Chapter 390 Nine

His eyes swept to another silver ball of light. Near the silver ball, Yu Niang, Wu Qingying and Lin Keer, Miqi, Shangguan Lianer and the three daughters were fighting together.

To Lin Fei's surprise, the three daughters of Lin Ke'er were on par with the second daughter of Yuniang. Although the second daughter of Yuniang had the lotus treasure in her body, they couldn't hide in the void for a while, and couldn't break free from the encirclement of the three daughters. .

Lin Keer's three daughters are two or three small realms lower than the second daughter of Yuniang, and the second daughter of Yuniang has secret treasures in their hands. It is logically impossible for this to happen, but Lin Fei also noticed that the eyebrows of the three daughters There was a faint black glow.

This black glow is actually somewhat similar to the black glow in Batian's eyes, and the three of them are holding a black sharp gun in their hands, which is also quite similar to the gun in Batian's hand.

"Could it be that Batian wants to protect them from coming here? It turns out that he secretly manipulated them..."

It was only then that Lin Fei suddenly realized that Batian could secretly manipulate them as puppets, and the one who was fighting the two daughters of Yuniang was actually half a Batian.

"This Batian is so powerful that he can actually fight with distractions..."

Lin Fei sighed inwardly, with green fire in his eyes, he found that Wu Qingying also had a silver ball in his hand at this moment, obviously it might be something like the Great Emperor's inheritance ball.

"There is no underworld or fairy world in this world. They are all illusory things. Do you really think I will believe you?" Straight into the silver robe of Xiantu.

Xianyi's face changed drastically, he didn't expect that the sharp spear in Batian's hand was as powerful as the quasi-dimilitary soldier, and now it's a little troublesome.

"Young Master Yu, the Great Emperor's inheritance ball is here, come and save me..." Xianyi's eyes lit up, and he found that in the void not far away, Yu Chen and the little demon god Xiao He had already killed him.

Both of these two are extremely powerful saint kings, comparable to this Batian's cultivation base. The two of them are more than 30 miles away, because they are not in a straight line with Lin Fei, and they did not find Lin Fei's location.

Lin Fei had already been hiding in the dark at this time, watching the battle from a corner that was not easily noticed by others. The muddy water was not muddy enough for him to make a move.

"The Great Emperor inherits the ball?"

There was a golden light in the eyes of Yu Chen and the two of them, Xiao He, the little demon god, threw out his Nine Nether Demon Chariot, and the two jumped on it, and quickly came to the place where Ba Tianxian was.

"You want to die too?" Batian snorted coldly, retracted the sharp gun in his hand, and pointed at Yuchen and the little demon god.

The little demon god Xiao He said disdainfully: "Batian, you haven't reached the number one in the world yet, don't put on such a stinky face, this god won't accept you..."

"That's right, Immortal Concubine is a fairy from Falling Immortal City, and she has a lot to do with my Yuhua clan. Only by letting her go quickly can a war be avoided..." Yuchen smiled and shook the folding fan in his hand.


With a soft roar, Ba Tian swung out the sharp spear in his hand again, directly attacking the two of them.

"Don't think we are vegetarians!"

The little demon god took the lead in launching the attack, and the Nine Nether Demon Chariot rolled forward, and several gods and demons rushed out.

"Boom boom boom..."

However, these gods and demons were far from enough for Batian to pick. With one shot, Batian smashed these gods and demons, turning them into black wind and dissipating in the void.

The little devil didn't take it seriously, he didn't seem to take these gods and demons seriously, he gave a light drink, and a giant monster rushed out between his eyebrows.

The whole body of this monster is bronze in color, like a red-hot steel bar, with black streaks on its surface. As soon as this thing appeared, Batian grabbed the silver robe under Xianyi's body and retreated thousands of meters.

"Is this the ancient plaque?"

Lin Fei in the dark was shocked, this ancient plaque was extremely powerful, it was equivalent to the presence of a junior great saint.

"Batian, hand over the fairy son, the emperor inherits the ball and the first one lives in it. You are a hero to rob like this..." Yu Chen stood on the Nine Nether Demon Chariot, shaking his folding fan Yun Dan The wind said lightly.

Ba Tian, ​​whose whole body was hidden under the black armor, only showed a pair of sharp eyes, and his sharp spear trembled slightly in his hand. As the reincarnation of Ba Tian, ​​how could he put these two people in his eyes.

"You are looking for death!"

He snorted coldly, and the whole space went berserk in an instant, and the sharp gun in his hand suddenly changed color, suddenly turning into a golden gun.

The golden gun turned into a golden light, and was directly swallowed by Batian, and Xianyi suddenly shouted coquettishly: "Be careful! He is going to be possessed by Batian!"

As soon as Xiandi's words fell, the armor on Batian's body surface suddenly cracked, revealing a golden body.

This golden flesh and blood is very visually impactful, like a real person made of gold, giving people a strong sense of impact.

Only a pair of black eyes were still emitting light, and Yu Chen and the two couldn't help but change their expressions. Ba Tian's coercion had exploded, and now his aura was comparable to that of a novice peak saint.

"Go to hell!"

Batian let out an angry roar, and directly slammed his palm at the little demon god Yuchen.


The Little Demon God scolded lightly, and the Nine Nether Demon Chariot under him wanted to carry them out of the way, but found that their bodies were frozen and unable to move.



Batian's heavy punch struck, and the space instantly shattered, turning into flying ash, and a huge white space crack appeared.

"You're looking for death..." Ba Tian gave a strange laugh, and withdrew his golden fist.

However, after the cracks in the space faded, other spaces immediately filled in, and a pair of thin silver wings appeared on the spot. It turned out that Yuchen used the secret technique of the Yuhua clan at the last moment.


Batian muttered to himself, and snorted softly: "You can only become a feather once in a year, what do you use to block my second punch..."

After saying that, he raised his fist again and directly blasted at Yuchen's pair of feathered wings.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was another loud noise, and the feathered wings were half shattered. Behind the feathered wings, the little demon god and Yuchen vomited blood, and the faces of the two were already pale.

"This tyrant is too powerful to be defeated by us..."

The two looked at each other, and with the last bit of strength, Yu Chen fled into the starry sky with his broken wings and the little demon god.

"Huh! Fleeing without fighting! You will never be able to prove the Tao!" Batian snorted coldly, the armor scattered in the void retracted and attached to his body surface, and his pressure suddenly dropped.


At this moment, the silver robe on the immortal who was caught in his palm suddenly exploded.

A vast explosion force immediately sent Batian flying, and Lin Fei in the distance found that the girl Xianyi had escaped, turning into a silver light and rushing towards the dragon's tail of Fulong Temple.


And at this moment, that Yuniang and Wu Qingying also erupted suddenly, and the fairy lotus above their heads suddenly bloomed, directly repelling Lin Ke'er and the three daughters, and also ran towards the dragon's tail.

"Ah! Don't let them escape!"

With a roar, Batian threw the sharp gun in his hand.


It's a pity that his magic spear came a bit late, Xianyi, Yuniang Wu Qingying and the three daughters rushed into the dragon's tail one after another. There was a light gate there, and the three daughters rushed in first.

"Chasing... Xianyi was seriously injured..."

Batian brought the three daughters to the front of Guangmen, and the sharp gun returned to his hand, which was stained with the blood of the immortal.

The three women were silent, and entered the light gate together with Batian.

"Is this the end?"

The void suddenly became quiet like this, Lin Fei in the dark was a little embarrassed, he wanted to hug the grass and beat the rabbit, but now the rabbit was gone, not even a single hair was left.

Not long after, the little demon god and Yuchen who were injured in the distance returned again, and the two also rushed into the light gate.

Lin Fei also came out from the void, and looked around carefully, especially the terrain of Fulong Temple, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Dragon Spit Bead..."

It was only then that Lin Fei realized that the dragon's posture was a bit wrong just now, so he didn't see it. Now he looked from the back, and now he discovered the special terrain of the Fulong Temple.

This is a wonderful terrain recorded in the "Xunling Tianshu", which is comparable to the Nine Dragon Arched Beads in the Tianyuan Continent's Desperate Mountains. The front and back of the dragon each spit out a bead, presenting the dragon spit out the bead.

The positive and negative sides of the dragon are also called the yin dragon and the yang dragon. The yin dragon spits out yin beads, and the yang dragon spits out yang beads.

"Yu Niang and the others should have snatched the Yin Dragon Orb, and the Immortal Ancestor probably snatched the Yang Dragon Orb, but the Yin-Yang Dragon Orb seems to be used by the dead, so it shouldn't be an inheritance bead, right?"

Lin Fei had some doubts in his heart. According to the "Book of Searching for Spirits", this kind of terrain where dragons spit out beads is mostly the terrain laid down by the strong after they transformed into Tao.

They even believe that this terrain can gather the vitality of the world, and maybe they can make their bodies live again.

"Could it be that Emperor Fulong wants to take advantage of the terrain where the dragon spit out the pearl and live another life?"

Lin Fei had another guess in his mind, but he quickly denied it.

Although this place is in the terrain of dragon spit beads, there are not many traps in the terrain, and there is not even a great holy circle around it. How could such a place be the burial place of a majestic emperor.

The Great Emperor Fulong is astonishing in the past and the present, and he was also a very famous emperor in ancient times. Even if he really came from the Yincao Difu, his name in the Yincao Difu would still be resounding.

After studying Fulong Temple for a long time, Lin Fei didn't find anything unusual. Except for the special terrain, there is nothing else worth noting.

Even the killing intent of the great sage that appeared in the periphery before is completely gone in Fulong Temple, not to mention the vitality of the world nearby, which is equivalent to nothing but a barren land.

He came to the dragon's head again, where the two silver balls of light appeared just now. He found that the two eyeballs of the dragon's head turned out to be reversed. terrain.

After researching for a long time, no one else came here, and Tang Sanye, Tuobada, Yaozu Seventeen Guards and others didn't know if they were still alive, and they didn't come here.

In the end, Lin Fei was also quite unwilling, so he could only enter the light gate depressed.


With a flash of silver light, Lin Fei appeared on an ancient road in the next second.

"Xiangyang City?"

1000 meters ahead of the ancient road, stands an ancient city named Xiangyang City.

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