Chapter 380 Seven

"Oh my God!"

Tang Sanye let out an exclamation, his three eyes were shining golden light, he said in surprise: "Could this be the bodhi coffin..."

He was very knowledgeable, and he recognized Lin Fei's coffin at a glance, it was the top-grade imperial treasure Bodhi coffin.

"Oh my god, is there anyone else who made a coffin out of the holy bodhi tree? Then who is the owner of this coffin..."

He didn't dare to imagine that just when he was hesitating, the bodhi coffin suddenly knocked Lin Fei's living soul into Lin Fei's spiritual altar again. Tang Sanye immediately took action in a bad mood and wanted to drag Lin Fei away come over.


The bodhi coffin and the yang-returning pot collided together, and the two were evenly matched. The Taoist platform under him suddenly exploded, and was directly smashed to pieces by Diwei.

"This thing is also an imperial weapon..."

Tang Sanye's eyes lit up, he unexpectedly encountered another emperor soldier, which made him unhappy, and this bodhi coffin looked even more impressive.

"You belong to the third master..."

He typed out a rune, branded it into the sun-returning pot, and immediately a stream of mist rushed out of the pot and rushed towards the bodhi coffin.

But the bodhi coffin disappeared in place, and together with it, the bodies of Lin Fei and Tuobada disappeared.


Tang Sanye almost fell to the ground, he stepped on the yang-returning pot, and the transparent eye on the brow scanned the surroundings carefully, but he still didn't find Lin Fei and Tuobada.

"Could it be that this bodhi coffin has recognized Lin Fei as the master?" Tang San's face sank like water.

He didn't get the emperor soldier, and even the two boys Lin Fei and Tuobada didn't see him, and he didn't have any blood, so he was really aggrieved.

The emperor's soldiers came out to protect the lord automatically, it is very likely that they have recognized Lin Fei as the lord, and the bodhi coffin can be invisible to the void, which makes Tang Sanye even more greedy.

"What's going on now? If that kid finds out, he will escape with the bodhi coffin. It's really difficult..." Tang San looked embarrassed, thinking about how to deal with Lin Fei.

In the end, he had no choice but to fall onto the dilapidated Taoist platform and sit there cross-legged, pretending to be in deep thought.


After half an hour, the bodhi coffin reappeared, threw Lin Fei and Tuobada's bodies out, and it got into Lin Fei's eyebrows.

Tang Sanye on the broken platform had a strange look in his eyes, but he fell into a deep sleep again.

"Hey, holy girl, don't smoke your brother anymore, why don't we do something else, how about we play with the old man pushing a small car..." Tuobada suddenly screamed strangely from the dream wake up.

His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, panting heavily, cursing and cursing: "Immortal stern, at least I woke up, that damned woman, when I come home next time, I will definitely treat you to the point of submission..."

He turned his head and looked around, and found that he and Lin Fei had fallen on the steps, and the platform above had shattered at some point, and beside them were the corpses of the eight holy kings lying here and there. .


Lin Fei's shirt suddenly exploded, revealing his muscular body, and Lin Fei also woke up from his trance.

He also looked around, and Tuobada said excitedly: "Brother Fei, you finally woke up..."

"Uh, what's the matter?" Lin Fei was also a little puzzled, and when he opened his eyes, he found that the platform was broken.

He looked up and found that several tens of meters above, Tang Sanye was still in meditation, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Ah, don't be silly..." Tang Sanye suddenly yelled strangely, and woke up from his trance.

Tuobada's expression on the side changed, and he smiled at Tang Sanye: "Smelly Taoist priest, who is going to pull your hair, where is your hair?"

"Barbarian, don't insult me ​​with your dirty thoughts. I just don't want others to pull my hair, but you seem to like women whipping you..." Tang San Hehe said with a smile, the recovery was well hidden.

Lin Fei didn't care about the quarrel between the two, he took out the stiff spirits from the bodies of the eight people and threw them into the Jiufeng mountain.

"Uh, why are you arresting someone's primordial spirit? Isn't it too cruel?" Tang San asked strangely.

Lin Fei reprimanded: "It's none of your business, you'd better let people not pull your hair..."

"Uh..." Tang Sanye was stunned, and cursed in his heart, "Could it be that this bastard has mastered some magic devouring skills? It must be like this, otherwise, how could this guy become a holy king with only a few decades of skill?" Realm, the body of chaos and the body of the sun have to take a step forward, ten times more difficult than ordinary monks, this kid is now as powerful as a high-ranking holy king."

Tang Sanye was extremely clever, based on Lin Fei's actions, he had already guessed part of Lin Fei's situation.

"Let's go..." Tuobada didn't say anything. In fact, he had already discovered that Lin Fei would devour magic skills.

When they mixed together a few months ago, the two also fought with several holy kings. Several holy kings were killed by him and Lin Fei forcefully, and the souls were taken away by Lin Fei.

The three quickly cleared up their mood and rushed up.

However, Lin Fei's complexion was always grim. In the illusion just now, he saw the old Taoist Ziyang again.

The appearance of that mysterious old man made him even more determined that the old Taoist Ziyang was not dead. He didn't believe that his master was dead at first, but now his belief in going back to Earth became even stronger.

What the mysterious saint said at the time was obviously a bit sad, and Lin Fei always felt that he would not have any good intentions for the Chaos faction.

If he was an enemy of the Chaos Sect, then if his master was saved by him, he might receive some inhuman treatment. Lin Fei wanted to return to Earth even more.


Three days later, the three of Lin Fei came to a Taoist platform again, which was completely different from the previous one.

This Taoist platform has a radius of more than ten li, and the aura passing through the Taoist platform is much stronger than that of the small Taoist platform just now, and even Tang Sanye's eyes flashed strangely.

There are hundreds of holy kings scattered on the Taoist platform. Except for the four Batian, Yu Niang, Wu Qingying, and Xianyi, there are others such as the little demon god Xiao He, the Yuhua clan Yuchen, the demon monk Tu Dao, and the demon king. The eighteen guards of the clan and other strong men are all on this platform.

"Na Batian is really strong, and the physique of Xianyi is also strong. What are the origins of Yu Niang and Wu Qingying? These two girls are really not simple..."

Lin Fei secretly sighed in his heart, he didn't expect a few girls to have such a background, and they and Batian successfully passed this level.

The platform in front of him should be Wangxiang Terrace. Looking up at this square platform, Lin Fei had some anticipation in his heart.

It's called Wangxiang Terrace. I don't know if I will fall into a deep yearning for my hometown. If the yearning is too deep, I may sink into it.

At least Lin Fei could sense now that the auras of several holy kings had disappeared, apparently their souls had been taken away by the Wangxiangtai, leaving only unconscious primordial spirits and an empty body.

"Hey, why are there still..." Tuobada's face was ugly, and he thought of those weird saintesses again, and secretly thought that there would be no re-enactment.

Tang Sanye said with a sinister smile: "Hey, this should be the Wangxiang Terrace, there are hundreds of people on it..."

Looking at the hundreds of holy kings on the Wangxiangtai, Tang Sanye was even more happy. Although Lin Fei might not be able to be eliminated, the little demon god Xiao He also had the blood of the ancient spot, and Yu Chen had the physique of a feather. It is the body of a god and demon, and the blood of the Eighteen Guardians of the Yaozu is not bad, and some other blood of the holy kings are also very powerful.

If all the blood of these people were refined into the Yang-Returning Pot, hey, Third Master, I'll have to pay again this time.

"If I swallowed all their souls, I wonder if I will directly step into the high-level holy king realm..."

The green fire in Lin Fei's eyes also flickered, and he also had the idea of ​​these hundreds of holy kings. If he could devour all their souls, Lin Fei couldn't imagine what level he would break through.

Thought so, but Lin Fei didn't dare to be careless, this time he didn't rush into Wangxiang Terrace rashly, but turned his head and asked Tang Sanye: "Third Master, you must have a way to destroy Wangxiang Terrace, right?"

"Uh, where did I get the method? On the stage below, Third Master, I was almost ripped off..." Tang Sanye was stunned and snorted coldly.

Lin Fei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and turned to Tuobada and said, "Brother, it seems that you'd better not be with me this time, it's not good to be with me."

"Uh, can I go back home, I don't want to be whipped..." Tuobada was quite helpless.

But Tang Sanye said: "Wangxiang Terrace may be different from the Taoist platform below, as long as you keep your mind and firmly believe in one belief, you should be fine. Apart from the three of us, there should be no one else who knows about Wangxiang Terrace. They all stepped in by accident, and they will definitely look at the way of Wangxiangtai. The three of us knew in advance that as long as we keep our minds and keep the fire in our hearts, we should be able to break Wangxiangtai easily. Maybe Batian and the others were able to break through Wangxiang Tower so quickly, maybe they also know the origin of Wangxiang Tower..."

"Uh, your stinky Taoist priest's words are too unreliable. Brother Fei just asked you if there is a way and you said no, and now he says it can be done. Are you talking nonsense..." Tuobada pouted.

Tang Sanye said angrily: "Believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway, you can't go back home now, the holy mountain can't be opened so soon, maybe the exit is at the top of the mountain..."

He secretly said in his heart: "If you are guarding outside the Wangxiang Terrace, how can I, the third master, devour other people's souls? Wouldn't it be revealing..."

Tuobada, a barbarian, has a very strong bloodline, and his strength is also comparable to that of the Holy King. Tang Sanye doesn't want him to come out to disrupt the situation, so he has to be tricked into Wangxiangtai.

Lin Fei said in a deep voice, "Tuobada, think about it for yourself. Don't listen to this bastard's nonsense. It should be okay to go back. If you have gathered nine memory fragment pictures at the foot of the holy mountain, you can definitely go out."

Tang Sanye's eyeballs rolled around, thinking about Lin Fei's words in his heart, thinking that it would be a good thing for Tuobada to leave now, since there is no one else here, he can do it with peace of mind.

"Forget it, I'd better go to Wangxiang Terrace with my elder brother. There's nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot back then. Didn't I just get whipped a few times..." Tuobada suddenly laughed again .

Lin Fei nodded indifferently, and said to himself, "I don't know if I can see where Master will go from here on the Homeward Looking Terrace?"

After thinking about it, Lin Fei floated up to the Lookout Tower first.

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