin Fei and the three of them very much.

They are all formal disciples of Ascending Immortal Hall, and those with the worst cultivation are those in the four poles, third and fourth heavens. Lin Fei and Brother Niu are just registered disciples. Generally speaking, registered disciples are good-looking ones. Elder Mei accepted them. As a registered disciple, he probably wouldn't be too concerned.And this Senior Brother Wei is just a servant in the Ascension Hall, who lives in the lowest peak, and usually brings some guests around the Ascension Hall, not even disciples.


At this moment, Lin Fei made a sudden move, and slapped the scolding guy flying away, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood in the air, and knocked out a front tooth.

"You, you dare to do it!"

The guy rolled over immediately, the right side of his face was swollen so high that it almost covered half of his nose.

"Dare you to be disrespectful to Elder Mei!" Lin Fei snorted coldly.

The guy jumped and scolded: "You blind man, you dare to be arrogant in front of me, so let's get rid of him together!"

Although he was angry, he knew that this guy must have something to rely on if he dared to attack, so he wanted to go together.

"Those who dare to hurt me on the third peak, you are impatient..." the sharp-mouthed monkey scolded angrily, and a long silver rope flew out from its hand, turning into a long snake and tying it to Lin Fei. |i^

Lin Fei was stunned, and was startled by this rope. This rope actually had a faint trace of the power of a great saint, and it was actually a great holy weapon.

Seeing that Lin Fei was about to be tied up, Brother Wei also went into a rage, and slapped the sharp-mouthed monkey with his palm.

The other person next to the Sharp Mouth Monkey also made a move, and he met Senior Brother Wei with a palm, knocking him back.

The silver cable flew towards Lin Fei, and Lin Fei took nine steps to the sky, and instantly appeared on top of the sharp-nosed monkey.


The sharp-mouthed monkey's face changed drastically. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei teleported over here. Could it be that he has stepped into the holy realm?

Yinsuo flew into the air, and once again rushed towards Lin Fei. Two white flames rushed out of Lin Fei's eyes and burned directly at Yinsuo.


The sharp-nosed monkey hurriedly put away the silver rope, and Lin Fei's big hands were holding his head, which could kill him at any time.

"This junior brother, you have something to say, you have something to say, don't get excited..." the sharp-mouthed monkey hurriedly begged for mercy.

The faces of the other few people were also extremely ugly, all of them were trembling and mighty. Lin Fei had clearly teleported over just now, and his strength had obviously entered the holy realm.

Their strongest is only in the middle stage of the first layer of Xiantai, and it is still far from the holy realm.

Senior Brother Wei was also a little embarrassed, and said bitterly: "Junior Brother Lin has already stepped into the Holy Realm, it's because I'm blind..."

Thinking of taking Lin Fei's thousand spirit stones earlier, he felt extremely ashamed, and really wanted to find a hole to get in.

In Ascending Immortal Hall, the disciples who entered the holy realm were generally core disciples, and core disciples generally did not live in the lower peaks, but mostly lived in the sixth peak, and the number of them would not be too many, no more than 200.


Lin Fei slapped the sharp-nosed monkey several hundred meters away, glanced at the disciples facing him, and snorted coldly, "If what happened today happens again, then it won't be as simple as just a slap..."

"Yes, junior, just visit the third peak, I will withdraw first..."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to practice calligraphy, so I'll take my leave first..."

If more than a dozen people were granted amnesty, they would disappear in a flash, for fear of offending this Junior Brother Lin.

Lin Fei turned his head and smiled at Senior Brother Wei: "Senior brother thinks highly of me, I haven't stepped into the holy realm yet, it's just that my footwork is quite special."

"Oh, so that's the case, but I'm obsessed with worldly things..." Senior Brother Wei shook his head with a wry smile.

Lin Fei grinned and said, "Senior Brother Wei, you are wrong, whoever doesn't want spirit stones, if he sees that he doesn't want spirit stones, then he is a fool."

"Stop talking nonsense here, hurry up and go to the third peak..." Brother Niu said impatiently.

Lin Fei glanced at this guy, he is not very capable, but his temper is really bad, and he loves to fuck women.

Brother Wei felt relieved, and took Lin Fei and Lin Fei around the third peak.


There are two to three hundred people living in the third peak, most of them are ordinary disciples, basically they have not stepped into the holy realm, and quasi-sacred realm is also extremely rare.

Senior brother Wei took Lin Fei and two people around the third peak for a day, and turned around several dangerous places. This time, there were no unreasonable disciples to make trouble, and Lin Fei's reputation spread all over the third peak. up.

Elder Mei accepted a sage as a named disciple, and the news quickly spread in the third peak, and no one dared to beat Lin Feizhifeng.

There were even a few female disciples who came to talk to Lin Fei on the way, but after seeing Lin Fei's transparent eyes, they gave up the idea of ​​becoming a Taoist couple. Most of the female disciples thought that pair of eyes were too weird. Like a righteous person.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Megan finally came down from the Ninth Peak on this day, and brought Lin Fei some ancient books that Lin Fei needed, including some records about the starry sky in the Palace of Ascension to Immortals.

In addition, Megan also brought Lin Fei and Niu some basic secrets of the Temple of Immortals. If they can make breakthroughs and comprehend them, they will also give Lin Fei and the others deeper secrets.

In the cave, Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged on the blanket on the ground, holding a big ancient book in his hand, scanning it line by line.

"I said Lin Fei, you've been watching it for three days and three nights, take a break and have a glass of wine, or let's go out and find some girls to have a good time..." Brother Niu complained constantly.

After staying in it for more than a month, he didn't have any breakthroughs in the basic secrets of the Ascension to Immortal Palace, but the second brother was very itchy and wanted to find some girls to vent his anger.

Lin Fei curled his lips while reading the book and said: "The third peak has many girls, and the first peak has many ordinary female disciples. You are also Elder Mei's registered disciple after all, so it's not a problem to fool a few with this identity. "

"Uh, those girls on the third peak are too realistic. They think Brother Niu's cultivation level is too low. Those female disciples on the first peak are also too ugly. Not many of them are good-looking, not to mention their figures. Brother Niu My ass hurts. Besides, there seems to be a rule in Ascending Immortal Palace that male and female disciples are not allowed to mess around together, this is called Brother Niu, how can I feel so bad." Brother Niu said with a look of grievance.

Lin Fei smiled and said nothing, Brother Niu asked again: "Your boy has been reading this book for three days and three nights, there are always so many words, whether there are coordinates of the starry sky, shouldn't it be clear by now?"

"It's true that there are no star coordinates on it, but it's quite interesting..." Lin Fei said while reading the book, "If you want to find a woman, you can go out by yourself, anyway, you have a jade card to go out."

"Uh, anyway, you can be considered as my brother Niu's younger brother. Brother Niu, I have to cover you, don't you? Since you don't want to go, brother Niu, I will go out by myself." Brother Niu shook the jade card in his hand. Lin Fei stepped forward and said with a flattering smile, "Can you get some funding?"

"Won't you use your own charm to get a few women for something worthless?" Lin Fei pouted and said disdainfully.

Brother Niu said disapprovingly: "It's not bad to spend money to find a woman. Everyone has no burden. After one night, it doesn't matter. It's straightforward. Our brother Niu is not like you. You have to play with women, but you end up playing with yourself." , that's not worth it. For women, as long as they have a good figure and good looks, it's fine to have a tender bottom..."

"Huh, hurry up..."

Lin Fei threw out [-] spirit stones directly, and asked this guy to find a woman, so as not to dirty his ears.

"Hey, get out now..." Brother Niu smiled obsequiously after getting the Lingshi, and immediately left the cave to find a woman outside the Hall of Ascending Immortals.

Lin Fei chased and said: "Look for a cheaper woman, stay outside for a while, don't bother me..."

"Hey, you think women are Chinese cabbage, and the price of a female cultivator who is willing to sell is not cheap, so give me more spirit stones..." Brother Niu went into the cave again and stretched out his hand to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei dumped another 45 spirit stones to him, and hummed, "Don't come back within a few years, it's best to die on a woman's belly..."

"Haha, Brother Niu, I just like women's belly, which is white and elastic. Brother Niu, I'll go too..." After getting so many spirit stones, Brother Niu blushed, and immediately ran away.

Lin Fei was speechless, and continued to read this ancient book of stars.

Although this is just an ordinary ancient book, it has brought great shock to Lin Fei. It not only records some powerful ancient starry beasts, but also introduces many magical star fields.

Rather than saying that this is an ancient book, it is better to say that this is a living map. This is a history book left by countless strong people from the Ascending Immortal Continent who traveled through the starry sky.

Everyone who left the Ascension Continent to go to the outer space was an unworldly powerhouse. Some of them returned to the Ascension Continent alive and wrote their knowledge and experiences into this ancient book.

This is the crystallization of countless people, and it is the memory left by the strong people of the Ascending Immortal Continent. Some of the above experiences are beyond Lin Fei's imagination.

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