Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

The 384th Room of the Great Sage

Chapter 380 Four

This river is undoubtedly a weak river, and the quicksand river in front is the Eight Hundred Quicksand Realm, which is true to the description of the underworld in some historical materials.

What interested Lin Fei the most was that when he was on Earth, he had read many such legends about ghosts and ghosts. Among them, there were mentions of Eight Hundred Liusha River, Three Thousand Ruoshui River, Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge, etc. Listen less.

If it was true, how did the people on the earth know? Lin Fei seemed to see a glimmer of light returning to the earth.

Tang Sanye smiled, and said to himself: "When did the words of Sanye ever lie? As for the evidence, I can't travel back to ancient times to dig it out. Let's wait and see..."

"Desert, then Desert, you stinky stinker will die if you don't pretend..." Tuobada scolded mercilessly, not seeing Tang San's appearance.

Tang Sanye curled his lips and snorted: "I'm too lazy to talk to you, a savage, you're not yet enlightened..."

Lin Fei's eyes were burning like a torch, he retracted his gaze, and scanned the surrounding situation.

Except for some of them, there are more than 200 people still staying there. They are destined to miss this trip, and no one brought them here.

At this time, there were 80 people who were crossing the river. The three daughters Xianyi, Yuniang and Wu Qingying in front of them had disappeared from sight, as if they had already crossed this weak river.

The three of them are currently at the rear, and only the other two groups are slower than them. The speed of the boat twisted by Tuobada with a heavy hammer is really slow.

"Brother Fei, let's not be in a hurry, let them go ahead and take the lead, if there is any trap for them to try first..." Tuoba Da laughed, and took out the delicious wine and meat.

Tang Sanye also took off the wine gourd from his waist, just now he had a scolding battle with Tuobada, and now he was meeting friends with wine, and the two drank wildly.

Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to them, his eyes were still scanning the people on the river, his sky eye was opened, he could see part of the brain, and obtained some valuable information.

"Those guys turned out to be Batian's followers?"

His gaze rested on the four holy kings 300 meters ahead, among which the middle-aged man with the highest cultivation level was a holy king of the fifth heaven. That middle-aged man and the other six people on board were followers of Batian By.

This information was obtained by Lin Fei from the brain domain of one of them, but what Lin Fei couldn't understand was, since he was a follower of Batian, why didn't he go with Batian, instead they walked away separately.

"Could it be that they are different from Lin Ke'er, Mickey and the others, two types of followers?"

Lin Fei had a guess in his mind, and then recalled what Lin Ke'er and Mi Qi had said to him two years ago, it seemed that they had to enter the Emperor's Road with Batian, otherwise Batian would not let them go .

Now it looks like it might actually be happening.

Lin Fei's eyes turned to the opposite bank more than 2000 meters away. Ba Tian and Lin Ke'er had already landed, and the four of them quickly disappeared from his sight.

On the other side of the weak river was a piece of sand, and there were steps in front of the sand, but the speed of the four of them leaving was so fast.

"Is the restriction over there weaker?"

Lin Fei thought to himself, he didn't want to be as confused as Tuobada, in such a dangerous place, he would be ruined if he was not careful.

Dozens of holy kings have died here before, and there are hundreds of strong men who have not appeared at the foot of the holy mountain. It is very likely that they have also fallen.

How long has it been since I entered the Emperor Road? In just a few months, so many powerful people have fallen. This place is very cruel.

"Haha brother, let's go ahead..."

At this moment, a middle-ranked holy king ship next to it passed by, and there were more than a dozen strong holy kings on it. They laughed at Lin Fei and the three of them, showing a trace of disdain in their eyes.

"Scream, scream, you want to die, you guys..." Tuobada had a very violent temper and wanted to hit him immediately.

Tang Sanye held him back, laughed and said: "The dog bit us, should we bite back? Let them go ahead and die..."

"Uh, you guys are ruthless..." More than a dozen holy kings didn't dare to hit Tuobada and Tang Sanye too much.

These are two high-ranking saint kings. Everyone on Ruohe is about the same strength now, but if the restrictions are removed, when these two ruthless people retaliate, they can't afford it.

The boat next to it immediately overtook the boat of Lin Fei and the three of them, and Lin Fei and the three of them fell to the back of the team, more than 2000 meters away from the other side of the Ruo River.

The four Batians in front had disappeared, the little demon god Xiao He, Yu Chen, the demon monk Tu Dao and others were at the front, and the distance to the opposite bank was less than 500 meters.

"What kind of broken ship is this, it's too slow..."

Lin Fei also scolded in his heart, Tuobada's man-made boat was indeed quite slow, and he didn't notice that there was a boat behind him just now, but now Lin Fei found out.

In one minute, the boat drifted less than one meter forward.

This is about 500 meters away from the other side of the river, and the drift will take a day and a night.

Sure enough, two hours later, all the other boats landed on the opposite bank, and those who couldn't cross the river behind all dispersed, and they probably had to retreat down the mountain.

Lin Fei and the others only drifted forward for more than [-] meters. The sky suddenly darkened, and the entire holy mountain was pitch black.



In addition, there are gusts of wind blowing, and there are some low roars in the river from time to time, which makes people feel panicked.

"These two bastards can actually sleep..."

Lin Fei opened his eyes and saw that the two bastards, Tuobada and Tang Sanye, had drunk too much and fell asleep.

What was even more ridiculous was the sleeping posture of the two of them, which was really disgusting. Tang Sanye lay on top of Tuobada and fell asleep, with a pair of stinky feet placed next to Tuobada's mouth.

"This demon monk didn't do it on purpose, did he?"

Lin Fei stared at Tang Sanye, a strange color flashed in his eyes, a killing intent flashed in him just for a moment, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Not to mention the high level of Tang Sanye's cultivation, he couldn't move the Emperor Armor Yang Canister on his body, and thinking that this guy was alone 70 years ago and was able to escape from the hands of several great saints. He went back to the ancient road of the human race from the ancient road of the ancient monster race. This guy's methods were beyond his imagination.

What's more, how can this guy really fall asleep, as long as there is a slight disturbance, he will wake up again immediately.


At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly turned his head, staring ahead with a pair of heavenly eyes.

A thick layer of mist rose from the surface of the weak river, and in the middle of the mist, a pair of red eyes suddenly appeared, and he was staring at the three of them.

"what is that……"

Lin Fei was wearing a black robe, shaking to awaken the consciousness of the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram inside. In case of an attack, the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram would come out to protect him in a short time.

Those eyes are about the size of human eyes, but there are strange sparks shining inside, they are not like the eyes that a human should have, but like a bloodthirsty beast.

"call out……"

Just as Lin Fei shook the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram, his eyes suddenly moved away, and he escaped nearly a hundred meters, watching Lin Fei and the other three from a distance.

"Is he afraid of the Taiji Yin-Yang diagram?"

He shook the corner of his clothes again, and those fiery red eyes fled back hundreds of meters, the sparks in his eyes flickered, giving people an indescribable feeling.

"Isn't it Yinhuo?"

A bold guess flashed in Lin Fei's mind. The Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram is the nemesis of Yin-Yang Soul, and there is an extremely powerful existence in Yin Soul, which is Yinhuo.

Yinhuo is a special kind of Yinhun, which is different from ordinary Yinhuo in that it is just a kind of flame, and it is a kind of subconscious flame.

Even when it encounters something it is afraid of, it will instinctively dodge and escape. The reason why Yinhuo is special is also related to its attack power.

It is rumored that Yinhuo can swallow all cool flames in the world, and can continue to grow stronger, but because cool flames are really hard to find, and there are only a dozen kinds in the world, so Yinhuo generally does not Too strong.

"If the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram swallows it, I don't know if it can grow extremely fast..."

Lin Fei thought about it, wanting Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram to swallow the two groups of Yin fire, but what made him speechless was that as soon as he had this thought, the two groups of Yin fire escaped hundreds of meters away.

"Do they know what I'm thinking?" Lin Fei was very surprised. As soon as the black robe on his body was swung out, the two balls of Yin Huo hundreds of meters away ran away and disappeared.

"What a miraculous yin fire..."

Lin Fei secretly sighed in his heart, meeting the legendary Yin Huo was a kind of romance for him.

However, Lin Fei concluded that the Yin Huo might not be of great help to the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram, otherwise the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram would have jumped out on its own initiative, but the powerful strength of this kind of thing still made him a little afraid.

Although the two yin fires just now are only as big as human eyes, they are at least equivalent to the strength of a middle-level holy king. Coupled with its unknown and strange attacking techniques, those who don't know will definitely deal a heavy blow.


At this moment, a splash of water swayed a few meters ahead, making a crisp sound of water.

The Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram suddenly jumped out of Lin Fei's body, and immediately plunged into the Ruoshui River.


There was a loud roar in the water, and Tuobada yelled in fright: "What's going on, what's going on..."

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of dirty and stinky feet. He threw Tang Sanye away, and cursed angrily: "You stinky Taoist priest, you actually put your stinky mouth near my mouth, I'm so sorry!" kill you..."

After saying that, he slapped it with his palm, Tang Sanye jumped up immediately, turned around, and stood beside the boat.


Tang Sanye was about to have a fight with Tuobada, but he suddenly turned and jumped on Tuobada, pointed at that side and shouted: "A few headless corpses..."

"Uh, where's the corpse?" Tuobada leaned forward and immediately frowned, "Why did he die so badly? It must have been a few years since he died. The body of the holy king is soaked..."

Lin Fei opened his sky eyes and went over to take a look. His brows were also furrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "This is not the body of a holy king, this is the body of a great saint..."

Not only that, but Lin Fei also discovered that the primordial spirit of the body of the great sage had been stripped away, and the body of flesh and blood was no longer flexible, just like the corpse of an ordinary person.

The clothes on the surface are all small holes, revealing the dark corpse inside, and the hair is even more messy, lying on the water like a water ghost.

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