Chapter [-]

Fortunately, he and the girls were only sleeping in cages, and they didn't pierce their membranes. Lin Fei still felt a little psychologically comforted.

For ten years, Lin Fei's understanding of women has reached a new level by constantly using the Goddess Cage and the Baojian to absorb the energy of the sun.

Although these female cultivators in Taichang Kingdom are mostly low-level or ordinary people, every woman has her own characteristics, and there are no two identical women in the world.

All kinds of women's tastes have been tasted by Lin Fei. Lin Fei's need for women is no longer so strong, or he is not so strong at this stage.

The Xianling Sect is located in the west of the Dacang Kingdom, occupying a mountain range that stretches thousands of miles, and the area around the mountain range is full of spiritual energy.

Lin Fei walked directly into this mountain range, and met several female disciples of the Xianling Sect on the outskirts. These female disciples all had pretty faces and excellent figures.

Several of them were moon-level Taiyin bodies, and Lin Fei directly locked their souls into the goddess cages. Now he has a total of 72 cages, and he can capture enough female cultivators to enter at a time.

Lin Fei put the three female disciples to sleep in a cage on the spot, and asked where the headquarters of the Xianling Sect was.

The Xianling faction was deep in the mountains, and Lin Fei soon arrived here. A dense forest appeared in front of him, towering ancient trees covered the sky, and an ancient city floated in the sky.

The ancient city has a radius of hundreds of miles, and the whole body is actually made of a single fairy tree. It is really incomparably mysterious. Lin Fei was a little surprised when he saw it.

I don't know what material this fairy tree is made of, but it is absolutely extraordinary, at least it is also a tree of holy kings.

The appearance of Lin Fei caused shock among the disciples of the Xianling Sect, because when Lin Fei appeared, he disappeared very quickly, and this news reached the ears of the head teacher of the Xianling Sect.

He immediately brought a group of elders and came before Lin Fei.

"Hello senior, I don't know what advice you can give me when you are a master of Xianling..." Xianling Zhangjiao is a plump woman, followed by dozens of graceful women, all of whom are elders of Xianling sect.

Behind the head teacher and elders, there are hundreds of core female disciples of Xianling, all of whom are outstanding in appearance.

"Ugh, senior is actually a man!"

"A man sanctified?"

"How can a man be holy?"

This was the first thought in the minds of many female cultivators. They did not expect Lin Fei to be a gray-haired old man. If Lin Fei looked younger, they might all jump up and bow down at Lin Fei's feet.

Lin Fei smiled lightly: "It is said that your Xianling faction has an ancient teleportation array, which can lead to the outside world. I wonder if you can lend it to me?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fei sent out a secret text and came to the head teacher. When the head teacher saw it, his beautiful eyes flashed. This is actually a skill that can be cultivated to a saint.

The other elders also had golden lights in their eyes, wishing they could rush forward to sleep with Lin Fei now, regardless of whether he was an old man or not.

"There is indeed an ancient teleportation array in Xianling, but it has been abandoned for nearly a thousand years. I don't know if it can be used. If you want to use it, senior, this junior will take you to see it..." The head teacher put away the secret method and respected Lin Fei salute.

In addition, he ordered an elder to let all the disciples retreat, and he would personally take Lin Fei to the ancient teleportation formation.

Although the disciples didn't want to leave, they had no choice but to leave unwillingly. When they parted, they all embraced Lin Fei with admiration.

Lin Fei was satisfied. He found several moon-level Taiyin bodies among the disciples, and locked their souls in the cage. In addition, there were two other female elders who were also moon-level Taiyin bodies. In a cage.

The head teacher, Mei Qianxue, led a group of elders, and brought Lin Fei to an ancestral land of the Xianling Sect. It was a small valley, and there was a small altar in the center of the valley.

Lin Feitian opened his eyes, and saw that there was still a stream of light overflowing on the small altar, it was indeed an ancient teleportation array.

When everyone came to the altar, Mei Qianxue said: "Senior, this is my Xianling's ancient teleportation array..."

Lin Fei raised his arm and removed all the weeds in the surrounding valley, revealing the original appearance of the valley, which was a clean Taoist platform, but it turned into a valley because no one came for a long time.

The beauties next to him blinked their beautiful eyes. They didn't expect Lin Fei's cultivation to be so high. Even a sage probably wouldn't be able to succeed so easily.

It seemed like a flick just now, but it melted away hundreds of meters of mud and rocks in the valley, and the small altar in front of it alone became a hundred meters high.

"Uh, I didn't expect the ancient teleportation array to look like this. We didn't know it. Thank you, senior..." Mei Qianxue hurriedly thanked, her beautiful eyes turned around on the altar, and found that the pillars at the bottom of the altar were more than ten meters wide. Several dragon patterns, several phoenix patterns, the dragon and the phoenix have been intertwined together.

Lin Fei also looked at the teleportation array in front of him, and asked, "Where does this teleportation array go, does Master Mei know?"

"It is said that it was sent to the ancient road of the human race, but we have never set foot on it. Only the ancestors left a few words. If you need it, senior, Qianxue will immediately send someone to fetch the ancient loan..." Mei Qianxue's eyebrows fluttered, beautiful His eyes circled around Lin Fei.

Her cultivation base is at the first level of Sendai, and she has just stepped into the secret realm of Sendai for a few years. She can tell that Lin Fei's voice is not old, and it is very likely that it has changed.

When I thought that if I could become a Taoist partner with this person, my path would be widened.

A strong man who can easily send down the holy-level secret method and enter the ancient starry sky road is not just a simple saint strong man.

"Well, then I will trouble Master Mei..." Lin Fei nodded with a smile.

How could he not know what Mei Qianxue meant, the sparkles in those beautiful eyes could be seen by any man.

However, Lin Fei had no intention of playing cats and cats with her at this time, but it was not easy to put aside the relationship with her directly, and sent another [-] spirit stones, and said to Mei Qianxue: "Headmaster Lao Mei will give me all the relevant ancient documents. I have brought it, and I may have to stay here for a year or so, if Headmaster Mei has any problems in cultivation, you can come to me..."

"Thank you, senior..." Mei Qianxue felt a little lost in her heart, she could hear Lin Fei's meaning, and it seemed that she didn't want to become a Taoist partner with her.

Lin Fei floated directly to the top of the teleportation array. There were several grooves on the small altar above, but there was no indication of the star field to which he would be teleported.

The daughters of Mei Qianxue left and went to find an ancient loan for Lin Fei.

"It's a pity, although there are so many beauties here, there are only so many Taiyin bodies, it's not a place for me, Lin Fei, to stay for a long time..."

Standing on the small altar, Lin Fei sighed, looking at the backs of Mei Qianxue and dozens of female elders leaving, he was a little bit moved.


That night, Mei Qianxue came over with a lot of old books. She didn't let others come with her, but came alone.

The clothes were only covered with a layer of red tulle, and the intention of coming was already very clear. After handing over the ancient loan to Lin Fei, Mei Qianxue knelt in front of Lin Fei, and begged Lin Fei: "Qianxue knows that she is not worthy of senior, Qianxue I hope that senior can bestow a seed, conceive a new life in Qianxue's belly, and let Qianxue leave a kind of..."

When she went back to look through the ancient books, she found that generally the strong men who dared to enter the starry sky were at least mid-level saints, and they might even be the legendary saint king powerhouses.

If such a strong person can kill him once and leave their seed behind, the offspring born will also be extremely powerful and have immortal roots.

The Xianling faction has an ancient teleportation formation, and tens of thousands of years ago, the faction naturally produced extremely powerful people. The ancestors left words on the ancient documents, if there are strong male cultivators, they will use the way to enter the starry sky.They must try their best to let them leave offspring. If they can have a son, then the Xianling faction will become the Hong Xing faction.

Because once a son is born, the son will be able to have sex with many female cultivators in the faction, and after sex with the strong, his own physique will also be improved.

"Uh, you're in a hurry..." Lin Fei sighed slightly and shook his head.

"Senior, please fulfill me, Qianxue really admires you..." Mei Qianxue looked pitiful, her body shivering in the cold wind.

As a sect leader and a strong person in the Sendai Secret Realm, it was extremely difficult to make such a decision, although there were some selfish thoughts.

Lin Fei helped Mei Qianxue up, and said with a smile: "Well, let me fix this ancient teleportation array. If we are really destined by then, I will naturally agree to you. You will stay here during this period of time." Bar……"

"Thank you senior, Qianxue knows..." Mei Qianxue was overjoyed, as if she saw hope.


A year passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Lin Fei finally repaired the teleportation array, and a burst of multicolored light rose from the altar.

"Is it fixed?"

Mei Qianxue's tender body under the altar shook, and she sat on a futon, her pretty face turning pale.

After Lin Fei finished repairing the altar, it was time to leave. Looking back on the short half a year, it was the happiest time in her life.

"Qianxue, come up and take a look..."

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and raised his hand to bring Mei Qianxue up.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Fei asked with concern seeing that her face was a little ugly.

Mei Qianxue smiled wryly: "It's nothing, the altar has finally been repaired, thank you Lin Fei."

Lin Fei also saw her thoughts, and sent her another mental method, but it was a top-level secret method obtained from a holy king, and said with a smile: "This method is a top-level mental method. , after you finish that one, you can continue with this one."

"Thank you." Mei Qianxue was in no mood, she put away the secret technique and said nothing.

Lin Fei was also a little helpless. Although this woman was good-looking, she was not his type, and he would not have any children with her.

He doesn't want his child to be separated from him in the future, and he won't be able to see him for the rest of his life.

"Forget about me..."

A yellow light shot out from the center of Lin Fei's eyebrows and entered Mei Qianxue's body. Mei Qianxue fell to the ground quickly. Lin Fei put him under the altar and erased all her memories of herself this year.

"Goodbye, Hong Xing..."

After staying here for more than 11 years, Lin Fei bid farewell to Hong Xing and activated this ancient teleportation array.


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