Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 372 City 1, I, Lin Fei, Are Here

Chapter 370 Two

Lin Fei would never have thought that his breakthrough would cause panic among the human race.

It has never happened in tens of thousands of years that five quasi-emperors of the demon world came to the ancient domain of the human race at the same time, and the strong men of the demon world generally do not set foot in the human race's living area at all.

But this time, the aura of the quasi-emperor of the demon world actually appeared. Many human guardians, as well as some hidden powerhouses in the major families, hidden world saints were born one after another, and they sat together for the opening meeting.

Fortunately, this news did not reach the ears of the monks below, otherwise it would definitely cause greater panic. All the great saints and powerhouses finally discussed and agreed that something might happen on the emperor's road.

There are a total of [-] ancient cities on the ancient road of the human race, and each ancient city has a special meaning of existence. The imperial road behind the [-]th city actually has a bigger background.

This kind of background, only some peerless powerhouses know it, and most of the young supremes who joined the emperor's road also know it.

The reason why it is called the Emperor's Road is precisely because there may be infinite good fortune in it, and even emperor soldiers, ancient scriptures, immortal materials, and immortal medicines have been produced on the Emperor's Road.

That's why this road is called the emperor's road, but since the quasi-emperor of the devil world appeared, everyone agreed that it was possible that they had learned some news in advance.

Unexpectedly, they clashed with the breath of the Holy Emperor. The Holy Emperor is also known as the Three Great Human Emperors, and he is one of the few emperors who reach the sky in the human race.

Perhaps it was because he left behind a ray of spirit in ancient times, but was activated by several quasi-emperors of the devil world, which triggered a war outside the territory.


Another three months passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Fei's head and half of his body finally stopped wandering. He was already millions of miles away from No.90 Seven City in the starry sky.

I came to a blue starry sky, which is an extremely beautiful starry sky. From a distance, this starry sky looks like a blue flower, which is extraordinarily brilliant.


Lin Fei's eyes suddenly opened slowly, and two groups of green flames rushed out of his eyes, and the flames rushed forward and turned into two big lamps, illuminating a hundred miles around.

"Finally it's..."

Lin Fei opened his mouth slowly, his eyeballs moved, but several liters of black blood gushed out of his mouth again.

"Sure enough, he was seriously injured. Fortunately, the origin was not completely destroyed..." Lin Fei was slightly comforted.

Although the body was blown to only half of it, but the source is still there, and the body has grown completely at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that the internal organs couldn't be healed immediately. Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the void and slowly recovered. Green flames flickered in his eyes, and a green star with a diameter of about five meters appeared between his eyebrows.

"It's the fourth floor..."

Lin Fei was quite happy in his heart. The sun and stars came to the fourth floor and became green sun and stars.

He could sense the destructive energy inside the star, and the cocoon in the center of the green sun star seemed to have grown a lot, which caused the sun star to change from the original two meters in diameter to five meters in diameter.

Although it is a bit far from the green sun and star with a diameter of ten miles in the Holy Emperor, it is a big improvement for Lin Fei to be able to evolve into a green sun and star.

The power of the green sun and stars is comparable to that of a mid-level holy soldier, and this thing is his natal magic weapon, so he can use at least [-]% of its power.

Eighty percent of the soldiers of the middle-level saints are at least equivalent to the full blow of the junior saints. When they meet the high-level saint kings again, they will have the power to fight.If you meet some not so good high-level holy kings, you even have the ability to kill with one blow.

"Old Dog Han Lei, I'm afraid you would never have imagined in your dreams, but you have fulfilled me, Lin Fei, right?"

A sneer rose from the corner of Lin Fei's mouth. Thinking of Han Lei's bird-like appearance, he was very happy. He wanted to seize the Bodhi Coffin, the Ten Thousand Dragon Sword, and the Great Sage Mirror, and also wanted the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram.

But he didn't get anything, on the contrary, he ended up being completely destroyed, and in the end he took advantage of himself.


After another three months, Lin Fei finally got up from where he was. He exhaled a mouthful of green turbid air, turned into giant dragons and rushed into the blue starry sky ahead.

He looked down at the blue starry sky below, and couldn't help but marvel at its beauty: "It's so beautiful, this starry sky is like a fairy flower, I don't know where this is..."

After more than half a year, Lin Fei doesn't know where he is now, but his perception tells him that there are no creatures within a radius of three hundred miles.

This is a pure starry sky, without any other impurities, and there is no overly rich aura.

"The hundredth city? I, Lin Fei, are here..."

Lin Fei took one last look at the starry sky, and immediately turned back in the opposite direction. He followed Zhifeng's opposite direction.

A month later, Lin Fei finally saw the figure of No.90 Seven City, the cloud belt was in front of him, but when he reached the edge, he found many high-level monks appearing in this starry sky.

"Huh? Could it be that something happened?"

Lin Fei frowned and walked forward. Not long after, a strong man called the Saint King Sanchongtian stopped him and asked, "Hey, did you find the brother?"

"Uh, no..." Lin Fei immediately replied, "I haven't found a single hair. I've been looking for it for a few days..."

He opened his eyes and got some news from the mind of the holy king. It turned out that there was news recently that there was a soldier of the great saint in the nearby star field, and these holy kings came to look for it.

The man also sighed: "Yeah, I don't know if the person who posted the news is just kidding, you've only been looking for a few days and it's good, I've been wandering here for a month, don't say what it is The ultimate holy soldier, even a single holy soldier has not been seen..."

"Hehe, yes, I don't plan to look for it anymore. I think if there is a soldier of the supreme saint, there will already be a junior saint who came to pick it up. It's our turn?" Lin Fei raised his eyebrows and smiled. , now that his coercion is also in Saint Wang Yizhong, naturally he will not be underestimated too much.

The holy king also cursed and said: "Immortal is stern, that bastard who sells news really deserves to die, he fooled this king with more than 1000 million spirit stones, brother, how much have you been fooled?"

"Uh, someone who sells news? I haven't produced a spirit stone. I was told by an older brother..." Lin Fei said speechlessly.

The sage king scolded: "I'm a fairy, damn it... so I've been taken advantage of?...Damn it... If I let this king find that bastard Taoist priest, he must be skinned!"

"Uh, is it news that a Taoist priest sold it?" Lin Fei suddenly had a bad feeling.

At the beginning, Tang Sanye, that demon monk, did such tricky and abducting things a lot. Could it be that Tang Sanye didn't die on the ancient demon road, but came here again.

Lin Fei asked, "I don't know what that Taoist priest looks like?"

"It looks like a ghost..." The holy king cursed and described it to Lin Fei.

"That demon monk is really not dead..."

After listening to his description, Lin Fei concluded that that guy must be Tang Sanye, the demon monk came back after more than 60 years.

To be able to survive the pursuit of a group of great saints and powerhouses, and to carry the Emperor Soldiers Returning Sun Pot, Lin Fei suddenly had a very bad premonition.

After bidding farewell to the Holy King, Lin Fei changed his face, and then flew towards No.90 Seven City.

"Go to the west entrance of the city..."

"Wait for me..."

As soon as he entered the city, Lin Fei found a group of monks rushing to the west of the city, and immediately scanned the minds of a few of them with his sky eyes. It turned out that there was a Taoist priest selling news on the west side of the city.

It is said that there are many peerless anecdotes, and there is also news of the Lordless Saint King Soldier and the Lordless Great Saint Soldier for sale.

"This dead monk can cheat people anywhere..."

Lin Fei cursed inwardly, thinking that he was indeed poor enough now, although Han Lei and Huo Gang's treasures were searched, but Han Lei's old dog didn't have any spirit stones.

"This demon monk has always wanted to swallow my blood into the yang-returning pot. He will definitely be a big enemy in the future. Let's hide in the dark and observe to see what this demon monk is now..."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Fei followed the crowd and rushed to the west of the city.

In less than half an hour, Lin Fei came to the west of the city, and there were hundreds of monks gathered in front of him, all of them were Saint Realm and Saint King Realm experts, and their strength was not weak.

"Everyone listen to the old Taoist, let me tell you, the price is really not expensive. The Lordless Saint King Soldier, and the Lordless Great Saint Army are not Chinese cabbage. Although I am a veteran, I have the skills of divination and position determination, but it still needs to be consumed. Yes, every time a holy soldier is cut off, he needs to recuperate for a few months..."

"How about this, the position information of the Wuzhu Saint King Soldier, one piece of 500 million spirit stones, one piece of information about the location of the Lordless Great Saint Soldier, and one piece of 500 million spirit stones, you can figure it out, if you want, hand over the spirit stones now , I will quietly transmit the sound to you, and promise not to repeat a piece of news..."

Lin Fei saw Tang Sanye's appearance after dozens of miles away. Although he changed his appearance at this time, his tone of voice and the wine gourd on his waist betrayed his identity. This guy is exactly Lord Tang.

"High-ranking saint king?"

Lin Fei was quite helpless, and found another very tangled news. He thought that if this guy was weak, he would kill him directly, but now it seems that he can only become a prey in front of him.

Tang Sanye's methods are too weird, if he makes a rash move, he may miss the initiative.

Tang Sanye's cultivation base has now reached the seventh heaven of the saint king, only one heaven lower than Han Lei, and he is a veritable high-ranking saint king.

Sure enough, Lin Fei saw a few guys, so he paid money to this Tang Sanye, bought some news from him, and left quickly.

"This bastard is too low..."

Lin Fei cursed secretly in his heart, when he was in Tianyuan Continent, this stinky monk often did this kind of deception of Lingshi.

However, this also confirmed Lin Fei's long-standing speculation from another aspect. This Tang Sanye probably has a secret method to directly absorb spiritual energy, or a method to convert spiritual energy into heaven and earth vitality.

That's why he was so desperate to pit spirit stones. He bet on himself to win, so he just took hundreds of millions of spirit stones and left.

Lin Fei hurriedly transmitted voices to many people secretly, and many of them changed their faces drastically, and some of them cursed: "Well, you stinky Taoist priest, it turned out to be a monk in disguise, everyone..."

Hundreds of people received Lin Fei's secret voice transmission, and they all attacked Tang Sanye almost at the same time.

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