Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 358 Han Lei, You Old Dog

Chapter 350 Eight

"Uh, female saint?" Lin Fei's eyes lit up, but he curled his lips and said, "I am already at the peak of the seventh heaven of saints, female saints are useless, and my status is not equal, how about you break through and become female saints?" Queen, just marry me directly, it just so happens that everyone is in the same family..."

"Which one is right for you, if you don't want to be rescued, you can go by yourself, so as not to be annoying, we will be struck to death by lightning..." Lin Ke'er couldn't see Lin Fei's cheap face.

But Miqi laughed and said, "Brother, if you really want to marry us, that's fine too. Help us get through this disaster first."

"Okay, that's what you said, then I'll show off my power..." Lin Fei laughed, teleported to the side of the second daughter, and took Mi Qi into his arms.

Tianlei directly blasted at Lin Fei, Lin Fei absorbed all of that day's thunder, and Mi Qi was fine.


The second daughter was shocked immediately, she didn't expect Lin Fei to be so fierce, Mi Qi thought to herself: "This guy doesn't have the smell of the sun anymore, has he evolved?"

"This guy's smell is so familiar, it's actually very similar to the man I imagined before..." Miqi was very happy on the surface, but her teeth were itching with hatred in her heart.

She concluded that the fact that their yin energy was sucked away this time must have something to do with Lin Fei, a bastard, otherwise this guy wouldn't have appeared so strangely.

But now he has no choice but to grit his teeth and bear it. Lin Fei smiled at Lin Keer who was beside him: "Dear sister Keer, do you want me to take action, brother..."

"Who is your dear, if you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you..." Lin Ke'er scolded, her face pale and pale, and she almost couldn't stand it anymore.

Lin Fei said helplessly: "Sister Ke'er's words are too hurtful. It's in vain that I have been thinking of you, thinking of you, and falling in love with you for more than 60 years, but you are so heartless."

"Lin Fei, hurry up, Ke'er can't stand it anymore..." Mi Qi said anxiously.

She secretly transmitted her voice to Lin Fei and said: "I know you bastard is plotting against the two of us. I'm afraid this matter has something to do with you, right? You'd better pull Ke'er over quickly, or Batian will pursue it later. You can't take it..."

"Oh? I really don't pay attention to Batian or something, but it's just a Batian body..." Lin Fei chuckled and echoed back to Mi Qi.

"Hurry up, she can't stand it anymore..." Miqi said anxiously.


Another piece of dragon-shaped lightning crashed down, Lin Ke'er shook his body, the earthworm holy soldier in his hand no longer spewed out water aura, and the aura shield on his body was about to be blown away.

Lin Ke'er fell down and sat in the aura shield, and she had no strength to fight anymore. Seeing that the aura shield was about to shatter, Lin Keer still did not give in to Lin Fei.

"We are all surnamed Lin anyway. The so-called fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields. Lin Ke'er, you just follow me. Following me is more promising than Nabatian. I heard that Nabatian slaughtered a star in order to prove the Tao. Everyone, what is such a bloodthirsty person following him for?" Lin Fei's face became solemn, and he would not save Lin Ke'er until the last moment.

He wanted to slowly disintegrate this woman's pursuit of Ba Tian, ​​even though the Tai Yin energy in the second woman's body was gone now, it was of no use to Lin Fei.

But these two girls were Lin Fei's prey, how could they give up their prey easily, especially when Lin Fei was going to compete with that young Supreme Batian.

We are not as good as you in cultivation now, but your woman, I will sleep with you first, let's see what else you can compare with.

It doesn't make sense to break your heart.

"Don't even think about it..." Lin Ke'er let out a weak cry.

She still refused to follow Lin Fei, but she felt a little wavering towards Batian in her heart. In fact, they had wavered in more than ten years.

Batian is really too bloodthirsty, and he is almost on the path of lore.

He had to kill everything in order to prove his way. If he and Mickey kept following him, they would probably be killed by him in the end, otherwise he would not be able to prove his way.

"Ke'er, promise him first, anyway, we can go back on our word after breaking through, at worst, we'll kill him then." Miqi secretly transmitted voice to Lin Ke'er, and tried to persuade him, "Ke'er, just start from Leave him alone, Lin Fei is still a very good person, his physique is not weaker than Batian, he can cultivate to the seventh heaven of saints in such a short time, and he is not afraid of thunder, his future achievements will not be Worse than Batian. As he said, Batian is too bloodthirsty, we will die at his hands sooner or later, why not follow Lin Fei."

"Hmm..." Lin Ke'er finally compromised, only temporarily agreeing.

Of course Lin Fei knew what they were thinking, but he was very happy: "Since the two ladies agreed, then I, Lin Fei, will naturally have to work harder..."

"Come on..." He stretched out his arms and pulled Lin Ke'er into his arms, one left and one right very proudly.

"Come on, come on me..."

Lin Fei hugged the two daughters in high spirits, and let the dragon-shaped thunder fall on his head.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you sooner or later!" Lin Ke'er felt a familiar smell in Lin Fei's arms. smell.

"Don't worry about..."

However, Lin Fei suddenly let out a soft drink, and wrapped his hands around the waists of the two of them, directly pressing on their crotches.

"Lin Fei, you are courting death!" Lin Ke'er tried his best to slap Lin Fei.

"Ke'er, hold your breath, he'll look good to you in the future!" Miqi hurriedly sent a voice message to Lin Ke'er. Although she was also pinched, she still had to hold back.

Lin Fei, however, said with a serious face: "You two don't talk to each other less, if you don't have the same thoughts, it may lead to a bigger catastrophe, and my husband and I will not be able to stand it."

"This bastard!" Lin Ke'er and the second daughter were obedient on the surface, but they already hated Lin Fei to death in their hearts.

Being pinched by Lin Fei, but still wanting to be wronged, this feeling is not to mention how aggrieved it is.

Then thinking that the two of them lost their composure just now, it might have something to do with Lin Fei, and they were so angry that their teeth were about to bleed.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Dragon Tribulation Thunder was still falling, and Lin Fei felt a little tired after absorbing a lot of the power of the Thunder.

"Uh, ladies, what's going on with your catastrophe? Why does it keep falling..." Lin Fei finally let go of the second daughter's grip, and looked up at the sky with a sad face.

The Heavenly Tribulation in the sky has no intention of falling at all, and the number is increasing. He wants to use the bodhi coffin but obviously it is not the time.

The bodhi coffin is too mysterious to be displayed in the eyes of others, otherwise it will definitely lead to massacres.

This No.90 city is so vast, there must be a strong man of the great sage level sitting in it, and when the bodhi coffin appears, he will really have no way to go to heaven or earth.

"Aren't you very powerful, and still can't stop this little thunder?" Lin Ke'er's mouth slightly raised, and she was very happy to see Lin Fei make a fool of herself.

Lin Fei said embarrassingly: "Husband, how can I say that I am just a saint in the seventh heaven, you are the powerhouses at the pinnacle of saints, what's the matter, you haven't realized the Dao yet, how can this be corrected..."

Generally speaking, when breaking through the Great Secret Realm, it will first attract a burst of catastrophe, and then start enlightenment in the catastrophe after the stabilization, and the formal breakthrough will be considered after the enlightenment is over.

But these two girls have only attracted the catastrophe until now, and they haven't seen them start to realize the Tao. If this continues, I don't know how long the catastrophe will last.

"Don't worry, we don't need to realize the Tao, we have already realized it..." Miqi regained a bit of strength, and said weakly, "You just need to help us survive this catastrophe..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Before the words were finished, another burst of powerful dragon-shaped lightning descended from the sky. Lin Fei gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, hugging the two beauties from left to right, feeling pain and happiness.

About half an hour later, the second daughter finally started a short period of enlightenment. After the end of the enlightenment, the second daughter opened her beautiful eyes again, and her anger increased in vain.

"Sister, at least twice as strong as before!"

Lin Fei immediately threw the second daughter out, for fear that the second daughter would attack him suddenly.

"Lin Fei, you bastard!" Lin Ke'er was thrown hundreds of meters by Lin Fei, and was struck by a thunderbolt. Her beautiful black hair was almost burnt off.

Mi Qi didn't fare much better, she fell headlong and scolded angrily: "Lin Fei, you goddammit, you want to die, you..."

Although they made a breakthrough, they were seriously injured, and they didn't recover immediately, they just broke through to the Saint King Realm.

Lin Fei was troubled, and quickly brought the two girls over again, and said seriously: "The two ladies don't know how dangerous it was just now, if I hadn't thrown you away in time, you might have been killed by a space crack. Bring it in, in your current situation, if you fall into the space crack, you will probably fall."

"Uh, really?" Mi Qi blinked her big eyes, apparently not believing Lin Fei's nonsense.

Lin Ke'er scolded: "You still trust this bastard? He is a coward! If you want to be a hero to save the beauty, don't look at how timid you are..."

"Fairy, push me!" Lin Fei cursed inwardly, this girl Lin Ke'er doesn't seem to be obedient enough, she needs to find a chance to push her down again.

This time I can't be in the Goddess's cage, I have to give her a little bit of power in reality.

"Okay, let's dodge quickly, there are many people watching..." Before Lin Fei finished speaking, he immediately teleported out with the second daughter.


Just now, a huge mountain peak appeared out of thin air at the position where the three of them were staying. Just as Lin Fei and the others turned to this side, the mountain peak immediately pressed over again.

"Damn it, someone sneaked up on us!" Lin Fei's face changed drastically, and he immediately teleported out for another seven or eight miles.

He lifted his robe, and put the black robe with the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram inside it on his body.

"Boom boom boom..."

The mountain peak was so strong that it crushed the void every step of the way.


Lin Fei didn't have time to dodge, and was pressed by one of the peaks until he vomited blood for half a liter.

"High-level saint king! Han Lei, you old dog!"

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