Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 350 Your Grandpa Lin Comes Again

Chapter 350

She didn't really fall in love with Lin Fei, but she just had some admiration. After all, she was a saint and strong man who was out of reach and unthinkable. _!~; And the key is that this guy is quite handsome, and his eyes are even more fascinating. After a few more glances, he will be intoxicated by them, as if he has a magical power.In addition, Lin Fei has a good temper, very cheerful, without the attitude of a strong man, making him easy to approach.

Lin Fei tore a piece of meat and swallowed it, and said with a smile, "Maybe one day I will come back to see you..."

"Really?" Xu Xiaoya's pretty face flushed slightly, and she said happily, "Senior, don't lie to Xiaoya, you must come back to see me, maybe Xiaoya will be able to cultivate to the Holy Realm by then, and then we will return Those who can meet in the starry sky..."

"Hehe, good..." Lin Fei made a beautiful promise.

He looked at Qingcheng's Xiaoya, and knew that this kind of hope was not too great, Xiaoya's physique was not particularly good, and it was already heaven-defying to be able to cultivate to the first level of Xiantai.

If she wants to cultivate to the Holy Realm, the hope is very slim, there is only a [-]% chance, or she has a great fortune.


Two years passed in a blink of an eye, and this day Lin Fei finally repaired the ancient teleportation array, and it was time for him to leave.

Xiaoya, several elders of the Xu family, and Xu Hong and others all came here to see Lin Fei off. Xiaoya had already cried to the point of tears, holding an aunt in her arms and refusing to let go.

"Senior, I hope you take care..." It was a white-haired old man who spoke.

Under Lin Fei's guidance for the past three years, this white-haired old man has successfully stepped into the first layer of Sendai, becoming the first strong person in the Xu family to step into the secret realm of Sendai in nearly a thousand years.

"Senior, remember the agreement you made with me, you must come back to visit Xiaoya..."

After three years of getting along, Xiao Ya has grown affection for this handsome and powerful man, but she also knows that she is too weak now, completely unworthy of Lin Fei, so she can only be called Senior Lin Fei.

"Don't worry, if I, Lin Fei, can survive, I will definitely come back..." Lin Fei smiled, and there were three more ordinary holy weapons in his hands.

Lin Fei gave one of the jade hairpins to Xiaoya, and said: "This is a middle-level holy weapon. After you get familiar with its usage, you can go anywhere in Daoer Continent..."

Xu Xiaoya is now in the Fourth Heaven and Second Heaven, and with such a mid-level holy weapon, it is no problem to dominate the Daoer Continent.

"Well, thank you Brother Fei..." Xiaoya took the jade hairpin as if she had found a treasure, and regarded it as a token of love from Lin Fei.

Lin Fei gave the other two holy weapons to the members of the Xu family, and all the members of the Xu family knelt down and gave Lin Fei a big gift.

"Everyone, goodbye..."

Lin Fei looked at the crowd, then looked up at the sky, it was time to bid farewell to Daoer Continent. _!~;

He teleported to the dry well. Tens of thousands of spirit stones had already been embedded in the grooves in the dry well, and a complete teleportation array was drawn at the bottom. Lin Fei stepped into the eye of the formation and activated the ancient teleportation array.

"Brother Fei, I'll wait for you here..."

When parting, Lin Fei heard Xu Xiaoya's cries, and his nose couldn't help but feel sore.

Although he didn't fall in love with Xu Xiaoya, he still thought that girl was cute.


With a flash of silver light, a gust of wind rushed towards the face, and the void mirror immediately flew out, and the silver light hung down to protect Lin Fei in it.

"Is that the No.80 Five Cities?"

Lin Fei was excited. Thousands of miles away, there was a huge city hanging in the sky.

Although I can't see the specific situation now, there is a strong light coming from the giant city. It is very likely that this ancient city has not been destroyed and has always been inhabited.

There was a pitch-black void nearby, and no other planets could be seen, nor any other starlight. Lin Fei flew towards the giant city ahead.

Two hours later, Lin Fei finally saw the whole picture of this giant city clearly.

"Your Grandpa Lin is back!"

He finally breathed a sigh of relief and shouted towards the ancient city in front of him.

The giant city is much larger than the earth, at least fifty thousand miles in radius, and there is a thick ribbon on the outer layer, which is a great holy circle.

The sound wave of Lin Fei's shout rushed over without even a bubble, but Lin Fei had a bodhi coffin, and he took out the bodhi coffin and directly cut open the Great Sage Circle.


Two hours later, Lin Fei finally stepped onto land and appeared in an ancient city.

This ancient city covers a radius of [-] miles, and there are many monks in the city, as well as a large number of ordinary people.

Lin Fei wore a black robe and entered a restaurant with good business. There were many monks in this restaurant, and he heard some news as soon as he sat down.

"Have you heard that the Overlord has returned to the ancient road, and now he is approaching the hundredth city, and it is said that he is about to step into the emperor's road..."

"What's so strange about this, now all heroes and young supreme figures from the ancient road of the human race are rushing to the [-]th city, and they all want to enter the emperor's road to fight for supremacy..."

"Yes, the great age has come. There are so many young supreme beings born out of nowhere. I don't know if they will truly become a great emperor after the big waves are wiped out..."

"How can the Great Emperor come out so easily? The ancient roads are opened every year. Countless experts on the ancient roads have entered the Emperor's Road, but very few of them have actually stepped into the Great Saint Realm, let alone the Great Emperor. It's too beautiful. Faint..."

"It's hard to say this time. There are so many young supreme beings on the ancient road, and I heard that there are even emperors born, and the blood of ancient emperors of various clans has also appeared in the world. A strong man like Batian is even more against the sky. You have reached the peak of the Saint King, and this time you enter the Emperor Road to practice, you will definitely be able to enter the Great Saint Realm."


"Has that guy Batian reached the peak of the Saint King?" Lin Fei sat at the wine table in the corner, suddenly feeling a lot of pressure.

Although this ancient city is not particularly big, there are quite a few strong people. The two brothers next to me are quasi-sage strong men.

Lin Fei immediately opened his sky eyes, saw through the past of the two, and learned a lot of information.

These two people turned out to be the outer door deacons of a powerful family in No.80 Five Cities, because they passed by here on business, so they drank here.

"Batian, at the peak of the Saint King, slaughtered 100 billion people on an ancient planet, this animal..."

Lin Fei found such a piece of information in the mind of one of them, and couldn't help being shocked.

Ba Tian, ​​he has never seen this guy before, but he has already formed a relationship.

Back then when I killed Huo Jiancheng in the third city, Batian's followers, Lin Ke'er and Miqi, once showed up to follow Batian, but they were rejected by me.

I still remember that at that time, Na Batian was only the fourth heaven of the saint king. It took only 60 or [-] years to reach the peak of the saint king, and the speed of his advancement was astounding.

"Wu Qingying actually shines on the ancient road..."

To Lin Fei's surprise, this monk still had information about Wu Qingying in his mind.

It turned out that Wu Qingying was born five years ago, showing the cultivation of the saint king Erzhongtian, and also wielding a quasi-emperor weapon.Yuniang has also reached the first level of the saint king, and the information was five years ago, so I don't know where it is now.

Wu Qingying and Yuniang are collectively known as Tianyuan Erniang, and they have gained the reputation of forgiveness on the ancient road.

"How do these guys practice? It's too fast..."

In Lin Fei's eyes, the purple flames were flowing, the pressure was not ordinary, and it was the same group of people, and he was already far behind.

"Xiaolei, Ling'er and the other ten daughters are probably at the same level of cultivation now. It's too sad for me as a husband..." Lin Fei sighed inwardly, he is only in the sixth heaven of saints now.

Compared with the saint king and the strong, the saint's sixth heaven is really not worth mentioning.

In the past, when he was in the quasi-sage realm, he could still compete with the first-level saints, but now that he has reached the middle-level saints, it is extremely difficult to easily defeat the saint king and the strong.

The higher the level, the greater the difference in strength every time one level rises. There is an insurmountable natural moat between the Saint Realm and the Saint King Realm.

The so-called Emperor's Road is actually not the real Great Emperor's Road, but the end of the human race's ancient road, which is connected to another heavenly road.

That road to heaven is a real road of blood, and stepping on that road of blood means endless fighting. Only when you fight to the end and stand on top of the bones of the heroes, can you prove that there is only hope of fighting for that ray of imperial power.

Generally speaking, if you haven't entered the Saint King Realm, don't step into the Emperor's Path, because you are not qualified.

Because in the previous ten thousand years, there were very few young saint kings and strong men, so few people set foot on the emperor's road.

But this life is different. The great world has come. Many young supreme beings have emerged on the ancient road and various major forces. They have all reached the realm of saint kings, and supreme beings like Batian have even reached the pinnacle of saint kings. , can be called the strongest in ten thousand years, and the Emperor Road in this life is destined to be extremely cruel.


Lin Fei stayed in the restaurant for two hours, obtained a lot of information with his eyes, and finally decided to rush to the main city of the No. 80 five cities to see the current environment on this ancient human road.

Seven days later, Lin Fei came to the main city. This is a large city with a radius of thousands of miles. The city wall is nearly a thousand meters high, and it is very magnificent built of spiritual jade.

"It's no wonder there are so many strong people, and the aura here is too strong. The 50 spirit stones you handed over in the city are worth it..."

As soon as he entered the main city, Lin Fei understood a little. The concentration of heaven and earth vitality in this main city is very high, and now he is not bothered by the high cost of entering the city.

These heaven and earth vitality cannot be bought by spirit stones. For him now, absorbing ordinary spirit stones is completely useless and requires a lot of five elements heaven and earth vitality.

The buildings in the main city are very magnificent, all of which are nearly [-] meters high, and there are no ordinary people in them, all of them are some high-level monks.

Sword lights and spirit beasts slid across the sky. Lin Fei glanced at them, and the worst of them had quasi-sage realm.

It's just that the density of people in this main city is much smaller. Although there are many sword lights in the sky, compared to the big city with a radius of thousands of miles, they are not too many.

Lin Fei didn't bother to wear a black robe to hide his aura anymore, and he didn't need to suppress his cultivation. The cultivation of the sixth heaven of saints was not too conspicuous.

He flew high in the sky with the giant sword, and after flying dozens of miles forward, he found a lot of monks gathered in a tall building below, and immediately landed.

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