Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 336 Calligraphy and Painting Store Owner

Chapter 330 Six

Lin Fei was moved by how an ordinary old man could always think of the villagers.

At the same time, the old man's family situation also made him sigh. After struggling all his life, it was really unfair that his descendants treated him like this in the end.

In the old man, there is pride, struggle, pride, unspeakability, and desolation.

In one person, Lin Fei saw many emotions, as if he saw many ways.

In the old man's life, there have been countless Taoisms, such as greedy Taoism. When he was doing business, some sons advised him to be short of money, but he never did that.There is also Yudao, after he made money, some young and beautiful women tried their best to marry him, but he was not tempted, and stayed with his ugly wife for a lifetime until she passed away.

"Although the old man is ordinary, he sticks to an extraordinary way. He is firm on the right way."

Lin Fei gave this old man a very high evaluation. Even many monks can't do such a righteous way. When facing spirit stones, secret treasures, and ancient scriptures, monks often kill each other and cannot calm down.

When facing a better Taoist companion, they would often kill the previous Taoist companion in cold blood in order to get a better Taoist companion.

The world of monks is more cruel, and it also skews the way of most monks.

"Old man, what have you been holding on to..." Lin Fei walked out of the night and walked towards the old man slowly.

The old man was not panicked, he just smiled and said, "What am I sticking to? Maybe it's faith, faith to everyone, faith to my wife, faith to my unfilial children and grandchildren..."

"You are well said, old man, you have great wisdom, and the younger generation sighs that it is not as good as..." Lin Fei praised, and then shot a silver light into the old man's forehead.

This is a spiritual force that can nourish the old man's body and keep him alive for another three to five years without any problems.

The old man finally lay down beside the dry well, with a smug smile on his lips.

Lin Fei let out a long sigh, and then disappeared into the night.


The next day, a painting and calligraphy shop opened on a remote street in the small town.

The shop owner is a young man, dressed in a black robe, with his eyes always closed, like a blind man.

This incident soon aroused the interest of the people in the small town. It is still unheard of for a blind person to open a painting and calligraphy shop.

Soon, some common people came in to look at the paintings in the painting and calligraphy shop. The painting and calligraphy shop is not big, covering an area of ​​only more than 100 square meters, and there are not too many paintings hanging inside, only eighteen paintings.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, this painting is so realistic..."

"This woman is so beautiful, she is like a fairy girl in the sky, how much is this painting..."

The [-] paintings include landscapes and figures, and a few of them depict women. They are really vivid, and their painting skills are not ordinary.

The people who came were ordinary people. Lin Fei sat in front of the painting table, closed his eyes and said, "One million spirit stones for each painting..."


"So expensive? Are you crazy about money..."

"Ordinary people can't afford it at all, and monks can't afford it either..."

This price is shocking. Many people think that Lin Fei is crazy about money. Although these paintings are wonderful, but if they are worth 100 million spirit stones, they can't see the way in them.

Lin Fei said: "People who are predestined will come to buy them, and those who are not predestined don't need to ask for a price, and it is useless to buy them. They are just some ordinary paintings."

"Uh, this boss is really interesting..."

"Yeah, it's clearly said to be some ordinary paintings, but the price is so expensive..."

"It's so expensive, you can't sell a pair for ten years, right? Whoever has a lot of Lingshi has a fever, and he won't burn it here..."

The price offered by Lin Fei was unsatisfactory. After appreciating it for a while, many people could only leave with a sigh.

Not long after, several middle-aged aunts left the calligraphy and painting shop together, but they left with a hidden picture of Qishan Mountains and Rivers.

With a single pointing finger, Lin Fei took back the landscape map of Mount Qi and hung it on the wall.

"Come on..."

The three women looked at each other, they were just ordinary people, they didn't expect Lin Fei to be a monk.

Lin Fei didn't do anything to them, but just let them go. The paintbrush in his hand never stopped, and he kept lightly drawing on the painting platform in front of him.

It's just that the drawing process is really too slow, and even some of the onlookers just lost the fun of watching and left early.

The next day, Lin Fei's calligraphy and painting shop became famous in the small town.

A blind man opened a painting and calligraphy shop. There were 100 paintings in the shop, and each painting was priced at [-] million spirit stones. The news spread like wildfire in the small town, and immediately attracted many monks to come to watch.

Within a few days, thousands of monks came to watch, all marveling at Lin Fei's superb painting skills, but none of them bought the paintings in the store, they just came to admire them.

During the period, there were also things that a few aunts did. Several monks wanted to secretly draw away, but Lin Fei took them back.

At this point, Lin Fei has gained a greater reputation. It turns out that this blind man is a high-ranking monk, and it is very likely that he is a reclusive expert.

Now more monks were attracted to watch, but they just wanted to talk to him, but Lin Fei never said a word, and he went from blind to deaf-mute.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Fei's calligraphy and painting shop became deserted, and very few people came to visit his calligraphy and painting.

Lin Fei is still in his painting, and his No.19 painting has already begun to take shape. If the old man is here, he will be surprised, because Lin Fei's painting is none other than the old man.

It's just that this picture is not an old man, but a young man with delicate features. This is the old man who read some ancient books when he was young, and he looks a bit elegant.

Lin Fei is portraying this old man. He wants to paint this old man's life, and he needs to paint three paintings in total.

One is the old man's youth, one is the old man's middle age, and the other is the old man's old age.

The old man's youth painting, Lin Fei has finished painting half of his head, and the rest of the painting is not finished. At this time, a middle-aged man came into the painting and calligraphy shop.

This middle-aged man wore a jade crown on his head, a brocade robe, and a black iron fairy sword on his waist. He was heroic and full of the majesty of a superior.

When he entered the calligraphy and painting shop, he first looked at Lin Fei, and found that Lin Fei hadn't revealed any aura, and a strange color flashed in his tiger's eyes, and then he turned around in the shop.

Finally, he stopped in front of the portrait of the assistant woman, stared at it for a long time, and asked, "Is the person in this painting your Taoist companion?"

Lin Fei didn't answer, the brush in his hand was still fixed on the drawing paper, but a trace of sweat oozes from his forehead, he has been drawing for three consecutive months, this stroke is extremely important.

After sketching this stroke, even if half of the young old man's head is finished, he can rest and take a breath.

"I don't think it's your Taoist partner. You didn't show that kind of affection in her eyes. It should be that you are interested in her, but she is ruthless to you..." The middle-aged man said to himself, his voice was not Read the novel to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei ignored him, and heard this guy say: "Her eyes are full of arrogance. It can be imagined that this is a remarkable female cultivator. If my guess is correct, this woman may have the body of a fairy. In her eyes, maybe only someone who is also a fairy can be worthy of her, and you may be far from meeting this qualification, but there is a hint of appreciation in her eyes, and it is obvious that she admires you very much. But you still She has not crossed the bottom line in her heart, she is far from it, she cannot form a Taoist partner with you..."

"This guy really knows how to paint..." Lin Fei thought to himself, this middle-aged man can be said to be the person who knows how to paint the most in recent months.

This middle-aged man's cultivation base has entered the holy realm, and he has reached the second heaven of saints. It can be said that he is a rare master.

Lin Fei opened Fen Tian's eyes, trying to see through this guy's past, but to his horror, he couldn't see through.

This middle-aged man was not simple. With a movement of his fingertips, Lin Fei finished the last stroke in his hand and finished drawing half of the young old man's head.

"If you want, 100 million spirit stones are enough..."

Lin Fei sat down in front of the painting table, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and took a sip slowly.

This portrait of a woman is the most popular among the [-] paintings, because it is none other than Wu Qingying, the holy maiden in the pool.

Just as the middle-aged man said, Wu Qingying's attitude towards him can be said to be a little appreciation, but he has absolutely no thoughts about himself in that regard.

Wu Qingying was kind on the surface, but Lin Fei knew that she was actually an extremely proud woman, even more arrogant than Yuniang and the Four Great Empresses of Tianchi.

With a finger, the middle-aged man took down Wu Qingying's portrait, and with a flick of his hand, he pushed a silver bag over to Lin Fei.

This kind of silver bag is unique to Shengxian Continent. It can store a large amount of spirit stones, which is more convenient than putting them in the sea of ​​wheels.

"This is 100 million spirit stones. If there are pictures of this kind of woman, I will come again..." The middle-aged man did not talk to Lin Fei too much, and walked out of the store with the picture.

After a while, a sentence came from Lin Fei's ear: "Fellow Daoist, don't reject people thousands of miles away. I am also a penance. I think fellow Daoist has not yet cut off the Dao. I hope fellow Daoist To be able to cut the road successfully..."

"This guy is not simple. I'm afraid that the cultivation of the Saint Second Heaven will also be suppressed by him..." Lin Fei thought to himself, the strength of this middle-aged man is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

Lin Fei shook his head, without thinking any more, he closed the store door, preparing to close for today.

His calligraphy and painting shop is only open for three hours a day, so it closes earlier every day.

There is another floor above the painting and calligraphy store. Lin Fei built a swing on the roof. Every day when the store closed, he would sit on the swing, looking up at the starry sky in a daze.

"Master, are you okay over there?"

Lin Fei raised his head and looked up at the starry sky, and found a relatively bright star, shining golden streaks, very dazzling.

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