The four gods didn't stay long, and the gods on the jade boat also got off the boat to follow their majesty into the Tianchi Holy Land. Among them, the four pearls were the most eye-catching, and they were the four princesses of the four gods. They walked together, The whole body is overflowing with spiritual color, accompanied by colorful butterflies, making the world eclipsed. .|

"The Four Great Princesses of the Divine Dynasty! They are so beautiful and beautiful all over the world!"

"If you can marry one of them, even if you have a kiss with Fangze, you can kill me right away!"

"You go to die now!"

The people below were complaining again, and there were some vulgar arguments, but no one noticed. In an inconspicuous corner of the crowd, there was a strange light in the eyes of a young man dressed in black.

"The four princesses of the Divine Dynasty really deserve their reputation. They are much more beautiful than those female stars on the earth. With their temperament and figure, they are all goddesses..."

This young man is Lin Fei. Seeing the four pearls of the Four Gods from a distance, his heart is already very excited. In addition, "Goddess Treasure Book" jumped out again at this time, swaying around in front of him a few times, drilling into his palace.

"Goddess Treasure Mirror" is really a rare treasure, and outsiders can't find its existence at all. Just now, when the four gods appeared, and the four god princesses got off the boat, this damn treasure immediately rushed to the sky. Branded their figures into the treasure book.At that time, Lin Fei was scared to death. The four His Majesties of the God Dynasty are saint-level figures. If they were accidentally discovered, they would really have to escape this time.

But Bao Jian went to make a round, and came back safely and smoothly, and successfully burned the pictures of the four princesses into the scroll.These are four beautiful women, with slender figure, outstanding temperament, untainted, like four fairies who descended from heaven and earth, they are heart-stirring but not obscene.

"They are all moon-level Taiyin bodies..." Each picture scroll will mark the situation of the Taiyin energy in the goddess, and these four princesses of Shenchao are all moon-level Taiyin bodies.

Lin Fei muttered to himself, and said without hesitation: "I didn't want to harm you at first, but who told you that you are all rare bodies of the Taiyin, I can only be wronged..."


The last group of monks entered the Taoist gate, and when the Taoist gate was about to close, a bald monk with a half-clothed body came slowly on a white horse in the depths of the starry sky.

"Wait a minute, the third master hasn't gone in yet..."

The person who came was the bald monk, who claimed to be Tang Sanye's beast, lying on the white horse and drinking strong wine, feeling very comfortable.

"Who is this person? That white horse is very vigorous, it is very likely to be a holy beast!"

"Holy beast, that's a magic weapon of the third master. He was the one who caused the big commotion in Luoyulou some time ago!"

"What, he is the Tang Sanye who suppressed Dugu Qiubai's disciple?"

"It's this man!"

Under the Taoist sect, there was a monk who was in the Luoyu Tower that day, and immediately recognized this ruthless man. He saw this Tang Sanye stand up, riding a white horse very chicly, and soon came to the Taoist gate. .|

"Please show me the post..."

Concubine Tian and Wu Qingying had already entered the Taoist gate, and now guarding the gate were a few female disciples who had just entered the holy land of Tianchi, seeing Tang Sanye's slovenly appearance, they hated him very much.


"This ruthless man is too good!"

"My generation!"

An embarrassing scene happened, the dead monk searched up and down but couldn't find the post, and finally found a rotten gold post from behind his buttocks, which made the female disciple guarding the gate roll his eyes.

"This person is really a top-notch person, I guess he has exhibitionism!" Lin Fei, who was about to leave in the crowd, also saw the scene above his head. There are thousands of people below, and he actually messed around there in public. too evil.

"Is this it?" Tang Sanye didn't feel disgusted, but kept a calm look, while whistling at the beautiful female disciple, he also took a sip of strong wine, and the excess wine dripped into his clothes inside.

The female disciple's face was gloomy, and she nodded, indicating that Master Tang could go in.

"Well, thank you..." Tang Sanye put away the spirits and was about to enter the Xuanmen, but when he came to the door, he suddenly turned around, flicked his sleeves, and a young man in black suddenly flew up into the air and was caught his side.

"Haha, Lin Fei!" Tang Sanye stepped forward and hugged Lin Fei who was flying into the air. Looking like an old acquaintance, he hooked up with Lin Fei and laughed, "You are here indeed! Let's go!" , go in with my brother!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar from the crowd below, and Lin Fei also had the urge to vomit blood.

This Tang Sanye was too fierce, he found Lin Fei from a long distance away, lifted him out of the crowd, hugged him and entered the Tianchi Holy Land together.

The thousands of people below were in a panic. Could it be that Lin Fei has such a powerful background?No wonder he was so arrogant a few days ago, killing many comrades in a row.

But no matter what guesses they make, what actions they want to make, they can only wait until the Tianchi Holy Meeting is over, the Xuanmen is closed with a bang, and the beautiful scenery of the Tianchi Holy Land disappears into the void.


After entering the Taoist sect, this Tang Sanye hadn't let go of Lin Fei's plan, and hugged Lin Fei tightly, for fear that Lin Fei would run away.

"I said brother, let go first, there are still girls here..." Lin Fei snorted angrily with a look of displeasure.

There are two beautiful younger sisters from Tianchi Holy Land next to her. I was hugged by such a sloppy monk, and it was rumored that others thought I was making glass with him. How would I accomplish my great career as a goddess in the future?How many women should be weeping!

"Plum?" Tang Sanye obviously didn't know much about this new vocabulary, but he pushed Lin Fei away, looking terrified, and shouted, "Your kid is not suffering from that kind of plum disease, is it? Rumor has it A guy who often wanders around the flowers, collecting yin and nourishing yang, is prone to a disease called plums?"

"By the way, brother, you are from the He Huan Sect. It's normal to have this kind of disease!" The bald third master hurriedly moved away from Lin Fei, and poured some wine from the wine gourd in a very exaggerated manner, and wiped his arms just now. Hold Lin Fei's right arm.

The two female disciples next to her also believed it, and couldn't help covering their mouths and noses, and moved away from Lin Fei by more than ten meters, for fear of really contracting this indecent disease.

"Baldy, I'll kill you!" Lin Fei couldn't hold back anymore, took out the void mirror and slashed at Tang Sanye.

I was a healthy young man in real life, but he said that he was a pervert with syphilis, God damn it!

"Don't run!" Seeing Lin Fei taking out the holy mirror, the bald third master didn't dare to delay it, and ran to the side. Lin Fei chased and beat him, and cursed murderously, "You bald man who lost his hair , want to ruin this young master’s reputation! This young master will never end with you!”

The two arrived at the venue almost quarreling. The venue was a huge white jade palace, which was bigger than ten football fields on the earth. The two rushed to the venue, and then restrained themselves a little.Under the coercion of the bald monk, Lin Fei had no choice but to compromise and follow the bald monk.

Hundreds of Immortal Jade Wine Tables have been placed in the venue, and thousands of people from the cultivation world gathered together. There are no secular dishes on the wine tables, but more fine wines and immortal wines and spiritual herbs, which are not ordinary in the outside world. thing.

"Tianchi Holy Land is a big deal. Just buying these hundreds of tables of spirit stones is probably enough for all the wealth of a big faction outside..."

Lin Fei was dazzled by the sight. Thousands of people filled these hundreds of fairy tables, and everyone was not weak. Even at the dozens of tables on the outermost periphery, Lin Fei found some high-level people, and none of them had a strong cultivation level. Under the Dao Palace, there are not a few of them in the Four Extremes Secret Realm.

There were two more people in the venue, Lin Fei and the bald-headed third master, but they didn't attract the attention of others. Only a few guys whose cultivation base had reached the four-pole secret realm or above took a look here, but they didn't see anything.

"Come, come, make way for your third master, third master, I want to go up!"

The bald third master pulled Lin Fei and squeezed towards the front of the crowd, calling it "squeeze". In fact, the road here is so spacious that there is no need to squeeze, but this bald third master is very arrogant and insists on going to others. Rubbing on the body.

"Where did the wild monk come from! Don't you have eyes!"

"Master! A monk who stinks of wine and meat, he will go crazy after drinking a little wine!"

There were some bad-tempered people in the crowd, and being touched by such a monk with his upper body exposed and dirty like a beggar, he felt that today was a bad day.

"Is the above where you went!"

"This wild monk must have drunk the beggar's wine secretly, and came here to sleepwalk!"

"Hurry up and get out, don't get in your uncle's eyes here!"

Especially the monks who were chatting with the female disciples of the Tianchi Holy Land, they were even more angry, didn't they see that the master was hooking up with the Tianchi Fairy!

In the sky above the white jade palace, there is another pavilion, and the people who can stay on it are all peerless masters.All the saint-level figures are sitting upright on it, and the four great gods and the four princesses also have places on it, but ordinary monks can only stay here.

The bald third master also cursed and said: "You little bastards, you don't even recognize your ancestors. When the third master was in the cultivation world, you haven't emerged from your mother's womb..."

"Look at how promising you are! You can't move your legs when you see a female disciple!" The bald third master pulled Lin Fei who was beside him, and cursed at the top of his voice, "Look at my nephew Lin Fei, look! Seeing how calm you are, even Tianfei and Yuniang are not tempted when they come to your door, with your virtue, I really don't care to teach you a lesson!"

"Uh... this person is Lin Fei?"

"No way, even the face is covered, is it too ugly to scare people to death?"

"So what about Lin Fei, do you still dare to mess around in this Tianchi Holy Meeting? He's just a cultivator in the realm of the Dao Palace, and everyone will drown him with saliva!"

When the bald-headed third master called out, many people in the venue looked towards this side, and many people also heard Lin Fei's identity. Unexpectedly, this guy wrapped in black clothes turned out to be the famous Lin Fei!

"This damned stinky monk! What on earth are you trying to do!" Lin Fei, who was dressed in black, was extraordinarily calm at this moment, and the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram and the Void Mirror in the Dao Palace were always ready to deal with emergencies.

However, the bald third master pulled Lin Fei into the air and rushed towards the big pavilion high in the sky, causing a group of people below to laugh, thinking that the monk was really crazy, and wanted to climb that pavilion.

There is a checkpoint under the pavilion, guarded by Yu Niang and several masters who have reached the Great Secret Realm of Sendai. Seeing the bald third master brought Lin Feifei over, he asked the bald third master to see the invitation.

[Half a month in a row, I have [-] words every day, please ask for a VIP recommendation ticket, ask for some favorites, all kinds of requests]

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