Chapter 350 Six

It turns out that not everyone can open the emperor's road in the hundredth city, and one must leave a handprint under the Tongtian Wall in order to be eligible to enter the emperor's road.

But the young Supreme Beings that these two people know are not small, they know about a dozen Young Supreme Beings.

Batian, Xianyi, Yuchen, Feiliuyun, Tuobada and other ten young supreme beings are all less than [-] years old, and they are already saints and kings.

Among them, the names of Yuniang and Wuqingying Tianyuan Shuangshu are also known to these two people. It is rumored that these two people have reached the hundredth city and are about to embark on the road of God.

The most important piece of news is that Batian actually has his eye on the two daughters, Yuniang and Wu Qingying, and seems to be planning to send someone to recruit them and ask them to become his followers.

"This damn Batian will definitely be my peerless enemy in the future!"

Lin Fei cursed secretly in his heart, this Tyrant, as his name suggests, wants to dominate everything, and is extremely bloodthirsty.

In addition, this guy is of the bloodline of the Tyrant God Body, and his bloodline can be ranked in the top three of the human race, even comparable to his own Sun Body and Chaos Body.

Of course, now Lin Fei has merged into a Taihun body, which is only stronger than Batian's bloodline, but not weaker.

But Batian's current strength is too strong, he has reached the peak of the Saint King, Lin Feiyuan is not his opponent, so he can only scold that animal in his heart.

"Xiao Er, let me have a jug of good wine..."

At this moment, two women wearing phoenix crowns appeared, their faces were covered with sand scarves, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

However, this voice made Lin Fei feel a little familiar. The Goddess Baojian got out of the fountain of life and came to Lin Fei's wheel sea.

"So it's these two girls..."

The corners of Lin Fei grinned slightly, these two girls were none other than Lin Keer and Mi Qi, followers of Na Batian.

60 years ago in the third city on the ancient road of the human race, the two girls once wanted to recruit themselves, but they were sternly rejected by themselves.

"Hmph, your cultivation base hasn't improved much, why don't you push you down first! Kill that domineering arrogance!" Lin Fei smiled evilly in his heart, staring at the graceful and fragrant bodies of the two girls and poured himself a mouthful. spirits.

The second daughter was the fifth heaven of saints 60 years ago, but now she has not stepped into the realm of the king of saints, but only the realm of nine heavens and peak saints.

During this period of time, Lin Fei had dealt with Saint King Realm powerhouses a lot, so he was sure of meeting these two girls.

"Hey, the face powder that brother Niu refined for me back then finally came in handy..." Lin Fei sneered in his heart. He looked at the situation on the third floor of the restaurant and found that there were not many female cultivators.

Many of them are powerhouses whose cultivation level is below the holy level, and there are too few high-ranking monks like him and Michelin Keer.

Before the battle against Hough in the Sixth City, Lin Fei spent a lot of money refining a pack of face powder, which was never used, but now he can use it.

While drinking, Lin Fei paid attention to the second daughter, who seemed to have become his prey.

"Let's play with you first..." Lin Fei smiled inwardly, and the Goddess Baojian flew out, and locked a wisp of the second daughter's soul into the Goddess' cage.

The two girls were both a little strange at the time, but they didn't notice it.

With the explosion of Lin Fei's cultivation base, the current ability of this goddess Baojian has also increased a lot, and it is not a problem to catch the soul of a female saint.

In the cage of the goddess, the limbs of the two girls were all bound by gold chains, and a ray of Lin Fei's consciousness sank into the cage.

He first set his sights on Lin Ke'er's spirit body. Lin Ke'er has a very good figure and is graceful and charming, but she was very disdainful of herself before, and Lin Fei was a little unhappy with that arrogant expression.

"Come on, girl..." Lin Fei chuckled and picked up the dress of Lin Ke'er's spirit body.


Lin Ke'er, who was sitting there sipping wine, suddenly felt a coldness below, as if some cool wind was blowing in, and immediately scanned her surroundings.

"What's the matter?" Mickey asked puzzled.

Lin Ke'er said: "It's nothing, maybe I've been too nervous recently..."

"I made you nervous..." Lin Fei sneered in his heart, and stroked the little feet of Lin Ke'er's spirit body in the cage.


Lin Ke'er stood up suddenly, and she quickly said to Mi Qi, "Mi Qi, let's go, I don't feel very good."

"Uh, okay..." Miqi also found that something was wrong with Lin Ke'er, so she quickly threw down the spirit stone and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going, let me refresh you..."

Not to mention how cool Lin Fei felt, but his hand penetrated into the thigh of Lin Ke'er's spirit body.

"Damn it, what is wrong with me!"

Lin Ke'er's pretty face flushed slightly, and she actually felt the shyness in her heart soar, as if someone touched her body, but there was obviously no one around.

"Could it be that I've been really too tired lately? Have I lost my mind?" Lin Ke'er hurriedly pulled Miqi out of the way, not wanting to stay in this evil place any longer.

Seeing them leaving, Lin Fei followed immediately.

However, he didn't follow too closely, but only followed them within ten miles or so. He has also studied this goddess cage a lot recently.

Especially in No.80 Five Cities, Lin Fei did a lot of experiments using those female cultivators with the Yin body.

After putting their souls in the cage, if you are no more than fifteen miles away from their true deities, then your movements and various perceptions of the souls in the cage will be transmitted to their real bodies.

But if it is too far away, that feeling will disappear completely, and the effect of the cage will be lost.

How could Lin Fei just let them go and follow them all the way within ten miles or so, plus he was wearing a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram, the two daughters had no way to get rid of him.

The two women wielded giant swords, ascended to the sky, and headed north.

"Ke'er, what's wrong with you? Why is your face getting redder and redder?" Miqi worried. She saw that Lin Ke'er's face was flushing, which was not normal.

Lin Ke'er was usually a cold person, how could she have such a face, it was really a bit tricky.

Lin Ke'er blushed and said, "I don't know what's wrong, my body is so hot, so hot, let's find a place where there is no one to rest and we..."

"Oh..." Mickey didn't understand the situation either.

Lin Ke'er thought to herself, "What's going on? It feels like someone is fondling her body. Damn it, there's even a reaction between her legs. Am I really yearning for spring?"

"Hey, let's see how you can resist this little girl..."

Lin Fei, who was ten miles away, also wielded a huge sword, and followed behind the two girls.

The second daughter couldn't find him. At this moment, a ray of his consciousness sank in the goddess's cage, and he was serving Lin Ke'er's soul body.

The hand of divine consciousness has come to the middle of Lin Ke'er's legs, and he caressed her intimate part with all his strength.


Lin Ke'er let out a coquettish cry, a gust of hot air rushed out of her nose, and her face turned red up to her ears.

After doing it for so long, she didn't find anything unusual, and finally she thought that she was Sichun.

"Ke'er..." Mickey said anxiously, "What's going on, why did you suddenly act like this..."

Seeing the behavior of her good sister, Mi Qi was also very anxious, worried: "Is it poisoned?"

"Poisoned?" Lin Ke'er said with a strange look in her beautiful eyes, "It's really possible that she was poisoned..."

Otherwise, how could she be so yearn for spring? As a monk, she has never heard of such a thing.

"Your face is flushed, covered with red clouds, and your body is hot. Could it be that you have been poisoned by spring poison?" Miqi said with a strange face, "But I have never heard of such a strong spring poison. Once you have reached the peak saint realm, you will be able to step into the saint king realm one step further, and it is unlikely that you will still be poisoned by this kind of poison."

At this level, poison is just a floating cloud, and it is generally impossible to be poisoned.

When Lin Keer saw that Miqi had said that, she could only blushed and said: "I don't know what's going on, it feels like a hand is constantly scratching my body, and it doesn't feel too strong to say that I am poisoned. , it’s just like someone is stroking back and forth in my body, which makes people panic..."

"Uh, is there such a thing?" Miqi looked embarrassed and said, "But you don't want a man, do you?"

"Fuck you, what kind of man do I want, I don't need a man in my whole life..." Lin Ke'er scolded coquettishly.

Mi Qi smiled and said: "Hee hee, you still said that you don't want a man, if Ba Tian finds you, will you give it or not?"

Lin Ke'er froze for a moment, then was speechless for a while.


Before she could say another word, Lin Ke'er suddenly leaned forward, nearly falling into the air.

"What's wrong!" Mickey hurried forward to support her.

Lin Ke'er suppressed her face for a while and said nothing. She was ashamed to confess her shame. At this moment, she felt as if someone had stabbed her underneath, and that feeling was very real.

She shyly told Mi Qi about the situation, and Mi Qi was also speechless for a while, and said in surprise: "It's unlikely, how could such a thing happen, then are you broken?"

"It doesn't seem like..." Lin Ke'er herself was extremely helpless, not knowing what happened to her today.

Mi Qi struggled and said: "It seems that sister Ke'er, you really need to find a man. In broad daylight, you still have such dreams..."

"Uh, I don't know what's going on..." Lin Ke'er was also speechless for a while.

But what happened next made her even more ashamed to death. Although she wasn't filled with radishes, she was being teased all the time.

Although there is no radish in the body, the feeling is extremely real, as if I am having sex with a man right now, it is too weird.


About half an hour later, Lin Ke'er collapsed powerlessly.

"What's the matter?" Mickey exclaimed for a while, and hurried forward to check.

Lin Ke'er was ashamed and said nothing, Mi Qi seemed to have guessed something, and said speechlessly: "You don't know what to give yourself to that, do you?"

"Uh, I want to die..." Lin Ke'er covered her face and really didn't want to live anymore. Just now, she really seemed to be in the clouds, erupting all of a sudden, and she couldn't stop it.

"Hey, can you still play like this?"

Lin Fei, who was ten miles away, was also a little speechless. He didn't expect to be able to play like this.

Just now, he just used his soul to serve Lin Keer's soul body in the goddess's cage. As a result, his soul seemed to have reached the cloud together with Lin Keer, and they both reached the peak at the same time.

What was even more speechless was that his second brother actually spit out a large stream of bullets.


At this moment, a gust of cool air gushed out from the goddess's cage, turning into a vast solar energy, which was quickly absorbed and refined by Baojian.

"Huh? The yin energy in my body is gone!" At this moment, Lin Ke'er also exclaimed, and she found that the yin energy in her body had completely disappeared.

"Boom boom boom..." Immediately after, thunder after thunder landed, blasting towards Lin Ke'er and Mi Qi below.

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