Chapter 360 Nine

"You are also a chaotic body, maybe this three-leaf demon lotus is merging with a chaotic body, your sun and stars may have a big level of improvement..."

Moha's old eyes were shining, although he was awed by the power of the three-leaf demon lotus, but as an archaeologist in the starry sky, he was very excited to witness the existence of this kind of god with his own eyes.

Lin Fei didn't speak, and stared at the three-leaf demon lotus in front of him with a pair of heavenly eyes. After the three-leaf demon lotus merged with the sun and stars, the flame color of the demon lotus immediately changed a little.

The demon lotus, which was originally fiery red, slowly changed its color to blue, and its shape also began to slowly change.

It used to be in the shape of three leaves, but now it is getting bigger and bigger, and within a few minutes it turned into the shape of the sun and stars before, and it became a cyan star with a diameter of about two meters.

"You can't be so lucky?"

Lin Fei's little heart was beating rapidly, red orange yellow green green lake purple, the seven evolutionary processes of the sun and stars.Previously, the sun and stars were only in the early stage of Dianse, but now they have been fused with the three-leaf demon lotus, and they have directly evolved to a higher level, turning into a blue color, which makes him unhappy.

Seeing that the sun and stars had stabilized, Lin Fei was about to take them back, but Moha stopped him and said anxiously: "Don't take it back in a hurry, I guess your sun and stars will still change, the three-leaf demon lotus It’s not an ordinary fetish, but a fetish from the ancient times, how can it only have this effect.”

"Could it still evolve?" Lin Fei wondered in his heart, but his mood calmed down.

The eyes of the sky are opened, watching the changes of the blue sun and stars at any time.

Sure enough, after 5 minutes, the inside of the cyan sun and star began to change again.

Wisps of fairy light rushed out of the stars, and flew out of them in the form of a group of floating clouds.

"That is……"

Flames flickered in Lin Fei's eyes. Through his heavenly eyes, he saw a white silk cocoon inside the star. There seemed to be a life in it. He could even feel the beating of his heart.

"Wouldn't that be Lian Hongni?"

He felt a little embarrassed, and couldn't tell whether this was a blessing or a curse. If there was a woman living in his sun and stars, this matter would really be a bit of a big deal.

The silkworm cocoon appeared in the sun and stars, and there was no movement, but there seemed to be an extra heartbeat in Lin Fei's heart, and the frequency of this heartbeat was very similar to his own.

When the two are together, they can resonate greatly. Only then did Lin Fei realize that his perception ability has actually improved.

Within a range of hundreds of miles, all the movements of flowers, birds, fish and insects, and even the slightest movement of wind and grass can be detected.

"How is this going?"

Lin Fei was not overly excited, but frowned and analyzed carefully.

Finally, he came to a conclusion that the improvement of his perception might be related to the people in the cocoon.

If the person inside is Lian Hongni, then his perception may have been greatly improved because of her relationship.

Lian Hongni was a great female saint before she was alive, so it goes without saying that she is many times stronger than herself.


Seeing that the sun and stars were no longer moving, Lin Fei pointed at the sun and stars, and put them into his wheel sea.

"Moha, can you tell me about the three-leaf demon lotus and the demon emperor..." Lin Fei asked.

Moha said: "In fact, there has always been a lot of controversy in the cultivation world about the three-leaf demon lotus, and there are many legends about the three-leaf demon lotus, but until now very few people know the origin of the three-leaf demon lotus To the point that many people even absurdly think that the Demon Emperor Xue Ji is a rabbit, which is really ridiculous."

"The three-leaf demon lotus was originally a secret treasure in the ancient times. It is said that it is a super-supreme, and it may even be the seat of an immortal Buddha. There is also another legend that the three-leaf demon lotus was the son of a great wasteland , is the first generation of direct descendants of the barren body. As you already know, the barren body later differentiated into six different types of physique. Two sons. These two sons each accounted for half of his blood. Later, the two sons became enlightened for some reason. .”

"One son turned into a three-leaf demon lotus, and the other son turned into a fairy lamp. The three-leaf demon lotus later turned into a chaotic body, a sky-yin body, and a cut-off body, and the fairy lamp later turned into a sun-like body. Body, Tyrant God Body and No Body." Moha said, "I prefer the second of the two legends, it may be half of the blood of the first generation of the Great Wasteland body..."

"Uh, can't you be so magical?" Lin Fei heard a little mysterious, can the blood be transformed like this?

Moha laughed and said: "Xingkong is so magical, some things are simply not clear, I just rely on my own research for many years, as for whether it is true or not, or if there are other secrets, I don't know. "

The Xingyu is too big and boundless, even the Great Emperor cannot take care of the entire Xingyu at the same time, and they cannot turn around in the entire Xingyu in an instant.

"The demon emperor is really a creature transformed from the three-leaf demon lotus?" Lin Fei asked again.

Moha nodded and said: "This is indeed true. In the records of an ancestor of my Mo Tuo clan, it was written that he knew some secrets from a quasi-emperor at that time. The demon emperor Xue Ji is indeed It originated from a three-leaf demon lotus, and it was only transformed by one of the lotus leaves, so I said that I am more supportive of the second statement. Maybe the three-leaf demon lotus itself has three constitutions, the chaotic body, the sky-yin body and A truncated body, only then can a chaotic body demon emperor Xue Ji be transformed."

"Furthermore, according to historical records, the demon emperor did possess a fire lotus as a weapon in his early years..." Moha said again.

Lin Fei's face was serious, and he was speechless for a moment. The flame in his eyes had changed color at this moment, turning blue.

Moha turned his head to look at Lin Fei, and found that the flames in Lin Fei's eyes were blue, and a red glow flashed between his brows, and the corner of his mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

Lin Fei didn't notice his current expression, Moha said: "I'll go back to the double-hinged golden mace first, I have made some breakthroughs about the book of the Three Realms, and maybe in a few months I can crack the six It's an ancient magic word."

"Hmm..." Lin Fei nodded, released the restriction on the double-hinged golden mace, and threw Moha into it.

He put away the double-hinged golden mace, and quietly floated in this chaos. He looked down and found that the space was extremely deep, more than ten miles deep.

"Is this the place where Lian Hongni lived?"

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth twitched slightly, but a trace of pity flashed between his brows. It is indeed very tragic that a generation of elegance ended up being abandoned and fell into the devil's way.

Feeling sad, he landed slowly and landed on the ancient ground below.

The ground was covered with thick dust, and there was a large area of ​​ancient buildings below. It turned out that the ancient city of the Lian family was not above, but had all collapsed to a distance of more than ten miles.

There are large buildings here, and there are also towering palaces, with dozens of fronts and backs, which are much larger than the palaces on earth.

Lin Fei lingered in this underground ancient city, but in the end he didn't choose to leave. Maybe it was because of the cocoon in the sun and stars, or maybe it was because of Lian Hongni. He felt that this place was very kind.


Several cyan fireballs shot out from Lin Fei's eyes. The fireballs hung above the ancient city of Lianjia, illuminating the lower part, and the surrounding dust was also roasted by the fireballs.

The entire ancient city has become much cleaner, but the city walls are still collapsed, the ground is still sunken, all the trails have been destroyed, and it is still telling the tragic situation here.

"Let's stay here with you for a few more days at the end, and we'll leave after a few days..."

Lin Fei sighed, he had already regarded the cocoon in the sun and stars as Lian Hongni, he hung in the void, and his mind sank into the Jiufeng mountain.

Huo Gang and Han Lei's primordial spirits are in the Jiufeng mountain, and now he is going to devour their primordial spirits.

"Huo Gang, it's your turn..."

Lin Fei sneered consciously, and a golden villain of primordial spirit rushed out. He didn't talk nonsense with Huo Gang's primordial spirit, and directly activated the devouring mode, sucking the vitality of the five elements of heaven and earth in Huo Gang's body crazily.

"Huh, cool, the Holy King is really not easy..."

Lin Fei was so excited that he wanted to fly, this was the first time he had devoured a strong person at the level of a saint king, and this Huo Gang was also a middle-level saint king of the fifth heaven of the saint king.

The vitality of heaven and earth in his body is comparable to more than a dozen junior saint kings, and comparable to two or three hundred high-level saints.

The most important thing is that the vitality of heaven and earth in his body is extremely pure, and the five elements are very balanced.

After stepping into the Saint King Realm, almost everyone has to take the path of balance. The energy of heaven and earth in the body is too large, and the power is too strong. If it cannot be balanced, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ever since, the holy king became Lin Fei's best tonic, with a large amount of vitality in the world, and the balance of the five elements is pure, so you don't need to be picky and just devour it.

In this way, Lin Fei started his devouring journey.



After seven days, Lin Fei finally exhaled a large cloud of turbid air, filling the entire void in the Gu Lian family, and he was also surrounded by clouds and mist.

"call out……"

Two clusters of cyan flames shot out between Lin Fei's eyebrows, burning away the turbid air around him, and his eyes became clearer, but there was a sharpness in the clearness.

Originally planned to devour it for a day or two, but Lin Fei obviously underestimated the amount of vitality of the Five Elements Heaven and Earth in Huo Gang's primordial spirit. After seven days of devouring, it was finally devoured.

Lin Fei has reached the peak of the Seventh Heaven of the Saint King, and he will be able to step into the Eighth Heaven of the Saint King soon.

"The Gu Lian family can no longer be destroyed, we have to find an uninhabited star field to break through..."

Lin Fei murmured to himself, and fell in love with the Gu Lian family for a while, and finally left the Gu Lian family.

Because of Han Lei and Han Sheng's death, and Huo Gang's death and injury, no one in the No. 90 five cities is hunting Lin Fei anymore, only some guys from the Han family with low cultivation.

Naturally, Lin Fei was not afraid. He arrived at the teleportation array of the No.90 Five Cities smoothly. After changing his appearance, he left the No.90 Five Cities smoothly.

With a flash of silver light, he appeared in No.90 Sixth City, which is a cloud belt.

The entire No. 96 city is located on this cloud belt. There is no so-called city gate here, and all kinds of surroundings can enter the No.90 six cities.

96 City's aura is thin, which is not conducive to the survival of monks, so there are not many people here. This place is just a transit rest stop on the ancient road.

Lin Fei left No.90 Six Cities and came to an uninhabited star field [-] miles away, where he began to make a breakthrough to welcome a new round of catastrophe.


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