A ray of light struck, and actually drove away all the surrounding lake water, turning into a fairy sword and slashing across Lin Fei's neck.


The Void Mirror moved forward to block the fairy sword, and the graceful figure above was already dressed in a purple robe.

"Anyone who dares to hide in my Tianchi important place should be punished!"

The woman is glamorous all over the world, her pretty face is covered with frost, and murderous intent flashes in her beautiful eyes, which is covered with a big palm as soon as she raises her hand.

"This woman's cultivation is not weaker than that monster in the Demon Abyss..."

The woman's beauty is shocking, and her cultivation has already entered the four great secret realms. She just raised her hand and made a palm print of a hundred feet.

The void mirror soared up again, shaking the woman's palm immediately, and the two collided, and the surrounding lake water was pushed away, creating a maelstrom at the bottom of the lake.

"What kind of treasure is this?" The woman was moved.

A small mirror, she has never heard of such a mirror, which can block [-]% of her hand, at least this small mirror is also a soldier of saints.

The Tianyuan Continent has entered the end-time era, and saints have not appeared for thousands of years, and saint soldiers are extremely rare. A person who can hold such a saint weapon must have a high status.

"Fairy, please stop! This is all a misunderstanding!"

Lin Fei, who was below it, shouted loudly, he didn't want to fight this fairy, this fairy is so charming.

The woman has a slender figure, slightly wet hair with crystal water drops, a little silver-red autumn waves on her elegant and refined face, black and beautiful long hair shawl, and a different kind of amorous feelings in her blue eyes, like snow. The skin can be broken by blowing, and the fluttering purple gauze robe is flying around, showing an unparalleled holy beauty.

"Misunderstanding?" The woman raised her pretty eyebrows slightly, but her pretty face didn't show anything. At her level, mundane things can hardly affect her state of mind, "This is the most important place in my Tianchi Holy Land, how did you sneak into it?" Tianchi?"

"Uh, this is Tianchi?" Lin Fei was a little confused, and hurriedly said, "Fairy, this is indeed a misunderstanding. I stumbled into a chaotic zone by mistake, and found a gap in a cold pool. The other side of the gap is the precious land. ..."

"Hantan?" The woman obviously didn't believe it, and snorted softly, "Why didn't I find out?"

Lin Fei pointed to the water film behind him and said, "If you don't believe me, you can come and see for yourself. You can pass through this water film to find the chaotic zone. I really didn't lie..."

The void mirror hung back above Lin Fei's head to protect Lin Fei's body. Although the woman didn't believe it, she still went forward to check. Sure enough, she found a one-meter-square water film entrance there, but she didn't go in to check, but took a Lin Fei left the Tianchi Lake. .|


Tianchi is not big, just a hot spring pool the size of a basketball court. It is rumored that this pool was the place where fairies from the fairy world took a bath.In the later generations, a super female cultivator occupied this place for bathing. Because she was usually bored, she took in some disciples and created the current Tianchi Holy Land.

The girl's name was Yuniang, and she didn't ask too much about other Lin Fei. After learning that Lin Fei broke into Tianchi by accident, her murderous intentions were gone.The daughter of Tianchi, who has nothing to do with the world, has always been called a fairy-like female cultivator. The holy land of Tianchi is also the paradise that many male cultivators dream of.However, because the Tianchi Holy Land's sect rules are too strict and without the strength of the sky, it is difficult to marry away one or two disciples. Since ancient times, only a few big men who have reached the sky have done it.

However, after hearing about the geographical location of the Tianchi Holy Land, Lin Fei became completely depressed. The Tianchi Holy Land is actually located in the southern region of the Tianyuan Continent. The Wei State is just a small country in the northern region of the Tianyuan Continent. No matter how far, if you just fly, you may not be able to fly to Wei Guo in 1000 years.

"Yu Niang, do you have a teleportation circle to the Northern Territory? Help me send it to the Northern Territory..." Lin Fei smiled wryly. If he really flew back, his hair would turn white.

Yu Niang pursed her lips and said: "The Northern Territory is too far away, there must be no magic circle for direct transmission, you have to travel between several holy places..."

"Friend Daoist Lin, your home is in the Northern Territory? Could it be that the bottom of the Tianchi Lake is connected to the Northern Territory?" Yuniang thought suddenly.

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know very well either. I just strayed into that chaotic zone. There is a cold pool there. I jumped down and came here..."

"The Tianyuan Continent is vast and boundless, and no one can tell how vast it is. Perhaps only the peerless powerhouses above the Great Saint Realm can travel across the entire continent..." Yu Niang sighed slightly, "Recently, you in the Northern Territory have A lot of big things have happened, I wonder if you know about it, Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Suddenly, Yuniang's face was startled, and she lost her voice: "Could you be that Lin Fei from Wei Guohe Huanzong?"

When Lin Fei introduced himself earlier, he didn't hide his name, but told him his real name. Now that he suddenly thought of what happened in Wei State, Yuniang couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Lin Fei was taken aback, and said in embarrassment: "It's just..."

"Uh..." Yuniang's beautiful eyes sparkled, and Shi Li asked, "May I ask, did you really take away the sacred Bodhi tree?"

This kind of question shouldn't be asked, especially for the fairies in Tianchi, it won't benefit one's own Dao heart.But the holy bodhi tree is the Emperor's property, and even the great saint can't just sit back and watch. With the Emperor's weapon in hand, he can be completely invincible in the world.

Lin Fei smiled wryly: "The sacred tree of Bodhi belongs to the great emperor of Buddhism. I don't have the blessing to follow it. It has already escaped by itself..."

He described the whole process to Yuniang, and when he heard that Yuniang couldn't sit still any longer, he called a junior sister over to arrange for Lin Fei to rest, and she hurried to report to the teachers.

It turns out that the holy bodhi tree is no longer in the northern region, but flew directly into the southern region from the cold pool below, and appeared from the holy land of Tianchi.My junior sister Wu Qingying also rushed to the Northern Territory with her masters to search hard, but she didn't know that the Bodhi Holy Tree was so close to the Tianchi Holy Land.

Right now, only the Tianchi Holy Land knows about this news. If the Bodhi Sacred Tree can be found immediately, Tianchi Holy Land will have another emperor artifact, which is said to be the best in the Tianyuan Continent.


The Holy Land of Tianchi is not in the Tianyuan Continent according to the preparation, it is a small mysterious world, located in a certain void in the southern region, which has existed forever.

In the mysterious world, the fairy air is curling up, the clouds are flying, the holy white jade palaces stand tall, and the mysterious jade corridors are built. There are pairs of spiritual birds inhabiting here, and groups of beautiful fairies fly by. This place does not look like a sect. More like a fairyland.

The female disciple leading the way for Lin Fei was named Yan Ling. She didn't know Lin Fei's identity, but asked a lot of questions along the way very curiously, and even once thought that Yuniang had found a good friend.However, Lin Fei cleverly avoided them, and he was arranged to rest in a small white jade palace, waiting for Yuniang to come back.


Seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Fei stayed in this little white jade palace for seven days. After Yuniang went out, she never came back, and no disciples came to care about him, which made Lin Fei very sad.

"You are Lin Fei, the body of the sun?"

In the early morning of the eighth day, a deep voice came from outside the palace. Lin Fei came out of the palace and looked up, and saw an old man with a crane beard and a celestial spirit. A natural feeling.

"This old man is a master of the sky!"

He immediately judged that the old man was a great person, much stronger than his master and others, and his aura had completely merged with Tao.

"This junior is Lin Fei..." Lin Fei bowed respectfully.

The old man looked at Lin Fei with a sharp gaze, and Lin Fei's sea of ​​wheels was filled with blood, a real dragon rushed out of the sea of ​​chaos, a group of cranes turned into a shape of chaos, and the fountain of life surged continuously.

"It's still a chaotic body..." The old man's eyes changed, he retracted his gaze, and muttered to himself, "Can the body of the sun and the chaotic body coexist? The power of this child's blood is very strange, it doesn't look like it is on this continent, Could it be from outside the territory?"

"Where are you from?" The old man asked Lin Fei with a harsh tone.

Lin Fei forcibly suppressed the blood energy in Lunhai, and couldn't help being a little angry, he raised his head and said, "Are you going to interrogate me?"

Although the old man's cultivation level is as high as the sky, but when he comes up, he looks domineering, as if he is superior to others. Lin Fei dislikes this kind of big garlic with pens the most.

"Yo..." The corner of the old man's mouth sneered, "Could it be that you are a special envoy from outside the territory? Then the old man is going to arrest you..."

A special envoy means a female official, and the old man actually put such a hat on himself, and wanted to shoot himself.

"Don't think I'm really afraid of you!" Lin Fei frowned, this old man doesn't look like a righteous person, "It's just an old bastard who is dying, I will crush you to death!"

He said it so cheerfully, but in his heart Lin Fei was calling for the Taiji Yin-Yang diagram. If this diagram didn't appear this time, he would not be able to bear even a trace of coercion from others, and the Taoist palace and the sea of ​​wheels would be shattered directly.

The old man's face was gloomy for an instant, and he exhaled a ray of fairy energy, which turned into a golden light and pierced Lin Fei's forehead.

"Be merciful!"

Just when Lin Fei was about to lose his temper, a palm slapped through the void and blocked the golden light. Lin Fei was pulled away by a pulling force, and after he regained his composure, there was a man in jade-thread fairy clothes standing beside him. Noble woman.

This girl is not young, her face is beautiful, and she is somewhat similar to Yuniang. She wears a golden hairpin, wears a fairy dress with jade strands, her hair is pulled up high, and her demeanor is noble. She looks very much like the queen mother in high school in ancient times.

"Goddess Treasure Mirror" came out in response, and turned a few times in front of the woman, Lin Fei was terrified when he saw it, this damn Baojian was not optimistic about women, so he came out to show off at this time.Fortunately, the woman didn't seem to notice, she didn't know that there was an obscene book turning around her graceful figure, and the old man not far away didn't notice either.

"Thank you for your help..." Lin Fei bowed to the woman, but it was really painful to see the wind-burning treasure book picked up on the two "Xianfeng" of her.

The woman nodded and smiled, then turned to the old man not far away and said: "Please also ask Daoist Han to hold your hand high, fellow Daoist Lin Fei has a great relationship with our faction..."

"Great Yuanyuan..." The old man surnamed Han grinned, and said with a sneer, "Miss Tianfei, do you people in Tianchi also play this trick? Do you think I don't know, who is this Lin Fei? Isn’t it the little monk who took away the holy tree of Bodhi? Don’t tell me you Tianchi Holy Land also want to take the holy tree?”

The concubine Tian's face was calm, and she said calmly, "Fellow Daoist Han misunderstood, you must have seen that this son has both a chaotic body and a sun body, and the blood of the chaotic body has a great relationship with my sister Zhaofei..."

"Hehe, you're talking about that Concubine Zhao who had an affair with the Chaos Body of the previous generation?" The old man surnamed Han was relentless, aggressive, and uttered wild words, "Is this kid the concubine Zhao and some savage man? kind?"

"You are the wild seed born by Lao Tzu and your mother!" Lin Fei was furious immediately, and the Void Mirror rushed out from the Dao Palace, and dozens of silver lights shone on the old man surnamed Han.

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