Chapter 380

"Sacrificing your sister..." Lin Fei cursed through voice transmission, that Tang Sanye was just a few miles away, wearing a bright Taoist robe, he really didn't look like a good guy.

"Nephew, you weren't mean enough back then. Third master, I was chased all over the world by several great saints, and you didn't know to come to help me..."

"You think I'm a god. How can I help you..."

"How about this, you have a few memory fragment maps, how about we exchange them..." Tang Sanye brought up the topic, sound transmission Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was stunned, and asked via sound transmission: "How many dollars do you have..."

"Uh, I only have the sixth yuan..." Tang San said.

"I have the first one, so how about it, let's exchange it later..." Lin Fei immediately responded.

As soon as the voice transmission was over, Lin Fei heard a soft and cursing voice: "Bastard, why are you here at Dilu?"

The voice came from Lin Ke'er, who was sitting beside Batian, secretly transmitting the voice to Lin Fei.

"Uh, I can't bear to miss Ke'er's wife and Miqi's wife. I'm afraid that you will be punished by that bastard Batian. I have to hurry over here..." Lin Fei complained, and Lin Ke'er was heard.

"What shit did you step on, you bastard, and you have stepped into the Saint King Realm. When you see Batian, you should keep a low profile for this girl, or you will be photographed to death. Don't blame me for not reminding you..." Lin Ke Er secretly warned Lin Fei.

With a smile on Lin Fei's face, Lin Ke'er sent a voice transmission: "With Ke'er's wife as my internal response, what is a little Batian, how many memory fragments does Batian get..."

"He has six..."

"What, he already has six cards?" Lin Fei suddenly felt powerless, secretly thinking that I only got one piece, this is the gap.

For the next period of time, Lin Fei often communicated with Lin Keer and Mi Qi in secret, and staying in this dilapidated place was quite comfortable.

The bursts of heaven and earth vitality from below the Taoist platform seemed to be inexhaustible, continuously pouring into his body, Lin Fei was not idle, and refined all these heaven and earth vitality into the green sun and stars.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye, and everyone stayed on this stage for another full month.


On this day, a bell rang from the holy mountain, and Xiandi, Batian, Yuchen, Xiao He, Yuniang, Wu Qingying, Tang Sanye and other masters soared into the sky at the same time.

They came to the foot of the holy mountain first, and Batian took the lead to drink and said: "Those who have the seventh, eighth, and ninth memory fragment maps can go with me, Batian..."

"I have……"

"I have the eighth, the ninth..."

Soon, more than a dozen people rushed to Batian Lin Ke'er and the others. A pair of sharp black eyes in Batian's armor scanned the crowd, pointed at two of them and said, "You guys take out the map, we can go together..."

Although the other dozen or so people were unwilling, they had no choice but to retreat to the side. The two were very proud. They are all strong in the fifth heaven of the Holy King, and they will dedicate chapters seven to ninety-three. Go to the holy mountain with Batian.

"Stay back..."

Batian yelled angrily, and the sharp gun in his hand shot up into the sky, nine pictures of memory fragments rushed up to the sky, merged into one, and opened a light door in the void, Batian and several others got in instantly.


Dozens of people behind him also wanted to catch up, but they were knocked down by a strange force before they rushed in.

"Batian, you are too deceitful!"

"Damn this Batian is too arrogant, he should be killed!"

They fell onto the platform one after another, pointing at the Batian who was leaving and yelling, they didn't expect that Batian was so domineering that he wouldn't let others follow in.

Lin Fei stood on the platform with no expression on his face. Batian's doing so was reasonable. He snatched more memory fragment maps with his ability, how could he let you little shrimps follow in.

"The strength of this Batian is indeed extremely powerful. The horror can be compared with that of the first-level Great Sage. It is not something I can match now..."

Green fire flickered in Lin Fei's eyes. What he was thinking of was not going to the holy mountain, but recalling the simple blow that Batian had just given.

The most frightening thing is that this guy has a figure like electricity, which can be compared to teleportation, and is a level higher than those young supreme beings present.

"Everyone, why don't we be like a jigsaw puzzle, let's go in together..." Xianyi spoke first with a voice like a fairy.

"That's right, it's better for everyone to solve the puzzle together, don't let that tyrannical lunatic take the lead..."

"Okay, let's do the puzzle together..."

"Let's do the puzzle together. Let's go in together, so we can take care of him. This is Emperor Fulong's dojo. God knows what big traps are there. He Batian will be the first to enter, and he will be the first to destroy it..."

Many people joined immediately, including a lot of guys who I didn't even have a picture of.

The little demon god Xiao He also snorted: "Puzzles are fine, but those guys who don't have a single picture in their hands, you'd better retreat and leave. You don't have a share in Hualong Dao Holy Mountain, you have no qualifications..."


"Yes, Xiao He, are you qualified?"

"None of us are afraid of you demon cultivator..."

Immediately, many people objected, and they were all guys who didn't have a picture in hand.

"I haven't even snatched a picture, what qualifications do I have to enter the Holy Mountain, don't be ashamed..." Yuchen also snorted coldly, shaking the folding fan in his hand.

The boss of Yaozu Eighteen Guards also said: "That's right, it's settled like this, but everyone who has a picture in their hand will donate it now, and everyone will spell out nine pictures together..."

Most of them only have one or two pictures in their hands, and the most are the Eighteen Guards of the Monster Race, which only has three pictures. Guys like Ba Tian are a strange existence. hand.

"Friend Daoist, do you have any pictures there?"

"Fellow Daoist, give me a rubbing picture, and I'll give you [-] million spirit stones..."

"Fellow daoist, sell a picture, I'll give you a holy weapon..."

After the young sovereigns settled down the rules, those holy kings who had no pictures in their hands and whose cultivation level was relatively low all became ants on the hot pot, and they hurriedly found someone to exchange a picture of the memory fragments in private.

At this moment, Lin Fei discovered that that bastard Sanye Tang was actually selling the sixth picture in his hand, and several guys exchanged it from him.

"This bastard is a super money fan..."

Lin Fei cursed secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he also started to find a few guys who had no pictures, and started trading with a few people.

"Hmph! Come out with the pictures now, and those who dare to trade in private will directly kill them together!" The demon monk Tu Dao appeared at this time, and his reputation was much stronger than before.

A pair of black eyes stared at Lin Fei, Tuobada, and the Eighteen Guards of the Yaozu, and both of them snatched the first picture from him.

He threw out the first picture first, and other people also threw out pictures one after another, but nearly 100 people didn't have any pictures in their hands, so they could only jump their feet anxiously.


Nine pictures gathered, the light gate reappeared, and everyone rushed towards the light gate.

"Bang bang bang..."


The 100 people who didn't have a picture also rushed forward, trying to fish in troubled waters, but they were shot down by the little devil Xiao He, and the folding fan in Yuchen's hand also blew them off.

The two are the most powerful Saint Kings, and they belong to the top among this group of people. Those who don't have pictures in their hands are mostly those who don't care, and whose strength is only from the first to the third heaven of the Holy King, and they are immediately brushed off. .


The light door was closed heavily, and the nearly hundred people exploded.

"Damn it, may these guys die inside!"

"If they get the emperor's inheritance, I will eat shit!"

"Come inside with the emperor's corpse, hack them all to death..."

"Uh, let's just wait around here, they will definitely come out of the Holy Mountain..."

A group of resentful men exploded, and they could only wait helplessly on the Taoist platform.


With a flash of silver light, everyone appeared at the foot of a real holy mountain, and a gust of simplicity blew towards them, shocking everyone's expressions.

"This is the spirit of the ancient times..."

"The vitality of the heavens and the earth is so full. If you practice here for ten years, you will definitely be able to ascend to the next level..."

"Could this be Fulong Mountain on Hualong Road back then, the place where Emperor Fulong was born?"

Everyone was startled, and looked up at the holy mountain in front of them. This holy mountain was so high that it couldn't reach the top. It must be at least hundreds of thousands of meters high and tens of miles wide.

More than 500 people appeared at the foot of this holy mountain. In front of Fulong Mountain, all of them looked very small. Such a holy mountain should not be what the human world should have at all.

"Damn, the perception is even worse..."

"Don't ask us to climb up the mountain..."

"Look, there are a few figures on it, could it be Batian and the others..."

"Why are there two people missing? Did they leave separately?"

"Maybe he was killed by Batian, those two bastards..."

Everyone looked up and found that 1000 meters away, there were a few figures that were Batian and the three women, but the other two guys who were in the picture with Batian were gone.

But that's exactly the case, everyone couldn't help but feel a little bit annoyed, because Batian and the others only climbed up slowly.Judging by their speed, they can climb up to four or five meters in one go. I don't know how long it will take to reach the top like this.

"Let's go..."

"Come on..."

Hundreds of people rushed towards the holy mountain immediately, and at the foot of the mountain there was an artificially built step road, which circled the holy mountain and went up.

Fortunately, the stairway is relatively wide. A stairway is more than ten meters wide. It is not too crowded for hundreds of people to rush up at the same time.

Lin Fei and Tuobada didn't rush to the front, Tang Sanye squeezed beside Lin Fei and said with a smile: "Nephew, we meet again, almost 80 years... "

"Uh, where did a dead Taoist come out..." Tuobada curled his lips and scolded.

Tang Sanye's complexion turned dark, he raised his head and glared at Tuobada, and said angrily: "Where are you barbarians, why don't you pick up stones and carry dung, and come to the emperor's road to join in the fun..."

"Smelly Taoist priest, you are too arrogant!" Tuobada scolded angrily, and a heavy hammer appeared in his palm.

Tang Sanye was not easy to provoke either, a soil cover appeared in his hand, and he wanted to fight Tuobada in a duel.

Lin Fei hurriedly pulled Tuoba Da away, and said to Tang Sanye: "Tang Sanye, control your stinky mouth..."

"Big Daddy, why are you talking for outsiders and scolding your third master?" Tang San's face was stern, very upset.

But Tuobada reprimanded: "Brother Fei, don't stop me, brother, I will definitely rip off the hair of this stinky Taoist priest today..."

"You bastard, don't look at your size, I guess you have a silver gun and wax head. Is the hair all grown? Take off your pants and let me see..." Tang San laughed strangely.

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